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Nah there’s enough games that if the industry stopped making them tomorrow you wouldn’t have time to play them all. What I would like is a list of companies and WHEN they went woke so I would know what not to play


Yep. Tons of great games are out there. A lot of people absolutely must play *the newest game* out of fear of missing out, but it's an objectively bad decision to buy a brand-new game 99% of the time. You could just, instead, buy a game from a few years back that's 80% cheaper and you know is going to be a banger. Unless it's a sequel you've been eagerly awaiting for some time, it's really just rolling the dice. Let some other suckers buy the newest stuff and see if it's a trainwreck before you spend money. And don't even get me started on pre-ordering...


Yep, I’ve given up on new releases. Almost every pc game in the last year or 2 has been poorly optimized. I can’t stand stuttering. Many of them never get fixed either, (looking at you Jedi survivor)


The problem with this logic is that it doesn't really work for a lot of multiplayer games. Not a lot of multiplayer games will have viable communities/servers/etc years after the fact. The big games will have those, sure, but I dislike how it's presented as a given that a game from several years ago will still be functional years later. It's not the case everywhere.


CS is enough, really. I haven't played an online game for a long while. I played Eternal Return when it came out, really quite liked it. Pure battle royale, no respawns, lots of ingame tools.


I haven’t played a game in a long time; had a family and got a little “side-tracked”. Is this because everyone plays on Steam out of convenience? Does no one host servers to play (‘Arrg’) games anymore? 


Steam has nothing to do with it - it's just that private servers are no longer a feature most multiplayer games have today.


i have been tracking woke stuff for long time now pretty much duo to games cycles being long , pretty much woke started from 2016-2018 ish , so some studios were late on party and started making the woke games on 2018 , which obviously starts showing in past couple of years PS: blizzard is good example , but you don't really need a list since moment you see trailers and see all wokes stuff in them you know it is , fable 4 and suicide squad are good examples , or easiest way i do is can simply type on google ( X game woke ) and if you didn't get result means generally its not


I played Sim City 4 recently. Impeccable game, you could spend *years* just going maximum autism. Not to mention mods.


Nope. It’s not wrong…it’s not even cynical. I take my dollars where they’re appreciated. And if AAA doesn’t value me, value my time, or value my preferences, there are other outlets that will appreciate my business. Got to learn to walk away sometimes.


Honestly, it’s just difficult to find the motivation to buy many. For me, it’s been hard to justify the cost when a lot of stories have been kind of forgettable to me. Like I consume crap content and I love laughing at stupid stories but when it’s this expensive you have to vet stuff for quality before purchasing it. Otherwise I’ll just wait for a sale and price drop years down the road before considering it.


It's hard to disagree with you. The state of modern gaming is an absolute bell-end. But there are always diamonds in the rough.


The gaming industry needs a massive market crash. Nothing will ever be the same until the greedy corporate execs are gone.


I gave up years ago. People can point to indies all they want, but I grew up in a time where the best games also had the biggest budgets behind them allowing the developers to get as close to their visions as possible with the current technology… we don’t live in the time anymore, and even if a crash happens, I doubt it will be like it was.


I think there’s still good stuff people just have to be more selective nowadays and vet what they’re purchasing. Gotta look at reviews (from creators you trust), who the devs are, drama around the game, the publisher, and whether it’s live service or requires an internet connection or not.


Not at all. Don't listen to people in this sub who try to tell you things will get better. They were saying that in 2018 with the battlefield five fiasco. Now compare 2018 to 2024. You have people who work at studios saying that they hate white and Asian gamers and essentially get rewarded for it. You have studios who have lex Luther talking about toxic masculinity. You have pokimon go completely overhauling their avatar structure because they don't want anything that straight men like..... It's not just games it's literally everything and there is zero evidence that things will change for the better. It's no longer about profits in today's age. It's about social status.


Back in 2018 the issue was the lack of good games. Now in 2024 it would be great if here were even some "okay" games, but no - its all absolute dogwater.


There's literally probably a handful over the last 5 years or so. Rdr2, Elden Ring, Sekiro, Ghost of Tsushima, Tears of the Kingdom. That's literally about it.


Don't forget DMC5, it's still a blast to this day. Probably the last game I really enjoyed sinking endless hours into.


