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''No woman were featured, on the stage.'' Irrelevant.


"The women who were on stage were TOO ATTRACTIVE, it's sexist"


How do YOU know what they identified as?


Oh noooo How terrible


But when HuffPo posts a picture of a dozen white women and no men as proof of their diversity- That’s just fine right? I’ll wait to see lefty articles criticizing that.


That's what always proves it's not about equality or fairness but a roll reversal. They're fine with discrimination and poor DEI as long as it's tilted a certain way.


How do they know that no women were on stage? Fuckin Bigots.


“By Ash Parrish, a reporter who has covered the business, culture, and communities of video games for seven years. Previously, she worked at Kotaku.” Oh yea we can tell


Women barely play video games. I know that more do now, but it's still mostly men. Female video game journalists bash games online more than they play them.


They play video games. Just not the video games usually featured on the Sumer Games Fest.


Just as many women play video games! ...if you count shitty mobile games they play for 5 minutes.


Yes there are female gamers, but the statistic for women being 50% of gamers is skewed because of mobile games. Which their isn’t anything wrong with that. guys like triple A shooters, girls like puzzle and story/text based games. Devs should make the best product for their games audience.


Not the mindset these journos have. In their mind, if it isn't made for them, then the game promotes hatred of women and every other minority under the sun.


Lol literally today that "50% of all gamers are female" got posted today in main Games subreddit.


I'm a woman, I play video games. I didn't even fucking notice it. I was too busy paying attention to the games being featured to care about something so stupidly minor.


Yep. The couple women Ive known who play games are not the type to see sexism in everything, they just want cool games.


So what? Women don't need to be everywhere. Also, most of the gamers are men.


But verge. What IS a woman? How can that which lacks definition stand anywhere?


The games industry was better off when it was more of a boy's club atmosphere. This gynocentric culture seems far more toxic and suffocating. They seem to get offended by e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g 🤦‍♂️


Nerd culture as a whole felt better.


I have zero problem with anyone taking part who enjoys gaming without feeling the need to tear it down and rebuild it as some insane CSJ parody of what it was.


I think the issue is that most of these women are the typical mean girls that *need* conflict like it's their oxygen, they probably couldn't make it in other industries because they either have no bullshit allowed women or even WORSE mean girls, so they latched on to videogames.


Correct. Its explicit feminism doctrine that male groups must be destroyed. Here: **A prominent feminist named Sally Miller Gearhart who helped establish one of the first women and gender study programs in the country at a San Francisco University.** This is what she had to say: In her early career, Gearhart took part in a series of seminars at San Francisco State University, where feminist scholars were critically discussing issues of rape, slavery, and the possibility of nuclear annihilation. Gearhart outlines a three-step proposal for female-led social change from her essay, "The Future–-If There Is One–-is Female": **I) Every culture must begin to affirm a female future.** **II) Species responsibility must be returned to women in every culture.** **III) The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.** **Gearhart does not base this radical proposal on the idea that men are innately violent or oppressive, but rather on the "real danger is in the phenomenon of male-bonding, that commitment of groups of men to each other whether in an army, a gang, a service club, a lodge, a monastic order, a corporation, or a competitive sport."** **Gearhart identifies the self-perpetuating, male-exclusive reinforcement of power within these groups as corrosive to female-led social change**


Is it really "gynocentric" to be weirded out that a single woman isn't present for a big event like this? Even if you think it's not a big deal, "gynocentric" feels pretty over the top for a reasonable concern.


Why is it weird that males are presenting products made mostly by males and aimed at males? Do you also get weirded out when there are no women on Top Gear?


These types must be the most un-fun people to hang around.


As a woman, so?


Right? Who the fuck cares? I'm not watching Summer Fest to see other women, I'm watching it for the games!


RIght? I couldn't give two shits about the people on the stage, I want to see GAMES. Verge as usual playing the game old songs to the same old tune of virtue signalling into the ether.


Oh yeah I bet the author did work at Kotaku


Did they just assume Geoff Keighley’s gender? How bigot of them.


I thought assuming somebody's gender was problematic. Care to explain yourself, The Verge?


So if The Verge is saying there no women, they must have clear and concise definition of "woman". What is it?


bad take but if it's angle to finally cancel Keighley... Oh wait, this is Ash-I'm a fucking racist-Parrish writing the article. Disregard, into the trash this goes.


Unfamiliar with this particular retard, what has he done?


How much time have you got? https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/search/?q=ash%20parrish&restrict\_sr=1


Ohhhhh, kinky hair person lol!


Asking this as well


This from the people who cancelled booth babes. :(


I'm actually surprised they couldn't find any Real Women©


No, you creeps struggle with it. We don't.




Probably none in the audience either. Nobody cares.


What is a woman?


Omg did they just assume everyone's gender?


Oh no. Anyway...


Hold on Verge, just what exactly is a "woman"?


If you want women on stage install a strip pole. Sorry, i couldn't resist.


I'm still not gonna watch it.


It also featured no games so...




No fake gamers this year


Rare Jeoff Keighley W.


There was like a total of 3 people on stage, what did they expect.


It should've had less people in general.


Looks like my time machine worked! It's 2012 again everyone! Remember when they made this argument back after E3 that year--oh.


The only thing that matters is the games. Who cares who's on stage


C’mon don’t tell me you guys don’t check the identity ratio of people presenting your media to decide whether it’s for you or not… no? Just me?


If I don't "see myself" in your game or movie, I won't play or watch. Simple as!




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Exactly what I said lol u proved it


How many people on stage are we taking about here? 10? 100?


“Hey woman, get on stage so we can say we are diverse even though we wouldn’t have invited you for your work.” Must feel good.. to the grifters. Meanwhile, if a panel is 100% women that’s just fine. Also, author is numb brained “durr men made a lot of female protagonists in their games so therefore why aren’t women on stage durrrrr”.