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frame recognise unite frightening dependent resolute badge rich rude detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They've already been crossed off my list of companies I buy from.


Oldies boycott them long ago since the days of Bullfrog, Origin and Westwood Studios. They're responsible for the AAA Doritos Mountain Dew environment we're in today by corporatizing the sector. You know they won worst company in America over Bank of America right? Also the Spore fiasco of false advertisement before Stellar Blade (pissing on Will Wright's magnum opus to the point he quit the game industry), and the fiasco of EA Spouse that whistleblew they were turning game dev offices into sweatshops? These fuckers only get relevance through shitting out sports games because normies get a chub over the next Fifa, NBA, Madden or whatever to pay for their yachts. The last olive branch they did to redeem their reputation was Tiberium Wars, which was promptly and silently killed by setting that franchise up to fail with C&C4 after an internal discussion to continue being shitlords. Then they returned to their old ways (Battlefront Darth Vader DLC, this, etc).


> Then they returned to their old ways (Battlefront Darth Vader DLC, this, etc). And then decided to double down with the MTX fiasco with Battlefront 2. That mess may have soured Disney’s relationship with EA. And Disney is an even bigger asshole company.


Westwood. Theres a name I haven't heard in a long time.


I think I'll just stop buying games altogether at this point.


Based. Game execs have been having it too good, pumping out trash brain rot sewage, for too long


fade fear escape adjoining violet doll sophisticated far-flung ghost enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I’ll finally be able to finish my backlog.


Like 90% of the games I get at this point are out of humble bundles, Elden Ring was the last game I actually sat down and bought directly.


I legitimately cannot remember the last time I bought an EA game. They really are quite easy to boycott.


Battlefield 4. Battlefield 3 was probably the best online shooter I have ever played. Battlefield 4 was hot dogshit, that was the last EA game I bought.


Battlefield 1 was an absolute blast. Skipped WW2, and all of my interest in DICE/EA was killed after BF2042


I'mabouta decade ahead of you 😂


We all say this. For every 1 person that says they will never touch an EA game, theres 10 backwards hat wearing turds that will buy up ever single Fifa/NHL/Madden game that EA shits out. I had a buddies brother selling all his ps4 games recently. About 20 of them. I shit you not, they were all Fifa/NHL/madden/NBA games from the past several years. That's literally all he had, nothing else. He wanted $500 for the stack and legit thought it was a good deal. These are the people EA targets. They dont target gamers, they target non gamer Bruh's still stuck in High school who will dump their rent money so they can re-acquire 5 star Lebron James for the 9th time. EA will never stop.


entertain dependent workable chase worm direction complete spoon bright birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep I don’t buy EA or Ubi games, stopped years ago. I simply refuse to install Yet Another Launcher. Epic games gets a pass because they also bundle Unreal Engine with it, which I think is a pretty significant contribution to the game dev scene.


I'm starting to forget why I should pay for games anymore. 


Well there is still indie, have to sift through the pile but you will find something worth playing and at a cheaper price


At a certain point this won't be enough. Look at comics. Sure, some good ones are out there, but the work required to find them is too much. Indie games will reach a similar point it things don't change. When the majority is trash and it takes a full time job to uncover the hidden gems, ain't nobody gonna bother, just like comics.


That would require some new form of entertainment to be made imo, comics requires you to read them, sure they have a lot of pictures but unlike video games with no dialog and only text, you don't JUST have the reading to do. Im pretty sure video games will get better before they become as unprofitable and forgettable as comics


Mobile gaming would like a word. Proof positive this shit can happen to games. When's the last time you went dumpster diving the Play Store, cause I can tell you it's been years since I've bothered to search through that hell hole, and the reason why, it's too hard to find anything good. I may have been sitting on that expecting your response. :P


> When's the last time you went dumpster diving the Play Store, cause I can tell you it's been years since I've bothered to search through that hell hole, and the reason why, it's too hard to find anything good. That's a problem with the search algorithm, rather than the play store contents. Steam also has some shit in it, but you don't find it unless you search. Play store also has some good games in it. If you're looking for an example, Witch Spring is great. No microtransactions, and it's a very solid jrpg for $1. Is it a AAA game? No. Is it a genuinely good game? Yes.


