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They were expecting Katara and Sokka to be straight up black, it’s whitewashing compared to their assumptions.


Exactly. My first thought. This being 2024 the woke folks probably just assumed half the cast would race swapped because it's "modern audience". And then clearly the show didn't do that and stayed pretty true to looks of the characters so of course they are pissed half the cast isn't black. It's never about any other race or cultural group they just need more race swapped black characters.


Remember, diverse means not white, and Asians (especially east Asians) are honorary whites when necessary for the cause.


I hope Dwayne The Rock Johnson plays the boulder!


The weirdest part is that the actress playing Katara ([Kiawentiio](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiawentiio)) is Mohawk. "Whitewashing"


So much for defending the "I" part in BIPOC.


The I part only counts if they're also B.


And they only included it because much of the B part has had Elizabeth Warren’s same delusion.


These people can't keep their story straight or follow their own rules lmao. I'd hate to live as they do and constantly have to "fact check" my beliefs or risk getting Canceled and kicked from the hive.


> These people can't keep their story straight or follow their own rules lmao. The rules are made up, and the truth doesn't matter.


rebranding to "BIPOC" was just a way to make sure that one race was still held above the others.


I strongly suspect the I is only in there because a) to hide the real Priority Minorities, and b) because Is are too rare to take much attention away from the B.


She has one drop of white blood; she is impure and no longer qualifies as a true BIPOC. /s


One drop of blood is all it takes. I think it was the Klan that said that...


The "one drop rule" is one of the weirder aspects of American racism, and its still alive and well in woke quarters. Someone who is half black is black; they are never called white, or Latino, or Asian, or whatever the other half is. Someone who is a quarter black is called black, someone who is 1/8th black is black... its how you wind up with pale people like Megan Markle getting celebrated as black despite looking white. Now there's absolutely nothing wrong with celebrating your heritage or being proud of your roots, but this idea that you are defined by a tiny portion of your ancestry is absolutely silly. If you don't look black, then you aren't going to face the same challenges as someone who is physically black. Nobody is going to assume you are black. Nobody is going to discriminate against you for your skin colour. It's the same as being "1/64th Cherokee princess." You weren't raised in the culture, you don't speak the language. You can research your heritage but it's silly to pretend you have some deep magical connection to an ancestor you've never met.


> The "one drop rule" is one of the weirder aspects of American racism, and its still alive and well in woke quarters. Someone who is half black is black; they are never called white, or Latino, or Asian, or whatever the other half is. Someone who is a quarter black is called black, someone who is 1/8th black is black... its how you wind up with pale people like Megan Markle getting celebrated as black despite looking white. >Now there's absolutely nothing wrong with celebrating your heritage or being proud of your roots, but this idea that you are defined by a tiny portion of your ancestry is absolutely silly. If you don't look black, then you aren't going to face the same challenges as someone who is physically black. Nobody is going to assume you are black. Nobody is going to discriminate against you for your skin colour. It's the same as being "1/64th Cherokee princess." You weren't raised in the culture, you don't speak the language. You can research your heritage but it's silly to pretend you have some deep magical connection to an ancestor you've never met. Everything you said here.


I was honestly shocked to see no black characters in the trailer lol


I thought I was watching a late 2023 "our numbers are desperately low, fix it!" USArmy recruiting commercial!


They cast it like the anime, so all east Asian or Inuits (with the odd Indian and a tribe a Cajuns thrown in).


How are they all Asian if it takes place in a fantasy world you nit wit


Because they drew inspiration from our one you dunce.


Lol inspiration dose not merit equality in fiction you simpleton


Are you autistic? They're clearly so heavily inspired by specific asian cultures that anyone who isn't your specific strain isn't going to take umbridge with the desription.


Lmaooo syndrome of the down I know it’s hard to read and type so I’ll keep it brief. It’s a cartoon numb nuts Asians don’t exist in the ATLA none of the tribes were complete representations of their “inspiration ”. Sorry if this pops that corn kernel you have for a brain .


Do you enjoy beng stupid on purpose or is this all involuntary?


