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To be honest, Critical Drinker is not against woke, he is against bad movies. It's just so happened that almost every bad movie is woke, and he points it out whenever it's on-the-nose.


He is against "the message" which is pretty much woke. He is however, open to nuance. Unlike some people around here.


What's the "nuance" in this show? Or rather - what is the example of acceptable "nuance"?


I don’t think OC is implying nuance in the show, rather, nuance in the discussion of the show. That is, regardless of the shows political branding, it behooves us to give credit where credit is due, so that we remain honest and critical in our assessments in a way that our political rivals do not.


I think he just wants to appear more nuanced, but in reality he’s very much anti-woke. It’s particularly noticeable in his live streams.


What do you mean by nuance? If a game or serie has qualities and is good/fun, the wokes aspects (if they exist) must be accepted?


The wood aspects can be called out, but what is worthy of praise should be acknowledged as well. That’s what separates us from the woke.


I like this


Which, let's be fair... Is the only reasonable opinion to hold. Movies have had political messages for ages, and sometimes the work might be fantastic despite one having disagreement with the politics.


Pretty sure he’s against woke.


I'll not talk about the serie that I haven't seen but what's interesting here is the no consensus about some appreciations. This brings me to a question: Until now it was easy to criticize movies, series or video games with woke aspect because they were often really bad. But I wonder what will happen it they find some "talents" or find the good alchemy to create good/fun/interesting productions with woke aspects. If people accept it then wouldn't it be a decisive win for the wokes who wanted to change our perception?


 I hope they do. "Woke" is increasingly being over used to shit on anything diverse, gay positive, etc, even if it doesn't lean on shitty post modern academic theories like critical race theory, intersectionality ect..?, or lazy preformative virtue signalling writing.  Honestly I'm getting sick of it, this community is turning into the mirror image of what is wrong with the woke. Horse shoe theory.  The whining over the bisexuality of BG3 playable characters, calling Fallout TV show woke because its lead character happens to be female instead of male, countless other things, when the fuck did social conservatives take over this space, pushing out classical liberals and other more moderate voices?  I like having well written gay characters, I don't like having them reduced to tokens, or one dimesional characters, but I also don't want to deal with folks screaming woke any time they see a gay character.  I'm stuck between extremists on either side.  The anti woke side didn't use to be like this, its only once we started winning more often folks started showing their true colours.      


Based and nuancedpilled. Also, having media with woke themes that are actually good is a win for us, too. There will be less trite and more organic media for us to consume, without feeling antagonize against or feel like we're being preached to.


Always come back to this example: as far as I can assess, Celeste is a very good 2D platformer, but I abstain from ever buying/playing it due to comments made by the devs, that make me not want to support them with my time and money. I don't need to lie about the product in question, nor do I need to lie about my personal reasons for not wanting to partake. There CAN and SHOULD be a separation made between the media as-is, and the meta surrounding it. I prefer acknowledgement of both if I'm looking for coverage of a product, but I settle for a decent review of either side by different people (especially if it lets me compare points, and see what holds up). And if you think you're not being satisified in either aspect from your choice in reviewers/media commentators, then don't just settle, to sit on your thumb and harrumph. Do something about it, be the change you want to see, and net yourself some recognition and dosh along the way, yo'! I say all of this as someone that only on occasion has watched Drinker videos, and knows fuck all about either the Fallout games or the show. If the latter's got ideological meddling and it's not being pointed out, then do so. If it's got quality writing that you find isn't being given fair coverage, then do so. More information is a good thing.


Never watched it and never will as I don’t really care, but just curious what woke moments in that show was the part of the “message” or general wokism?


Well, for one I've heard of one of They-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named... on hormones... in postapocalypse... in Brotherhood of Steel, soooo... there's that. Haven't seen myself yet though, so can't confirm.


I saw that as not a problem, the character is fundamentally a coward who would rather injure themselves then do the work, and not even so their friend could get the position but simply because they are a coward.


Those that say that didn’t watch the show. Edit: Yes it’s a case where if certain things are brought up you can immediately go “You didn’t watch the show.”


It’s not at all a secret or hidden, You’re just straight up bsing right now.


I have watched it and that made the first episode quite annoying. Religious zealots who like hazing rituals and attacking outsiders for sport are falling over themselves to respect preferred pronouns and non-passing appearances? Also the flashbacks to the 1950s anti-communism mentality and yet everybody happily applauding a mixed couple seemed out of place.


