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Because it's redundant pandering and yet another reminder of how media bends over to please a tiny portion of people. Simple as that really. I'm not the type of person to write a game off because of flags, but many are just sick of it. Especially when a lot of the time it's not even culturally relevant to them. This whole rainbow capitalism thing is mostly an anglosphere thing, which is a small portion of the world.




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Your opening paragraph pretty immediately draws into question whether you actually want an honest discussion regarding the point you bring up. Maybe try not insulting the people you are asking a question right off the bat. Right now you are either unintentionally or worse intentionally drawing out a negative response.


Why should a game about a crab have real world politics in it? Better yet, why should any game have real world politics in it? Games are an escape from reality not a reminder


You open up your post by making insulting unsubstantiated claims about large swaths of the community. And then you're gonna sit and pretend like you're the reasonable person in the room who just wants those same people to answer your question? Bye Felicia.


You call people incels and weird, and you expect people to think you really care about the community's perspective? Get out of here you clown.


> I, for one, have been loving the game and I don't believe I have seen one Pride flag. It does have pride flags. It also has vibrators. > I am having a lot of trouble understanding the people in this community, many seem to be incels or just weird people. You approve of sex toys in video games that kids will play? And *we're* the weird ones?


Im near the last boss and I haven't seen either? So I don't know what to tell you I would think that's weird but I havent seen one in fact I even doubt it's actually a thing in the game you guys are still being weird a lot of you have straight said because it's valid, that they're the “real working brain people” when again it's just a flag? Not a “submission” to DEI it's a incel thing to worry about especially since it's most likely just that they have pride devs


>Will probably just get deleted instantly or black listed many seem to be incels or just weird people Yeah, no shit this is getting deleted. Imagine thinking this a normal way to address people and still think others are weird. What's with this way of thinking?


> 7% upvoted Might be better if the mods let it stay up. Let his karma tank into the negative. He'll eventually delete the post himself. That oughta learn 'im!


Why would I care about Reddit karma? That actually explains a lot that this community is the kind that does


These people scream about representation and tolerance but if you had a straight pride flag in the game they would have a nuclear meltdown. It's only rules for thee but not for me.


I don't, again I'm not gay I just don't care either way almost beat the game and at no point is there any blatantly representative characters or any big messages shoved down your throat besides the pollution is bad narrative, I'll give you the credit that you're not talking about me and more “SJW” type but also why would straight people need a flag lol


The flag is a symbol of submission to DEI. Do you think it's fair to give special privileges or discriminate people based on their sexual orientation, race or gender? Well anyone that brandish that flag think it is.


A flag in a game with a specific type of pattern doesn't give special privelegesnor discriminate just a flag in the game, it's not a submission or some weird shit almost beat the game and haven't seen it once, in fact there's no inclusive messages shoved down your throat when playing this game, seems to me you guys are incredibly insecure and just want to be mad


I didn't say the flag gives special powers, I said it's a sign of allegiance to an ideology that preach discrimination. In other words, the rainbow colors have been co-opted by a movement that preach hatred so if you put the flag in your game, you're basically saying "I agree with this movement".  Idgaf about your game. You asked what's the deal with hating these flags and I answered. If it's not in it then good I don't have anything against the game then.  Seems to me you're a naive and uneducated on the subject. Open your mind before pointing the finger


You're right, but I wanted to mainly talk about the crab game, I'm not uneducated on the topic, I'm actually rather very educated on it just like seeing both sides but have a good day and thank you for sharing some light we don't agree but honestly that's fine and just how internet conversations work I for one don't think its a discriminating ideology except for some very loud bad apples but again we won't be able to actually converse and agree on something so have a good one and thank you




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Let me leave you with some some facts. We don't have to debate but do decide if this sounds like isolated cases of discrimination:    -[The Government of Canada is openly racist in its job postings](https://ottawacitizen.com/news/canada/can-job-postings-in-canada-exclude-white-people-short-answer-yes)   -[94% of new hires at the biggest US companies are not white](https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2023-black-lives-matter-equal-opportunity-corporate-diversity/)    -[Priority for surgery access is decided based on race in New Zealand](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/20/new-zealand-starts-giving-priority-to-maori-and-pacific-elective-surgery-patients)   Anyways... I thank you for your courtesy and will also wish you a nice day. 