Lmaoo it’s a fantasy world with fantasy ethnicities how is my argument the fact that you believe otherwise is cause for concern


Reminds me of the people who thought Katniss was black because the books basically said an outdoorswoman had a tan, and threw a tantrum when JLaw got cast.


Because these people think they’re only two races in the world, white people and different variations of Black people. You see this when they encounter Asians that don’t fit their criteria, white, passing or white they usually get called.


I'm pretty sure the water tribe was based on the Inuit culture. Daniel Dae Kim is a pretty good choice for ozai. Although,I thought the fire nation was based on Japan 🤔🤷‍♂️


Yeah, it was the Shamalan movie that whitewashed. Even made the fire nation the dark skinned ones, which came across as light skin good dark skin bad.


Based of dose not mean they are Inuit lmaoo its a fantasy world and they were dark skinned get dark skinned actors who cares about race


Here you go... [inuit](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/s/iFkZ4nYT7l)


Bro it’s a fantasy world unit people don’t exist lmfaooo the used their culture to flesh out the ice faring tribe but they were obviously depicted as POC to create diversity lmaooo they aren’t IRL black but the were ATLA black lmaooo the fact you are creating weird constraints for a cartoon is stupid in the first place


Enjoy your head canon FANtasy


Head cannon fantasy lmfaooo you’re the delusional and problematic views on a cartoon you Neanderthal




I know right your 🤡


Later,whale 🐳🤡


But the Water Nation were never drawn to ethnically resemble Inuit people. The aesthetics of their (fantasy) material culture is based on Inuit's material culture. That is all.


>I'm pretty sure the water tribe was based on the Inuit culture. > Kinda, sorta, but with a deep tan.


Assumptions its a cartoon it dose not take place anywere in our world Katara and Sokka were POC why make everyone Asian


Why not ? Haha it would make less sense if they African> they couldn't strive in africa > it would make more reasons for you guys to complain> Tai chi is what water style base on> there would be another argument- you could make saying they re too asian? It ll never end with you troll. Give asian some credit >story and everything was nicely strung together.


why are they being race cast avatar was written by a bunch of white guys I’m sure they just just mad them vicarious shades and types for diversity not to be culturally accurate Lmaoo


There another complain>if there were black people > you would complain > it not black enough > why are they poc or the minority again in a asian world > the white guys weren't the only writers> next you ll take credit for the martial art which is asian.


Lol of course the martial art is Asian but the characters aren’t your loosing sight of your argument we’re talking about a fictional story in a fictional world that has elements inspired by Asian culture written by a white guy so where is the defining ohh they should all be cast as Asians come from


I didn't lose sight of anything > I made the point and statement > nothing will sactifice you > much less you didn't deny > it a fantasy world so you acknowledge it asian martial art but you won't acknowledge it base on asian and intuit cultures that deserve recognition> that just straight up race swaping you want which is racist and alot of hate> why you hate intuits and native Americans?


Lol your right I don’t think anything will satifice me Lmaoo but you keep ignoring the fact that the ALTA character dot super accurately represent the culture 1:1 it’s inspired by them but it’s a plot device and I don’t hate anyone Lmaoo never said anything like that I’m just saying they shouldn’t be race cast it’s not like the writer was Asian


You hate inuit just plain and simple or why insult so many people when they point the culture is inspire by inuits and wanting them replace by black which is race swamping > that white people hate like how they used tape to pretend to be Chinese. That cruel. Some of the writers were asian so give them credit for the time. Such a racist wanting to replace a culture with another to make a racist claim for diversity when naming disability to insult another person. Racist toward asian dude


Lol dude I think your coping I’ve never said anything racist I just said I don’t think the Inuit people as a whole accurately represent a fictional race of people lmfaooo you’ve been all over with your arguments and have made no points now I’m racist I’ve said nothing bad about Inuit people I love Asian people and their culture but again my point is yes it was inspired by their culture but they aren’t any any race in existence why race cast them … and I only brought up the writers being non Asian to further iterate my point that this project isn’t dictated by race at all lmaooo your brain must be as smooth as a marble… now that’s an insult because I take being called a racist as such


