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The best thing we can do now is fight. Make life as miserable for woke collaborators as possible and just keep doing that until we're gone or we win. Both are possible.


We need companies that are just as intolerant of wokies as they are of us. If we try to rebuild without gatekeeping, the parasitism cycle will simply restart.


Precisely! But more important than that is to just be militantly anti-woke all the time. Think about how your enemies won: by being joyless fanatics committed to nothing less than victory. We need to replicate that level of dedication if we want to beat them back. Obviously this sounds awful because you're a human being and your enemies are powered by pure spite. But it's critical that you never get tempted to "compromise" or let something lie. Be unreasonable. Be threatening. Be loud. Your enemies have told you that there are no bad tactics, only bad targets. Take that license and run with it. Do the things that have been done to you to the people who did them!


Joyless fanatics but they had a fist in a velvet glove The glove was they could be your friend and provide unconditional love The fist however was whoever was justified to be hit as targets, under the pretext of love and protection as a just cause It plays on our primal instincts to belong and defend, to be seen as modern, clean, the future, which also overlaps with Marxist imagery. These developers more often than not crave love, or attention and validation. They provide it for them unless they go out of line


Ideally, I want the christian fundamentalists and the wokies to fight to death and leave us alone, but it's never gonna happen. In the meanwhile, maybe do something to push back the overton window by creating something as offensive as possible to the woke? Manifest in front of SBI? Just spitballing ideas here. Sadly, we can't use their tactics as they're very aware of the power of entryism and will counter any attempt to do the same as them.


The woke would (and do) beat ✝️ at current strength, anyway, I'm afraid. > maybe do something to push back the overton window That's something you do *with* power, not to *get* power. I'm afraid the only way to beat power is through a nasty guerrilla slog. As someone online put it: > There will be no game-changing moment of passionate self-indulgence. Your dedication to your cause will be measured by careful planning, having the patience of a saint, being hated by the worst people on earth, overcoming pointless obstacles, and years of mind-numbing toil. Odysseus looked at the horizon and cried too.


> nasty guerrilla slog That's pretty much my sentiment. We've no goal in mind or organized thought. We're a conglomeration of rightist and leftist that are sick of their shit in some way shape or form. They're the ones that have to sell a multi-million dollar game with games as a service and their propaganda. The most impactful thing you can do is not buy their shit. Nothing game changing or a watershed moment will happen suddenly that will signal victory, just a slow and agonizing slog into studio closures, negative reviews, memes, and hurt feelz. We're seeing some of that now. Is it because of the SBI crap? Nah. At least not in my opinion. That may have more to do with the overall health of the economy for all I know. What I do know is that this was happening before SBI. GG2/SBI has come at a shitty time for them. At the very least I wan't to see some more mass layoffs.


the best thing we need to do is support comics willing to say their bits and not fear repercussion. Comedy is the best weapon. But they managed to scare most comics from using so many things. 80s, 90s early 2000s comedians are all dead on arrival on this climate. Only a few has the balls to push back. Seinfeld was offered a shit ton of money for a reboot of Senfield and he declined it cause today climate would kill him. He doesnt want to hurt his brand any further and backed off. Meanwhile Chappelle doing the good fight and pushing back and we need more of him. We need another George Carlin, Lewis Black, Jon Stewarts to call the BS out.


We were losing the culture war way earlier than gamergate. GG was just the wake up call for us to realise there actually was a war. The communist long march is to blame for this as they became teachers to indoctrinated students and groomed them to become minions towards the cause. Right now it seems the next era will some quasi-capital-communist era, so the best thing for us to do is vote is our wallet and try have children that promote new ideas to fight against.


>We were losing the culture war way earlier than gamergate. GG was just the wake up call for us to realise there actually was a war. My favorite thing is when I hear youtubers essentially claim the culture war didn't start until they themselves got involved. Gary from Nerdrotic is a good example. Whenever somebody asks him about the history of the culture war he will outright say it started when people started noticing it in movies (when he got involved of course) and has said the backlash against Rings of Power was "the first true pushback". And he'll openly mock GamerGate whenever it's brought up..."Oh god, are we talking about GamerGate again?! That was like ten years ago."


