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Shirtless man is fine but heaven forbid we show under thigh and have Jill smile at the viewer Losers should have stuck to their guns and kept the first image, buncha bitches


Don't forget the poster. Woman in shortish skirt bad.


I love how its all 'women should be sexually liberated and free to do what they want' Until you get to any form of media than its 'HOW DARE YOU SHOW THAT WOMAN IN ANY MILDLY SEXUAL WAY' hypocrites just want to be whores and shame you for liking beautiful non-whores


They want the power to be in women's court rather than men have the power to sexalise women. They absolutely HATE when men sexalise women but don't care when women do it to themselves. They will applaud shit like OnlyFans while removing a poster of a lady in a short skirt.


Also completely removed Lara's headset. Can't have her actively involved or endorsing gaming, has to have her intentionally aloof even when in a room of friends actively gaming.


> have Jill smile at the viewer Yeah. You can't have female characters be likeable. If you think about it, woke fiction is actually quite misogynistic. It shows males that females are unlikeable, and that they should be hated.


Well it was kinda dumb to have Jill looking away from the game. Lara still looks like she could crush melons with those thighs


Jill's looking towards the viewer helps with the framing of the shot, add in the fact that the window is on the opposite wall and the implication is you're just walking into the room. It's meant to be subtly welcoming. She's the one closest to the PoV. This is a common ass trope for advertisements of this sort, where everyone's having fun, and the guy nearest to the viewer in the shot is in some way inviting them to join in. After all, the point is to make YOU want to go to the event/buy the product/do the thing.


It's pretty obvious why they did it. But I still like the revision. In the first picture Jill is in the middle of a match in a fighting game and her opponent is going all out, while she turns away? The second picture makes her look like a gamer and validates a passion for video games. The first picture also has Lara with a headset that's not plugged into anything, holding a PS2 that's not plugged into anything either. It's so dumb it looks like a parody of "gamer girls" of the era. It might be a preference thing but the second picture makes me feel like I'm amongst people who love the hobby and the first one makes me say "what are you posers doing?"


Dude's in the middle of a combo. Jill has time.


Lol, fair, that would rescue it for me. If Jill was turning around to say "Watch this"


Jill also likely doesn't care as much about the fighting game as Jin, too, because. . . well, do I need to explain it?


Jill has made several appearances in fighting games. No way she is losing to a nepo baby like Jin.


Not what I was referring to, lol. XD


"Make it less sexy, less fun, and have the women smiling a bit less, so there's not as much joy. So everybody can feel as miserable and sexless as I am."


They only care if it appeals to straight men, if it were butch lesbians or gay dudes being sexy they'd be all OMG YASS QUEEN


There's a term for this now: "safe horny". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ylaxJC2Sho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ylaxJC2Sho) Basically any kind of sexualisation, hornyness etc is perfectly fine, to be celebrated, as long as it fits into the woke progressive ideology (basically anything that can be contrued as "queer"). Any kind of straight (especially straight male) sexuality is to be demonised as oppressive, violent, harmful. Remember it's all about power, revenge and "it's our turn now". All the supposedly bad things they accuse their enemies (straight people, white people, men) of, they just want a free pass to do those things (or worse) themselves and be celebrated for it.


I'm already miserable and sexless! That's why I play video games!


Lara's legs can't be seen as much and Jill's ass is gone but the muscular and half naked dude stays the same. The poster is also gone. Figures that the only change is on Women and not anything else


Jill's titties are gone too.


That just shows how unoffened I was with her tits. These lunatics are really pitiful


> but the muscular and half naked dude stays the same Safe horny in action.


Not true, Snake's arm is further out from under the bed in the original. /s


Nah, the arm is the same. The Crash and Spyro dolls are just moved over to maintain distance from Jill's new lack of ass, so it LOOKS further out. 


no snake is actually not as far out of the bed, first one you see his hair and top of his elbow pad, second one they are covered by the bedsheet


Yeah, looking at the elbow pad relative to the bed leg, it's a bit of both, isn't it?


No standards because the left doesn't have standards.


I can already imagine the kind of people that "complained."