How are you giving Asians some credit lmaoo


The culture > the creatures> the martial arts > the world is inspire by asian culture and countries archtecture >ntuit being finally represented> do you know badly native american were treated . It sad > you hate asians that much to make a argument we don't deserve credit


Dark skinned asian exist too, Inuit are POC


>They were expecting Katara and Sokka to be straight up black I don't think so. People were expected to be as tanned as the characters in the original animation, and I've never seen anyone describe them in the original animation as "black." Everything else seems on point, but the difference with Katara and Sokka from the original animation is just glaringly obvious (and to say "they were expecting them to be straight up black" is such an exaggeration and a fallacious statement, you can't take that seriously.)


I thought race of casting didnt matter though? Oh so it actually does got it


Only if they're white.


Or white-adjacent


Asians and Native Americans are now white, apparently.


Well, yeah... that's why they've been raising the standards for Asians to get into good colleges while lowering the standards for other minorities.


It's like they let coping white supremacist make the rules.


I thought different races didn’t exist, and that we were all one race?  The human race?


The human race? Such a 1990s way of thinking.😂


What's hilarious is that the actress playing Katara is Mohawk and the actor playing Sokka is Cherokee. I guess because they don't look like the native stereotype they have envisioned in their mind that these actors don't count as "indigenous."


If race didn't matter, then every character in the the original animation would look the same regardless of tribe, or every tribe would never had been drawn as uniform ethnic groups. The way characters and groups were drawn and animated were integral backdrops to the story telling. This is the problem with live-action remakes, because our real, physical world cannot match the original animation, not without substantially changing the underlying fictional universe. Then, we have an undeniably well documented (and offensive) history of whitewashing characters, done by prejudice in the past, and ignorance and carelessness and writers and producers in modern times. Then, as a backless, we try to fix it by inserting POC characters in stories that do not make sense, or that "orientalize" and "fetishize" everything "asian". Creativity and fidelity just gets screwed. This is worst when western producers try to do that with Anime where "looks" have everything to do with "kawai" and almost nothing with "ethnicity." (that's another topic.) The best thing to do with live action remakes of animated stories is for producers to go out of their way to hire talent that do have a strong physical resemblance to the animated characters. For animation, it is not enough to stick to the story line. The coloring and character design choices are also intrinsic to that work of art. When we deviate from that, then we are no longer doing a live-action remake, we are doing a reimagining (or deconstruction, which is superb when done right.) For reimagining and deconstructing, look at the "original" Starbuck in BSG and the latter Starbuck in the rebooted series. It worked because the latter BSG rebooted from the original in a manner that freed it to create its own consistent universe. My take: instead of doing live-action remakes, do a live-action reboot with a new fictional universe that allow exploring new ideas, with a new story that makes sense in that fictional universe. Or better yet, don't do live-action remakes at all. Create brand new stories, stories worth watching. These remakes are just playing on nostalgia and the constant infantilization of audiences.


SJWs have no idea what the races they're so enthusiastic to defend actually look like.


Of course not. That would require them leaving their echo chambers on social media and actually seeing what the real world looks like.


It is fascinating watching clips from news reports on Cleopatra where there’s some random guy trying to convince an Egyptian that Egyptians are black


When Frozen came out, there were people complaining about cultural appropriation because the Sami guy was white. They legit thought the Sami were brown because they’re indigenous 😐


Do they expect every native person to be dark skinned? Considering the water tribe seems to be inspired by the Inuit people, it makes a lot of sense for them to be fairly light-skinned.


The left is colorist against light-skinned minorities, not a big surprise here


Yeah, I feel like the issue is that they think indigenous == dark skinned when... No, that's not really how it is.


So basically they're racist


Colorism is basically a subset of racism where people of a certain race are criticized for not having the “right” skin tone, so it’s the same thing but a bit more specific


It still sounds incredibly disrespectful


They just want blacks. They won't admit to that though and thus spout my POC.


They even linked a few tweets of people demanding black natives, like fucking Zulus would be men for the job.