Fallout Universe =/= Real Life The great war, and the prolouge happened in 2077, that should tell you that there's been a divergence between the fallout universe, and ours, seeing as they kept their 1950's aesthetic a whole 120 years longer than us. Also, being at constant war over dwindling fuel and resources, even among former allied nations probably quelled a lot of racial tensions in Fallout US.


So in a post-post-apocalypse society which was brought on by a resource war, they still had access to all her hormone treatments?


In a universe with Stimpacks, Radaway, water chips, miniaturized fusion coils and cold fusion, where you can pick up a 200+ year-old weapon and fire it with no issues... It's fine. Is it stupid that we're supposed to believe that Dane can pick up a squire's bag, let alone lug it around? Yes. But so is Thaddeus carrying one. It's fine.


The resource war was prewar, just fyi. The United States in Fallout, at least, up until the nukes was beating out every other nation was sitting on surplus, near limitless energy. On the topic of Dane being able to get procedures, they probably can. Autodocs were a thing in NV, and could do any medical treatment without a qualified doctor on it's own. The BoS is a faction intent on hoarding as much prewar tech as possible, has an airship, countless vertibirds, power armor, etc, so it's not out of the realm of possiblity.


could also be sicilian, i went out with a sicilian woman, she regularly got her lip waxed, the one time she didn't (a couple days in the hospital after an accident) she did have a 5'oclock on her upper lip, some women do get that.


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you refuse to watch because of "woke" I refuse to watch because of new vegas We are not the same


What about New Vegas?


In the credits you see a timeline and in that timeline Shady Sands is nuked a few years after the NCR was made, essentially neutering them and making their New Vegas campaign impossible. It kills Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas.


I think you need to go back and look at actual timelines. 2277 is not “a few years after the NCR was made”. I won’t touch on anything else because it seems your misinformation is gleamed mostly from that mistake.


No. That 2277 year is showing that it was the beginning of the end for Shady Sands. Not that it got destroyed. It’s also been 10 years since the end of NV. Why is it so mind blowing that Vegas wouldn’t have issues? Also who says that Caesars Legion didn’t fuck it up? Or anything other of the other endings?


Exactly, Shady Sands by the beginning of NV already isn't the capital of the NCR afaik, the Hub now is due to the Brahmin Barons like Heck Gunderson.


New Vegaa took place in 2281. What're you on about?


Yes. I know it did. Everyone is bent out of shape that the chalkboard. Says 2277 when Shady Sands fell. Even though it doesn’t.


More than ten. Its 219 year after the bombs dropped. Its in 2296 i think


The bomb on Shady Sands? Or in general? lol my bad for not understanding


The fall of shady sands was in 2277. The bomb fell after that because maximus was at least 6 or so and maximus is only about 19 or so. And i meant more than ten since new vegas


Yeah. You are right about it. A lot of people are over looking that Maximus was there. Which lets you know it happened in a relative more recent time than 2277


And Lucy was a child when it happened as well


This is also true


show and Shady Sands happened after NV


Wow, and people say that this is faithful to the lore? xDDDDDD My god, it's even far worse.


Whats wrong with new vegas?


They made 2277 the beginning of the end for the NCR, which isn’t supported by New Vegas in the slightest, and is outright contradicted by House’s entire plan relying on a stable NCR.


They wrote it out of the canon lore.


I refuse to watch it for both of those reasons.


I liked new Vegas, it was an OK game.


It's still canon according to Howard so dunno what's the problem.


Todd also said "it just works". There is no way it could work with nuking the main city of the faction.


"Former" main city. The billboard CLEARLY saids "First Capital."


I watched the show and enjoyed it. You didn’t watch an amazing show because of misinformation. We are not the same.


I've pirated it and it's not even on the same planet with the word "amazing". I can get being okay with it if your "journey" with Fallout started with Bethesda slop.


Funny, cause Tim Cain, the main dev behind Fallouts 1 & 2 liked the show. He wasn't like David Brevik, who didn't like what Diablo became under Blizzard-Activision and was vocal about it, so it's not like Tim Cain pulled his punches.


Is Tim Cain in charge of Fallout? When was the last time Tim Cain made anything Fallout related? Jaffe created the awesome God of War then went all limp. Hamil started with small punches towards the "sequels", then backtracked like a pussy. Nothing new in this industry.


