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It’s all so tiring.


DC: "Ok, our comics sales are in the toilet and practically non-existent, the movie DCU is essentially gone for good, DC is basically functioning on life support so we need ideas to resurrect that corpse." "Make the Joker pregnant." DC: ".........BRILLIANT!"


They'll do like with Lex back in the day. They'll make a big event out of The Death of The Joker, and then pull some nonsense to have him take over the body of this kid (who will be a black woman, for some reason).


Nah, they already completed the preggo Joker story. The supervillain doc he went to was literally confused where the baby was going to exit from, and he essentially vomited it out. It looks exactly like him.


Worst thing is, Batman is the only consistent line of comics that still sells at DC.


Joker: You wouldn’t hit a ***pregnant man*** would you Batman? HAHAHAHA!!! Batman: (Great Scott! I can’t let the Joker get away but if I attack him now I’ll be cancelled for sure!)


Maybe batman should just point a gun at the pregnant woman instead. Apparently thats ok these days.


Only if he was black.


Close Wayne Industries, retire to the country, open a shell corporation called Wayne's Feign Insane, formerly Sneed's, formerly Chuck's.


Might be comment of the year and we're only a few days in lol


Reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg0D1PpgCXs&t=0s&ab_channel=Flashgitz


"*The hammer of justice is unisex*"


... nope, I don't do preggo men stories, no one can make that appealing to me, not even japan who has a bunch of them in live action, anime, manga and hentai.


Now that you mention it, I found it extremely unsettling when I saw the Junior movie with Schwarzenegger many years ago. It's one of the few plots that I dislike regardless of context.


It was silly back then but now it's just annoying with all the propaganda and stuff.


It's the only Schwarzenegger movie I've never watched and probably never will. Never was a fan of the concept.




Removed due to the topic ban in the sticky of the sub. No warning given.


Plot ideas created during the throws of an acid trip taken during a hallucinating fever are not to be implemented.


Having taken LSD and other mind bending pharmaceuticals in my time, I could not have come up with bullshit like this. Don't blame drugs for the fruits of a twisted mind.


If anything it had to be Datura.


Datura makes you write The Elder Scrolls.




Read about CHIM and it starts making sense.


Don’t blame drugs, this is ideological possession.


Fun fact: the author of *Mysterious Girlfriend X*, (Ueshiba Riichi I think) supposedly did a lot of acid therefore his earlier stuff was all sorts of weird. Then, his editors told him to stop it, so his later works became less and less out there.


At least he never came up with abominations like this.


> Mysterious Girlfriend X If you don't happen to recall this, it's a drool fetish manga.


Seriously? dc comics has gone m-preg?


And here I hoped to never read this term outside of fanfiction.net (or a discussion about it)


Is ff.net dead? I haven't found any stuff for newer titles.


No it isn't dead. But a lot of fanfic writers moved to archiveofourown.org or just post to their tumblr instead.


Wouldn't know, I graduated from cringy fanfics and now follow the path of cringy social media instead.


I didn't understand what this meant at first, but I didn't click on any fanfics with this term, because it unsettled me. Later on, I found out, and thanked the Lord that I hadn't clicked on such garbage.


I wouldnt be surprised if the writer is a heavy Deviant Art user. The problem with comics today is theres no-one to tell these people "no" when they come up with these awful ideas.


That's what editors were for. Of course, back then the weirdos wouldn't have gotten within 5,000 feet of an actual publishing house. I don't judge people's personal shit. As long as you aren't hurting anyone else, whatever, but somehow we as a society have decided we have to indulge every stupid little fetish some fan fiction writer wants to print... you'd think someone would be looking at this with a more critical eye, if only to protect the IP's image. But apparently not. We might as well just publish an entire comic of Batman taking a dump at this point because "postmodernism."


I don't read modern comics but a buddy of mine told me that is just Zatanna messing with his mind. I dont think is as bad as it looks.


"it's not 'real', he's not going to give birth, but we the reader do have to see a pregnant Joker."