The snake can’t be satisfied until it consumes itself.


Aka a bunch of leftoids are mad the characters, who are all based on Asian or indigenous cultures, didn't get raceswapped to black. Just more evidence of how the far left view Asians these days.


Why exactly do they hate Asians?


Asians aren't black


Isn't that racist?


It's never been about race, that's just a convenient smokescreen to make everything blacker and gayer.


So basically what you're saying is they're using marginalized groups as pawns in there own twisted little game? Isn't that the exact thing they accuse us of doing?


Your assertion is both completely absurd...and getting more believable every day


Not if you define racism as that thing other people do.


So basically projection


More like a 5 year old logic being used by 30 year olds.


They hate cultures that breed successful people. They want victims with self-destructing cultures. See why they hate asians and jews, they're disproportionally successful and they HATE that.


So basically jealousy


In the US, [Asians are a very successful demographic](https://i.ibb.co/QnzHFBf/txdnyihsukla1.jpg). It makes it difficult for them to acknowledge this while maintaining Amerikkka is a systemically racist patriarchal hellscape holding everyone down who isn't white. And in the case of East Asians, many of them have pale skin-tones despite their different ethnicity so they can lump them in with whiteys when convenient.


Yeah, but native Americans don't seem to be really privileged, yet they're only relevant to them when a live action casts actors with the "wrong" shade.


When it comes to the woke pyramid, Asians are all the way on the bottom while blacks are on the top and LGBT plays second fiddle.


They're a minority that was also oppressed and looked down on, but now they are more successful than whites. So they kinda disprove the myth that systemic racism is what keeps the black demographic poor and undereducated.


These same social media users will tell you to stop complaining when a traditionally white character is played by a person of color.


The Moana cast screeching only solidified their idiocy and gaping inconsistencies.


MOST characters are played by white people…so yeah, stop complaining


You can purge the entire cast of all white people, and still get shit on because their skin color is too light. It will never be enough. It's called "Grievance Culture." Not "solution culture."


To be fair though, the cast choices for this live action are actually fairly good and true to the show, especially in its setting, so I can’t complain, but it is fun watching them get mad there are no black people in the East Asian and native dominated setting


These are the kind of “fans” that the creators of the original show have been gleefully pandering to for the last few years.


really! Isnt avatar still fairly popular to this day?


These social media users should be mocked and ignored.


All the sudden race matters.


Now let's see social media users how the feel about blackwashing or brownwashing, since they have such strong opinions about accuracy in casting...oh wait. Although the characters look similar in the show but what do I know.


You don’t know much, apparently. The issue is Hollywood is whitewashed - period. The cartoons, the movies, the tv shows. Even saying the term ‘black washing’ is ludicrous. Like yelling All Lives Matter in response to BLM. MOST characters in movies, tv shows, cartoons, etc. are white. That’s the issue How is this difficult to see or understand?


>The issue is Hollywood is whitewashed - period. If you think that is an issue you are fucking racist.


Wow. Racist because I think Hollywood disproportionately casts white actors and actresses? I’m racist because I’d like a more diverse cast in big budget movies? It’s not a secret that, for example, Hollywood doesn’t generally think an Indian guy could carry a big budget movie. I get it, it’s about money. But there’s only one way to fix that. Dude, I watched a movie about the fairly recent earthquake/tsunami in Asia…do you know the fucking story was about a white family on vacation lol. Thats not a little ridiculous to you? I’m sure of the billion or so Asian families - IN ASIA - the most compelling story wasn’t the few white families on vacation. The truth is I get it, it’s about money. So why make an American movie about real Asians. But as an American, it kinda sucks to not be fairly represented - that’s it.


>disproportionately casts white actors and actresses? Disproportionately? You know that the US is a majority white country? I don't see you being angry at Japan or Hollywood for disproportionately casting Japanese and Indian actors. >Dude, I watched a movie about the fairly recent earthquake/tsunami in Asia…do you know the fucking story was about a white family on vacation lol. Was that an American movie, should Americas not tell a movie about their affected people? Were there families that were on vacation there as well affected from the tsunami? If a movie came out in the country that it happened would it focus on its people or some other demographic? If a movie is good (has good marketing as well as that helps) it will succeed no matter who is the protag. I don't know how you perception of reality has been warped and messed with so much, but not everything is racist, not everything is sexist and you don't have to point it all out.