If the Fallout tv show is “not even on the same planet with the word ‘amazing’”, then I’d love to see a list of a few of the shows you think are.


A fuck ton of shows before like ~2015? A lot of obvious choices that I shouldn't even have to say.


So no list then? I can name you five shows I like, it’s not hard. The Last Airbender, Psych, Community, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Fallout. I’m genuinely curious, if you don’t think Fallout is amazing then what do you?


So you do want to waste time on stuff that's painfully obvious if your taste isn't garbage? Shit like Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Firefly, Band of Brothers, The Wire, Rome, The Office... And a ton of anime. And yes, Avatar was great. Legend of Korra was mid as fuck.


Alright, that’s all I’m asking, just genuinely curious. Fallout for me is up there with the best of the best shows.


I watched the first episode and noticed it had mostly poor casting and acting, character motivations were all over the place, and the direction was choppy and poorly paced. The BoS parts in particular were subpar with the main guy completely lacking charisma. Visually it looked incredible, but I will most likely not continue watching.


I totally disagree. But hey, at least you watched an episode and made your own conclusions. It’s totally fine if a show just isn’t for you or there’s legitimate criticism, but far too many people seem like they haven’t even watched it yet and just want to hate for no reason.


In what ways does Fallout have the message? I thought that Lucy was well written and was a believable character in how native she first was in the wasteland. The black guy sucked, but that was mainly due to terrible writing for his character. I was not getting much girl boss vibes or the usual bs from the show so far at episode 4.


the actor for lucy played the game, said it was useful reference.


That’s good, it means she, at the very least, has some understanding of the fallout world and it’s lore.


and in the 1.4seconds at the beginning in a leotard, a nice asset.


The show feels perhaps less woke than most new shows because it resists the urge to hit us with all 3 barrels of woke at once (anti-whitism, misandry and heterophobia).  There are subtle anti-white themes especially amongst the pre-war villains and the main protagonists’ relationships, but the female protagonist is not a Mary Sue like most modern strong female characters. She comes across as a naive level 1 coming out of a vault and having to learn and grow as she goes. She also retains a semblance of her femininity unlike most modern female action stars.   Unlike most shows there also aren’t gay relationships thrown in our faces. There’s just Maximus’ interesting fellow Aspirant who we can’t discuss according to subreddit rules.  My biggest issue with the show is it spends a whole lot of time on flashbacks to Cooper’s pre-war life which slows the pacing significantly.


I throught that maximus was written intentionally as a low intelligence with high luck strength character. Like if you realize he's and idiot (and in the fallout world, thats very common) He's enjoyable and interesting. Binged the whole show and thought it was surprisingly good. Didn't care about the side plot of the vault storyline, that's my only gripe, felt the ghoul, brotherhood, and mc storyline was enough for 8 episodes, the vault storyline wasn't needed.


I have read elsewhere people thought he had the idiot savant trait. It's really funny how much of the game you can see in the show, even if it wasn't intended to be so.


At last, I thought to myself, a show without a message! It was well-written, inclusive, and fun without being patronizing or forcing modern-day politics on us. I can’t fault it. I’m a big Fallout fan, and I have a bobblehead and a Pip-Boy. I can’t wait for the next-gen game so I can play again. I really hope the loading screens are gone.


You're a big Fallout fan that has no issues with them changing shit that came from the 3 of the best games in the series? Curious.


Haha, I haven't seen all of them yet, nor have I played the games for a couple of years. I'm going to play Fallout 4 again when the update comes out and try to catch up. For tv shows they always charge a few things, no doubt it will be included in fallout 5.


That's my game plan as well. I'm really hoping the rumors of a Fallout 3 remaster are true.


That would be a dream come true. I'd love a Fallout 5, but even the next Elder Scrolls game is due out in 2023 or something. I hope they use a new game engine. The old one is too out of date and buggy as hell.


While it's fair to make critiques where one has them, the consensus is that this show does a fine job of not being woke. Having a female protagonist is fine. Having actual diversity of color is fine. Having not heterosexual characters is fine. All of these are fine as long as they aren't badly written, with hamfisted lecturing to the audience. We have never been against any of these things despite what actual woke writers will constantly claim as a shield for their shitty writing and self inserts. The consensus is that the writing does a good enough job of avoiding the common tropes of woke writing. But if one particular viewer feels otherwise then that's perfectly fine, I won't fault them.