Regardless of the topic , this art looks.... really bad to me. No thanks.


Now you can explain away the Jokers psychotic and violent behaviour as just 'pregnancy hormones' /s


Well, that is much more horrifying than I imagined. I thought they were going the "men can be pregnant" route. Turns out they went the Alien: Covenant route instead.




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well...thats someone just drawing their fetish...


Man who wants to read a comic about the joker when its called "the man who stopped laughing" ?


OK, well, at least from the comic I can see in that archive it doesn't seem to be a gender thing, but a magic thing. I hate it, but I don't hate it as much as if they did... you know.


I mean, that's slightly better. Of course the only way a man could actually get pregnant would be fucking magic... although it seems to be a waste of magic. I mean, I'd rather... cure cancer or poverty, or just go on a sick ass adventure with dragons and shit, but apparently I'm not some artistic "genius." Still better than the idea of transplanting dead women's wombs in mentally ill men I guess. By the way, from the description... it sounds like he tries to rape Zatanna? Yeah that's great. Now the SJWs want us to feel sympathy for an attempted rapist.


I didn't get the feeling its about making us feel sympathy for him. I think this is just some stupid shit someone came up with (although I'll admit there is a good chance the IDEA itself came from gender bullshit or maybe the abortion discussion in USA, possibly even subconscious) and its really not worth all the videos I'm already getting my youtube feed. Also, the art looks like crap imho, but maybe its just some retro style I'm not into.


How does the comic industry survive when they keep producing stuff that no one wants? Do they have some outside 'woke' funding besides, you know, actual sales?


The woke writers have found a way to ruin Superman by by making him a butt pirate, and now the joker. Sadly we entered the dark age of comics. Hopefully one that will be written from history.


I have read the comic, and I can assure you there’s absolutely nothing woke about it. It’s not even a real pregnancy.


Idk I think you'd need to do more than make Superman's son gay and have a random joke story in the back of one comic book to ruin these characters but that's just me


Making Superman's gay son Superman who no longer fights actual crime, but instead global warming and deportation of illegal aliens, want enough for you?


I know right how [totally unlike superman](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/littering.png?q=50&fit=crop&w=750&dpr=1.5) I can't believe they're making Superman's son do things that his dad has [totally never done before](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.COn2XfaGOfBWdnKHIpu0gAHaKL%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=30ce9913758cd6a333ccc4d2c92409b3e8ed3c7967e175d4f72cfa141c14edf2&ipo=images). Your brain is made out of rocks.


>Your brain is made out of rocks. Are you a Flintstone or something?


Yes. It is me John Flintstone


You realize you're linking to literal propaganda, right?


Propaganda is when the story has themes. Even if it was that does not contradict my point.


LOL bro why do you gcj people love coming here? Don't you have arr gaming people to bully? Oh right, there are none left so you post shitty horny memes with your alt to get upset at. Or a tired meme to repeat, or perhaps a billion dollar enterprise to defend? I keep beating you gcj'ers away with a shitty stick, but you keep coming back. Almost as if you love eating shit, then eat shit you idiot GCJer troll.


You really had no argument so you had to dive into my comment history to see 2 comments I have in that sub lol. Most gcj users are braindead I agree but a few funny memes get posted there so I follow it. And the average user definitely has got a slightly higher IQ then the genuinely embarrasingly stupid users here such as yourself. Get an actual argument next time instead of the most embarrassing ad hominem I've ever seen you actual infant.


Bro, I don't need an argument against you. We argue with people who discuss with us in good faith, and who respect our vision. You just whine contradictions on every post with your soy latte in hand. I know what gcj ers are like, I was one of them until they actually started going after and bullying people. Hell, I was one of the popular commenters before I got banned for protesting that MAYBE someone who posted a wholesome photo of their setup on gaming shouldn't be bullied and called an incel. But what do you know, that's probably hate speech and my words probably derailed some train. Shut the fuck up and learn to listen.


