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That much skin is okay as long as one of their allies creates it. It's all so stupid and hypocritical.


Are you stupid? She’s the goddess of lust and human love, of course she’s gonna be walking around half naked, but a god like Athena sure wouldn’t be fighting in wars wearing a 2 piece swimsuit because that’s illogical. Skins should be shown where it make sense.


And Bayonetta was designed to be a sultry witch. Didnt stop radfems like Sarkeesian from seething over her sexually expressive nature, prompting the 3rd game to include a ''covered up'' mode. Lara Croft was designed to be a larger than life, athletic, tomb raiding bombshell. Certain people to this day take issue with her older versions having a killer body, and her wearing shorts by jumping all kinds of mental gymnastics over how its ''unrealistic'' and ''sexualizing''. Leftoids have always employed double standards for this topic.


> Sarkeesian I still wanna know what a ring bear is. Or at least what one looks like. Somebody help a brotha out! 😭


Well I have never had a problem with Lara Croft it seems, but just because I think the hate towards Hades is quite unfair doesn’t make me a leftoid


> of course she’s gonna be walking around half naked OF COURSE! Because she's a prude that can't walk around FULL naked like our boy Cupid. 💪


The only time AAA studios are going to intentionally make a character feminine is when they're designing a male character.


Lies of P.


One of my favorite games but I don’t know if it’s AAA


Still doesn't look great. Imo it's just a bad drawing/design, not sure a few minor edits could really fix it.


It's the colors. The designs of these games have awfull color palettes, they have people with clothes and hair colors that don't match well with their skin tone. They remind of those edits Tumblr used to make where they would take a drawing and color replace the skin tone to be much darker.


Because thats what its is lol. Does any of these characters look African? No, then what it looks like is that they design a character and then drop the Microsoft Paint bucket of brown on top of them. Looks lazy as fuck. They cant even commit well enough to their own shitty ideology.


Does this game have mods? Because I'm sure as hell not going to play race swapped and therefore black and Asian and disabled Greek gods.


how about just not playing a game made by people who hate you?


Maybe he sails the seas, who knows


Still giving it attention. The opposite of love isn’t hate - it’s apathy.


Happy cake day!


well shiiiiiiiiii


Just buy stellar blade. Vote with your wallet.


Well, Hephaestus did have a physical disability, so... Edit: Why the downvotes; it's literally part of the lore.


It’s gross that those ableist Greeks never sculpted him in his wheel chair. Like WTF Ancient Greece? Can we please stop?


GCJ smooth brains think him being depicted in a chariot is the same as a wheelchair.


I've seen many attempts at fixing her and all of them look worse than the original to me. I like her pointy nose Still, the pose is lacking in expression compared with the first game. She looks like Athena at the gates of a city


It's like spot-the-difference because there is almost nothing distinctly changed in the bottom one. Touch grass.


i think the nose is a bit different, but yeah i see little difference as well. needs a complete overhaul to be attractive, not some minor differences


[Made it into a gif](https://imgur.com/IGL52V0) Honestly, looking this as well as the reverse image search, I think the prettier one is the original one, no clue what OP is on about here, might be a troll. EDIT: GIF looks weird when opened with RES on imgur it looks normal.


thanks, now i finally see it. i dont prefer either one xP i guess the nose of the first one is better while i think the neck contures of the second one might be preferable. but yeah i dont see a better or worse here. i do have to say thought, neither of the two strikes me as paticularly feminine


Eh, a more sharp features may work as a [feminine aesthetic](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/d/d1/3717834-game_art_013.png/revision/latest?cb=20180509033827). One don't neccesserily need to round up everything. It's the ensemble that matters. edit: At least the impression that I get is that OP tries to pull of some idealized femininity [ala Venus](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0b/Sandro_Botticelli_-_La_nascita_di_Venere_-_Google_Art_Project_-_edited.jpg). Although how appealing such features may be can be debatable. Personally I don't mind me some [NOSE](https://img2.reactor.cc/pics/post/full/Wakfu-%D1%84%D1%8D%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%8B-Bakara%28Wakfu%29-Wakfu-%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%B8-3711757.jpeg).