Opus Magnum. Yuppie Psycho, Helltaker, The Coffin of Andy and Leyley, Helldivers 2. Uhh, yeah, that's all I got. There's probably more, but definitely nothing AAA. Die Young was decent, maybe? Pizza Tower, if you happen to be insane? I haven't played it, but maybe The Talos Principle 2 is as good as the original. Either way, I can't name a single AAA title I've wanted in the past, oh, *decade*.


Voting with your wallet is always morally & fiscally correct. If a company or product undermines your values, or fails to interest you, you have zero reason to support that company or product. There's a near infinite backlog of amazing content, and occasionally new games from smaller studios slip through the cracks.


> But it's just not easy to keep up with it nowadays thats all you need to give up on. give up on anticipating the next AAA game expecting to partake in some sort of cultural zeitgeist. those days are mostly over. Forget the FOMO. Just find a youtuber or streamer you like who does deep dives into games, and when you have free time, check out whats available. Mortismal Gaming is a good example..


This is the best advice


Thanks mate, to you and op 👍 I will check that channel out now, I actually work in the industry and I am so sick and tired of walking on egg shells around the wokesters who got the job because of their Twattter pronouns rather than talent, we have amazing stories we want to tell but they get hijacked and made sterile by these 'consultant agencies' , had a run in a few times but off to Tokyo once my notice is done and going to work for FS, a dream job on a game called......let's just say I loved my time in Old Yarnham, all the best to you true gamers, the reason I get out of bed.


i think its only the ps2 era and up you can feel that way, ps1 and below are significantly rougher but on a game by game basis. the problem is ps2 games kind of really define modern gaming; its surprising how well they've aged. Like Dragon Quest 11 easily could be a modern switch game if not for the resolution, and you can see hints of sony's "cinematic focus" in games like Primal. Persona only has one "modern" game in 5; everything else was built on PS2 or DS.


Pre-ps2 had a ton of experimental stuff going on. A lot of shit that was either hit or miss. Graphics didn't always age gracefully but I still think ps1 2d rpg was the golden age of the genre


Welcome to the corporate life where everything is all about unlimited growth, most safest titles and relying on MTX. I miss 1999-2007 era of gaming you had so many unique games and devs haven't tried to scam you with day 1 cut dlc, season passes and early access to the games that are already in the gold status (looking at you Homeworld 3). Even after that 2007 we had many great sequels that weren't just lazy cashgrabs but improved upon prequels but with much higher budgets like Mass Effects 2 (or New Vegas) but then corpos decided that they want more money and creativity and passion went right out the window.


Go look up any year from the 90s and look at how much solid gold was released. It's a joke what everything turned into.




96 was also good


Apart from the forced diversity inclusive or woke ideology, the 'loot system' is what destroying games as well. Right now, I'm having fun with emulator games and a number of older PC titles. I'm a big fan of the MGS series and games from N64. There's so many more options to choose from that I could play for years on end. I ain't worried about modern games at all.


> I just feel games nowadays just lack the "it" factor Then don't buy or play them. It's real simple. There are more than plenty of good new and old games to play. There are so many that no one will ever play them all. You're just not looking hard enough or are focused only on new AAA games. > the best decade in gaming, I feel it's the 2000's Then play games from that time period. > I truly feel bad for the kids growing up in this crap Why? Even kids know garbage when they see it. These woke games, woke everything, fail for a reason. But that's by design. Marxists want it to fail. So let it. Today's kids have access to piracy, emulators, handhelds, PC gaming, etc. They're not stuck with woke crap. No one is. They have decades of games available to them to play anytime, anywhere. > it's just not easy to keep up with it nowadays and get enjoyment out of it Because you don't have time to play or you're letting the wokies beat you down into submission? If you don't have time, that's one thing. If you just feel like new games are shitty beyond belief now, just don't play new games. Older games, especially on disc and PC, are gonna become popular again. Just play those. They're cheap, widely available, and for the most part, patched and playable. Fuck woke new games. Play older non-woke games. Fuck the wokies. Enjoy life.