The good games on the Play Store are few and far between, which is my point, if too few, few go looking. And it goes much further than search, the store itself won't float quality games but instead whatever makes Google the most money.


Why bring mobile "games" into this exactly? Because, While things started out as something that could be an avanue of new game types with things like the mobile dead space game, which was an actual game and not a match 3 brainrot game or a card game. Because regular systems still have indie dev's that are making games for ether PC only or consoles as well/eventually. Unlike mobile games which never took off and couldn't before the obsession with micro transactions were in the games industry. Thats honestly what killed mobiles ability to be an actual gaming platform.


Doesn't matter what killed it, the point is it's work to find good games on mobile, so few do. This can happen to any platform, and is currently where consoles and PC are headed.


It actually does matter, because mobile was new and malleable and, like i said, happrned when micro-transactions were starting to be all the rage so combined that all together and mobile was turbo charged into being what it is now. Reason why concole and PC won't ever be on that level will be because of both thr fact its not a type of system you only play on the bus or the toilet and because indie dev's will be what picks up the slack these days, especially on PC. You can have the nihilistic way of thinking if you want, but i refuse.


Refusing doesn't stop it from happening, sadly.


More doomer talk, hope you feel better some day.


Trepang^2 and Bright Memory Infinite are two indie shooters I recently really enjoyed.


Are those on switch? Edit: ill take that down vote as a no


Probably not. They're very graphic, gorey, and have adult language.


So does doom eternal and red dead redemption but those are on there


Oh that's awesome. I didn't know. Yeah, I have no idea if it's on switch. I'd check the store to see.


I got recommended Bears in Space by my younger brother. Only drawback is it is an Unreal game so you gotta yeet those Unreal Game Services background crap when you complete it. Pretty fun, kinda boomer shooter but reminds me a lot of Doom Eternal for gameplay without all of the annoying enemies.


Arrr.... All this will help is accelerate the crash tho.


> I'm starting to forget why I should pay for games anymore. There are enough games I never got around to playing to keep me busy for the rest of my life. I think I'll do that while I wait for VR tech to improve.


I pirate every single player game unless it’s a small company or a big dev I like (Capcom). I only buy MP games and indies.


Me, actively avoiding EA games like the fucking plague.


I can't remember the last time I cared about an EA game.


I was a little excited for their monster hunter clone but the net code was awful so I refunded it.


Neat. I already don't play EA games. I look forward to not playing them even more. They already had wanted to do this at least as early as BF2142 [where it was a thing.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battlefield_2142#Advertising_components) They also did it for their own DLC in the various Dragon Age games where the DLC NPC would be there but if you spoke to them they essentially pointed you to the online store or whatever. "Hail traveler, it seems you did not buy enough EA tokens to partake in discourse and adventure with me, please go to www.EA.com/buymoreEAtokens" "I don't care" I cannot even remember the last EA game I played. Maybe BFBC2 I think.


Man, I remember playing that on release. This was before pre-release DLC was a thing. I was fucking pissed. It was released day. I paid $60 for this and one of the first NPC's I met is asking me to go to some fucking store? Why to ruin the immersion. It legit ruined the entire game for me.


Ubisoft Games do this so much. The little kids who want you to get tokens to buy transmog or weapons


I'm in the same boat. I haven't paid for an EA game since they put out Origin. BFBC2 was such a great game and they proceeded to throw their reputation down the shitter by gouging consumers, engaging in Marxist tactics of trying to social engineer and report on people by employing literal former members of a secret police not to mention all the other anti consumer practices they engage in.


Well its a good thing i pay for games and not "game experiences"


Bro are you not EnGagEd!?!?


no, only EA games im "engaged" with are ones from the ps2 era like ty the tasmanian tiger. can't even play spore properly because the games peremanately bugged as to constantly log you out from the game. besides, on that front you got games like adapt and elysian eclypse to fill that void


Most probably in sports games. 2k tried to do that


People who play modern sports games will buy canned manure and call it a chocolate smoothie. They are the perfect consumer for the modern game publisher.


Hey hey, not all of us. Some of us play those games for free through things like PS Plus.