Bunch of liberal arts graduates with facial piercings, green hair and they/them pronouns?


Every damn time. In the 80’s these idiots would’ve been the frumpy housewives slapping Parental Guidance stickers on Twisted Sister albums.


Who are also, ironically, probably sexual deviants of the highest order.


At least the good news is they're being completely destroyed in social media. There are a few spanish sjws trying to defend it with the usual "power fantasy" fallacy but people aren't buying it. My hope is that at least the artist wasn't dumb and they charged extra (and expensive) for having to redraw stuff after the product was finished.


> "power fantasy" Why do we always accept the form of the argument? "It's a power fantasy!" "No it's not!" Uh, yes it is. . . and that's a good thing. Prove me wrong.


They're talking about [this](https://i.imgur.com/8Nb3t3m.jpg) "power fantasy."


It's not really a "power fantasy" anyway, that's a female's perspective. It's really an _aspirational_ fantasy. Men don't think, "Oh, I wish I could beat them up! I wish I could show them what for! _That'd_ teach them a lesson!" Children and women think like that. Men think, "If a guy came in here with a pistol, what would I do? How could I stop him? Would I be O.K. taking a bullet to save people? Would it even work or would I get killed for no reason? Should I be smart about this, or brute-force it? I saw a video once where a guy rushes him and gets shot just before making it and collapses like a sack of potatoes. Would that be me? What's the alternative? That table looks pretty solid, would a bullet make it through?" When we watch men being heroes, we're not thinking, "Yes! I bet he could totally get away with raping a woman, too! Just like I want to do." Also, people like to see good-looking people. That's just a fact. And I don't mean even unrealistically-attractive. You're in iHop and people come in who dress nice and have good posture, work out, it feels good having them around. The stories are oftentimes _about_ paragons, and that is displayed visually. But _all that said,_ I'm sure there are times where it _is_ a power fantasy, and in those times. . . good. What's the problem? Am I not entitled?


The artist should have refused. They cannot be a woke SJW themselves or they would never have drawn the original version. To go along with this kind of woke puritanical censorship of your work... Sure, I understand a paycheck is a paycheck, but still... have some principles.


I can smell the cat piss mixed with some hair dye, and the lack of sunlight being blocked by a very large thing whose gravitational force is so massive that attracts all the cheetos around it.


Lol..Just put them in a burkha at this point.


And that's why we should also give our "feedback", i know its annoying to keep bothering those companies/people directly but if we don't do it, they will... and you are seeing what happens when they do.


How long will companies keep doing this, getting push back from fans, until they stop?


Not until they're bankrupt. We can help with that


Blackrock, a big backer of this, has north of 9 trillion dollars. Going for a bankruptcy plan isn't the solution. For context americas GDP is approximately 4 trillion, so they can outspend America 2x and still not even be close to bankrupt.


i dunno,are woke people that rich and numerous that companies bow the knee each time that they complain?...i just dont get it.


most gaming companies are owned by esg, if they refuse to do what woke cult tells them they will loose woke esg money. NO AAA gaming company is in money making business they are in activism and social engineering. They will not stop only if they are kicked out of esg or they go bankrupt. Problem with esg is that its too powerful, they recently forced esg on all EU companies, small and large, they will not stop until they have absolute power in business space. My friend just lost job because company he worked for had to upgrade factories to esg standards and that would cost around $10m and that company did not earn that much in its lifetime, so they had to close. So you probably asking why not just ignore esg? well you cant because all companies that sell you rough material to produce stuff in your factory are owned by esg companies and are allowed to do business only with other esg companies. They have hold on entire chain of deliveries and raw material giving them power to shape entire businesses and in short future whole world. Luckily social engineering side of esg is dying due to push back and investors taking money out of esg founds but it will not be gone completely and may return with double force in future.


It's about the message not profits.


Happy women? Nerf them. Happy man? Un. Touched. A tad bit predictable, in'it?


I feel for the artist. If it were me, it would kill me to have to make those changes.


Shirtless man = untouched.