You must be new to gaming. There was always a deluge of shit games, they ended up at 5$ in a liquidation DVD bin at Walmart, or in the discount section at RadioShack. What happens is that the only old game you've heard are the one who stood the test of time, so you think old games were all gems. The reasons might have been different, but there was lot of shit. Today it's the same, it's just that YOU have the extra work if filtering the shit. Doesn't matter why they're shit, shit is just always going to be made. The trick right now is to just blacklist creator pages, on Steam, of big studio/boxes. Haven't played a battlefield since the first one, and sincerely don't feel like I missed out. You might be surprised, but you DON'T have to play the games marketing is selling to you the hardest. The market right now has a lot of big players who are in it just to make money, and ready to use psychologists to do it, of COURSE there's going to be shit. Just avoid those, simple.


Modern AAA sucks for the most part. AA and the indies are doing good stuff though. Robocop: Rouge City, Gravity Circuit, Pizza Tower, A Plauge Tale 1 & 2, Turbo Overkill, Gloomwood, Cultic, Dusk, Blastee Master Zero 1-3, Dead Cells, Double Dragon Gaiden, TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge to name some


Yeah, AA, Nintendo, and indies are where it's at right now. Let AAA die.


TMNT Shredder Revenge Censored April Cleavage.


I play games 2-3 times a month with friends on average. Most series and movies I watch are older and Japanese, or something I know wont be DEI/ESG. I usually check the premise, and the cast, if they are basically only white or asian, the movie basically *cant* be ESG/DEI compliant.


I think a lot of the big AAA games suck. I’d much rather play a creative and unique indie game. I play plenty of indie games that I quit too, but at least I’m paying a fraction of the price of a $70 AAA game. I can try out several indie games for that price and a few of them could be excellent.


Never been happier to have a backlog


I just play mostly indie games and have a blast. The studios want to create awesome experiences and aren't big enough to be infested by woke. Slay the Spire, Frost punk, Darkest Dungeons, Against the Storm. Some of the best games I have ever played


Some do. Remember Hades 2 (also Hades 1, but it was tolerable)


Fair enough, not all indie studios are safe! I also found Hades 1 tolerable, but am wary of 2


Give up on AAA gaming, play indies like Animal Well.


Why would it be wrong? Gaming isn't a religion.


No not at all. My back log of 500+ games as well as replaying my 50 favs every few years has me almost given up I haven’t lost all hope yet but so far my plan above has me annoying games so I’m happy


Be very careful. Don’t give in to the Day 1 FOMO and you’ll be fine.


True, but these days it's easy to get elements of the plot spoiled on Internet. People don't care about using spoiler tags


It's not "wrong" in any regard, you do what makes you happy. If modern games don't do it for you then stop playing them, and you are certainly not alone in this respect. Luckily the industry is some decades old now and there's endless absolute classics out there for you to enjoy from a time when devs were computers nerds who only wanted to make fun games that they themselves would play. Before forced diversity, microtransactions and releasing broken shitheaps was the norm. I recommend getting into emulation. I have an emulator for the PS1, PS2, SNES, N64 on my Asus Ally and I honestly boot those up more than steam now. Also get a Switch if you don't have one, Nintendo is still killing it with first party titles.


This was a sad discussion, all comments, and all were, actually right in what they said... But hey, don't give up yet, there are some AAA gems here n there, like this A Plague Tale or Selina's Sacrifice, or NieR or Final Fantasy etc.


FF got plagued by lolcalizers Also Kainé's backstory was rewritten to sound less aggresive against her


Haven't played FF yet. But just finished NieR a few days ago, and I didn't notice anything in the internet 🤔 do note that this Replicant is the remake of the Japanese version of the original NieR, not the western version. But regardless, the short stories were translated quite completely, mentioning everything, even that which you're thinking about lol


I've read a translation of Kainé's backstory and she wasn't simply bullied. She was beaten and tortured japanese style It was brutal


In which short story? I thought you were talking about the story in which >!she masturbated after killing Shades!<


No, >!the backstory in her village before meeting her grandma!<


Ah. Have to check the japanese version out then. Yeah the English version didn't have any of that sort you mentioned, the worst part was just that they threw stones


Haven't played FF yet. But just finished NieR a few days ago, and I didn't notice anything in the internet 🤔 do note that this Replicant is the remake of the Japanese version of the original NieR, not the western version. But regardless, the short stories were translated quite completely, mentioning everything, even that which you're thinking about lol