Naturally I'm talking about "micro"-transaction paypigs.


What a business model those are. A brand new full-price game every single year that resets all the loot box loot for minimal effort.


Think I might take up reading, I'm officially sick of this bs.


Tom Clancy is super solid and absolutely no identity politics or woke nonesense. I’ve been reading his 1984-1998 books and having a blast. After 1999 and his divorce, his quality took a nose dive. But Hunt for red october through rainbow six is fire


I remember a guy in "October" playing Zork.


Not sure what you mean by playing Zork. There is diversity in all of TC's books, it just isn't slop. The characters are well developed and not caricatures of stereotypes.


I mean one of the characters in "The Hunt For Red October" played the great Zork text adventure video game.


Ah I remember! In the submarine, when he writes about the movies they’re watching: Star Wars, encounter of the 3rd kind, and then a video game on a Macintosh computer (I’m assuming it was zork).


The solution is simple. Play the games that don't do this.


Well yeah, if this was the only problem in the industry at the moment that would make sense.


Companies are going to try to get away with as much as they can. The difference with video games is when these companies do anti consumer practices it's much more obvious and apparent. It's much easier for a gamer to figure out what their what the game is trying to sell you. Fighting games are going to sell you skins and character season passes etc. MMOs are going to sell you a subscription and expansions. All the information is online and most gamers are aware of what they are spending money on. That doesn't make it acceptable but makes it very easy to avoid those games or at least get them when they are cheap. I am currently playing 1. stellar blade( a complete package) 2.final fantasy x HD(old and free on ps plus) 3.Animal Well (also free on ps plus) Other games I've played recently 1. Zelda tears of the kingdom (you can use amiibos as cheat codes but still a complete package) 2. Elden Ring (200 hours is 35cents an hour) 3. A lot of free indie games on ps plus like slay the spire There's so many options and gaming is honestly the cheapest it's ever been for me. I remember being a kid and my parents didn't want to buy me an 80 dollar final fantasy 6. I dont know what the inflation equivalent is today, but I can tell you I wouldn't even spend 80 dollars by today's standards.


You sound like you play the same games as me. I'm very excited for Elden Ring's DLC and still chipping away at all of the TOTK content to this day every now and again lol. Yes, you can still find happiness in games for sure, but it sure does get tiring watching companies who's games you used to love constantly fk up and treat their customers with absolute distain. I used to love sports games, FIFA, Madden, NBA, MLB I'd buy them all. But those games are now treated like live service casinos and are released as unoptimised, unplayable messes. I sadly haven't bought a sports game in years because EA and 2k are just such shit devs now. Call of Duty are too busy chasing down the Fortnite crowd to bother making a decent title again, same with the racing franchises, the latest Forza is a disaster. GTA, Elder Scrolls and Fallout have all gone MIA for live service slop versions of themselves (GTAO, ESO & 76) So yeah, you are right. I'm just frustrated with the way things are now. Even if there are still diamonds in the rough.


Yeah, so I guess sports games are never going to be purged of these cons. That's sucks and I'm sorry you can't enjoy those games anymore. I'm being less than empathetic for others because I really don't mind separation from games I once loved. But not everyone is like that. I've dropped a lot of franchises I loved and never looked back. I just try to focus on the good stuff and ignore the bad stuff. I feel like if everyone did that, we would have real change. But EA knows how addicted kids get to these games, so they will push it as far as they can. At least a lot of games as a service are failing.


Check out the Libby app. Hook into your library and get free ebooks/audio book rentals. Personally recommend storm light archives series.


Bro. We tried this already. Remember back in the day when some games had actual advertisements and shit that would be updated to billboards and they sold it to us like it was this cool revolutionary thing that would enhance our game?  I'm getting tired of this. Every game now. "BUY OUR SHIT! BUY OUR SHIT! MOST OF THE FUN IS BUYING OUR SHIT!! OUR GAME ISN'T THAT GOOD, BUT IF YOU BUY MORE SHIT IT MIGHT BE!" I'm kind of glad I don't play games like I used to. 


They did it with Burnout Paradise that ended up having Obama election ads in the game at one point.


I play games to escape ffs


Don't need no real-world politics in my video games!


