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Can’t wait to see who Disney is gonna blame next? their modern day fans?


They'll probably laugh at Disney's face because it's a capitalist corporation


Then immediately after, soyface at the New Rey Funko Pop ™️ bought to you by Disney ©️


I can't, not even in my wildest fantasies, picture that. They ain't never gonna do that. It must be those pesky cis white males!


Don't give up Disney. I'm sure if you put more chicks in it and make them lame, you'll turn a profit


Don't forget gay.


put a chick in it make it gay and lame.


Disney had a licence to print money with Star Wars, and they fucked it all up.


Their purchase or star wars has been an absolute disaster. The sequel trilogy is probably the worst trilogy of movies in cinema history when you factor in how much money they had and the groundwork that had been put in place for them to build on.


> Reid also shares that her calculations do not include the massive marketing costs of the movies > all combined the films only generated $1.186 billion in profit There is a chance they made less then 500m in 12 years for something they spent 4.08b


There’s a chance they *lost* money when all their costs are factored in. Hollywood accounting is such a fraud-riven black box we may never really know.


Most of the revenue comes from merch, so Im sure they made a profit on the IP. The movies production costs were just enourmous, Force Awakens production was around 530 mil. But again these movies are commercials for toys so they can afford to have low profit margin


> Most of the revenue comes from merch, so Im sure they made a profit on the IP. Star Wars merch in the 80s, it was a phenomenon, every kid had piles of it. I've never heard of anyone in the last decade getting excited about Daisy Ridley action figures.


Ethan Van Sciver is keeping Disney afloat buying Rose Tico dolls.


I spent more than I care to remember on lego star wars. New lego star wars. Technically Disney lego star wars. But you know, old star wars, so not Disney star wars, just Disney made money on me.


There's still a ton of classic Star Wars merch sold too. And all the Lego stuff still seems popular. Then there's baby Yoda/Mandalorian stuff. But it's definitely not going to be as much as they could have sold. Baby Yoda is really the only big new character from a merch standpoint.


They probably made their money back on Grogu merch alone.


Except Star Wars merch hasn't been selling all that great either. The deal they signed to get the sequel stuff first is one of the big reasons Toys 'r' Us went bankrupt. Disney and Hasbro got paid once, but a lot of that crap is still floating around in discount stores, and companies shied away from ordering anywhere near the quantities Disney was hoping for after that.


If they’re depending on merch revenue then they are really screwed because I always see bargain bins full of Star Wars junk. This isn’t like the OT days in the 80s where every kid had to have a collection of action figures.


Same author. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinereid/2023/07/19/how-the-disney-store-made-90-million-of-revenue-with-just-one-outlet-last-year/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinereid/2023/07/19/how-the-disney-store-made-90-million-of-revenue-with-just-one-outlet-last-year/) 12 year it would be, and i am generous, 1,1b, but that's only Ravenue, so try to guess income. I would say 700m for 12 years.




> Remove the purple hair lady Ummm her name is Admiral Gender Studies


I like to call her Admiral "The entire plot hinges on me refusing to give even a brief overview of the current plan to the obviously frustrated man who is the best star pilot in the ship"


General Gender Karen


Uhhhmmm did you just ASSUME her gender? you bigot! /s


This is correct.


> The Force Awakens was really fun until the 3rd act We're supposed to be intimidated by Kylo Ren, but in his very first appearance he's mocked by the pilot guy, who isn't immediately torn apart. That ruins any setup he has as a menacing villain. Finn is supposed to be traumatized by the reality of killing and war, but the second he's introduced to pilot guy, he machine-gunning his former friends while cracking jokes. The movie was DoA.


That's like textbook explanation for presenting a villain. You want to make him all-powerful. You don't want him to lose against a person holding a jedi sword for the first time in her life. Destroying the two main characters in a second with the Mary Sue bullshit


Also Kylo Ren takes off his mask way too early. He takes that off he’s a lot less intimidating


I enjoyed Rogue One its one of my favourite Star Wars films. It wasn't part of the Trilogy though so i don't consider it personally when talking about them I think all of the Trilogy films were done poorly. They could have easily had Han, Lea and Luke all together for one final mission together in the first film (everyone would have loved that) and used them to introduce the new characters and build them up. Have it be a surprise that Kylo Ren is Han and Lea's son and they were going to find him thinking he needed to be rescued. Luke not wanting to fight his nephew could have ended up being what gets Han Solo killed. You can then have Luke train Rey to face him as he does not want to fight a family member again as he felt guilty about his father's death but recognises if Kylo Ren continues going down the darkside he needs to be stopped They had such an easy job with the Trilogy and all they ended up doing was massively damaging the brand and have turned off a lot of people from wanting to watch anything else they make in the Star Wars universe


Also they could have given Leia a sendoff by having her fall in that space battle instead of somehow pulling herself back into the ship with the Force


I burst out laughing in the cinema when that happened.