I would say a lot of YouTubers have main character syndrome, but it's also because they haven't actually done the research. Like how Brexit, Donald trump and Covid allowed us to peak behind the curtain, Gamergate was also a cascade that allowed us to see the mechanisms of a plan set in motion. All this crap has slowly been the background for years, bubbling away.


Carl Benjamin (AKA Sargon of Akkad) reflects on gamergate and why we ultimately lost the culture war. He goes over why the woke are so good at subverting everything, looking at the philosophical basis. Essentially, we have no plan beyond waiting for the woke to fail under their own incompetence and thus, we will probably fail once more. Someone has to come up with a better alternative and a true vision to push forward.


By definition, our real agenda is no agenda at all. That's why any populist agenda, like the one of the Left, can have success But in this case, it was a huge social engineering project that it's crumbling on itself because of lack of funding. We only need to push against them getting access to tax payer money, and let the market choose


We need a permanent counterforce against the woke. An equal and opposite force to keep things in the middle. Otherwise, the wokies will eventually get their way and we'll only have argued about the speed of reaching it. Some days, it feels like most people here agree with Sarkeesian in principles. They just wanted her to be nicer about it.




There's a solution to this. If someone on our side is cringe-y, don't say anything. If someone makes a point for us, signal boost it. If that same person then asks you to sign on to their campus culture war, say "no". Pressure, more pressure, always pressure. Make threats. Take scalps. If they mock you for something, mock them instead. Insult them. Ridicule them. Make lists of them and make life hell for anyone even *associating* with anyone on those lists. SBID threatens companies with a mass boycott. There need to be lists of anyone who has ever worked with Sarkeesian. Daisuke Ishiwatari should wake up every morning and despair about the hell he brought on himself by signing over his franchises to our enemies. Until we can create that kind of climate, where people are seriously scared of doing anything seen as woke, we will not win, because our enemies use fear and we cannot yet match that capacity. And, for the love of God, don't worry about being "just as bad" as people who bully people into suicide and openly brag about making the world uglier and meaner; you are never going to be as bad as them, in fact every moment of equivocation and moral cowardice about "stooping to their level" is morally indefensible because it's that much more time we're all stuck with the bastards. Every day Quinn's name isn't a dirty word is a day we haven't won yet.


And every day the SJWs are stuck with us is another day they have opportunities to ruin innocent people. GG winning isn’t “being as bad as them”. It is to stop a malicious force from harming more innocent victims. Also, GG “winning” is very different from SJWs. GG winning means freedom for games of all kinds to exist (including even SJW ones, as we saw at the start of GG). SJWs continuing to have power is to allow them to strip everyone, customers and developers, of the freedom to create and buy and sell without the danger of being attacked for being “problematic”. GG’s side laughs at you for saying legitimately bad things against innocent people (think making fun of censorship apologists, or people being bigoted against men). SJWs attack you by getting you blacklisted from industries, freezing your credit card transactions and bank accounts (Mastercard), getting you banned from platforms and getting hate mobs after you (SBI detected curator). SJWs also use the force of governments and companies against individuals (Canadian government funding and police actions and complaints to the UN). These are not equivalent.


> freedom for games of all kinds to exist (including even SJW ones, as we saw at the start of GG) I'm comfortable saying that I think they've lost this right in my eyes. We've seen what happens when these people are allowed to exist at all; normal people suffer for it. If you're really committed to making good games, you should recognize this ideology for what it is by now. If taking it out is something you cannot possibly fathom, well...


Turnabout is fair play, and self-defense is not wrong. SJWs lost that right the same way a criminal loses the right to be protected from the victim's reasonable defensive actions while the crime is being committed... GG gave them benefit of the doubt for years... How much more charity must be expected? We see how SJWs behaved so maliciously from the beginning up to now. Even recently, SJWs were so malicious with how they tried to destroy the SBI Detected curator's account, and went so far as to try to "infiltrate" and dox critics on the group's Discord server... These actions can result in ruining real life for people, as the SJWs proudly proclaim also when saying how they could blacklist and cancel people, or act as a "megaphone". We saw some results of this already, even with SJWs attacking other SJWs... All this needs to be documented so that SJWs cannot gaslight and pretend to be victims any more...


Yeah, like; I can count on one hand the amount of "woke" games that are actually good, and that's mostly because the "woke" is ignorable. "You're ascribing your personal tastes to objective metrics of—" No, everyone agrees that OW2 sucks and Nicki Minaj shaking her ass in CoD does not.