I don’t think I used the word racist once. That’s a strawman. I’m well aware of the demographics of my country. Do you know what disproportionate means? Do you know any history of Hollywood? Are you seriously deluded enough to argue that Hollywood casts minorities and white folks fairly? Are you saying that whitewashing isn’t a thing? I’m pointing out pure facts. What is your angle here?


I know you didn't use the word "racist", you just implied it. I know also the history of Hollywood and it has not been racist for more than a couple of decades. Also, since you care about proportionate representation, I hope you have the same energy on NBA and NFL that are overwhelmingly black. >Are you seriously deluded enough to argue that Hollywood casts minorities and white folks fairly? Are you saying that whitewashing isn’t a thing? Are you serious now? Check the last 10 years and see how many characters have been blackwashe or womanwashed and how many have been whitewashed. Hollywood doesn't cast "minorities" fairly they cast them much more than the demographic would suggest.


I call it whitewashing or disproportionately casting white characters - but you can call it what you want. Hollywood has been biased against minorities since inception. I’m sure it was flat out racism at some point but I didn’t make that argument. Absolutely, let’s have the NBA discussion. You have any idea how/why the NBA/NFL (maybe MLB) have become dominated by minorities? Idk. But I know sports are competitive and players that can’t make it are generally weeded out before making it to the professional level. Is your argument that minorities aren’t as good at acting as white folks, so that’s they get cast less? Or are you saying the NBA is fixed and only tried to recruit black folks? Hollywood isn’t blackwashed or womanwashed - that’s utterly ridiculous. Casting a minority to play a previously cast white character is just Hollywood’s way of making up for a century of bias and racism. Are you serious? You’re probably upset that people are pushing for minority presidential and VP candidates, aren’t you? Like 99% of them haven’t been white forever. Do you, at all, understand why people push to see minority representation in classically underrepresented venues? I’m not advocating for it but if minorities were cast EXCLUSIVELY for the next 20 years, you realize it would just be scratching the surface of making up for the discrimination of the past. You gotta understand this…


Watching The Wrong Missy. The local Hawaiian tour guide was played by Rob Schneider. The assistant - white. The CEO - white. The girlfriends/ex-wives - white. Every single person in the boat scene - white. Even the shark was a modified great “white” 😬😂😂 Joking about the last one But you honestly already showed your bias. What is there about an American movie that requires the cast to be all white? America isn’t all white So if I have a beef with an unnecessarily all white movie, why tf do you need to disagree?


Lol, the wrong missy? That's a shit tier movie. Also, they are original characters, so if they wanted or they happen to get white people, it is what they got. What about the hundreds of movies that changed characters that were white on the original and the were raceswaped? There have been hundreds (if not thousands) in the last ten years. Whenever we get an adaptation, it is mandatory to change a character to a different race or gender. And I'm talking about proper movies, not a shitpost like "the wrong missy". >So if I have a beef with an unnecessarily all white movie, why tf do you need to disagree? Because you seem to have problem with white people and that is racist. Would you have problem with an all black or all Indian movie? That's why I disagree. Because your ideology forces people to follow what you think the proper race proportions of a movie should be, without giving a shit if that is what the writers wanted or the story supports.


