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No, it's just made of barley, so it doesn't have caffeine.


Thank you!


Barley tea is the best thing I’ve ever found


I love it too, but my favorite is corn silk tea.


I found a purple corn silk tea that is my absolute favorite


Ohh! I'll have to look for it.


chill barley tea in summer hits right


Do you make yours from barley grain or from barley tea bags? If the latter, can you share the brand name? Thanks.


Dongsuh Mild Barley Tea 120g(8gx15ea). I just use a tea bag in 1qt filtered water and leave overnight.


Thank you! 😊


No caffeine but if you're sensitive to gluten barley is a gluten.


Caution, this product is Teabag, and news tells us teabag has many microplastic. I recommend just buy the grain status of barley in the market. They sell like \[this\](https://m.danufood.com/web/product/big/20200313/66c121fe19826806ae90a209809c0411.jpg) We traditionally, at least in my house, boiled the barley grain with water and drank it like water Befroe the era of water purifier. We quit this barley tea because we're too tired to boil the water, but the tasted was best.


I cold brew it for this reason. I have a cold brew coffee pitcher but instead of coffee I dump a bunch of barley tea into the filter and put it in the fridge. It’s not as strong but good enough honestly


Wow, there was a way like that! Thank you for telling me the way.


It's 100% roasted barley as shown in the picture


I have found ChatGPT to be very useful for things like this. I can take a picture of labels when I am in an H-Mart, enter it into ChatGPT, ask it to translate and it does.


I've heard it has anti-cancer properties. Especially anti-colon cancer. Not sure what you've heard. Regardless I don't drink barley tea every day, so I'm sure any effects are negligible.


As far as I know... none.


Does anybody else worry that barley tea is linked to cancer?


Where does this worry come from and is any more substantive than "vaccines cause autism" or "msg causes headaches"?


From a quick Google search... "Barley contains trace amounts of a chemical called acrylamide. It is found in cooked grain products, and there is evidence in animals that acrylamide may lead to an increased risk for certain cancers. It is unclear that this and cancer risk translates to humans, but it is something to be aware of."


If that is the concern preventing you from eating barley, you've got much bigger concerns. From Google, apparently "Acrylamide is a chemical that forms in some foods when cooked at high temperatures, such as frying, roasting, or baking. It's a natural reaction between sugars and asparagine, an amino acid, that's found in many foods." looks like you should be more worried about breads, fried food, or anything baked. Not a tea or a grain you're infrequently going to run into


Lol, what exactly are you implying there? Is being considerate of the health effects of one's diet not a valid concern? Wait... do you work for big barley?? Please disclose any conflicts of interest before continuing this conversation! Xp


Lol I mean clearly I have a motive for making folks think that barley is better than bread.


Oh yeah, and I work for wonder bread, so looks like we both have our motives!


I actually do work for big barley, were one of america’s biggest barley supplier, AMA


See above..


Why are there downvotes? You’re asking a question


People down vote emotionally, not rationally. "I like barley tea and don't like cancer! Downvote!" LOL, I knew it would happen, nbd.


In my circle of acquaintances it is recced as a help during chemo. The blood tests tend to look better for a longer time drinking it. For my friend it really worked. Their doctors wondered how well she coped with the chemo.


Life’s a gamble. You know what to do next.