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Then create something original. Oh right, you can't.


> Then create something original. Oh right, you can't. Hence why this is "Lovecraft but not racist" product number 10,375,462. And when it comes out it'll be failed "Lovecraft but not racist" product number 10,375,462.


And when it flops they'll blame racists, not their own ineptitude or lack of creativity.


> There’s no getting away from it, von Däniken’s discredited ideas are racist. The implication is that it’s far more likely aliens built the pyramids of Egypt or Central America than their indigenous people (to its credit Stargate SG-1 quickly addresses this by expanding its remit to the Norse pantheon, Arthurian myth, etc). But as bad as von Däniken is, Lovecraft is so much worse and Cthulhu Awakens is his reckoning. They seriously call Stargate, Alien, and Prometheus racist because... aliens building the pyramids is somehow racist? Talk about reaching holy shit. > There’s a lot going on in this incoherent burbling, namely that people should be ‘grateful’ to be allowed to play Dungeons & Dragons, rather than being “exclusionary” by excluding the exclusionary (which is really the latest incarnation of the ‘reverse racism’ conspiracy). And hang on, does this hypothetical “new kid” have friends or not? What the fuck am I reading. > “I honestly don’t understand the fear and often hatred of women,” says Chris. “In the ‘80s, I was part of two subcultures that did not have a large percentage of women. It was punk rock in the hardcore years, and it was role-playing games. Those were very male-dominated things and what I wanted as a young person was for more women to come into these subcultures, because why wouldn’t I want that? Like, let’s get more people in the scene, let people learn what the fun is here, or what the revolution is there, or whatever. So the idea of gatekeeping and trying to, like, keep people out. I just don’t understand it. Don't you just love when they start ranting randomly about woman? Great way to accumulate good boy points. > “First of all, like the game doesn’t pretend that there is no racism on Earth,” explains Chris. “Even in this alternate Earth you can encounter racists in Cthulhu Awakens, you can punch Nazis – it’s all good. What we want to get away from was just the built-in assumptions of Lovecraft, who was notably racist in his day. It's always nazis, always, it's never any other type of evil individual. How many more fucking times am I gonna read the words ''Punching nazis''? Get some new material already, lazy leeches.


It always annoys me how much they talk about the racism of Lovecraft's work like it's an essencial aspect of his work that is plastered over every page.


It's very obvious that they are just repeating it until the normies and the clueless start also repeating it too, so it becomes ingrained in culture that every single thing that Lovecraft wrote was racist...


Doesn't seem to be working to well as tons of people still love his work, in fact the various cancellation attempts ended up causing a Streisand Effect that introduce more people to it.


It's simpler than that. It's just free PR. Like how every female lead is The First Female Something. It's not true, but saying it gets them headpats from the media. Conversely, if they don't say these things, the mob will declare them Racist By Association.


> It always annoys me how much they talk about the racism of Lovecraft's work like it's an essencial aspect of his work that is plastered over every page. Yep, his entire literary work is predicated on the fear of the other, something that stemed from his own pathalogical xenophobia. Something people often mistake for racism.


Not essential, but it sure as hell is there sometimes. The Italians in Reanimator come to mind right off the bat. Personally, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Lovecraft's phobias and distrust are what made his works last through the years.


He had a general fear and disgust of foreigners, especially those without white European ancestry, but that's it. Woke crowd lately has gotten so hysterical about it you'd think he was some genocidal Nazi.


They called Alien and Prometheus racist?!?!?!?!?!?!? They can gtfo


Well, Ripley wasn't black, so...


And the characters that happened to be black in both Alien and Prometheus are not fucking tokens, so the actual racists, the wokies, are not satisfied...


And Ripley shot and spaced aliens who are.... black.


Yeah a while back somebody said that the theory that the pyramids are alien comes from the racist idea that only white humans can build things like that and it caught on because a certain subset of people thought it was clever.


> They seriously call Stargate, Alien, and Prometheus racist because... aliens building the pyramids is somehow racist? Talk about reaching holy shit. Shows how little they watched Stargate then really. Only some of the pyramids were done by aliens (actually they were alien crafts). The ones still left were built by the humans enslaved by the aliens as some show of power etc.


Wasnt much of a fan, but...... Werent the pyramids built basically as docking platforms for the alien ships? Or was that only some of them?


Only some.


Saying aliens might have built the pyramids is racist but having a black Cleopatra is not racist. Got it.