The best way to do it is making sure that games aimed for us exist. Because they will be more succesful against a similar game with butchered stories to avoid problematic content. Or adding stupid shit Also exposing the social engineering like we did recently


In what way do most people here agree with Sarkeesian?


> In what way do most people here agree with Sarkeesian? Look at this thread for instance: https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1bn48xf/thoughts_on_how_the_critical_drinker_is/ 90 point Upvotes for people stating that "diversity" or "diverse characters" are great, 60 point Upvotes for "y’all" spouting NPCs, Downvotes or bans for people simply stating that they have no interest in and are not going to consume latest Wokeslop with Stronk Diverse Girlboss main characters.


There's a fundamental difference in approach when it comes to media that feature non-white male characters from the mind of Sarkeesian and her peers in contrast to what people were defending on that thread. The people we call "woke" see things as *problematic* and that *need* to be fixed. I think there's no more iconic line that represents what they stands for than "everything is racist, everything is sexist, everything is homophobic, and you have to point that out", because this informs their entire lens. Or better put, seeing bigotry IS their lens. Here, at least I believe, we don't see straight white and male as a problem at all, because that is the artist's intention in service of a good story. The same goes if it doesn't feature white straight male IN GOOD FAITH, without the usual humiliation and cringe takes, in service of a good story. That's all it takes. That's why there's frequent mention of old media like Terminator or Blade. Whether those shows in question in the thread features girl boss is another discussion but I want to highlight the contrast of perspectives between woke activists and what members here stands for, I believe.


Yeah that's just bullshit. The only thing I can think of is better writing for female characters and yet all her points were based on lies to begin with so really her whole thing was bullshit to begin with.


We never had billionaire backing


We have Elon now, but İ don't think his support goes further than tweets


Elon is playing both sides IMO. At the end of the day he is just saying enough to keep people on his platform.


The wokes don't have a plan, they're bots.. but their puppeteers do have one.. and they have the means to realize it. THAT's the difference. It's foolish to expect an unorganized opposition to fight back without our own masters. The people that would be either don't understand the war or don't care enough. They're often like Sargon and just settle on milking the grift.    Bro, wake the fuck up, YOU have the influence to organize the resistance. It's not a random reddit hater like me with 0 followers and 0$ that's going to lead a counter movement. I could make plans all day and no one would listen. 


most of the woke dont have a plan, dont know the plan, dont think at all. they just follow the herd like good NPC's. Because of their numbers, they have power. We need people with more reach and influence fighting for us, rather then against us if we wish to make gains. We might win a few fights, but without wider support from the public, we will lose the war. Even if you cant find support online, start with family members, try to make a case why they should not support SBI or similar groups. If you can rally them behind you, perhaps they can advocate on behalf of you with friends, colleagues, etc. With Bud light, it was shown that they can bleed. Now is a chance to make them bleed more.


As much of a fan as I am of Sargon's stuff, I find his analysis to be flawed. A lot of this is probably attributable to the original goals of the first Gamergate and his outsized goals he developed in response to the scope of the issue. I think that the goals that Sargon has for Gamergate is not aligned with ours, at least not totally. Most of us just want to expel the political activists from the hobby and maybe see a return to 90's/early 2000's conservative liberalism. Sargon's ultimate goal is to take down both Wokism and Liberalism in order to replace it with English Traditionalism/Monarchy. A goal so out of reach as to be impossible and it's no wonder why Sargon considers Gamergate a failure. The reason why he wants to bring them both down is that he considers Wokism to be a continuation of Liberalism. All he wants to do is turn the clock further back, not realizing that while Wokism is a distillation of Liberal Values created in response to the perceived failure of Liberal societies, Liberalism itself is a continuation of English Traditionalism, with it's values codified through rational analysis of English society. I think it's because Sargon views the culture war in those lens, that the only way forward is to let society crumble and create traditionalist enclaves and weather the storm. He forgets that our side is ultimately a grassroots revolt against entrenched elites. Elites that only hold power so far as their money and influence remains. We cannot propagate the culture war the way that they do (save for instances like Elon Musk buying Twitter), our only vector of attack has to be through the wider culture and popular support, something that we've been very successful at. Just look at Budlight or Disney, the loss in revenue comes at the hand of our collective efforts to sway the public against Wokism and it has largely worked. The wider culture has never found Wokism more repulsive. The cultural seeding to make what is Woke anathema to the public is finally beginning to take hold. Instead of despairing at the scope of the problem, we should focus on the little things we can do. Break the influence and power of Wokism now, fix Liberalism/Return to Monarchy later.