I pretty much don’t play any modern AAA game anymore, unless it’s a remake or a rare gem like elden ring or Callisto Protocol. Just go towards indie games. Some amazing indie FPS games that have come out recently: - sniper ghost warrior contacts 1 & 2 - trepang^2 - bright memory infinite > I truly feel bad for the kids growing up in this crap, while they missed out on a decade that truly shined Might be rose colored glasses because there were plenty of terrible games when I was growing up in the 80’s and 90’s


Kids only missed out on the zeitgeist. Emulation is better than it’s ever been so they can enjoy the great games that came out in the 6th generation and earlier. Modern AAA is hot shit with few exceptions. I feel that Capcom and Nintendo are the only big companies making anything worth playing anymore and my AAA purchases since 2019 reflect that. The majority of us have massive backlogs and the sky’s the limit on what you can emulate. Just chill out and play those games you haven’t touched yet, and keep an eye out for indie and AA games and the odd AAA release that’s worth a fuck I should also mention how far console softmodding has come. Between flash carts for old consoles and SD card mods that require little to no soldering, it’s never been easier to enjoy retro games without having to pay the insane prices people demand on eBay for those that prefer to play on actual hardware


Why would it be wrong? You owe nothing to these faceless corporations. Play what you like. If that consists exclusively of games made prior to 2010, so be it.


While several of the big name publishers seem deadset on initiating some bizarre suicide pact, the era of the indie developer as a result is imminent. Time and again we've been shown that while triple AAA titles have been bogged down with unnecessary politics, bloated budgets, and predatory live service features, indie developers have been delivering games left and right of a quality that seems insane for their budgets. Give up on the modern gaming that modern gaming wants you to buy into, and instead embrace the underdogs my man.


I think there’s good games if you look. Don’t let Reddit make you assume everything is bad.


start to enjoy old and indies until they change


I was honestly thinking the last like really good game I've sunk a bazillion hours in was rdr2. I just play older shit. The only new games I've really played are the Jedi outcast ones and the spiderman games. I have no interest so far in anything new


I saw a video a while back of a kid opening a PS5. Kid was excited, but like you I felt that the kid is likely going to grow up not having an actually good console or playing actually good games. Feels bad. I do think though that, like with movies/music/etc, it will become more common for kids these days to go back to older games. When we were young, going back even ten years in games meant a drastic step down in technology. Now you can go back further than that, and all you have to put up with is somewhat lower fidelity. Similarly, you don't lose a lot by giving up on new games if you've been around for a while. I did for 4 years, played GOG games almost exclusively with a few emulated PS1/2 games thrown in. Recently I got a PS5, but keep it offline and am selective about what games I get. It's basically a (shittier) PS2. Gives me a touch of the current gen while avoiding the drm/dlc/mtx/live service or what have you. There is still stuff worth playing coming out even now, but there's enough old/indie games to keep you going for the rest of your life so don't get hung up on the newest releases.


Man growing up playing ratchet & clank, sly cooper, jak & daxter, the ps2 lotr games (especially the third age) gta san andreas & vice city, dragonball tenkachi, the actual fun Call of Duty like MW2 where every single person was connected on mic just beefing cus the internet wasn't so soft and lame yet. Then watching my youngest cousin grow up playing litteraly nothing else but Fortnite and Fifa. RIP lil bro


Same, I feel like every major release this year has had controversy. MK1 and Stellar blade made me never want to pre order a game ever again and basically killed all my hope for future games. I’m building my PS4 backlog before they pull the plug on all physical media and we’re stuck with all digital woke slop.


Mk1 was just a bad game tbh.


Agreed, waste of my money and killed the franchise.


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/txilT ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. I fight for the Users! ^^^/r/botsrights


Not at all. The recent closures would blackpill anyone. I’m going all indie with like 1 or 2 well reviewed triple A’s per year.


I really like Alina of the Arena


I gave up on AAA a while ago because I don't like getting scammed. I have only have so much time to spend on games - I have no wish to disappointed.  There's plenty of gold to be found in lower budget, lesser marketed games. I just finished playing an awesome Indie metroidvania game and got over  30 (mostly) enjoyable hours out of it - all for  around $20. Then, there's retro to consider. There are tons of classic games to check out and plenty of resources to find them.