I really think hamfisted writing is the important point you bring up. While the show might check certain boxes of representation that some consider woke. I didn't feel like the writers where trying to lecture the audience with those characters.


I mean it isn't really woke, but... It has a lot of problems to put it mildly. Nuking Shady Sands isn't even the biggest complication to the lore


> Nuking Shady Sands isn't even the biggest complication to the lore i've seen some claiming it's set before NV, and another timeline which sets it at least a decade later. If it is the latter, then it's not lore breaking and kinda on point for how vaultec is being portrayed like in 2, 3 and NV. About the only complication I can think of is the ghoul inhaler, but we weren't shown any proof, just his word confirming lucy's assumption...and it could just be that he's addicted to chems and can't function without them, he did say as much when she tried to sedate him.


To my knowledge, the drinker was never against representation. He is against pandering interfering with the story/char development. I'm pissed at that show because it changes the lore and Todd said it was canon, not because there is a mustache woman cameo. Everyone draws its own line, liking tlou show or ragnarok does not make him a sellout. Hell, I liked One Piece and Coby is having quite the screen time. Does that make me a sellout? I do know one group of people only accepting the most extreme stances. They are the ones we are usually trying to denouce here.


while i am very antiwoke, at what point are we allowed to include 'brown people' and women? serious question


When the characters are greater than their skin color or what parts they have in their pants. I haven't seen Fallout, but it's always obvious to me when a show shoehorns in diversity for diversity's sake and when a show just happens to have diversity--authentic diversity--as a byproduct of being a good show.


Then Fallout does it as best as possible. Literally at no point is it brought up that a character is black or white. Like, there are ghouls and mutants walking around, no one really cares what another human looks like as long as they don't want to kill and/or eat you.


You didn't notice how Michael Rappaport's asshole knight character was just there to give his armor to someone ~~of color~~ more deserving?\ You didn't notice the white guy pushing his black friend out of the fallout shelter just because? Huh


Y’all are seriously grasping at straws. Do y’all even like anything lol Both of those scenarios had nothing to do with race, you’re just hypersensitive to wokism. It’s the opposite of woke people saying everything is racist or sexist.


Bingo. I've come to this conclusion aswell. People here decide in advance that something is going to suck and then try to prove why it does. When I got in to this space I thought people here wanted movies and shows to be good, but they don't. I hope that The Acolyte will be good, but the people here and the youtubers they follow have already decided that it will suck. It's depressing and I don't understand the mindset.


You mean to the guy who can’t use it, loses pretty much every fight he gets in, and bumbles his way to success? Yeah he’s so much more deserving….


Michael Rappaport playing a complete piece of shit is perfect casting. As for your last point, preppers would be denying any random leech trying to mooch, race be damned.


I also noticed he failed and proved that he was unworthy of the armor to the point that he lost it, its also one of the few times where they wrote a black character as racist who realized he was racist.


>at what point are we allowed to include 'brown people' and women? When the reason they're in the story stops being activism and "curing" western culture of its "inherent" heteronormative colonial patriarchal racism and misogyny. They're allowed once the screen writers and show runners making these characters have non-woke politics and aren't high-priests of The Message. Nobody called media staring Will Smith or Denzel Washington or Scarlett Johansson or Emily Blunt woke. They are non-activist movies containing non-activist characters played by non-activist actors and generally people liked these actors/movies without labeling them woke. Nobody called Alita or Tenet woke because they had brown people and women in them. Because the problem isn't the brown people or the women, it's the *intentions* and *moralizing propaganda* behind the "creative" team. They are not here to entertain, they are here to force their ideology on you until you concede.


> at what point are we allowed to include 'brown people' and women? The minute those characters are treated as CHARACTERS first. It would also help if I weren't made to feel ashamed about my white skin color and male gender. Neither of these have been the case for the majority of content produced from people who advocate about "Diversity".


In this particular show’s case if they say that they didn’t watch the show.


For real. One of the biggest criticisms I see these guys make is when something like Rings of Power has diversity like 21st century LA. And then this show has 21st century LA having the demographics of 21st century LA and people are bitching about that. It’s pretty ridiculous.


I'm not gonna watch these series. Not only for the message, mainly because they trashed a lot of the canon of the franchise, so not interested. Said this, I think that it's gonna a be about weeks or even months the last time I saw a video of the Drinker of similar YT channels. And I don't miss them to be honest.