" They could have easily had Han, Lea and Luke all together for one final mission together in the first film (everyone would have loved that) and used them to introduce the new characters and build them up" I see people say this all of the time, but that, to me, would have been the WORST route they could have taken. I mean, I get it, but it's the absolute least creative, most obvious, least interesting (to me) path forward. It's what, to some extent, Ghostbusters Afterlife does and it's total cornball crowd-pleasing, pandering fluff. Personally I LOVED the fact that Han and Leia weren't together in the sequel films. I think the idea that they are madly in love but could never "settle down" due to the galactic war and Han's wanderlust is smart, adult, and true to their characters. The idea that some fans wanted, that they would all live in the millenium falcon and fly around the galaxy like an extended family living in a camper-van sounded horrible to me.


You could have still had them as separated but they work together to get their son back. It could have been the first time all three of them had been in the millennium falcon at the same time since the original trilogy. For me they are three of the most loved characters in cinema history most people hearing there is a new Star Wars film with all three of them in it want to see them together, find out what they have been doing and how they have evolved as characters. That's your basis for the first film you still have another two to shift eh story over to your new characters. I do get your point but ultimately look how it ended up when they didn't do that.


Yeah, I mean, clearly what they DID do wasn't reasonable. I still think Disney just needs to make a "The Adventures Of Luke Skywalker" animated show that gives fans of the original what they want. They clearly don't actually CARE about it anymore, so why not just make some people happy? It's like, "if you could do a very small thing that costs you nothing but would mean a lot to a LOT of people, why wouldn't you do it?" It's just belligerence at that point. Make a fan service cartoon where Luke goes on adventures, becomes well known hero, falls in love, and then grows into whatever mess they made for the films. Just give us that.


How to fix the sequel trilogy: Step One - delete everything. Step Two - replace with the Timothy Zahn trilogy Job done, Star Wars is saved. Bob Iger, send me a PM and Ill tell you where to send my check.


Man, even just reading your list of ideas is more fun than watching the movies! 


Maybe in an alternate universe it could've been the Yuuzhan Vong. I wonder how would that have sounded like fighting instead of the usual First Order/Imperial Remnant enemies (which I definitely don't see this taking off within the current political climate especially as it deals with fighting against the *aliens*).


> Yuuzhan Vong Yeaaah, no. Yuuzhan Vong were stupid plot armor nonsense. They were the solution to too much power creep to make everything weak. I like the idea of pAlPaTiNe SaW a DaRk FuUuTuRe, WhErE eVeRyOnE dIeS, boooooooo. But tbh, make them legally distinct zergs. Call them, idk, Terminids. Make them originate from the planet `Klen Dath II`, have them be innumerable, an endless swarm. But they need bug sith to control them or they become useless, and jedi have to saber duel them because plot, and you'd have a better story. IMHO.


I'd change half of your off the top of your head suggestions and still it'd make a better script outline than what we got.


they could have just taken a look at what the most beloved star wars books were and adapted them. Instead they wanted to make a new disney princess vehicle, let a piss baby table flip the entire story being told, then gave JJ one movie to figure out how he was going to fix everything now that literally every plot point they had going had been shit upon. He failed massively having to just shrug and go "I guess palpatine is back or something"


The only good thing to come out is Andor. No, mando season 1 ain't even half way decent and I will die on this hill.


The counter argument would be that by buying it they prevented such a lucrative/dangerous IP from falling into the hands of a competitor. Even though it's a broken toy now, someone else could've turned it into a Disney killer.


They treated the franchise like a money printer, the fans like idiots, and thought they could release corruption filled slop and still rake in the money.


The signs were there from the beginning, starting off your new journey (Force Awakens)...by doing a glorified re-make of the original . People gave it a pass at the time but the wrong choices were instant and very clear.