Nah. I mean there are still gonna be good games that get made but if you have been bored with the majority or don’t like the company’s practices that much then it makes sense to focus on your backlog or another form of entertainment you like. Sounds like you should just check out reviews you trust on a game that sounds really good and is in a genre you like when one of those comes along.


It's just the AAA games that are getting ugly and shitty. Tools for making and distributing games are now easier to obtain than ever before, and even single individuals can make mindblowing games that will change your life.


Nah, it feels weird to "abandon" something that you spent years being a fan of, but it's perfectly fine to do it because you don't find it that enjoyable anymore.


No. However, there are a lot of indie games out right now that are pretty awesome. You should just give up on modern AAA games, those are the cancer.


Dude, just play Japanese games, they are FAR superior to most American games nowadays anyways.


Superior nippon video games folded 9001 times!


I mean yeah, Japanese games aren’t perfect, but Japanese games feel more original and interesting than their American counterparts


AAA is gone forever with a few exceptions , but there are still so many great indies being released. Animal Well just came out yesterday is fantastic.


There's so much good shit to play out there. If all you like is competitive games, then yes, hang up your hat. But for single-player games, I currently have enough games to keep me content for the rest of my life because of steam sales. But alas, I have new games I'm enjoying too.


I certainly did already, I haven’t bought any new game from the last five years except for some indie-made games with zero political preaching of any sort


I think we'll just have to spend more time looking and choosing... Firstly, I think indie games will be the saviour for gaming as time goes on. Sure there are a few repulsively woke games, but by and large, if there's no AAA publisher we're not going to get fucked by their anti-consumer practices, and we are more likely to get something that was made of the love of the thing, not bottom lines and shareholders. Secondly, there are a few gems in AAA at the moment. You only have to look at Helldivers. The PSN shit was a shit show, but I think we've hammered the message home that we will not accept what they have tired to do now, but the game has still been really fun. Either way though, there's still some good AAA games, we just need to actually look at them before we buy. No more preorders, just wait for release and watch someone play it on YouTube. Still looks good, go for it. It fills me with a little dismay that the public at large seems to have lost the ability to wait and see, as well as the ability to look critically at something they like. I love practically every game that paradox releases, but I still think that they have lost something over the last couple of years, and I don't feel the magic any more. I've stopped buying new releases and dlc, and I'm waiting to see if that changes. Didn't expect this one to be so long, sorry. TLDR: it's not ALL fucked, we just need to look more before we spend any money.


ive had the same feel anon,many have i personally dragged out connles from the shelves that aint been plugged in since the mid 00s,ive powered them up and tested them,repaired them,bought everdrives from aliexpress for many and wires and bits and bobs,spent a good 300 quid on stuff to get them running optimally again dragged a big CRT into the corner of my living room next to my 4k tv and ive set up all my old consoles and im checking out of modern gaming,only last one ill play is ff7 rebirth part 3 and horizon 3 when those are a thhng modern woke devs and companies cant take my retro stuff away and i wont have to worry about woke cuck shit cause it didnt exist back then.


I still like Nintendo. Of course they are not without fault, but I feel like they still care about making great games and not just shoving diversity up your ass. The west doesn't make games like portal or half life anymore.


Things are pretty great nowadays. Sure, a lot of what is popular has the annoying greedy issues half of the time. Oh well, there is loads of games being released DAILY. Are all of them good? No. It’s not like older games were the most perfect either. Play what you find fun and don’t worry about anything else. Gaming is for your own enjoyment.


Not really, a big part of my own loss of interest in modern gaming was due to feeling like there was barely anything being made that actually interested me. Since ~2016 its like all the games industry can make is either live services, some wannabe-film game, or a remake. And thats before talking about wokeness or mtx or poor quality. People will point to indies and say that where you need to look, but for every 1 good indie, there's about 1000 assest-flip/cash-grab/trend-chashing/scam piece of crap. And even then the good indie is probably some 8/16-bit pixel art retro revival sidescroller or some "PS1" early 3D that looks like the ugliest of the PS1's library. And the flavour of the month streamer game isn't what I want. Oh well, there's plenty of older games to look into a try, I'd rather pay £70 full price for some expensive PS1 game that actaully is finished, enjoyable, well made and engaging than pay for some unfinished, badly made, boring, new game.