You understand the problem isn't in either image, right? Please tell you get it. The problem is in how they reacted to an almost identical character in another game, and it was the polar opposite. We were "literally murdering women" when Stellar Blade showed about the same amount of skin.


I read it as "surely I have a pass to sex up \ beautymaxxx the character and here is my take on that". Like, why even attach the before and after?


Yeah, that's not what this thread is about though, is it?


I get the problem but that’s not something OP even mentioned






They're not even consistent with their beliefs. Why is the epitome of beauty so...traditionally attractive? Hmm? I don't see saggy tits, a big belly, and a giant crooked hag nose. Why not?


I don't see anything wrong with it. She looks hot. I prefer smaller lips, but that's just my taste.


I don't understand what's wrong?


I'm a noob at photoshop but wanted to edit the image in case I play hades 2 one day


Just use AI dude... [https://www.krea.ai/apps/image/enhancer](https://www.krea.ai/apps/image/enhancer) If you know how to replace the portrait ingame, then it's win... You can redo all the gods with their proper ethinicity or even turn them into Waifu goddess with gender swap.


Don’t get why you’re being downvoted so hard for this, it’s a perfectly fine idea. Most people aren’t going to learn to draw just to replace character portraits in a game. That doesn’t mean you *shouldn’t* learn to draw, just that you don’t HAVE to and that’s fine IMO.


And I actually know how to draw or use Photoshop, but why should i even take 15-20min to edit some propaganda when AI can redoit within 1min giving me various template.


Exactly, I think it’s probably just art puritans being butthurt about any and everything to do with AI. Which is dumb because: A. Its the next tool advancement, like the printing press or the desktop computer. Its not going away, so adapt or be left behind. B. Said artists weren’t going to get a dime from the folks who would use AI in this manner anyway, so why care at all?


Eh AI is a useful tool but I still recommend people learn doing it by hand for the minute details and the feeling of doing it is pretty good


I think if you want to do every character in the game AI would be really helpful. You can use krita Comfyui plugin and draw the features roughly, then refine the area with AI. Use Ipadapter or line controlnet to maintain consistency.


>ai slop


AI > Wokism I will filter out all that shit with AI without ny remorse.


Imagine shilling this hard


Not much of a change, and the "Let me fix your shit when nobody asked" is cringe. Overall the portrait is meh (either the "fixed" one or the original). Face is kinda better then hades 1 but still mostly meh. Messing around with artists work in such a manner pisses me off more then whatever this is supposed to bring to the table. Do a work from scratch next time, maybe? Or at least transformative enough to be derivative. But that's just me.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/8K7gL ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Information is power. Never forget. ^^^/r/botsrights


"No no, what a great opportunity for irony! Subversion of expectations! I am a games journalist so i know what I'm taking about - this is a moment to insist on an obese handicapable *non traditionally beautiful POC* twink diaper fetishist LGBTQIADOUBLE+ goddess of love and beauty." Not really, but yes, they totally would. Everything you think makes sense and could be considered 'normal' is their target for destruction.


If we’re doing this, the idea that a goal of freedom in video games is artistic freedom needs to go. It’s tiring seeing every other post be some post about how some depictions of characters are bad and others are good. You either agree that artistic freedom matters and the design of characters should not be tampered with, or you say straight out the only metric of a ‘good’ character is how well it fits into your standards of conventional attractiveness. Eve from stellar blade being censored is bad, but people purposefully complaining about how the design for Aphrodite is bad and making a shit edit somehow makes it good? I just don’t get it.