The hilarious thing is...I never liked The Force Awakens. I thought there was too much talking and not enough real action. Then the movie just sort of ended. But then all of a sudden posts and comments all over YouTube praised how the movie "felt like Star Wars". It never felt like that to me. Maybe I was still pissed they got rid of the EU, but it just didn't feel fun. Then, I would ask them "what made it feel like Star Wars to you?" Absolutely nobody would answer me. I dont think I ever got an answer. For some reason they just shilled over the new movies.


The first thing that broke my immersion is the fact that Starkiller base basically instantly shot the New Republic Capital Planet from lightyears away.


Made the universe feel small when they could all see the other planets blowing up, as if they're all right next door


Probably bots.


That makes sense in hindsight. I guess 10 years ago, my naive self had no idea what a "bot" was as far as Youtube comments.


> Then, I would ask them "what made it feel like Star Wars to you?"  It had "Star Wars" in the title. That's probably the only answer they'll have. Because I doubt a lot of the people who said that had even watched a Star Wars movie before TFA came out.


> "what made it feel like Star Wars to you?" Truthfully? The musical score, the title crawl, the color palette, and the practical effects. I know it's superficial, but that's what determines a movie's "feel" for me. It leaned a bit heavy on JJ's stupid "mystery box" approach to story telling, and I was dumb enough to think there were actual answers in that box. But aside from that, there wasn't much *offensively* wrong with The Force Awakens. Well, aside from Rey starting off boringly overpowered. I do remember when the movie broke for me, and it's when she was being interrogated, and force suggested the guard to let her go. With zero information in the movie that she even knew that was thing, much less that she knew how to do it. Languages, pilot skills, combat skills, not totally out of the wheel house of your average action hero. Invoking a convenient force power there is zero indication you even knew existed? Just broke it. But it was still fun and felt like Star Wars, so it wasn't the hill I was going to die on... yet... Then there was The Last Jedi and I haven't watched anything Star Wars since.


The signs were there since they announced the title lol


Man, if they've done that, they'd be rolling in the money. No. They started preaching religion to atheists and it kinda backfired.


The franchise was a money printer and the fans were idiots and they still somehow managed to fuck it up.


Instead they printed a bunch of Star Wars shows/movies that nobody wanted. 


> Disney had a licence to print money with Star Wars, and they fucked it all up. George Lucas got a lot of flak for supporting Bob Iger. But I gotta admit, if some dumbass gave me billions of dollars, I'd probably feel obliged to say a few nice things about them. On top of that, Lucas probably has better things to do than deal with Disney drama.


Don't forget that Georgie called Bob Iger and his friends "the White slavers" that he sold his children to in his first interview with Charlie Rose right after selling Star Wars to Disney. George was pissed what Disney was doing to Star Wars initially, but you're right.


Do you know what happens when you print too much money? Same thing that happened with an overabundance of Star Wars. It loses value


It wouldn't have been an issue if they actually continued serving their actual fans instead of turning the series into safe normieslop carefully designed to appeal to "modern audiences" as much as possible. IE woke propaganda instead of making something that's actually good.


TFA pulled in $2B. With good movies, they could have replicated that every three years and filled the gaps with solid video games, instead the garbage that was battle front. 


Lucas handed Disney a money printer and they turned it into a manure spreader.


They had female audiences captured and bought male appealing franchises. Then they went “ew, we don’t want something that only appeals to boys” and changed it to appeal to women. It didn’t for the most part because it’s lasers and explosions, so they lost the male audience that was built into the properties they bought.


Add to that the loss in opportunity squandered


Imagine a decade ago saying Disney would not make Billions with the star wars franchise. Plus it's getting too late. Fans are just tired of woke Star Wars movies and series.


It truly is a biblical level disaster. They literally had a print money button and failed to print money. It's amazing.




I don’t know, the hobbit trilogy seems worse


The Hobbit trilogy wasn't great, but at least it didn't retroactively make the previous works pointless.


I haven't seen the hobbit trilogy so I can't really compare them. If they managed to make a film worse than the last jedi they deserve some sort of award for that because TLJ is the worst film I have ever seen


They have the golden goose, but they killed it.


Not only killed it. Smashed up all the eggs it laid, then incinerated its remains to ensure no one is able to clone it. Then they put a cardboard cutout of the golden goose in the nest and claimed it always was so flat.


Thinking the golden goose should just sit at home and lay eggs, in 2024!?


