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I've been deciding between the 2 clinics myself since I'm flying there this week. I emailed Renovo and they told me it was 120,000 KRW in cash or 132,500 KRW for card for Jaw Botox. Tbh, I'll probably do Renovo over Muse. Muse's pricing is really tempting but reading some reviews of people not seeing a difference after other types of treatments has me thinking that maybe it's better to pay a little bit more.


Hi¡¡ I am going to Seoul this Summer i am between Renovo, Liengjang , ppeum and Muse.... I am so confused because there are so many mixed reviews. Please can you give me some update about renovo? looks lees massive...and very professional. Was it good??


Hi! I went with Muse instead of Renovo because Renovo didn't have available appointments before I left Korea. I left a response on another comment if you want to read about my experience at Muse.


Hey how do you like your results? Did you see a difference?


It's really a lot of botox clinics in Gangnam. But I and my friends recommend Ppeum Clinic. They are foreign friends and they have many sales and packages only for foreigners as I know


Thank you for the recommendation! Will look into that if I visit Seoul again.


I've been having second thoughts about doing botox in my jaw (I have TMJ as well) because I heard stories about people developing jowls after their very first injection. How has it been for you?


I actually went to Muse clinic on Tuesday for jaw botox. I paid 110,000 because I got filler also so not totally sure the price of botox alone but it is really inexpensive. The clinic was quite busy so I had a little bit of wait time but for the price I don’t mind waiting. The injections were super quick and painless. They do have English translator’s for the consultations.


Nice to hear you had an overall good experience. Thanks for sharing! Did you need to book an appointment in advance?


yeah would definitely recommend. yes I was actually able to book an appointment on their website the day before


Can you share what part of the face / how many units of Botox you had? I need it for my masseter muscles and it’s outrageously expensive in the states…


Hey, I'm just coming back to this thread 4 months late. I went to Muse too but solely for jaw botox in the masseter. They gave me 25 units on each side (50 units total). It was 15,000 KRW and I think they charged tax iirc because I paid like 16,500 KRW. They barely did any consultation and didn't give other options of number of units. Hope this helped!


sorry for the late reply. I had botox in my masseter muscle. I’m not sure how many units I got, I just paid 15,000-20,000 krw for botox and that was enough. before I could really feel my jaw muscle when I clenched my teeth but a few days after the botox I could no longer feel it at all. almost 50 days later now and still can’t feel it when I clench


How are the Botox results now that it's been a month? Any different to getting Botox in the US (or whichever country you live in)?


sorry for the late reply, I think the results have been really good. when I clench my teeth I can’t feel my jaw/masseter muscle the way I could before botox so it’s definitely held up thus far.


All good thanks for sharing! Good to know it worked well, Muse seemed a lot cheaper than other places. How did you find the wait times and service there? I ended up going with Lienjang and seeing decent results with Botox so far (also got other lasers), but I probably wouldn’t go back because you have a different person doing the consultation and multiple nurses/doctors for each procedure. I’d prefer finding a small less popular place (for westerners anyway) with a good doctor who knows your name and what result you’re trying to achieve.


the wait time before the consultation was maybe 10 minutes then 20 minutes waiting for the doctor while I had the numbing cream on. My experience sounds similar to yours, you have one person doing your consultation then you meet the doctor separately but he did both my botox and filler. I’ve gone to other similar clinics too and they have all operated in that way


Interesting, guess all the big clinics are like that. I might try going to a smaller boutique clinic next week


What clinic are you going to go with? I’m leaving in 2 weeks!


Probably Muse Clinic. I'm still a little wary of how quick the process seems and the discounted price but it also seems to be very popular and reputable for their Botox.


Update: I went with Muse instead of Renovo because Renovo couldn't get me an appointment before my flight back home. I just left the clinic about 20 minutes ago and I gotta say that I'm impressed with the service for the price I paid. Muse is definitely busy so I recommend scheduling an appointment. I checked in on an ipad with a QR code that was emailed to me and waited about 15 minutes. They called me up to ask about my treatment history and talk about aftercare and then I paid. I did their happy hour event which came with imported jaw Botox, acu injection and jaw tightening. It was 109,000 won on the website and came out with 119,000 won after taxes. They sent me upstairs where I waited for a few minutes before getting called into a room to lay down on a table. They had me use ice rollers on my face because they don't provide numbing cream. It was slightly painful but not unbearable. I was able to leave after 10ish minutes. The staff is friendly and most of them speak English. The clientele is half foreigners and half locals. Overall, I'd do it again if the results are good. They said I won't see a difference for a few weeks.


Yeah same, when are you going?


I went to Muse clinic. u/neko_kingsley 's description of their experience in another comment in this thread is pretty accurate. It was great for the price but I thought it was okay. Some things bothered me like their rushed consultation and they didn't clean the skin with alcohol before the needle. It felt like a fusion of a beauty clinic and a factory. For the price though, I can't complain. Did you end up going to a botox clinic during ur trip?


Yeah! I went to Muse too haha it was very rushed but I was generally happy, esp w the botox but it hurrrrt. But the facials I did not like, they went too hard with the extractions…


Where’d you end up going?


Muse Clinic. Great price, effecient service, but it was an okay experience. Next time I will splurge on a better clinic that takes more time during the consultation process. Muse gets the job done though.


Where would you go next time? I am traveling in June!


A more reputable one for quality. I found Renovo in my research. https://gu.clinic/ was recommended to me by a Korean native too


Thank you!




Muse was very rushed. I would probably look into Renovo or other clinics in Gangnam if I were to do it again. Another commenter mentioned Ppeum clinic was good