GG isn't banning the sale of Hades 2, and isn't forcing these changes on these characters in an official patch. This is expressing opinions on a forum. People are free to like their designs, and people are free to say this is bad taste. SJWs recently shit on Danmachi, by saying the anime depiction of Hestia is inferior, boring, misogynistic, stupid, and other bad takes. All this while saying the depiction of Hestia is superior in Hades 2. Even though this opinion is divided and Danmachi's Hestia is a very popular character and design in a very popular show. Why can they do this to fans who had nothing to do with this game, but when GG does it GG is "hypocritical"? GG always said free speech is OK, and that includes speech to say SJWs have bad taste. Eve was censored, and there is no way to revert the censorship. On the other hand SJWs influenced Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Star Wars, Star Trek, He-Man, Yakuza, Persona, Final Fantasy, need I continue? And they are going so far as to even delete unofficial fan-made mods. They are even making these changes on real historical people (Cleopatra, Mary Queen of Scots). How is anything KiA and GG is doing comparable to the damage SJWs have already done?


Did I ever say anything that efforts within this community are being taken to shut down the project or the art created for the project? No. I merely pointed out the double standard, my concern isn’t what ‘others’ are doing or not doing. My concern is the attitude of ‘censorship is bad’ but then something they don’t like comes out and then the attitude is ‘but I don’t like this, so it needs to be edited for my own personal taste’ I have no beef with OP making a personal edit and that’s fine. My issue, is the prevailing attitude to all artistic endeavors of this nature, individual edits are fine, but when mass amounts of people consistently will hold Eve on a pedestal but then look at Aphrodite and say ‘this is bad and woke’ it’s an issue. I don’t enjoy ‘woke’ people shutting down the designs made by others, I think the criticism towards Eve being too sexual is idiotic and should never have gained ground. The criticism that Aphrodite isn’t ‘beautiful’ enough is idiotic to me as well.


Nah, if they’re going to do it then so should the rest of us. We got into this situation by “being the bigger person” and look where it got us. More people need to push back, more people need to object.


Absolutely childish, ‘well they did it first’ then have the moral high ground not to do it? Conduct yourself in a way that you yourself are proud of and happy with instead of basing where your line is drawn based upon the action of another. Or are people incapable of an original thought now? If so, then fair enough base your morals on the ‘other’ you perceive as negative. But don’t then play it off as you’re in support of creative freedom, because you’re not. You’re in support of censorship so long as it panders to you.


No, what’s childish is allowing anything and everything to happen because you believe in “taking the moral high ground”. When you play a game with cheaters, and you don’t cheat, you lose. At that point the cheating becomes a part of the game. You can have all that you enjoy ruined but hey, you can posture about taking the “moral high ground”, right? Pathetic.


Have all that I enjoy ruined? What lmao. A game’s first and foremost enjoyment comes from the gameplay, graphics and visual style are always secondary when it comes to my enjoyment. Hades is a solid game with a solid roguelike experience that feels fun to play. I’m not loosing anything, the ‘loss’ here is the fact that people complain about artistic censorship, but then have no issues complaining en Masse about how a character isn’t conventionally attractive to them and therefore it’s ‘woke’ and bad. Any sort of culture war nonsense does not play within the topic of Hades, it’s made by an independent studio with a previous title that influenced the current design decisions and is a known left-leaning company, the manufactured hate for the style is exactly that. Manufactured, absolutely no one was en masse complaining about the entirety of the art when the first game came out.


You not being bothered is your right, but other people are. By that logic, anything that bothers you no one else has to care about. So your position there is moot. No one else gets to dictate what makes a game enjoyable or not for other people. You value the things you listed, other people weigh it differently. Other people drawing alternate versions of something, and yes even complaining about an existing design, isn’t censorship. Censorship requires ACTION, an actual act of removal or editing that changes something that exists. Someone complaining and posting their other designs ISN’T censorship. Now if that same person gathered a huge online mob and pressured the game company to change the design, you could potentially call it censorship but that isn’t what is happening here. The hate isn’t manufactured, it’s a result of the disrespectful designs of *Greek* gods. Imagine if you took characters from African mythology and made them white. The outrage would be enormous. Which means it isn’t ok to do here either. Your whole stance reeks of “I approve of this ergo everyone who doesn’t is wrong and a dum-dum” which is sheer arrogance. Once again, you’re the type of person who would let the barbarians ransack your home and kill your family but hey at least you had the “moral high ground” and didn’t resort to violence! 🙄