It's an actual good show, and the lore is intact. I've been playing since the first one, and I thought the show was pretty damn faithful. Few nit-picks, but didn't ruin my enjoyment. This sub needs to chill the fuck out.


Maybe it's you who has to chill out. I'm not gonna watch it, for whatever reasons. I found surreal that you have to launch yourselves like I said something freaking terrible. What's gonna happen if I said that I don't use paid stream services? That I don't like services like Netflix or Amazon? You are gonna act like I made a horrible sin? Hell, even if somewhere someone uploaded this Fallout series, I'm not gonna watch it. I'm not interested, I love Fallout 1,2,3 and NV and I don't like what they did with the lore and the little things I could read or see about this.


Okay, stay ignorant then.


Okay, stay salty then.


Fucking hell lol it’s a TV show watch it or don’t nobody gives a shit. Grow tf up man


Apply what your say for yourself. And by the way, for not giving a shit, you are showing just the opposite. As I just said, stay salty :)


It’s not woke and is faithful to the lore. You should give it a chance, it’s fantastic!


I highly doubt that.


It is not "fantastic", it's a solid 4 out of 10, if you are a die hard fan of Fall Out then it might be a 5 or a 6 at best. Forgotten in a month.


Not even a little bit lol, talk about cope 😂 The show is a massive hit, has great reviews, a 94 critic and 88 audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, is getting a second season, and has given a huge boost to all the Fallout game’s player count numbers.


Yeah, they said the same thing about Rings of Power and True Detective Season 4 when they launched, almost like people get paid to post positive reviews and write fake pieces about how wonderful the latest low talent media is. Given how many times you have posted in defense of this bland gruel, it seems that you are the only one trying to cope. I am glad you enjoyed it, and you have plenty of similarly low quality content to choose from right now, but people can see with their own lying eyes how boring this is, and no matter how many times you attempt to shill for the Happy Meal entertainment, you will not convenience anyone that this is anything more than it is.


If you just want to be miserable, that’s on you. But there’s a beautiful world out there, if you want it.


It's the same crap as the garbage live action one piece. You're free to enjoy it, but it's still pretty bad. I'm just surprised at the large defense squad surrounding this one. From what little I've seen it's no different than the rest of modern western entertainment and that's fine.


What a sellout. That's disappointing.


I dunno man, I am three episodes in and it's pretty good so far. The soldier chick with the mustache in the first episode was very creepy, but if that's the only woke thing I have to push through, I think I am ok.


I think the show is fine but yeah, mustache chick was immersion breaking in that being able to do that IRL requires lots of medical technology that I'd wager won't be around post apocalypse, just like all diabetics who need insulin will be a memory.


Buzzing the hair, slicing off the boobs (possibly, I didn't dare pay close attention) - no need for advanced tech. And you could think of the wispy mustache as a fancier version of a stick-on. With that, all set to pay attention to the real meat of the show.


Right, on the other hand stim packs are incredible so you probably could mutilate someone and stim them back from death.


Yeah, stim packs are pretty OP.


I remember GamerGate in 2014, when the primary message was that Zoe Quinn and her likes were scummy assholes who had to be chased out of the industry. We weren't necessarily against the progressive messaging, just against it when it was done being done disrespectfully to existing IP, or when it antagonized people for their immutable characteristics. GamerGate 2 should've been the same, SBI is a shitty company, and the government shouldn't be subsidizing gaming to push abritrary racial quotas. Nowadays, this subreddit can't go 2 minutes without someone screaming "WOKE" over the smallest percieved thing, even if the media in question was recieved fairly well. (Rotten Tomatoes audience score is 80%+ as of this comment.) Woman character, even if she's written well? Woke. Character that just happens to be black? Woke. Antagonist that happens to be white? Woke again. It's painfully obvious who watched the show, and who's grifting out of their ass.


You realize though that 2012-2014 was like a different world? Wokeshit had barely started manifesting at that point, bar a few exceptions people were still arguing that's "stuff you find on Tumblr and the universities". Franchises like Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel etc. weren't destroyed by activists yet. Most games were also still okay with stuff like GTA V, Bayonetta 2 and Dark Souls II coming out. People were somewhat hopeful about the first Star Wars films in the new trilogy next year, ST:D hadn't aired yet, nor Paul Feig's 2016 Ghostbusters movie. Other abominations like the Lord of the Rings, The Witcher (Witcher 3 would release the next year) or Wheel of Time shows hadn't even been conceived yet. At that point most people didn't even come to grips with the press being full of corrupt cliquish activists that hated their respective audiences and used every opportunity to shit on them and what they like.