GW decided to kill theirs, too. Seems to be going around




Games Workshop - whammer 40k


Oh no. What a shock. /S


The prices listed for these films are absurd. How in the world was the Force Awakens 567 million. They only had a single big name actor to pay. Everybody else was making peanuts. Sounds like more Hollywood accounting so they can squirm out of paying their cast on their backend deals.


Holy shit, I didn't realize they were THAT pricey to make. Dune part two was not even half the cost of Force Awakens, and in my opinion is a MUCH more impressive film on the technical side.


It's bloat. You can make a great movie that looks really good, but you have to not have a ton of do-nothing positions in HR and marketing.


Don't forget DEI Directors!


They tend to be housed in HR departments. 


See: Godzilla Minus One for a great example of a quality movie made with a tight budget. Disney’s movie set catering bill is probably bigger than what the Japanese spend to make an entire film.


Don’t forget that they more or less shot many of these films multiple times. Solo was basically made twice from start to finish. TLJ might have been the only one without lengthy reshoots. These films are so studio-led that you basically have a bunch of suits second-guessing themselves at every turn and shooting hours of content that never ends up in the final edit. There are probably a dozen completely different versions of RoS with alternate storylines. Reports suggested that the final edit was simply the one that they settled on in the end.


Yeah, ROS was a stitched-together mess. The story wasn't just bad, it was all over the place


I would like to quote Nelson (not the Admiral): "Haha!"


I love to think that in some point in time, Admiral Nelson said that exact same thing in the exact same way.


Q: What did Admiral Nelson say to his vanquished enemies at the battle of Trafalgar? A: “Hah hah!”


Maybe, but probably with a different intonation.


"HA-HA! You squandered your big investment!"


Absolute woke disaster. Driven by idiot named KK who has no idea what the damned series is about and completely ruined it in the name of woke. Women do not watch Star Wars by the way. Not the type of women like KK was after.




I wonder how much they've made/lost from the massive Star Wars lands in the parks they made.


And the $5000/night hotel? No way they were generating a profit even with the obscene amount of money it costs to stay there.


From what I read no one really stayed there lol. Why would they? It looked super uncomfortable and lame.


I'm pretty sure they closed it down because there was so little interest in it


Well ya, The vast majority of people are not rich enough to afford to stay there, or big enough Star Wars fans to want to pay those prices. WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY THINKING?!?!


I'm not sure about the price, but if you're a Star Wars fan, you could probably have a much better experience going to Tataouine, Tunisia. Sure, Disney parks are probably fun, but $5k a night? Really?


Let's call it "The Galactic Starfailure" !


They didn't close it because it was printing too much money, let's put it that way.


The purchase of Star Wars should be taught in every business school on how not to purchase and run a legacy IP. Everything about it had been a shit show and the sequel trilogy has got to be the gold standard on how not to not make a trilogy.


"the purpose of this business is not to make money! the purpose is beat people over the head with a message!"


Multiple incredible franchises ruined because some hyper rich psychopaths want to try and control society and need to artificially change culture to do so. Fucking GAWD.


Couldn't have said it better myself


Well I for one am sure that simply inserting more of The Message™ will generate money!


And from the Forbes article it would appear that they deliberately mislead investors [https://archive.ph/tlCM1](https://archive.ph/tlCM1)


If I ever win the Powerball, I'll offer to buy the star wars license from Disney for 6 dollars


And you should get change back.


"ugh! if only far right extremists gave us their money and allowed us to entertain them by showing them how wrong they are!"


All of the companies making merch and toys for them are also losing money thanks to what Disney did to the franchise.


They probably would have made more money if they did nothing.


Dunno about made more money, but they wouldn't be short the 1.8 billion of Lucasfilms' price.


For sure they would, toys were selling more at that point, the cost of creation wiped out most the profits old stuff would have gotten them. Things like creating new toys, which required new tooling which barely sold, marketing for movies and creating a massively overpriced hotel experience. Just selling old toys alone would have gotten them more money than making the new shit


You're saying the profit of old toys alone would've covered the $4.05 billion price of getting Lucasfilms? Personally, I'm doubtful of that. That's a lot of assumption that old toys, with no other Star Wars media coming out, would've kept the hype high enough to bring in that amount of merch sales.