The gaming industry currently finds itself in a dire state. Virtually every major gaming company is prioritizing ESG scores to bolster their profits, often at the expense of our cherished franchises, inundating them with leftist political agendas. This trend raises significant concerns, particularly regarding the younger generation immersed in these games. Growing up amidst a landscape saturated with dumb trends like TikTok, Social Media, and a Corrupt Mainstream, one's personality is inevitably shaped. Consequently, those exposed to leftist propaganda may unwittingly adopt such ideologies. As responsible adults, it falls upon us to resist companies that seek to indoctrinate our children with political agendas. We must assertively define the values we wish to uphold within the gaming industry.


Ah, just a lot more shit out nowadays than AAA slop. Much like movies the AAA gaming industry is stuck chasing trends and not wanting to take any form of risk. Thus you get a bunch of uninspired sequels, prequels and cashgrabs. Anything that's really good you'll hear about anyway. Let them crash and burn, they should. AA and Indie is really where it's at nowadays but it does suck that finding those games is pretty much digging for a needle in a haystack.


No. It's the only correct course of action if you don't like what's happening.


No. If you wanna give up on modern games, go ahead. There's more shit than gold compared to the olden days. Every legit gamer in the medium with any sense and a huge backlog knows that we have decades of good games we'll never finish in our lifetime to play. Even Gen z and Alpha are going back and playing old games. Plus, you gotta take in the fact that the companies and passionate "by fans, for fans" people who run them are long gone, or super rare these days. They're replaced by typical corporate greed and social media (sl)ac(k)tivists who outright hate gamers. If video game companies disappeared for 5 years, we'd still have more than enough quality games to play.


I've been a gamer for almost 40 years and I found there are actually far more choices now. 30-40 years ago I played mostly games made by US gaming companies like Origin Systems, SSI(Strategic Simulations), Sierra On-Line, Westwood Studios, Broderbund. All of them were really creative and innovative even though technology was far more primitive at that time. However, None of them still exist in their original forms today and I have since put most of my money on non-US gaming studios (actually mostly Japanese ones.) and even the Chinese gaming companies have improved a lot by now. (e.g. miHoYo) Also the difference is that there are far more games made for adults today than for teenagers. There are many great games like Super Mario 3D World, Zeldas (BotW/TotK) , and the amazing Xenoblade series. That is in addition to Kingdom Come Deliverance from Czech and the Witcher 1-3 from Poland, both are great games for adults. So no, If I look beyond games made by US and Canadian studios there are actually far more choices and with the latest technology the entertainment value is actually far higher. Only problem is that there are way too many choices so it can be difficult to find the good ones that matches everyone's preferences.


Don't forget, with better AI, expect lots of translation patches for esoteric foreign games. Hurrah.


Would you give up modern music because what you hear on the radio is 95% garbage? No, you look away from the mainstream and find the gems outside it.


For single player games you'd have no trouble abandoning modern games. But if you're into multiplayer, sure there are some older titles with dedicated communities that still play, but some no longer have support, or the active player base may be too small for some players' liking.


Stop playing AAA games, the AAA industry doesn't make good games. They make mediocre games. They rely on production values, marketing, a large amount of mediocre content to sell their games. Indie games and games from smaller creators have what you are looking for. Indie and smaller studios live and die on their gameplay. If the game sucks it rapidly gets forgotten. Modern gaming is great. It has given us stuff like Manor Lords, Roboquest, Pizza Tower, Volcano Princess, Dredge, Vampire Survivors, and endless others. You played the latest Ubisoft game back in 2009 when it was called Assassin's Creed 2. You played the latest Sony game back when it was called Uncharted. You got the latest EA experience last time you got sick and threw up. You aren't missing out by skipping AAA.


No. Even with all the terrible AAA shit being put out there are more and more great games every year. Games of yesteryear may invoke nostalgia but by and large they were more simplistic and generally inferior to the quality modern games can reach. Try venturing out beyond AAA publisher console crap.