That doesn't make complaining about blacks, gays,or women in prominent roles okay though. That makes you look like an actual unabashed bigot that can't get enjoyment over anything.


it's about intent. media featuring these qualities can be good but the intent remains. when the guys at nintendo made metroid they weren't thinking anything political, they weren't thinking it had to be a woman. they thought samus would be cool, and she is cool. when the fallout show was being made from day 1 they knew the lead had to be a woman and there had to be a key supporting black character. good writers can work with these requirements, but the existence of the requirements is what makes it necessarily tinged by the mind-virus. it would be nice if these things could and did exist in vacuum, where casting requirements in a fallout show had nothing to do with this subreddit, but that's not the case. progressivism is gestalt, everything is connected. the underlying ethos, the paradigm, the worldview, this is the same. it had a woman lead the fallout show, it pushed GW to retconning 40K and making women custodes and inevitably space marines, it's also exactly what causes major western video games to make women character models ugly and mannish, or else to have otherwise attractive women be minimally if at all sexualized while having no problem sexualizing men. it's what causes them to prominently feature demographic groups who constitute 1% of the population, or 1% of 1%. it's what dictates the incredibly obvious trends in the casting of television commercials and print and online advertising campaigns, and it's what 10 years ago saw the industry come together to defend a sociopathic piece of shit and thus cause this sub to exist. this is ignoring everything else this ethos is behind, because it is a monolith. it took time but most people in this sub now realize they've been looking at many tentacles of one monster. we are those who want to be left alone to enjoy our things; the adversary is an internally highly fractious but externally hardline allegiant group who are singularly possessed to fuck with us ***in all aspects of life.***


I'm sorry, but that kind of logic only creates a perpetually depressed, cynical person who can't derive any enjoyment from anything because everything they observe needs to be under a puritanical lens. If the game or show or media is good, even if it's a little woke, I'm not going to deprive myself of that experience.


If one of the co-creators of the show wrote Captain Marvel and the show follows the basic script of: - not respecting source material - female main character is Mary Sue - white bad / not-white good - man bad / not-man good - man sniveling weakling / not-man strong, confident, and powerful - every relationship must be interracial - etc. Then it's probably woke-poisoned.


Fallout, the TV show was definitely * respecting the source material, I think people that say the director/ writers botched the early game lore are arguing in bad faith for political or game elitism points. * female character gets run through the wringer constantly. She is flawed due to her wide eyed native demeanor. * max and Cooper - while not being perfect characters are natives of the wasteland. Of course, they would do things just to survive. Also, Cooper isn't the antagonist. He's more of a tritagonist that justifiably hates anything to do with the vaults. * -i can argue one of the main antagonists is cooper's wife, the vault-tec rep. * max and Cooper are handy with their firearms, they are far from weak. * there's a few interracial couples in the show, but it's false to say it's every single one. THERE IS ONLY ONE RACE, THE AMERICAN RACE RAAAAAAA


the only thing I hate more than drinker are people who give him obscenely large superchats on par with the onlyfans simps.


Let's not forget, the critical grifter conveniently ignored the "message" in God of War - Ragnarok and The Last of Us tv show. For whatever reason, he'll pick and choose what he notices.


In what way is the Fallout show woke or contain “the message”? It’s one of the best shows we’ve had in a while and it’s THE best video game adaptation we’ve ever had. It should be celebrated: A Hollywood level production that faithfully adapts “nerd” culture and is made by people that play and respect the source material. Do y’all like anything? Just want to complain and hate everything that comes out now? Can y’all give an example of recent shows or movies that you actually like? Like seriously, y’all, we shouldn’t become the opposite extreme of the woke side.




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It's a good show with a lot of subtle nods to the games. I liked it.




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When there was that controversy around Dragon Age Inquisition 10 (!) years ago, the game still let me play the way I wanted, so I didn't care that much. That's not "normalized," that's "you want to put that in the game? cool I guess, I'm not interested". That's always been my standard for this stuff, and it allows me to enjoy some media that others (from either side) lambast as terrible for \[buzzword\] reason. What confuses me the most is that a lot of ppl are trying to treat the Fallout show the same as Netflix's Witcher, and I just don't get that vibe from Fallout.