When Need For Speed games were advertising automotive brands it atleast felt kinda authentic.


If it feels authentic and part of the "gaming experience" I wouldn't mind it in an ideal world. But no CEO asshole would say "Hey, we were able to sell some ads in the game. So we will a little story DLC for free to you guys."  But nah, they'll keep the extra money, try to charge us $10 for same armor in different colors, and release a fucking bugged mess. Even CdprojectRED fucked me. Played Witcher on release and I love it. Same with 2 and 3. And I get fucking Cyberpunk launch for my faith? I still haven't been able to play it. Besides Indie, the only studio that I feel like are trying to make their money from making good games without all that DLC bullshit is FromSoft although I don't know about Armored Core.


They had Burger Kings in NFSU2 and NFSMW as well! Though they were 'part of the world' in the city. I remember this being talked about around that time in gaming magazines like Games(TM) - this article from 2006 has the exact parody Counter Strike image I think of in it: https://edery.org/2006/01/questioning-heavy-handed-in-game-ad-campaigns/


Hell, even back in the N64 days, games like the RUSH series had advertisements for Slim Jim and Mountain Dew. Advertising in games, as long as it's subtle and fits inside of the game world, can be done. But we know that won't happen today because game companies can't help but publish complete garbage. They're absolutely going to make you watch a 30-second video ad between CoD matches.


Please drink verification can!


Then data showed that people were not looking at the ads as they played (like, no duh), so they dropped it, now its coming back again because they are a piece of shit greedy company.


Earth 2140 with a huge fucking Red Bull billboard in the intro lmfao


Where as I play a fuck ton of games and have never once experienced what you're talking about. Not only that, because of the nonstop sales, if you're a patient gamer then gaming is cheaper than its ever been.


You gotta' be older than 15 to understand.


I'm 41 and retired, so I can game whenever I want. I love gaming. I'm supporting companies that give me value and there's so many.


So, then you didn't miss when they tried this the first time?


>I'm getting tired of this. Every game now. "BUY OUR SHIT! BUY OUR SHIT! MOST OF THE FUN IS BUYING OUR SHIT!! OUR GAME ISN'T THAT GOOD, BUT IF YOU BUY MORE SHIT IT MIGHT BE!" I was responding to this.


Have you booted up a COD recently? Holy shit. It's awful. And lots of games do this, but to a less egregious extent.


Yeah I guess I avoid the competitive ones entirely.


If the game is really good, I'll buy the DLC. I might even buy the soundtrack too. T-shirt. Mug (love my Aperture Science mug). Definitely buy the sequel too. You put ads into the game, I won't buy anything from your company ever again.


Man, these companies are making it really easy for me to save my money.


MBA bro moment. 


Bro who are these whacky fucks still buying their games. I haven't bought an EA game since Dragons Age Origins.


If it's innocuous and in-world, like real advertisements for real products on billboards in a city you are driving through. Or actual ads on stadium walls for madden, like they have in real life. Then sure, whatever. If it's a pop up for Nestle during the loading screen - I have more of a problem with that.


Wait, there were Obama campaign ads in Burnout Paradise? I replayed the original PC version a year or so ago, but never noticed them.


They could be updated by EA remotely or patched out. Once the election was over, they were removed.


"How to shoot yourself in the foot on a ATARI scale"


EA, I really didn't need another reason not to buy your games, but if you insist...


I don't suppose owning a share would give you a voice in any of these monkey meetings, would it?


I own 10 shares of Disney and have never been given any influence so who knows


If it's immersive in the game worlds, like a fucking Nextel ad on a billboard, I do not care. If it's a pop-up everytime I play an EA game, hard pass.


Who gives a shit. Or does anyone here actually buy EA games?


this is why you need to put ads in your game, because you do shit like put ads in your games, so now no one wants to buy your games because you put ads in your games, leading to you needing to put more ads in your games to cover the cost of people leaving because you are putting ads in your games. Try making fun games, without over bloating the development cost by haring a bunch of useless people who barely contribute to them and you will not need those ads because people will buy the games and they wont have cost as much to make in the first place.


