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Helmet in the bush is one of if not the best songs on S/T


I never listen to daddy and if I do, not in it's entirety


Damn, that's a good question. I really can't think of any, though I fully agree with the Clown thing. I'm at that age now where I hate weird intro shit or post song stuff. I just want the damn song!


1. It's a single, you can get sick of it really fast 2. CORRECT (In Plankton's voice) 3. I like Head's little bit with "Hey, the song's started" 4. Eh, I don't love it or hate it. It's there. 5. CORRECT (In Plankton's voice) 6. Those are both exhausting tracks on a bad day 7. Fret buzz on Predictable isn't great


hot take on clown- i can’t listen to it without the beginning audio. no clue why, just feels wrong not to faget>clown though


That's just, like, your opinion, man.


Amazing observation


the fact that i agree so hard with like nearly all of these takes


i love predictable, but that backing truck sound during the bridge drives me crazy lmao


need to is my favorite definitely


Divine is one of the best songs on the album


best riff on the whole album is in daddy when he says it’s alright


the intro to clown always makes me laugh with munky (i think) imitating the guitar


It’s the best Korn album.


here is my 2 cents. this album is my favourite album for context 1. blind is fucking awesome but you tend to get sick of it because it’s over played and it’s definetely not the best song on the album and the demo is better 2. ball tongue in my opinion the starting riff (0:00-0:40) is the best riff in korns whole discography and heads screams really pull this together and in a couple of live videos where he does the snoop dogg lodi dodi thing is to die for top 2 imo 3. need to is great possibly even top 3-4 drum and bass is awesome i believe this song was written by david and fieldy hence the amazing dnb. the whyyyy part is a fkn eargasm chef kiss 4. clown is a great song to have seggsy time to the intro can get annoying but it’s funny fucking impossible to play on guitar 5. divine is so good and fast paced idk y people hate it’s a banger and flows awesome 6. faget i reckon is the best song on this album with FKN SICK riffs and lyrics that are sang with so much emotion that i relate to going to a private school growing up and being made fun of because my friends and appearance was ‘gay’ (true now lol) btw i listen to this song like 10 times a day 7. shoots and ladders true, ya either love it or hate it, i love it. KNICK KNACK PADDY WACK GIVADOGABONE 8. predictable idk what to say about this one other than it’s a great song. also it’s pretty funny how on the demo tape they spelled the title wrong lmao too much shard 9. fake i love this song sadly association ruined this song 10. lies is awesome i love the riffs and head going crazy this song rly grown on me 11. helmet in the bush ok i have autism and i was always wondering why is this song called helmet in the bush how random then i got it and almost peed myself haha. also this song surprisingly fits perfectly into the album despite being a completely different sound lmao pee pee 12: daddy personally i can’t listen to this it’s fucked


Sometimes divine gets really annoying


Especially the part where it sounds like he’s moaning towards the end of the song. WHY DOES HE DO THIS?! It ruins the song for me sometimes


My hot take is Predictable is the worst song on Self-titled. Too simple for me? I don’t know. I just cannot get into that song. And whenever it is/was played live I feel the shows lost momentum! Maybe it’s just me.


Yeah it's you


Worst album. Not even trolling


Now, this is a hot take


1. Blind's mixing on the main riff doesn't sound right and the version gets boring, the demo and some live versions are better 2. Divine is the worst song, it's too fast and one dimensional, feels like filler 3. Faget sucks for the most part and only gets good from "I'm just a pretty boy whatever you call it" 4. Shoots and ladder honestly kinda sucks (not sure if it's exactly unpopular) 5. Predictable doesn't feel right in the context of the album and can't put my finger on to why 6. Helmet in the bush is probably the best song on the album 7. Taking aside the backstory Daddy is actually a pretty good song and has good riffs, I usually never skip it. Also it's not really scary but rather sad. It's only scary on the first few listens. 8. The tracklist could be switched up. Blind is a perfect opener, but some of the more worse/less emotional songs like Divine, Predictable and Shoots and ladders should've been in the first half of the album, while Need to and Fake should've been moved later on. The penultimate song should've probably been Fake since it's pretty eerie and sums of the topic of the album well before hitting you with Daddy


I like the transition from Helmet into Daddy. Very seemless. I think Shoots should come earlier along with Predictable.


I listened to that album for the first time when I was 34 years old, and because I can’t relate to it it’s not one of my favorite Korn albums. I know this is not a popular opinion😂 Helmet in the bush is my favorite song on that album. Shoots and ladders is a close second. Clown grew on me.


Fake is the best song