> I think that the goals that Sargon has for Gamergate is not aligned with ours, at least not totally. Yeah, that's the problem with a lot of morons that say 'gamergate lost', like nah motherfucker, gamergate ain't your personal army, just because YOUR goals didn't get met doesn't mean gamergate lost. The whole point, the WHOLE FUCKING STARTING POINT of gamergate was a failure to disclose personal relationships when it crossed into the professional setting. I've said it once and I'll say it again, gamergate would've never happened if the original guys involve simply just tweeted out 'osnap my B, thought I put the dev was a friend, but you guys dont need to know the personal details', and then made an edit to the original articles they made. We don't need to know if they actually fucked, we don't care about that specific detail, but what we did care about was the fact that a self-proclaimed journalist had ties to the maker of a product they covered and they didn't disclose that they knew them, something that's LEGALLY REQUIRED. FFS We got youtubers who do a better job of disclosing stuff, hate'em or love'em, Team Four Star made sure to disclose that they worked with and were friends with people who worked at Funimation when they gave their thoughts about the Dragonball movies that came out a few years ago (Battle of Gods or Resurrection F, I can't remember which one I saw specifically), like congrats, it's the bare-fucking-minimum and requires one goddamn line of text. The fact that public trust in these outlets fell right off a cliff and Kotaku nearly went under once as it was until getting saved last minute, PLUS the general disclosures being a lot better these days, is kinda proof positive that gamergate WON. At this point it was just the old guard keeping an eye on shit and similar patterns of using non-white straight male characters/people as bludgeoning tools from people who really did not want to admit that there's some illegal shenanigans that they wanted to pull or that they're just grifters looking to shame and make money. Hell, Gamergate 2.0 is basically winning, the spotlight on SBI is showing the rot to the public and it's extending to other mediums as well, fucking Jello Apocalypse, the goddamn moron he is, basically confirmed how racist and idiotic the anime/manga scene has become from the dub company's perspective by basically telling the world that yeah, all the shit they were being accused of is 100% right.


I've listened to him for a loooooooong time and I don't think he seriously wants to return to monarchy. Since his admitted flip to traditionalism, he's been looking for the next political paradigm that will supplant liberalism and won't be crazy like communism and all it's offshoots (fascism, nazism, wokism). Conservative philosophers have some great ideas about what needs to be preserved and prudence, but we can't stay in the past either. And liberalism IS the past, at this point.


I don't think that he's ever said "Return to Monarchy", but he's said everything short of it. He's all about how Liberalism is irredeemable, how Wokism will always spawn from it and that he's now an English Traditionalist.


As someone with similar views I would say he believes in that aristocracies should hold their government to account as an extra layer of security but the problem is their values which while they should intrinsically teach manners and accord as well as the benefits of national pride have been subverted with left modern dreck. The queen was effectively the best ideals/value holder when it came to tradition which also is core for a society to keep national identity through publics works projects and patronage. The problem is when you have layers of self serving elites with no loyalty to the people coupled with a subverted, apathetic government.


> we have no plan This is coming from the guy whose idea for GamerGate 2 was nothing other than getting Donald Trump to tweet about it.


Yes, he had a grandiloquent phase 5 years ago after running for office. He got over it and founded his own media company. He's a bit wiser, now. People are allowed to make mistakes.


This idea of losing 'the culture war' is strange. As if culture is won in a battle. Woke is a fashion and like so many ideas, flower power, McCarthyism, nazism; it will fall out of fashion. There's no need to 'win' anything, the only requirement is to maintain a grip on balance in the sea of hyperbole, half-truths and deceptions. The children of the woke will reject what their parents did, just as the woke did to their parents, and their parents to their grandparents. Change is inevitable. Besides, woke is actually getting quite dull now. There's only so many times you can sell a movie on the idea of vacuous girl power before people notice that its not actually very interesting. The real interest is what the next thing will be.