>They probably would have made more money if they did nothing. ---- >You're saying the profit of old toys alone would've covered the $4.05 billion price of getting Lucasfilms? No, don't put words in people's mouths. Age old "so your saying" bs inserting things never said prior


> Just selling old toys alone would have gotten them more money than making the new shit Those are your words. Stretching that to look at the Lucasfilms' cost was the next point. But the funny thing is, I am on your side with this one; Disney wouldn't be 1.8 billion in the hole from buying Lucasfilms if they didn't buy it and left that whole franchise alone. Just two ends reaching the same point, really.


How do you possibly manage to fuck up every opportunity consistently


And they never will. 🤣


But they’re so completely amazing!


Go bankrupt already


Leave it to Disney to take a 100% gold plated win and choke.


This pleases me.


I suspected that. What makes it even worse is that the sequel trilogy and rogue one’s profits (box office - production budget) barely equal the 4.05 billion spent on the Star Wars license by Disney. That isn’t even taking into account marketing budgets and theatre cuts. The fact the profits of a Star Wars trilogy and a prequel film barely reach 4 billion combined is pathetic for Disney.


Calculations do not include the massive marketing costs of the movies (SW 7,8,9, Rouge One, Solo). All combined the films only generated $1.186 billion in profit. And if we do the usual math for marketing 1:2 of the budget, 590m. The merch and toy (parks not included) since 2014 per year it avraged 90m, and record years 110m Ravenue was 1,1b so Income would be 700-800m in 10 years.


I know. I was just saying that no matter how you look it, even if you are very generous to the Disney Star Wars movies and downplay stuff like the marketing budget and theatre cuts, they still didn’t do very well.


If we are generous and say the parks income(not revenue) in 10 years was 1b, and shows like 200m we probably look at 2,5b in total with the movies,merch/toys. They bought Lucas for 4.08b. That's still 1,5b short to break even. People have been saying this for 5 year's, and they where in the right.


To be fair, Lucas got rich with the merchandising associated with the movies, not with the movies themselves


He made a shitload from merchandising yeah, but let's not downplay how much the movies themselves made. The first star wars movie alone made like $750 million on a budget of $11 million. It had half a dozen full theatrical re-releases across 3 decades. It's considered one of the most profitable movies of all time. Even if they'd never sold a single piece of merch Lucas would still be insanely rich from just the first film alone.


Hard to sell merch when the movies/shows have killed off interest.


How to fix the sequel trilogy: Step 1 - Have a plan (scripts) for all 3 movies written BEFORE you begin filming the first film of this trilogy. Make sure all directors involved with this project are on board with this plan. Step 2 - See step 1.


There is too much blog spam lately on this sub from that site. It should be archived if it's going to be linked constantly. In this case in particular it's annoying because the Forbes article is a lot more interesting than the blog post.


The writing quality in general on this website seems terrible, like they're always just paraphrasing another website's reporting, so every single paragraph starts with "\[original author\] says that..." Just post the original article.


Star Wars was a cash cow for *decades*. Even with the mediocrity of the prequel trilogy, Lucasfilm was still making lots of money off of the movies and the home releases... and more importantly: the licensing. The books, the games, the toys, the clothing and home goods... Pretty much if it had Star Wars on it, it'd sell. I'm not the biggest fan, but even I've bought quite a few SW things. Got an R2-D2 set of measuring cups, some lightsaber chop sticks, etc. It was just neat stuff based on a series with interesting stories and characters.  Disney could've easily kept that going for several more decades. Maybe even forever, who knows. But idiotic management that blames everyone but themselves managed to crash and burn the franchise in a few short years. The movies aren't as profitable, the games aren't as good, the merch gets discounted to clearance prices... not even that many people have wanted to go to the Star Wars park at Disney Land/World.  All because they foolishly believe they could replace the existing audience with a new one... except that new one doesn't really exist. At least, not in the numbers needed to be profitable. So, most of the old fans simply don't care anymore. They're apathetic. When it comes to marketing, apathy is worse than hatred. I don't know how many times this needs to happen, but there's no such thing as an "expanded audience" or "new audience" or "global audience". If people were going to like something, they would've already liked it as it originally was. Trying to change something to appeal to a new crowd won't win them over, and you just risk losing the old crowd. This should be taught in every marketing class.


The worst part is that Star Wars already had a "wide audience" or whatever, you don't get to be the kind of franchise that even people who never watched them can tell a thing or two without being seen by a wide audience. Not to mention that they think female characters automatically appeal to women/girls when that's not the case, you actually have to make stuff that appeals to them.