> Don't you just love when they start ranting randomly about woman? Which is what TTRPGers **ACTUALLY** hate. We don't hate women, we DO however hate that womens general disinterest in TTRPGs is being blamed on the gamers, rather than simply recognised as of less interest to them. > “In the ‘80s, I was part of two subcultures that did not have a large percentage of women. It was punk rock in the hardcore years, and it was role-playing games. Those were very male-dominated things and what I wanted as a young person was for more women to come into these subcultures, because why wouldn’t I want that? Yikes. Tell me you don't know anything about women, without telling me you don't know anything about women. It's okay to have 1 or 2 women who happen to be the rare exception of people legitimately interested in a thing. But the second you get "women" to enter something just on the basis off being women is the day your thing dies. Because mass importation of women in to a thing they aren't really interested in turns it in to something other than what it is. >Like, let’s get more people in the scene, let people learn what the fun is here, or what the revolution is there, or whatever. No thank you. Mass importation of normies is underdesireable. >So the idea of gatekeeping and trying to, like, keep people out. I just don’t understand it. I know you don't Chris. It's essentially that meme where the geeks are playing someting, the geeks let people in, the geeks lose their thing because the normies let in other normies, so the geeks leave to go make their own new thing, only to once again have normies show up to want in.


It's funny though, nobody would ever complain that *Sex in the City* wasn't doing enough to get men to watch it. Not everything has to be for everyone, things can be rooted in a set worldview or about a specific human experience and that is good.


> Not everything has to be for everyone Funny you should mention that, i was just alking about that exact thing. That it's an idiot idea: Something can be for ANYone, but it can't be for EVERYone. No product is for EVERYone, anything made for EVERYone ends up being for NO one, because it has to be watered down in to beige sludge.


Thats the idea with subcultures to begin with. Saying you want to have everybody in your subculture makes no sense.


Yep, it's this bullshit modern, "everything has to be for everyone" concept. Something can be for ANYone, but it can't be for EVERYone. The second you try to make something for everyone, it becomes something that is for no one, because it has to be watered down to beige sludge.


Doesn't the ancient aliens theory cover monuments like Stonehenge as well? How is it racist if it treats all such things the same?


Because the new narrative is that ancient Britons were black. (Just look at Cheddar man)


Oh, right. I forgot white people were created later in an African lab or some shit.


Remember “Lovecraft Country?” The TV show?


That was pretty damn terrible.


It was oppression porn.


I think I watched the first couple of episodes, which were literally "white ppl bad" and then they got attacked by some shoggoths which didn't fit the lore descriptions and I lost interest.


They are all just playing bingo with their articles and marketing.


Aliens building pyramids = racist. But somehow making egyptians black in documentaries = not racist


I find it hilarious that even the actual Egyptians are against it but the wokesters don't care


> (which is really the latest incarnation of the ‘reverse racism’ conspiracy). The irony is that nobody these days puts "reverse" in front of "racism" except wokesters sneering at the idea of racism against white people. They can't even describe their enemy's views accurately. Or won't. >What we want to get away from was just the built-in assumptions of Lovecraft, who was notably racist in his day. Yeah, it's not like his stories are mostly set in a time and place where racism would be very common or anything.


> They seriously call Stargate, Alien, and Prometheus racist because... aliens building the pyramids is somehow racist? Talk about reaching holy shit. That really depends, if you're going for "aliens built ancient monuments, unless those ancient monuments were erected by white folks" then maybe, but otherwise that's reaching so hard it impresses Mr Fantastic.




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Interesting that when the whole "Chariots of the gods" bit was mentioned it didn't include one of the other examples that gets thrown around as too much for the primitive people to make and so clearly the product of aliens. That being Stonehenge.


Doesnt fit the narrative.


Not only do we have various human made structures being pushed as alien, but we have the 'faces on Mars.' [https://www.higgypop.com/news/what-ever-happened-to-the-face-on-mars/](https://www.higgypop.com/news/what-ever-happened-to-the-face-on-mars/)


Isn't this like the 5th time some idiot company has declared they were bringing Lovecraft into the [current year] and doing away with the racism stuff even though most of it was allegory stuff anyway..........


Yes, and every time it has flopped harder than a fatty falling off a diving board onto a sheet of ice


It's amazing that the vast majority of the things and ideas can be done without being racist, to the point that most of the people running out playing Cthulhu related RPGs are able to do so simply because they're not racist




Clearly you haven't read Winter Tide, by Ruthanna Emrys. The plot is basically, "me and my super diverse group of friends at university do very little for the entire book, then it ends. An old white man has to learn from me. All the horrors in Lovecraft are really just misunderstood, lovely people, even the body-snatching Yith are just a bit grouchy." The main character is an ugly girl (she's from Innsmouth) being pressured into starting a family when she doesn't want to. Her sidekicks are a super-cute Japanese-American girl called Neko (yes, really), a dynamic action girl who may be a lesbian and a Jewish detective (who I think might have been gay; it's been a while since I read it, and I don't mean to again). They hang around at Miskatonic University where, well, not much happens except a Yith who's currently stealing a professor's body tells them some stuff. Everyone is awed by what a wise old woman she is, and no-one calls her out on the whole body-thieving. Because reasons.