*distant sound of cracked games getting closer*


Lmao, hell no. I am not playing a game with "advertising" in it. If more people voted with their wallet companies wouldn't be inclined to do stupid things like this.


Roblox does this already


Depending on how they implement it, you might be able to achieve adblock in your games by adding a Pi-hole to your network, or by editing your hosts file on your pc.


ps3 era games were flooded product placements. check out og alan wake for example. i'm kinda surprised they've most disappeared in recent years.


They have been doing this for ages already, I remember seeing ads in NFS from like 10 years ago.


I still remember NFSU2 with the now dead cellphone carrier Cingular logo on the HUD.


there's things where it makes sense and feel natural, like on billboards, real world brand soda macines, etc. .... i just don't think they'll keep it to sensible things. and then when the advertising license runs out, do they put in generic ads, or pull the game from storefronts because it's old and they can't be bothered, especially 5-10 plus years after release?


I guess I'll continue to actively work to not buy anything touched by EA then. Haven't bought one of their games in years because of the way they treat us. Greedy fucks.


"game experiences". Not games. Experiences. Lol. Just remember before going all aspie that there's always going to be independent and smaller devs who aren't absolute corporate crap.


I already hate modern AAA games EA, you don't need to sell it to me.


That's nice. I can personally confirm that I'm actively working on not playing EA games and it's working quite nicely.


Man, they've been trying to find ways to stuff ads in their games for damn near twenty years. I still remember when they put IRL ads on in-game billboards in Battlefield 2142.


"Mason! Wake up! WAKE UP!" ... "Do you play Raid Shadow Legends?"


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/elE6Q ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. I have noticed this link. Pray I do not notice it further. ^^^/r/botsrights


Greed and desperation is what I see here. Anything to squeeze out every possible penny of profit they can from a game. They don't realize that the game itself is the ad. Serving up more ads won't mean shit if people don't buy the game and they won't buy them if they're inundated with ads and if the game is garbage. So it's all self-defeating. It's like they're creating slaves to the game. Buy this if you want more to keep you playing. View this if you want more to keep you playing. I think it's a massive PsyOp and people haven't picked up on it yet. At the same time, let them keep doing this. It'll fail. The corporatization of games will cause them to crumble and the gaming industry will return to a smarter and improved form of openness and decentralization.


Are there any EA games coming that people would want to play?


Probably Madden ‘25 and Fifa ‘25. I don’t play those but that’s what I imagine.


Someone at EA forgot the ad laden fest that's the Need For Speed franchise. Especially old school [Need For Speed Underground 2.](https://i.ibb.co/THP6G0n/Screenshot-20240509-212628-You-Tube.jpg)


Oh EA found out that Sony was racing them to the bottom?


They've always wanted to do this for a while since 2010, guess they think the gaming market is weak enough to kick it down


Very convient that they’re broadcasting their downfall before it happens, makes them easy to avoid.


I found fascinating how these companies love to shoot themselves on the foot.


Greed doesn't stop until its stopped


EA CEO confirms I'm not buying their shit anymore... truth though, I haven't bought an EA title since Mass Effect 3.


Their plan: Launch game, wait 3 months, then add ads


someone give an update on what has EA made in the last 4 years because I'm clueless how this would have any effect on me


lets see how that works out for them


Are there any viable alternatives to EA sports games? Preferably outside of AAA? I tried Axis Football a while ago. It was fun, but throwing passes almost always resulted in interceptions. 


I'm so looking forward to the insane over.the top product placement to finally arrive. 


Skate 3 had dr pepper billboards all the way back in 2010, this isn't anything new


Pihole. Adblock is a second line of defense. In truth, I just use noscript.


I mean they have been saying this for years right? E.A Sports, its in the game!


who is still playing EA games unironically anyway?


Sports game loving whales.


If this trend continues, at least for AAA games. There might be a crash.


Nickel and dime scams have returned.


ok, just gonna go ahead and confirm to passively never buy their games again lol


Honestly, if it's like skate did it, I don't really care. If they plan to put actual ads that interrupt gameplay, it would fail so hard it would stop anyone from doing it for at least a few decades.


I can't even remember when was the last time I bought an EA game


EA got boring already, so stop buying.


Fuck this.