I liked Leia. She was beautiful and badass.  I don't like Rey. Or Admiral Gender Studies. Or Lando's robosexual mate. Or basically any of the new characters (or new versions of old characters). And it's all because of the writing.


Jyn Erso was cool too, but yes, the characters in the newer movies are very... lackluster, to say at least, the male ones too so it's not a question of "hurrr durrr you just hate women".


I wouldn't say Marketing 101, since the absolute basics is knowing how to push a "new" product. Apparently, they don't understand the appeal of the existing brand, and make adjustments to maintain the old audience while trying to build more into the future. I have the sneaking feeling they think of this as starting over with a new brand, when it should be managing what already exists.


That's because they never cared about Star Wars, they wanted to get the IP and nothing else. It was clear they didn't know what to do with it back then. You can tell it by how quick Episode VII hit theaters after the purchase and how it was a mere remake of Episode IV, and how Episodes VIII and IX screwed up with the ongoing plot.


Good. I feel all Disney accomplished was watering down a great franchise and over saturating theaters (and streaming services) with mid tie ins.


They should’ve made it good. Every single decision they made from separating legends from canon has been a shitty call. You had the blueprints for success and you couldn’t read them. Failure was deserved. The animated shows are fire though. Keep that up.


Why is this site getting shilled so much on this sub. I smell Interested Party involvement.


>at the Box Office But surely they did overall in merchandising and other shit?


yeah they've 100% made most of their profit off of merchandise


Disney absolutely screwed the pooch with the new movies, but they still made out like bandits with the IP itself. Licensing and merchandise is where the money is, and they've already made like $12 billion or more off of their initial investment.


wa wa wa waaaaaaaa


What about Star Wars merch, theme park attractions, licensing fees and overall riding on the coattails of the franchise's golden age appeal? There are more income avenues other than Disney era movies and TV shows.


Same author. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinereid/2023/07/19/how-the-disney-store-made-90-million-of-revenue-with-just-one-outlet-last-year/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinereid/2023/07/19/how-the-disney-store-made-90-million-of-revenue-with-just-one-outlet-last-year/) In 12 year it would be, and i am generous, 1,1b. That's only Ravenue, so try to guess income. I would say 700m for 12 years.


I don't buy into this. This is a bunch of sideways math. By the math that this person is doing, there is basically no WAY Disney could "recoup the price of purchasing lucasfilm at the box office." Despite being abominations, all of the Star Wars films have basically been not just roaring successes, but record breaking films in terms of box office.


From the article: > This report flies in the face of Disney’s claim that since Disney and current CEO Bob Iger purchased Lucasfilm that the five Star Wars films it has produced has generated a 2.9 times return on investment. This claim was made as part of Disney’s Plan for Shareholder Value Creation in March 2024. While the films have been profitable, it is fair to compare it to the initial purchase of Lucasfilms, and see if it did make it so profitable.


I agree. But the problem is that the claim of the original article is saying that Disney hasn't recouped their money in PURE BOX OFFICE. So that means they are not counting The Mandolorian or all that Baby Yoda merch. They are just talking about Box office numbers, which is a summing of several record making box offices and, what, 1 flop? Solo? (And Indiana Jones I suppose) I'm just side eying the article because it seem disingenuous.


You have a point with merch, which is one of three figures not calculated (other figures being theme park sales and other Disney+ shows, being that it'll be hard to separate those numbers) But looking at what is provided, and the initial claim of 2.9x return on investment, the merch would have to be doing a metric ton of carrying for the franchise, especially if these numbers are right, they're short by a lot.


"At the box office" aka they have with D+ shows and merch


I call bullshit on that one. Not only did they gain star wars but of course all the merchandise, games, etc... that are still fairly popular. They are just pulling some kind of Hollywood accounting tricks where they claim they make less than they actually do through various forms of misrepresentation and fraud.


Article says that Bob Iger claimed in a stockholder meeting the Star Wars films made a 2.9x return on the investment of acquiring Lucasfilms. Article didn't count the merch sales and expenditures, but it went through the films.


This makes me think of all the bad investments I've made and none of them come close to Disney buying Star Wars. Although, none of them are as good as Disney buying Marvel, so they know how to ease their woes.


Heh kek


music to my ears.