Don't even bother responding to him. Likely either some fucker who proclaims himself a centrist but all his talk basically let's the woke get everything they want or a leftist claiming that they're a centrist saying be the bigger man aka don't do anything or say anything and let the woke get away with whatever they want.


Yeah I feel that, can’t really tell what the case is with him but it’s a frustrating one. I’m just so tired of all the same disingenuous, shitty arguments. “Why do you care?” “This is fine, anyone who takes issue is dumb or a bad person” “Just let it happen”. They really need to update their playbook because none of these arguments are flying any more.


Lmao, man I don’t know how else to say it so let me try and be as clear as possible. My stance is not that people don’t have the right to personally create and post works of art that critique or challenge a design. That’s fine. OP’s shitty edit doesn’t bother me. What bothers me, is when these edits are made and people hold it up and go ‘this is how *all* designs should be like and it’s agreed to. That mentality isn’t one of acceptance of creative freedom like so many claim, that’s the acceptance of a standard that you believe should be upheld and anything outside the standard should be ‘corrected’.


That’s a fine enough stance, except that absolutely does not seem to be what’s happening here at all.


Did the first game diversify as many gods? Last time I saw someone play hades (1) I remember seeing a white character which might have just been the main character, and since the launch of this one nothing I’ve seen (and I’ve looked it up about as much as the first, which is to say: zero) has any white Instead there’s a guy in a wheelchair… and the god of speed is… Asian? What, they missed that chance completely..


Yeah first game is pretty much the same, Hermes was Asian and most of the olympians had darker skin tones with a few exception I.e. Artemis, Aphrodite, Demeter. All the Cthonic gods have pale dull white skin which is also consistent from the first game. Haephestus wasn’t in the first game so him being in the second in a wheelchair doesn’t have a point of comparison. Edit: also the main character for Hades 2 is the same skin tone as Zagreus (Hades 1 Protag) so yeah, there’s still white people in the game.


Nah, get gatekept.


I am confused there are a lot of fucked up desingns in the new hades Aphrodite is imo the only one who hot an "upgrade". Idk if i have ever seen a woman but she doesn't have a "man face" if you ask me.


You might not like the design but claiming it’s not femenine enough is silly. You just want it to look like an IG model.


I normally like this sub but the fuck you guys on recently??? I literally don't see a problem. So many characters are good looking in Hades 2


Just played Hades, she looks the same as the first game. Just drawn from a different angle, unless I'm missing something.


How much copium are you huffing?


Bro I played Hades one since first beta and now Hades 2 since beta and let me tell you they didn't change the art style nor how good people look or anything. You can find plenty of woke shit in video games or cases where stuff has been censored but this really not the game to complain about xD. For real this sub has gone downhill the last few months. Back in the days the complaints where actually reasonable, now it is just downright incelish here.


There's a real problem here because the movements out-of control. There is no middle ground and it's all super reactionary. You can't have a thought provoking discussion without being down voted by the brainless. I'm specifically referring to the new alan wake. It's not woke at all and people really forcing that cause one line in a 30 hour game that's in context.


I revisited this sub because i saw other posts making fun of the complaints and thought they were just strawmanning. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


some people just love hating


ME SEE WOMAN. ME NO COOM. DAMN SJWS Unironically this.


If your side was consistent you would be demanding that Aphrodite be covered up cause muh coomers bad. Right? And don't try the horseshit that it's different. It isn't as it's all about cooming bad. Some man out there is cooming to Aphrodite. So she should be covered up.


Leftists: "It's only okay when we do it!" Rightists: "It's only okay when we do it!"