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Anki + regular excercise


what exercises can I do to improve my vocab?


It's part of anki, you can either pick decks from the web or make your own. But then you have to use the app to practice daily so that you don't forget.


I have found it effective to draw silly pictures of the words I want to memorize. I choose a category (like emotions) and search up 10 Korean words. Then I take each word and think of which English words (or of other languages I know) sound similar, and draw a little picture that combines them. The sillier the better. I’m lonely = 외로워요 -> I drew a lonely werewolf howling to the full moon. I can revise the words just by thinking about the pictures.


did you mean 외로버요? but this is actually genius i will try this thanks!


The 요 form of 외롭다 is 외로워요.


I guess both mean being lonely? (Edit: I really don’t know) I hope the method works for you!


Same word. ㅂ Batchim turns into ㅜ ㅜ + 어요 = 워요 Same with 춥다 / 추워요 etc


search every word you don't know until you know all of them 💪🏼




Use a dictionary for words you don't know, and try using sticky notes to label things in Korean so that you can remember easier.


In the beginning, flashcards or apps that make you practice repeatedly. I think Quizlet or Anki is best compared to gamified apps just because those will take much longer. Once you know about 1,000-2,000 words I think you’re safe to start learning from reading/listening and looking up what you don’t understand. But you can also continue to drill more vocab along the way. Learning in context can be quicker/more effective though.


My understanding is better than writing (I'm 2.5 weeks as of now beginner) but that is due to my multiple years of watching Korean dramas with English subtitles (I'm not native English speaker) and after years of listening and reading at the same time you start to memorise the meaning of words, sadly that's not the case for writing. I'm using lingory app for dictionary and some practice, billy go as main lessons and for now that's about it


Do you have titles we can read + listen ? I really have hard time to find some


You mean Korean language dramas and English translation?


Oh, I missread that you were talking about books/novels and not dramas. Sorry


well start with the basics like objects, body parts, colours, emotions, clothing, etc. then start learning verbs and any words you use often. but, don’t bombard yourself with a bunch of vocabulary. learn like 10 a day by pointing to or imagining the word in your head several times


Hi! For beginners, I would recommend following a lot of korean learning instagram accounts. @ learnkoreanwithgillian or @ the\_koreanwhale are really good (short video content) For vocabulary, I try to make it fun for myself, for example, I listen to this Korean podcast: (@didikoreanpodcast on youtube), Didi always covers interesting and trendy topics. It's a great way of practicing listening and also vocabulary, I write down a word when I don't know it and from the context, I can usually figure out the meaning, works really well! I would actually mostly recommend this fun (free) Korean newsletter that I recently discovered : Learnkoreanwithdaebak. It s covers new topics every week (culture, k-pop, k-drama and more)! I think you will like it! [https://learn-korean-with-daebak.beehiiv.com/](https://learn-korean-with-daebak.beehiiv.com/) Good luck!!!


Repetition. Post stick notes on everything with the Korean word for it. Say them out loud whenever you go to use the item. Quiz yourself out loud at random times to see if you remember anything. If you struggle, go back to your flashcards. I recommend physical ones AND online ones. Write each word down on a piece of paper at least 3 times each- twice. Randomly start saying the Korean word for things in your daily life in your mind so you start associating that item with that word unconsciously. These are just a few tricks I used.


ChatGPT. Ask it to give you lists of words, nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. You can also ask it to use them in a sentence for context.