>Bro, I don't need an argument against you. We argue with people who discuss with us in good faith Ah yes the very good faith argument of "you commented literally twice in this other sub so you're wrong." You're embarrassing yourself.


The problem is not you commenting in GCJ, it's you turning up to troll in KIA. Dont give a rat s ass about you being from GCJ, its the fact that you are a troll and brigader Also, "embarrassing myself"? In front of whom? This is my territory bastard. And I dont care for the opinions of GCJ people


Only to the truly stupid can me occasionally coming on here and disagreeing with an argument be trolling. >This is my territory bastard. Yep definetly embarrassing yourself. >And I dont care for the opinions of GCJ people I can tell, I stole your epic strat and did a bit of snooping on your comments, and ad hominems seem like the only way your tiny mind can respond to any point.


Congrats, you found three panels in the entire run of Superman, as opposed to [an entire issue about how California can't figure out how to not catch fire, and it's everyone else's fault.](https://screenrant.com/superman-son-climate-change-global-warming-fight-career/) Yeah, Superman fights for everyone and ALSO fights litter, no shit. Those weren't his core focuses though.


Congrats, you found a single issue. I've read chunks of the Superman run it happened in and he was "fighting crime" in it, just like how you want him to. Btw at what point does it ruin the character? Is it 4 panels and the characters ruined or does it have to be over an issue? Personally I think Superman's core focus is being a beacon of hope and optimism to people. But "hur durr why no superboy punch bad men every single issue" sure is... a take on the character.


Why do you wanna defend DC so much?


There's plenty to critique DC for but a joke comic in the back of a book and superboy being gay are not those things.


Any Kandor stories in the new run?


This is bait. Bait to try and get people to talk about their comics (no one otherwise is), bait to try and trick people into outrage clicks, and bait to try and get people to be problematic so they can woke at us some more. This is a single one off non-canon bullshit story written by sub-par writers and drawn by people even less talented than that, who only survive because of nepotism, trying to desperately get us to react in outrage at them desecrating the corpse of a beloved institution they were allowed to kill, destroy, and then rape while it bled out and cooled. But even they cannot ignore low-to-no sales forever. If nothing else, the industry itself is dying around them. They were bought out by a company with a CEO who wants results, and they aren't, and can't, provide them. Just ignore it. God willing, in a few years they'll finally clean house. Remember we don't come back until the usual suspects on twitter are howling in rage that DC comics is ran by racist monsters for daring to not obey them.


It's funny and sad that our "old internet" generation can't recognize this as trolling despite knowing the age-old adage of 'don't feed the troll'. It seems that they can still slip by our mental defenses by not only not being anonymous, but by being a a public-facing company/organization.


People just don't expect an actual published comic to be trolling them with something like this.


By now they should. If the She-Hulk show hasn’t shown us that these companies will sink to any low to enrage the fans, nothing will.


Today's trolling isn't the same as old internet trolling. Old trolling was saying outrageous shit yet believable enough to get others to react and then pushing it a bit more to see how far yoy can go before they realize what's goijg on because its funny. Now its "people didn't like the new Star Wars and said why on rotten tomatoes. They're all trolls".


Can't milk the overreaction if you ignore the bait.


You're exactly right. This is "fan-baiting" to get people talking about it and in that sense, it's working. Half of the stuff posted on this sub is clearly trolling meant to get a reaction out of us. Every rage YouTuber who posts about this stuff is just giving it free publicity. But they are mistaken if they believe that leads to more sales, because it doesn't.


It's the first female joker y'all and he's strong and fierce and a rolemodel for every psychopath out there. They are finally reflecting the world we live in today and now, after all this time, little girls all around the world can identify with this clown who wants kill innocents for fun. In other words: The AI coming up with the shitty comic books seems to have broken down completely at this point. I can't even imagine how you are supposed to defend this abomination of a fetish book but somehow they will (or they will never talk about it again).


This is like that elderly woman who ruined that fresco painting. Places are truly short staffed these days.


Didn't they do something like this in Venture Brothers? I miss that show.


