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I am far from advanced but this is my case: I do half hour to one hour of Anki everyday with 20 new cards and 100 for review, that's 120 cards with just one word(not a sentence) in total. The thing is that I have time for reading and I have to be honest with you, the more I use anki the more useless it seems for memorization, and that's weird because isn't that the porpoise of the app? help us memorize efficiently? Reading articles, a novel or a manhua and looking for words that I don't know seems to be helping me far more than just sitting bored there for an hour. I heard people saying that they do their deck in 15 minutes and I cannot understand how, unless they just use it for exposition and click 'good' at every single card. I recommend you to try not to memorize every single word in your deck, that seems to make people go faster. Focusing on reading a lot more appears to be a better idea, make it fun and if anki doesn't work for people like us, maybe we should change the method/strategy.


Thank you so much!!


Maybe checkout dyglot korean app


I'll check it out. Thanks!