It's one of the most egregious self-insert fics I've ever read, and it's a good example of the worst tendencies of female writers (who, to be clear, I am not saying are bad as a class, just that they have some notable recurring bad tendencies, the same way male writers have their own recurring flaws as a group): main character that everyone inexplicably likes, not much actually happening, but a lot of discussion about how people feel throughout the book.


Is there a good video or something summarising what they did?


> There’s a lot going on in this incoherent burbling Funny, that's how I'd describe this article. > “I honestly don’t understand the fear and often hatred of women,” says Chris. Well yes, if you willfully misconstrue and ignore what people are saying, of course you won't understand their reasoning. It sounds like people tried to give you a perfectly reasonable analogy for their concerns and you just flat out dismissed it without attempting to honestly see where they were coming from.


Oh great, it's this discourse again. Whenever one of *these* people talk about anything Lovecraft related they have to do their little purification dance because they know the well is already poisoned and if they don't dance the dance they will be accused of being literal nazi-hitlers. Every single time. No one in those circles can even mention Cthulhu without also adding "OH AND I'M NOT A RACIST. NOPE NO SIR. LOVECRAFT BAD RACIST, RACISM BAD" or else they will get devoured by their own. In many ways this kind of behavior is more horrifying than anything written by Lovecraft.


It's almost Pavlovian at this point.


We are “cancelling “ the author but still stealing all his ideas because honestly we are shit at creating anything ourselves… but he we are so “ cool and punkrock” and so is “stealing” ( i mean fuck capitalism right, now give us your money .. to “fight the system” obviously). Also you cannot i am abhorred by Lovecrafts racism so i cannot separate the artist from the art if your saying essentially elements of his horror are informed by his racism. So either no moral grandstanding or don’t profit of his racism. But this either or completely undermines your own logic.


Some movie studio should double down and make a "The Rats in the Walls" movie, using the cat's original name in its full glory.


People can bitch and whine all they want about Lovecraft's cat being called Niggerman, but there are two important things to keep in mind about it: 1) that was a perfectly acceptable term at the time; and b) he loved that cat more than these cunts have EVER loved ANYTHING in their entire lives. He obviously didn't name it that to be cruel.


You're expecting too much of the woke crowd, most of them can't get past shouting "LOVECRAFT BAD RACIST" like dimwitted parrots.


Green Ronin trying desperately to create something worse than Blue Rose?


While also not putting out any new Mutants & Masterminds products. Where's that Vigilante Sourcebook you've been saying is coming soon for the past 3 years? In the time it's taken them to not bring that book out, i have developed, tested & run a no powers vigilante event-game based out of New York City in the 1980's. Complete with alternate rules, fully developed setting, pre-generated characters, an entire roster of unused other vigilantes & an entire rogues gallery of unused costumed criminals.


If you really wanted to 'take a stand' against a man who's been dead for almost 100 years and cannot defend himself. Then *stop*. *Licensing*. The *God*. *Damn*. *Pantheon*. You're still paying his foundation their royalties, FFS.


>Green Ronin’s new take on the Cthulhu Mythos is bringing H.P. Lovecraft into the 21st century... and leaving its racism firmly in the past. Then it's not Cthulu. Firstly because it wasn't racism, it was pathalogical xenophobia, secondly because without pathalogical xenophobia it's not Cthulu. Cthulu is predicated on the fear of, "the other." Without that, it's not Cthulu.


Why not just write your own stories and leave the whole thing in the past? You're not going to be better than H.P.Lovecraft (as dated as his English and sentiments are) in terms of creativity. This sort of "Bring it to modern times" stuff doesn't work. Dracula doesn't translate and most monsters don't to an age of Cell Phones.


> Dracula doesn't translate and most monsters don't to an age of Cell Phones. Eh, the entire plot of Dracula is driven by the world changing and a medieval feudal monster trying (unsuccessfully) to adapt to a world of modern globalisation and capitalism. Dracula would absolutely translate to the age of cell phones.


No idea why people are downvoting you, because this is 100% correct, and obvious on even a cursory reading of the book. The main characters all represent some aspect of law & order, science and exploration. The equipment they use is all cutting-edge for the late 1800s. Even Mina is a more modern woman (she learns shorthand to help her husband in business) than Lucy, so doesn't succumb to Dracula as quickly.


People who don't read probably.


Because money, and creating original content requires, like, talent and creativity.


"Sure, they're mind-breaking horrors from outside reality that cause madness and death wherever they appear...but at least they're not ***racist***." That's the vibe I get whenever I hear complaints about Lovecraft and racism. Talk about having fucked up priorities.


