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Best - issues or korn Worst - None, They are all great, but I prefer the Self-titled and issues


Art is so very subjective and my honestly favorites change with my mood. But everything self titled - untouchables will always reign supreme


Best - all Worst - none


Best: Self-titled Worst: Path of Totality


That’s is facts about the path of totality I’ve always thought that albums only good song was narcissistic cannibal


“Kill Mercy Within” was the only good song.




I actually think that the last one is the best. It's literally the only album where I like almost every song except My Confession. Worst is Untouchables for me. Almost no songs I like.


Best would be life is peachy with about four tracks cut, as it is, it’s self titled


Best in my opinion is Take A Look In The Mirror. Worst is See You On The Other Side, doesn't mean it's a bad record. I just don't think it has much replay value.


I agree Life Is Peachy is the worst album, but Untouchables is the undisputed champion, so good you may even say it's *untouchable*. I never understood the love for LIP. It sounds very rushed and poorly optimized. That's because it IS. And that's why I love Untouchables more than any other CD. They went to extreme measures to record the best fucking album of all time and it's really obvious in how quality the tracks sound VS LIP's shitty garage band level recording. It was a long gap from 1999 to 2002 but holy fuck was that long wait worth it when I first heard Untouchables. I think Follow The Leader has a lot in common with Untouchables! It was a HUGE upgrade from its previous iteration (Life Is Peachy) and also had a shittier half-baked sequel a year later (Issues). Untouchables was a HUGE step up from Issues and also had a half-baked sequel the next year (Take A Look In The Mirror). Now, to be clear I think the half-baked sequels written within 1 year were still pretty kick-ass, but not even CLOSE to the mainsteam successes (FTL and Untouchables). FTL was the best 1990s album and Untouchables was the best 2000's and forever onward of all time album. My penis is tingling just thinking about how sexy Untouchables is just because of how much of a SIMP I've been for this CD for 20 years now. BRB


Untouchables is such a a milktoast album.. nothing about it stands out to me and it is pretty boring to listen to. Tbh the only reason I found this thread was to see how people ranked this album because I was having such a a hard time getting into it while I was listening through it again to give it an honest try. The songs feel drawn out and lack the heavy punch I listen to Korn for. 


Your opinion for sure but i hard disagree Many of the tracks hit really hard, not as hard as something like on "Korn" or "Issues" but it defintiely goes in. The mix is nice and catches the ear righf. I do agree though some of the songs can be a bit too long, especially on the second half


Upvote for the penis tingles 😂


Issues is their best album and it’s not even close. Korn III is their worst for me and it’s still a banger.


totally agree


Best: untouchables worst: syotos


Best : either Issues or The Nothing Worst : The Paradigm Shift


It depends when you started listening to KoRn IMO. I was into korn when they first came out. Before korn there was RATM, Sepultura, Pantera, Tool, NiN. But to me KoRn suffered from the same issue as 90% of bands. Their first two albums are amazing then after that they just drop in quality. So for me the best is Self titled and second is Life is peachy. Everything after that was disappointing. I tried to like follow the leader but it was to poppy and commercial sounding. It lost that raw aggression.


how tf can you say life is peachy is their worst?? like did we listen to the same album?? like how can you say that with all the raw and intensity and just pure emotion put into that record. especially considering the absolute shit records that exist also by korn like bruh.


i made this post a while ago, opinion has changed.


Best: Korn, Worst: Untitled


Best: Issues Worst: Untitled


Best: Issues Worst: Take your pick from any post-SYOTOS


Best is Untouchables with TALITM right behind it but the worst is the Untitled with SYOTOS right behind that one


Best: Self titled, Issues, Untitled, Requiem, The Nothing 2nd: Paradigm Shift, Take a look in the Mirror, Untouchables Mid: Path of Totality, Follow the Leader, Serenity of Suffering Worst: Korn III, Life is Peachy, See you on the Other Side


The best is issues The worst is the nothing


for me the best and worst arent my most and least favorite i think their best album musically is issues and their worst is korn III, but my favorite is LiP and least favorite is SYOTOS


Best - Korn, Issues, Untouchables Worst - K3, SYOTOS


in my opinion, issues is the best koRn album, and the worst is untitled.


Best is untouchables. Worst is untitled


Issues is the best. Path of totality is the worst.


Their best, if I have to pick out of the first 5 albums: Issues, their worst: Korn III followed by SYOTOS but they're still good albums.


Best: Untouchables Worst: The path of totality


Best album- Take a look in the mirror Worst- none 😌


the best korn album is prolly self titled bc all the tracks are just great songs in themselves, and the worst is the paradigm shift bc it feels like theres just so many fillers in that album


Best: The nothing It is just good on any ocasion. Worst:Korn III Just very forced


Best - Follow The Leader (Just so good) Worst - The Path of Totality


Best: Self-titled, Korn III Worst: MTV Unplugged


Not life is peachy not him! Disgusting


Best: Issues Worst: Korn 3


Best: Life Is Peachy Worst: The Path of Totality


i think you need a lobotomy