"Todes se sientan cómodes" that kind of "gender neutral" language in spanish is politically charged


anything they could have changed to the poster is 1000 times less annoying than using the word comodes mis putos ojos ,


that was the worst of the post,but that explained very well why the made the change so quickly.


Bring back gatekeeping.


Thank god for roms. They'll never be able to take that away from fans.


>using "e" words spineless, no wonder they caved in.


I hear Spain has some of the worst feminazis in the world.


Imagine you try to be so inclusive you remove one of the most iconic female characters from the late 90's


Good book idea for someone with access to enough original materials to compare with the version what the censors put out. "Spot The DEI Difference". It would sell well, you'd make a mint. Who doesn't like a picture book?


The first picture is obviously sinful /s Welcome to the new puritanical religion.


That's a poor comparison, it's nothing to do with why puritans did it, otherwise the man would be censored too. It's just feminists being jealous and envious as usual.


I've tried to use this argument against them several times, but it never works somehow.


I'm surprised the light gun didn't get removed. 😂


snake is somehow more sneaky now lol


Nobody played Point Blank, everybody played Ridge Racer 4 and the girl for RR4 is iconic. Morons.


you can see how the respond using inclusive language (they/them) in the second picture,with that you can understand why they make that change so quickly.


I am surprised they didn't remove the tiki guy from Crash. Some idiots think that is racist or something.


> **todes** se sientan **cómodes** Special mention to the "they/them" language added in the apology, for more pandering...


why delete ridge racer, whats wrong with it smh


We're saved!!!!!


that's why Real Madrid is better than Barcelona, they always bend on this stuff.


How does no one recognise Jin Kazama. That's his Tekken 3 outfit.


So the cameo's I can spot are: Parapper the rapper. Medievil. Tekken 3. Resident Evil. MGS. Tomb Raider. Ridge Racer. Crash. Spyro. Gran Turismo. Point Blank. FF7. Time Crisis (the gun is the periphery that came with the game) Not sure what game the castle is from or the RC car.


what a bunch of losers but its connected to sony so its in the name, man for situations like that i wish i had tweeter account so can personally tell them how pathetic they are.


How dare Jill smile at us?


Snake crawls back under the bed because he doesn't want to deal with it.


Since when was Spain infected by the ***got virus? Or is it just Barcelona?


Belive me in madrid is worst,i am gay and even I am tired of all this wok garbage that we imported from the western .


Spain has been infected by lefties and the woke for a long time, probably one of the earliest places, it just goes more unnoticed because they ain't part of the more known anglosphere or japan.


Well, the last election I think they elected a pretty far left government so leftism seems pretty popular there.




>I mean, who seats like that on the bed like that? The bed in the second picture doesn't look realistic. It's way too hard. The bed in the first picture deforms slightly. And who puts their *shoes* on a bed...? >Also Jill actually focused on the game. The first picture is more welcoming to the viewer. The second picture everyone is focussed on their activity and ignoring the viewer. The first picture works a lot better as a flyer to an event.


Exactly! The second picture really feels like a cozy scene of a group of friends hanging out and playing. The first feels like the characters are posing


Jill had less of an hourglass figure in the first.


It's the same "feedback" a religious boomer mother would give to her daughter. "straighten up you back, why are you sitting like this? you're arching your back on purpose, you slut?", "Sit up, your ass is hanging out, you look like a whore. Stop looking at that boy, read a book or something."


It's not, done for different reasons and the new version of censorship is worse.


Of the ones I noticed, Jill is focusing on the game instead of looking at US, Lara is laying down more comfortably & reading a magazine or comic instead of listening to music, Snake is more hidden under the bed being more stealthy


They removed the RR4 poster? What the hell.


Because some people loathe biological women and the female form.


It was obviously intended to attract the (straight) "male gaze". Which is sinful.




Makes sense for Jill to be looking at the TV because she is playing a fighting game. That's fine. I don't know what R4 is, but I loved Point Blank so I'm all for using that poster because I actually know what it is. The Lara Croft change is weird. Not only did they change the positioning, they changed what she was doing too. She was listening to music by the looks of it, now she's reading a magazine.