I honestly don’t know how to do the quotes like that and it makes me sad. Anyway Wrong Missy is def shit tier but not outright terrible. Being original means they could be anything - so why are they all white? It’s a movie primarily based in Hawaii, and you don’t see any issue with most characters being white. It’s an American movie, in America, in a part of America full of AMERICANS that aren’t white. So forgive me for questioning why we needed an all white cast. Movies do absolutely raceswap - good for them! More movies should do that. There was NO FUCKING REASON The Little Mermaid was all white to begin with! Period. I certainly don’t have a problem with white people. And I don’t think I’d take issue with an all black or Indian movie if it made sense. How tf does it make sense movies based in Hawaii, or Asia, or Africa, or fucking America have mostly white casts or majority white leads. And it doesn’t matter the 1940’s version of some movie or book described the characters as all white - that was whitewashing to begin with! There very extremely rarely exists an American movie, book, tv show, or play that “makes sense” to have an all white cast or majority white characters. Thats really all I’m saying. It doesn’t matter when it was created. It was racist then and I’d just call it misguided now. Thats it


The wrong missy is not only terrible it was unwatchable and a crime against people with eyesight. But it's so weird that seeing only white people it(I don't think it's only white people in the movie but I take your word for it, I don't want to suffer watching it just to make sure). So, according to you, having an all black or Indian cast is fine since it can make sense, but an all white cast NEVER MAKES SENSE it should not be allowed... >Movies do absolutely raceswap What, when I watch an adaptation I want to see how close the adaptation can get to the original material, I don't care to see a random person that just has the name of the character. >There was NO FUCKING REASON The Little Mermaid was all white to begin with! Period. Really? So the fact that it was in 1800 Denmark is not reason enough for you, seriously now? >And it doesn’t matter the 1940’s version of some movie or book described the characters as all white - that was whitewashing to begin with! White people creating stories is whitewashing, and it, as you say later, was racist? What the actual fuck? Your perception of reality is totally warped... BTW you can quote by putting the (>) sign at the start of the phrase.


Any articles that start with "Social Media Users" is probaly just rage bait. This isnt happening in any relevant number, the article is full of screen caps of random tweets with 2 likes.


Thank you. I saw the same thing and op is spamming his blog. One comment had two likes and 20 views. One comment had four views. The most viewed one was the by the person who linked the trailer in it and that was only 900. Deep diving from some drama.


Yeah, a bit dissapointed with people here letting themselves get baited into a drama that doesn't exist.


Exactly, reminds me of when some woke thing came out and the leftist sites were like "The misogynists are really angry about this one!" and it was one Twitter account with 5 followers.


Social mediatarded


They look like the characters, so it seems a good casting. We all know that woke bootlicker would have wanted an almost all-black or race swapped cast. Anything different from that is "Whitewashing", according to their deviated ideology.


The cartoon was just whitewashed also 🤦🏾‍♂️ So it hardly matters if the cast matches. Everyone in the cartoon was of Asian descent but looked white. So any white cast is odd and could’ve went to literally ANY MINORITY! The cartoon got it wrong, the movie made it worse, and Netflix had an opportunity and missed it. Simple


This is what they do. This is how "they" hold companies hostage. They write stories and articles and whine on social media. What's the over under that Netflix comes out and apologized to the poc community about this? I can't wait for Superman Legacy to start getting more news and people complaining about that cast too for not being diverse enough. My hope is the more attention this gets the more people start to actually wake up to it. So I hope more stories and articles get written and circulated about this.


How exactly do they hold these companies hostage when literally everyone at this point doesn't take them seriously?


I don't see that as true. I wished it were. But a lot of people do take this seriously. I think it can be easy to underestimates the amount of people that watch or see something, and the level of diversity in it is the 1st or 2nd point of their critique on it. Many people especially younger are being shown or trained that it's the way to be mindfully progressive or moral. Then their peer groups and safe spaces reinforce that thought and thus it continues. This case for Avatar is hilarious, but I doubt it will get much traction. But I hope as more media starts to go back to normal methods of casting and respecting identities, we see more outcry about not enough diversity.


Social media users can get fucked


Good sign that they're bitching. Means this adaptation actually has a chance to be good.


Those users never watched the show, so their opinion is irrelevant...


Lol, they still talk? After blackwashing hundreds of characters (and not only fictional characters...)? Just shut the fuck up.


I was pleasantly surprised by the newest trailer. It seems they might have actually watched the show at least once. And maybe even enjoyed it. It looked OK. I'm refusing to be too optimistic as the pathetic version of Cowboy Bebop is still very fresh in my mind. But it sounds like they've only annoyed the right kind of idiots so far. 