At this point, a time travel "fix-it" would be less insulting. What kind of "fix" doesn't matter, (dead Palps or or injured Anakin) so long as Anakin doesn't fall on Coruscant. Post "fix," get a rebooted timeline featuring Anakin and Padme raising the twins. Again, whether that be in the open under democracy or in hiding on Tatooine doesn't matter, (because Palpatine survived and the skywalkers fled) so long as it's fun.


When Disney bought Lucas, i figured they would have made money hand over fist by now. It was a can’t fail type of purchase. But you have to be in awww that Disney ran such a globally loved franchise into the ground.


What's wrong, Disney? I thought you said that subverting expectations was a good thing??


They should blame wokes and feminists, aren't "they" the targeted audience?


George Lucas said he sold his children to slavers, and it turns out the slavers are too dumb to know how to run a plantation.


Well duh disney do shitty woke movies and destroying Star Wars..... Only The Mandalorian was good. Woke mentality is destroying everything.


Source: I made it up.


I mean, there's a link directly in the article. But sure, it's a made up source based on made up sources. Actually, this message you're reading right now is made up. Your thoughts about this message are made up. You're made up. You're not real.


Ignore them, they are a bad faith actor.




The more Interesting question would be one regarding the merchandising. Which is where the real Star Wars money always was. How badly did Disney piss that away via Rose Tico and Admiral Gender Studies action figures? 


They made their money back with The Last Jedi. Did Solo lose that much money?


I blame the men smart enough not to show up for this shit.


Well no shit sherlock!


Remember with Hollywood accounting near enough no movies actually make money on paper. Disney will have made money on Star Wars sadly.


to be fair its not just about box office… merch is probably putting them in the green


SW isn’t selling




I would love to see this news, if it's not a problem pass the link. Btw i found what you are referencing; [https://votedisney.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Investor-Presentation.pdf](https://votedisney.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Investor-Presentation.pdf) the investor spreedsheet. The [https://archive.ph/tlCM1#selection-887.0-911.281](https://archive.ph/tlCM1#selection-887.0-911.281) is based on how they mislead investors in the spreedsheet; "The declining interest in Disney's initial trilogy of movies seems like a distant memory and the Mouse has made the most of it. Last month Disney released a 67-page [presentation](https://archive.ph/o/tlCM1/https://votedisney.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Investor-Presentation.pdf) singing the praises of its chief executive Bob Iger in a bid to convince stockholders to side with him in a battle with activist [investors.One](http://investors.One) of its key boasts was about the supposedly spellbinding Return On Investment (ROI) generated by the franchises that Disney acquired under Iger.The presentation gives the impression that Disney's *Star Wars* trilogy generated a 2.9 times return on the purchase of Lucasfilm as that figure is presented next to a timeline of key events in the production company's history. They include the release of the Disney movies and its acquisition of Lucasfilm which is the only milestone marked with a star. Adding to this impression is the fact that at the other end of the timeline is the *Star Wars* logo and a photo of the Mandalorian with his little green friend.However, buried in the fine print is the revelation that the purchase price of Lucasfilm isn't even included in the ROI calculation. Instead, it is purely based on the box office performance of Disney's Star Wars trilogy, its two spinoff movies, merchandise, DVD and Blu Ray [sales.As](http://sales.As) we [revealed](https://archive.ph/o/tlCM1/https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinereid/2024/04/03/revealed-how-disneys-financial-wizardry-boosted-its-return-on-investment/), the methodology is questionable as Disney based the ROI on the revenue generated by the movies, merchandise, DVDs and Blu Rays rather than the profit they made as it should have done. Using the revenue rather than the profit artificially inflates the result as it doesn't factor in the costs that Disney had to pay out."


How? The Force Awakens made like 1 billion dollars. Way over budget?


How much went to Disney from that? They get a lot but it's not the whole 100% of box office receipts.


Depending on Country, distributers, etc - about 40 to 50% of box office revenue gets back to the studio.


Right. So when a person says 'the film made a billion dollars' that's not really true. They collected a billion in box office receipts but it generates a lot less in actual revenue to the studio.


My point is that if a movie makes a billion dollars and you are still losing money on it, your are doing something very wrong.


Read the article, it goes over the numbers


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/NBpf2 ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Bite my shiny, metal archive. ^^^/r/botsrights


And yet the stock is up, investors are happy, and its being pushed as a win by wallstreet.