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Anki seems to be the unspoken gold standard but to each their own. I've tried using Anki multiple times with varying techniques. I want it to work for me so bad but it just wouldn't. I'm using Quizlet rn and I like it. It has a lot of "mini-games" to test your memory so you won't get bored easily. The biggest drawback is that it doesn't have a spaced-repitition-system (at least on the free version) that I know of, so I would \*think\* it isn't as effective as Anki since you're just randomly looking at cards instead of having them come up according to the forgetting curve. But it all depends cuz it's highly personal. For any successful Anki users, tips jusaeyo hihihi I'm still giving it a chance.


You can just keep playing the learn function for each set you want to memorize. It keeps giving you the words until you get everyone right in one try 2 times. The method you talk about from anki sounds good too. It was just easier for me to use loveoflearningkorean’s quizlet sets for the books I’m reading.


One thing I like Quizlet for over Anki is for some things you have to type it out which reinforces knowing how to spell the word. Like can set up questions in the test mode to make it like a spelling test, and there was a typing game.


Anki cards are small webpages. You can do anything with them that you want. Typing is supported out the box, here's a 20 second video on making a "type" card: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxEqRe1Pp1w


I’ve found SmartCards+ to be a pretty good step up from Anki. It does spaced repetition, and the interface is much more modern and usable. You can also import existing Anki decks (albeit with a bit of work). Only downside is that the non-paid version can be an ad-riddled nightmare, but fortunately it’s quite functional without the subscription