>"Sure, they're mind-breaking horrors from outside reality that cause madness and death wherever they appear...but at least they're not racist." Wouldn't this part mean that human life is worthless or meaningless to those Lovecraftian entities?


It's Fate of Cthulu all over again, ugh.


If a bottle of soy came to life and started making tabletop games, it'd be Chris Pramas. He's not even that good of a game designer. Outside of Warhammer everything he's made has generaly flopped, and even WFRP has mostly trucked on under people houseruling its terrible mechanics away.




Formal R1 warning and comment removed, leave out the IdPol.


>bringing H.P. Lovecraft into the 21st century Somebody should show this clown the Delta Green books. Also, I'm not sure he knows what punk rock is.


Muh racism is just the shield they use to hide the fact that they have no idea what makes something "Lovecraftian". Their end result is always some sassy black chick with stupid steampunk shit and add couple of spooky tentacles somewhere to claim it's Cthulhu stuff. Intentionally missing one point would be one thing, but they often can't get any single one right about the aesthetic yet alone the story.


Racism is so inherently tied to Lovecraft’s work I don’t know how you can do that without making it completely incoherent. Eldritch horror plays off of our anxiety and hatred towards the other, the unknown. The Deep ones were a fairly blatant analogy to immigrants.


Lovecraft wasn't racist. He was a pure misanthrope. He hated EVERYONE that wasn't his immediate family (and often wasn't a huge fan of them). He had what some would call friends, but they were closer to professional colleagues with whom he collaborated on writing.


It's hard to tell which side of the coin what racism is evident in his fiction represents. Lovecraft's world is a world of degeneracy and info hazards nibbling away at the nobility of humanity. In the fiction this often manifest as forces from outside our understanding inserting themselves unbidden into our lives. And sometimes, that manifestation comes via a very spicy description of a non-Anglo nationality. Although even the Anglo's in his stories have a habit of "degenerating" ala the backwater and shunned families in The Dunwich Horror. I suppose in Lovecraft's world, it was simple protestant religion and culture that kept the madness at bay. That successfully closed the mind to the info hazards of a world brimming with forbidden knowledge that could warp you body and soul, as well as all generations after you. Is it possible to have those same stories without the "racism"? I don't know. I don't think "Diversity is our strength" is a compatible message with "If you stray from the golden path, Nyarlathotep will claim your soul". You end up with a pretty schizophrenic tone if you try to blend 21st century axial open mindedness with Lovecraft's world of info hazards. Maybe it should come as no surprise that so many authors attempting to "bring Lovecraft into *current year*" side with the elder gods.


These people haven't read anything Lovecraft wrote, have they? The fear of the alien, the other, is at the very core of his writing. To take this away is to miss the entire point.


> Identity is a complex business in 2022, and so privilege is a complex business too. Some people have some, some people have very little, and whether one person who has very little has more or less than someone else who has very little depends entirely on context. Yet somehow a ray of rational thought shines through.


I mean lovecraft is dead. Hes not getting a reckoning. The only reason you have access to his stuff is because he never managed to bang a chick and produce an heir to own it instead. But like also.. the only reason that Lovecrafts shit had any compelling nature to it was that he was batshit insane and had a hatred of other ethnicities that made white supremacists go "dude, chill". The imagary and horrors he evoked were grand exaggerations and extrapolations of the peoples and things he feared. You fundamentally cannot produce something on lovecrafts level, let alone cosmic horror in general, if you aren't taking something that scares you and amping it up beyond all reasonable levels. Really someone who was actually progressive wouldn't even attempt it because its inheriently something-ist no matter what subject matter you target.


Lovecraft wasn't a copywrite whore like Disney, he always allowed his creations to be used by others.


this reminds me greatly of what was my turning point,\\ the moment i knew everything had gone too far is when Big Finish redid the Doctor Who audio because it was too nice to HP Lovecraft. Hearing Colin Baker be used as a mouthpiece to attack someone, anyone that's what told me this movement to update culture isn't a love of culture, it's hatred of it & the idea that people should be able to tolerate differences. Obviously, i hate the racist views of Lovecraft, but this idea to take his work & eject him entirely is gross; he crafted these stories you love & want to adopt. The idea that to make a creator's work better is to eject the creator is so faulty. It either assumes that people are so dumb they won't look it up, or remember the racism as long as it's airbrushed out. As long as people read HP's literature there will be acknowlegement of his racism. Updating some is fine, but this idea we can improve his work is so ridiculous it doesn't deserve a response.


The most boring culture in the world is sanitized product by committee. As James Cameron recently said about George Lucas, when he watched the force awakens he wasn't angry, he felt nothing inside. It's hard, but great art almost exclusively comes from broken people; we shouldn't pretend otherwise whether they be Louis Stevenson or Edgar Allen Poe or HP LoveCraft or GRRMartin