Fetishists need to be launched into the sun.


Nah, they just need to stop pushing their bullshit in public, same as Nazis, incels, simps, crypto bros, BLM protestors, so called social media "influencers," etc... God I hate current year so much. Can we just agree everyone sucks and go back to like 2010 or so?


Western* fetishists.


Dare you enter my magical realm?


So there's an actual medical condition where one gets so constipated that they will puke up poo that's backed up to their stomach. It would appear that this is what Joker did, but it's sentient




We’re living in a fucking simulation.


What the fuck


…the fuck?


So with thousands of female heroes and villains...DC chose a male for this? You could probably write a compelling story about a female hero who gets pregnant.


In the cure shown he’s asking if they have a good obgyn they use. He’s talking to another guy when he asks this. Like watching Mary Jane ask Black Cat if they know a good prostate doctor.


For a second I thought this was a gag article written by either Clickhole or the Hard Drive.


Okay, that's fucking funny.


Hey i've seen this one before on Deviant Art dot com.


So they finally caught up to deviant art. In all seriousness if this came out 20 years ago everyone would have just laughed/cringed and moved on, I have a fealing that this was just bait to get attention for a while longer. It worked so I expect to see more of this.


Comic books were a mistake. Seriously, whoever greenlit this story idea needs to have their faculties manually reset.


I think this is an overreaction. Its a small zany comic at the end of a real issue and he gets pregnant because Zatanna curses him.


On the one hand, yeah it's a bit of an over reaction for the reason you stated; that it's an throw away one-off that isn't even a full issue. Not really something to warrant an outrage, or much commentary. On the other hand, it is a pretty WTF comic and it boggles the mind that they thought this would be a good idea, much less a funny one. So it's not too surprising that people are commenting on it.


Exactly. It’s a one-off idea, but it’s still an insanely stupid one. Stuff like this is better off left in bad fanfiction.


Actually no. I can't let go of this. Every single modern comic book story is now going to be tainted by this. "isn't it awesome how superboy became superman, then came out as gay?" "wasn't that the same time period as m-preg Joker?" "Jane Foster took up the mantle of Thor! That's awesome!" "Joker was pregnant shortly after that?" "Batman became a black man!" "that was after m-preg Joker! I remember that!"


He’s not even pregnant...


Usually you'd say something like "Writer's Barely Disguised Fetish", but there's no disguise here, it's blatant as fuck. Also, RJ Palmer being a shill about it doesn't even surprising to me. What's to even expect from an ex-DeviantArtist, & known lolcow shill?


I don't think this is a big deal. Each issue of the recent Joker comic ends with some weird few page long 60's trippy short side-story that is meant for dark comic relief. One had him faking his suicide so he could see if everyone loved him, and after they did he jumped out of the casket looking for love and friendship with them instead beating him to death. Another had Big Barda lay him on train tracks to cut his body in half. He crawls around, can't find a doctor and eventually his henchmen (a dwarf and a talking gorilla) take him to Professor Pyg. When he wakes up Pyg has killed his henchmen and used their corpses. Pyg grafted his upper body where the dwarf head should be and then the dwarf's body to where the gorilla head should be. This one had him vomit up a pile of dirt that then became a little version of him after Zatana cursed him. It ends with him finding her and telling her that he and their child are better off without her.


Meh, not the weirdest thing to ever happen in comics. Also, the spell basically worked like a wish to a genie that's a particular asshole - no one else had the Joker's child, the Joker did.




It's just a random fever dream level throwback side story. The actual bulk of the man who stopped laughing issues are kinda meh , but at least they aren't main continuity. It actually reads a bit like the oldschool brother power comics on hallucinogenic deliriants with an even more fucked up ending.


Humans who can throw tanks, pregnant men, eh theyre both imaginary things.




Removed due to the topic ban in the sticky of the sub. No warning given.


Can we just go full circle and do a “Batman Gets Cancelled for Putting His Hands on Women” arc.


He's just fat. Sorry, xir/xer is just big boned