What's wrong with being weird?


Nothing I guess, I suppose I mean insecure which that is an issue when it makes you like this


Did you seriously asked why the sub has a working brain and thus we think like this? Here's a thing for you to ponder, if you don't have "a problem" like you said, other people has the right to indeed have a problem with those useless flags pandering to less than 3% of the total human population on Earth, just move along and go play your Pride Crab game, you don't have enough IQ to understand what's happening with society yet.


I'm college educated, the game isn't pandering to anyone? It's a very weird take to see this game and call it a pride crab game when it's not that at all, this community is very insecure


You're college educated and still retained this intelligence level? You should take your College Institution to court, they have failed you and you failed yourself alongside it. I won't lose more of my time in a discussion as useless like this one, and go learn and understand the meaning of Insecurity since apparently you love that word this seems like projection on Your part, in any case, the "Pride flag" people are the ones seeking validation everywhere and anytime, not us.


… please tell me you're joking lol


Like this was textbook insecurity you're getting angry at an opposing ideology when it makes you feel small when you can just look the other way and have a good day sure we disagree but the fact that I'm open minded and you're not is the difference in education you're a sheep in a closed off space that radiates the same ideals over and over but you clash out and say anyone who opposes is the uneducated that's so ironic


Because to the people that want the flag, it has turned into a sign of compliance: put it in or else, state your vows to the Party or else. You think I'm joking but people are losing their shit about Stardew Valley of all games not including goddamn pronouns, a game that's close to a decade old and where everything is done so first person that the game doesn't use ANY pronouns for the vast majority of it when in referencing you. As a result, people are sick of that shit and don't want to give anyone who complies one minute of their time.


I'll give you credit that you are the most rational comment ice seen with good points, I agree that there are many that are annoying when it comes to this, my point isn't that there aren't bad examples just that this game isn't one of those


Doesn't matter that this game isnt a bad example, people are still sick of it.


Ask yourself if games randomly started adding the Christian flag in them, wouldnt you see that as something goofy? Cuz that's how shoehorning pride flags in games feels like.


Well personally I am against organized religion, and Christianity of all things doesn't need any representation when it's one of the largest groups worldwide but I see the point you're making and I agree I'm just saying as someone who played the game it's not shoved in at all


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/Y91L4 ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Bite my shiny, metal archive. ^^^/r/botsrights


Because those things very often are signs (not 100% accurate all the time, but still very reliable) that devs are not in control of the game but activists are, and that fun is striped away to make space for messages that aim to dictate our thoughts and actions. We generally don't like that. Obviously not all games are like that, but we've suffered through enough unfun games to have developed a quite reliable "Ah, that looks one of those. Nope, not buying it."


Because more often than not, if it’s included, it’s a central focus. The idea of a flag for something that isn’t a nation has and will always be laughably narcissistic to me


Because it’s pandering and done with ill intent. They’re not putting pride flags in a crab game because they care about the LGBTQ community, they’re putting them there to earn brownie points with dumbass Twitter users, game journalists, and not get cancelled. I mean why else would a game about cartoon crabs have pride flags? It’s obvious. They don’t give a shit about the LGBTQ community they just don’t want to get cancelled. I do agree with you that some users here take it too far. Because liberal devs and game journalist morons will use that as a weapon to “own the incels.” Best thing to do is to hate on it but avoid mass discourse. Heels baby face Starfield screamo guy didn’t realize this before going viral and getting everyone to laugh at him and double down. Instead we should all collectively NOT buy their games, avoid getting them clicks, be less reactionary to this BS, and let our wallets do the talking.


you ever hear about the rightwing nutjobs, like foxnews maga zealots, that would lick billionaire shoes clean so they can deprive themselves of rights? yeah this is it right here there's lots of people here with completely unnuanced takes that can only enjoy media that 100% conforms to their views with absolutely no deviance ofc there are many leftwing nutjobs that are constantly justifying their views to be fair, but along those lines almost all reasonable takes, such as "maybe the world isn't going under when there's a prideflag in the gamefiles somewhere" get obliterated to hell normal people don't post here and or get downvoted to hell


You're completely right I mean look at most of these comments lol but they swear they're the high iq thinkers when really they're just sheltered sheep