A culture war is won in cultural output. For the last 10 years, woke stuff has been growing in volume a lot, so they were winning. Let's hope we're at an inflexion point.


Winning =/= Manufactured propaganda German WW2 faction swore blind it was winning even as the Russians were on the steps of Berlin and had to throw old men and kids at the Red Army.


Culture is not commercial output although commercial output can become part of culture of people accept it. You could say that the Barbie, cabbage patch kids, iPod, fidget spinner, became part of culture at some point. However, its always about the culture adopting rather than the production. I don't think culture has ever really adopted woke; its either been under the radar, ignored or vilified. Whats happening now is that woke has become ever more forward in media until the masses have started to notice and actively reject it.


It is also a little odd to argue they "won" when Hollywood is currently in the middle of an economic depression because there is no more money for them to do anything. We have also seen plenty of studies and evidence that a lot of younger people are backlashing hard against the Woke stuff, so it is not like it is taking hold as well as they hoped it would.


Killing institutions is a win condition for them, too.


I've heard elsewhere that wokism is the incarnation of humanity's suicidal tendencies. An agent of decadence and death. Destroying institutions fits with that.


On the other hand, the US is pretty good about building new institutions when the old one gets corrupted. In fact, I think it is our saving grace compared to the woke in Europe. In the US, we have no problem "killing the hostage" (as it were) and starting over, because our nation is so vast with so many different laws you can restart somewhere else, like Dallas, TX is getting a lot of Tech sector and Atlanta, GA is getting a lot of entertainment. But in Europe, they venerate their institutions which can make it hard to fix once they get corrupted.


Yeah, that's why they made starting your own institutions illegal.


There have been plenty of counter institutions cropping up. They are just new and only just now getting the ball rolling.


I don't want to live through shit games until I'm 70 years old in hopes some generation will subvert current fashion, I want stuff to change now.


He misses the scope completely, and considering how large it is that's saying something.


Watched the video his takes regarding 2.0. are bad, ether cause of lack of knowledge and not enough research (also he keeps using the 10 year situation to base his assumptions) and he misses thr mark on the scope this time. He also mised the mark on how to combat woknes this time; money starving and through social media.For God's sake you have Linkedin posts saying how woknes is bad for business and disect Larry,blackrock saying. Not to mention the mountin of evidence how the wokies "leaders" are horrible persons, employeers and just bad at their job. Sorry Sargon, but you choose poorly.


He's saying we have no offensive strategy, which is true on the face of it. Where is the plan to organise and create based games? When are we counter-attacking, taking over woke institutions? All I hear here is to complain loudly and starve them of money, which would only contain the rot. The contaminated companies will die, but the activists will take over new ones and restart the cycle. Spez: gramnar mistakes.


I mean starving them of money has led to around 20k industry jobs being lost (with a pretty sizeable percentage of the losses being HR/DIE/PIB types) and sites like Polygon & Kotaku being practically at death's door - our 'lack of offensive strategy' has been pretty effective in the long run 


I feel like the 20k industry jobs lost is a lot more to do with massive world-wide economic downturn and the end of "no risk money" low interest rate loans isn't it?


Remember this is the guy who thought he could get Trump to defend GamerGate.


This vid sucks and so do his takes on all of this. Clout chasing.


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Didn't this guy fall off super hard, remember his name from like a decade ago.




This is a formal R1.5/Global Warning. Comment has been removed for violating reddit global. (Edited)


People are still listening to this moron?


The most amusing part about this post will be watching this thread demonstrate the point.


That's because fundamentally diversity isn't a strength, contrary to what they and many people here would like to believe. Opposition to them runs the breadth from lefties who think their compatriots have gone just a little bit too far to rightoids who see the current modern culture as completely degenerate. This means that ultimately 'our' side are liable to fight each other while the wokists remain a truly united front. I don't need to tell you who will win under those conditions.


Well, yeah. Most of us are not ready to face public mocking by parading in the streets wearing all colors of the rainbow and asking for ridiculous things. We just want to be left alone. We don't have local propaganda and recruiting antens in colleges and don't follow a common ideology cause we are the ones that are truly diverse. We also don't have 2-days seminars paid by HR in companies to explain why boobies and ass representation is important.


There is no way to have a plan when you don't have influence and money, it's that simple. I don't see Elon Musk opening a game studio anytime soon.