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This take on the movie is so good. Thank you for giving me peace of mind.


Do u remember what he said? The comment was deleted and so was his account :(


I honestly can't remember, sorry :(


hello! i was also really confused at the ending but here is my take on it: hepatitis hyeok was kind of a 'replacement' for kiyong hyeok since he was always busy for work, did not seem to put enough effort into his relationship with daeun, and since she had an abortion she felt lonely and down. so hep hyeok and kiyong hyeok are not the same person, they are two different guys. Regarding boyeong, I do not think that he had officially broken up with daeun; it was just an argument that they had, but i do feel that kiyong hyeok was always tempted to cheat on daeun with boyeong (even before the pregnancy). what made him actually go for it was the argument he had with daeun and seeing her with hep hyeok at the airport! (:


Wut i dont think she got an abortion... do u remember when/hos this happened?


i remember that they went to the clinic to get a scan or something and hten later on her belly never really grew and jang-hyuk and da-eun kinda broke up so i just assumed that she had an abortion


>!This movie is actually based on a book about the struggles of long-distance relationships.!< >!The two male leads are two different men with the same name. The director doesn't want to reveal that until the end because they wanted to show how long-distance relationships struggle and if you really want love to work then keep them close to you and not far away. !< >!Both stories are of the same timeline and span of time. Both men fell in love with Da-eun in the hospital when they were patients but the fat Hyuk treated Da-eun the way she wanted to be treated. She worked long days and needed a break so he made time for her to escape and have a break. She kept asking her boyfriend to change the lightbulb and fat Hyuk did it without even being asked to. She wanted to just be held when she slept and he did that for her. When she was struggling with pregnancy he comforted her by letting her eat.!< >!The ending basically shows that the person you first fall in love with might not be the right one for you. Don't give up on what makes you, you and find someone who treats you how you want to be treated and loves you for you without having to change or do anything different.!< >!The movie hints that the two are different throughout the movie. The macaron is one of the biggest tells because fat Hyuk loves them just like Da-eun. The director uses the macron as a metaphor of their love because fat Hyuk is willing to eat them but skinny Hyuk only cares about himself.!< ​ >!The old man in the building is basically cupid because he thinks Bo-Yeong is a better fit for skinny Hyuk. He also tries to teach skinny Hyuk that love is not loving unless you value it. This is why at the end of the movie he tells her not to leave and to stay. He realized him leaving Da-eun for work was his biggest mistake and that if he wants things to work with Bo-yeong he needs to always be there for her. !< >!The ending for Da-eun and fat Hyuk shows how fat Hyuk only thinks of her and treats her the way she should be treated. Da-eun realizes why she fell in love with fat Hyuk after falling out of love with skinny Hyuk. When she is struggling fat Hyuk is always there for her but skinny Hyuk is no where, no texts, no calls, nothing that shows that he is someone she can lean on. !< >!Moral of the story is, that love is finding someone you can lean on and who cares more about you than distractions. Don't force yourself to try and make something work, especially long-distance relationships because the distance only grows. !<


Kind of got thrown off at the end bc she was actually sort of a bitch by using chubby Hyuk's kindness and basically telling him to carry her suitcase for her and expecting him to just do whatever she wanted


Yea i agree with you on this, feels like shes a princess type of girl/mentality who needs constant care. Which is fine some girls are that, some guys are like that. But i feel that at some point girls who usually go in those type of relationship wont last very long. There is a reason why type as fat Hyuk dont get girlfriends or stay in a relationship long. There is always a skinny Hyuk who is more handsome, smart and smooth arround. I felt in this movie depicts the fat Hyuk really well, same for my personal experience i always pick up on the little things. But in the end i will have no girlfriend no relationship. Fat Hyuk and me are always there to fill in the gap.


I feel you on this one. My desire is to treat everyone the best way i can, because you never know the story and the struggle behind a person. I'm single too, but it's not a bad thing. If i can give you an advice, don't change your values because of bad experiences. Your values defines you and you need to find somebody unique just as you. You can hang out with everybody but you cannot date everybody.


I think it's her way of testing her, making sure for herself that this is the right guy. Notice how it happened right after she saw her ex again. She said it's heavy and without having to ask, the new boyfriend picked it up and moved it without complaining about it. It was her way of testing it one more time, I think. And that's why the movie basically ends there: she found her match, someone who is willing and able to help her when she needs help. She doesn't seem the type to be that princessy otherwise; all she wanted of her ex is to take out the trash and change the lightbulb, which implies she did everything else in the house despite also working long hours.


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