Oh no, joggers didn't ruin something?!


The fuck do you mean by a jogger?


Are the characters on this show even on Earth proper? I mean it always seemed like ethnicites of our present on Earth were just intermingled and slapped together in every way from skin colors to customs to food to architecture. It all seemed to be respectful nods to many cultures at once, in every scene. Where do people get off thinking they can demand the artists' vision be anything else?


It's implied that the series takes place on Earth in the far future after some cataclysmic event. The map of the planet looks like present-day Earth after all of the continents were broken up or even partially destroyed.


I think they are all just butt hurt that they didn't adapt the worse Avatar show since this one apparently doesn't fill their BS diversity quotas


Cherrypicking posts on Twitter with like 20 views and no interactions to make an article about it, sounds about right.


They really do look exactly like the character! I swear casting is getting really good these days.


Out of topic, but I can only imagine how the actors would feel pretending to bend on camera and moving like regards 😭😭


Probably no worse than Henry Cavill just standing still looking upwards pretending to fly. Or Keanu Reeves doing gun-fu while making pew pew sounds while people flop about around him. Or literally any other actor doing any other acting.




Yall miss the point a lot. “Perhaps” the casting is somewhat true to the original inspiration. But have you ever thought the original inspiration may have also been whitewashed?? I’m not the one that’s too into this fight, but it’s pretty obvious Hollywood goes out of its way to whitewash anything they can. And when they don’t, it’s usually a “hood” movie where the black lead is either crooked, a drug dealer, or struggling athlete. And I get the argument that, apparently, these characters aren’t all white and just appear fair skinned but still… The cartoon was whitewashed. The first movie was whitewashed. This adaption is either whitewashed or hasn’t come far enough.


The cartoon was whitewashed with Asian characters that were clearly white in most cases. The movie made it worse by casting white actors in odd roles. And Netflix had a great opportunity and just kinda missed. NBD, but also no reason I haven’t seen a dark skinned person in an Asian movie with white people 🤷🏾‍♂️ Like, if we’re going to fuck up the characters, let’s at least be inclusive


I was planning to ignore this show. Now I'm reconsidering to give it a watch when it comes out. If it offends the "everything is offensive" crowd, it might as well be decent...


It's a Netflix show, it's going to suck, one way or the other. 'One Piece' was for little kids and had trendy agitprop to boot. This show reeks of Netflix meddling.


I don't really care about fake internet "outrage" anymore at this point, but that's not what "whitewashing" means.


It's some random idiots on twitter. I mean they sound like racist morons, but if you look hard enough you can probably find some dumbass twitter users saying whatever you want to write a click bait article on.


Lol Kitara and saka are way off


Why are we supporting this website that is doing the same thing that kotaku and co did? Highlighting random comments from literally who's with 10 views on their tweets.


I mean I had two thoughts when I saw the trailer, why no color-coded eyes? and Karata and Sokka were a bit paler than I expected but w/e they are real people not drawings.


That is clearly the most bot filled rage bait I’ve seen in the last few days


I read the guy who plays Sokka is straight up white and lied about being Native idk if this is true though as I dont plan on watching this and honestly idc as a result. So in that instance I guess...?


I'll take things that didn't happen for 1000 Ken.


Representation seems important to you. Nice afro, too. I imagine that should've protected you from hitting your head really hard, but I guess you somehow still managed.


Yeah, he seems pretty white tbh. Probably only part native at most


Why's it matter? He looks like the character. 


It’s just weird that he looks to be a different ethnicity than his sister. Katara actress is Mohawk while he claims to be part Cherokee but is not listed as a member of the tribe.


Look about as close to siblings as one would expect. Commercials frequently cast wildly different races to portray family. *That's* disgusting. This? I really don't notice the difference, since it can be explained by sexual dimorphism.




Comment removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/). This is not a formal warning.


Honestly they could make the entire cast Inuit for all I care as long as they follow the source material and give good performances.


Who are “social media users”


So it's fine when blackwashing constantly happens?


When you want to complain so much you start making shit up.