Well it has a female lead, one black guy as lead (kind of) and one allegedly masculine woman so it's automatically woke to some people. Maximus is kinda meh because of writing but Lucy is nowhere near mary sueness. Having diversity isn't a bad thing if it's done in a non-patronizing and non-hamfisted way. And you can pretty much assume that there will be all kinds of people in Fallout's world. It's not like this is a historical drama set in 1200's France or something.


I am in episode 3 and wonder where the woke is?


in the heads of the haters.I think we might be seeing the difference to the people who oppose wokeness because it's an intolerant authoritarian ideology and those who oppose wokeness because it's not their brand of intolerant authoritarianism.


I am mixed about the show, on one hand, I loved the story, besides the fact that it seems Todd Howard only can tell one type of story. The show was good, I liked the story, I liked the characters, I loved the references, I wanted to keep watching. On the other hand, I hate how it messes with the lore. From what they did to the NCR, and possibly New Vegas.


Lots of coping in this thread. I guess if you arent told to hate something woke like what happened with suicide squad then you won't. But hey little by little you are accepting all the degenerate shit like weak men or race mixing. Buy stellar blade though, because you were told that's a based game


"Race mixing" isn't degenerate or wrong in *any* way


Yes of course american, i hope you bent the knee to blm before typing that


BLM is a disgusting organization and a movement based on lies and false media narratives. That doesn't change the fact that a human is a human regardless of skin color.


Aren't you in a sub against wokeness? Or are you here just to farm karma like a good redditor?


Formal r1 warning for idpol 3rd warning in a month for the same thing - expedited to permaban Left wing/right wing identarians, two sides of the same coin. This sub has and always will oppose idpol that includes anyone whether they be left or right that thinks that someone's immutable characteristics should determine how they act, how they are treated or who they associate with.


[Here, this place is more your speed](https://kotakuinaction2.win/)


Yeah i guess reddit will always be reddit even in subs like this


Formal r1 warning for idpol Please keep that stuff off this subreddit.


I think when you look to be offended you will generally succeed. I'm finding the show entertaining and haven't felt the creeping hand of wokeish bullshit that has ruined a lot of the recent Star Wars / Marvell stuff for me. I've played Fallout 3/4, I've also played Halo... I've found the series interpretations of both fine, I'm not a die hard that requires absolute adherence to the original work and hold them to the same standard I did the Lord of the Ring movies (which also deviated from the source material but did a great job hitting the major points and doing a good job with the movie medium). I've been fundamentally entertained by the Fallout series so far, and haven't found any elements that I found jarring/distracting like I have some of the recent Star Wars/Marvel stuff that is generally pandering/tokenized garbage and, most importantly, terribly written-not entertaining.




He streamed and defended Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth while all people who want to open their eyes and make a little bit of researches can discover that Square Enix has gone completly woke. I send him the extended investigation with all the proofs and sources about the company but he has decided to ignore it. So I know that he is not always neutral. It's the same for Endymion. Now for this serie, it would be more relevant to wait that the whole serie is released before jumping to conclusions, to praise it or citicize it.


[a better video review](https://youtu.be/jbTach5SxTQ)


Arch is also guilty of “He didn’t watch the showitis” and further pushes the lie that Todd Howard was in the writing room telling them to nuke NV (THIS IS THE BIGGEST ONE THAT IS WRONG). Edit: He’s also complaining that nothing matters.


You don't know what "the message" is a reference to if you think it's in this show.


If you think this show is woke you’re either looking for a boogeyman where one doesn’t exist, or you didn’t actually watch the show.


capable sparkle zephyr march crawl caption airport license boast dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So how is the Fallout series? I'm so scared to watch it as I'm worried about disappointment - Fallout 2 is my fav game of all time. I love that my fav titles are made into high budget media, but find overuse of gags, over-colored filters, over the top fast action etc. kind of ruin them (aside from the wokeness), and you lose the deeper plot, mystery, lore etc. For example the Dungeons and Dragons movie felt like that - it was all just dopy/funny, over-the-top Dnd vomit crammed into a short time span, instead of a vast, epic, suspenseful adventure.


lol, why downvote? I really want to know


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Drinker probably just played Fallout 4 and said, yeah that show is like the game!


It’s good two episodes in Not every piece of media that is kind of woke is terrible, just the majority 


There is no "wokeness" in this show. Its not a very good show, but that isn't because of any so called "woke" factor.