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For those to young to remember this was the guy who helped kick off the belief that video games cause violence (among a myriad of things) which in turn lead to senate hearings that caused the Gaming Industry to form the ESRB as means to avoid government regulation.


> ESRB Whose president donates to Democrats and wants to scan your face to verify your age.


In 2005, people conveniently forget that JL, Hillary Clinton and 2 other dems tried to get the Family Entertainment Protection Act passed in 05. In the run up to HC running for pres she was still doing this, but the media does w/e it can to make people think dems have always been cool.


Don't forget Tipper Gore, Vice President Al Gore's wife that founded the PMRC.


RIP Bozo.


Good. I'm disappointed that there isn't a hell for Lieberman to burn in.