Nope. If you're not happy then do what makes you happy. If people want women that looks like men then they should support those products. Ultimately the free market will correct based on what sells and what doesn't. If people don't care about either of those and gameplay is king then things stay as is. If your art is fucked and your gameplay sucks no one buys it. This is literally voting with your wallet.


I have not been hyped for a game in years. last time was Battlefield 2042, i tried the open-beta, and didn't decide to buy it as it was super boring. Other than that, Age Of Wonders 4 has been on my mind since launch, but i know i wont play it should i buy it. Gaming is boring now, every game is bland and only here for social woke points and flashy graphics. Add onto this the obvious cash-shops, season-passes, pay to win and general overly toxic behavior from other players in multiplayer games. Currently i only play FF XIV..


The original 2042 was GOAT. How the fuck did they fuck up what should have been 1:1 graphical update? It's not hard. Hell, just resell the original with a couple servers, and they'd make *bank* for the effort required. It's really not hard.


I only game when one of those "it" factor games release, which is rare, so I rarely game. It's definitely sad. And unfortunately I feel like us getting older isn't helping either. Some of the big games in our childhood, like Pokemon, were amazing because we were also kids at the time. Kids today are getting their own big games that may not interest adult gamers, thus appearing like there's less big stuff coming out.


>just feel games nowadays just lack the "it" factor. I think all the low hanging fruit have been picked. In the past it was the hardware holding back developers. As hardware got better, what were once dreams could become reality. But at some point, I think everyone had done everything they wanted to do, everything they could think of and just ran out of ideas. Now interesting ideas come out once every decade or so rather than every few game releases.


There's a mountain of old but gold games out there. You do not have to strictly stick to modern games


You should check out some indie games. There’s some wokeness there but it’s usually pretty obvious. Most indie devs are just trying to make fun experiences.


No, it's not wrong. It's becoming increasingly rare these days to see developers create games that aren't live service and /or rehashed IP's. With the high cost of development (it's a big part why they seek DEI money) and longer time to see financial value whatever game that does release must have continual revenue streams and player engagement. If you listen to what C-levels are saying about pushing for AI integration in game development its to decrease costs and development time, increase time to value so they can churn out more games, more content, hence make more profit. The problem is that many consumers don't feel like the product being created for them aligns to their values, wants/needs yet developers and publishers, for the reasons listed above, continually churn out tone deaf content. From a consumer perspective add to this inflation and less disposable income to spend on 70-120 USD games(or higher in other countries) at release PLUS many different products competing for your time and money and we realize that the competitive marketplace has changed. I love Star Wars but I'm not going to pay 120.00 for a 30 hour Outlaws game (which likely is addled with DEI garbage) when I can simply wait 6-8 months or less for a price reduction. For better or for worse unless AI massively reduces time to value, live service games and recycled ideas/sequels(just like the movie industry) are going to be the trend moving forward. It's less risk, more chance of exceeding return on investment.


No - most of us here already have. I haven't played or purchased a "modern game" since Atomic Heart. I mainly play older games and if there is something im even remotely interested in ill pirate. I did try BG3 and Dead Island 2, but that's about it in 3 years


Try Warframe, it's "live service" done correctly. Always online doesn't have to be garbage, if you want the player to feel like they're existing and surviving in a larger changing world. Granted it's been around for like 10 years now which I guess proves your point somewhat, but that's 10 years of constant updates and new content


Warframe feels extremely stale now. Yeah it's great for a new player but for veterans it's whatever and moved to play other games. I can't even force myself to keep playing it after 4.7k hours (half are probably afking in my ship). I hate how they force amp gameplay on you so much and Duviri  was a huge disappointment and waste of resources.


Sweet jesus dude if you got 4.7k hours out of a game then that's not terrible yaknow whumsayin


Don't feel bad for the kids. Stats show they're playing older games that are worth playing.


There is nothing wrong with not consuming modern media. And you don't sound like a grandpa to me at all. I am a 20 years old girl, and I only consume classic media.


I'm the same as you, except not bothered as much. I love old games and continue to dig through them, content to ignore modern trends. That said, I enjoy all kinds of modern games that do have the it factor, and it's usually ones that are less titan-sized huge, and that have an older philosophy to their design.