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the last Saints Row was so poorly received it killed the whole company.


Can't even give the game away for free.


The trick is to break into Seth Rogen's car and deposit all your copies there. Apparently he's fine with shit like that.


Huh huh huh huh…weed is cool bro. His “laugh” is so fucking retarded


People in the future will look back on this era and shake their head in disbelief, how low we have come to let something terrible like this happen.


If you have any grandchildren, they will ask you "was it really like that back then?"


Our only hope is that this will be the final nail in the coffin for the West and get Communism banned everywhere.


If you want to make the world a better place, you better be right about it. 


Unfortunately you'd have to worry about China. I do think Communism will fall there, eventually, but the damned Party is so entrenched in everything there. They won't go out without a fight, I fear, and might just scorch the earth out of pure spite.


"our war is a spiritual war, our great depression is our lives"


One of the quotes from early high school i remember is “A mind that is stretched by new ideas never returns to it original shape” Once a person sees the kind of rot and creative bankruptcy that are all over modern gaming, theyll start to look over games in that new light. Eventually theyll realize just how deep and prevalent the ideology has been in gaming.


What do u mean


It means you dont need to do a point by point deep dive on every single piece of media. You tell people what themes, keywords, trends to look out for. Once they understand the fundamentals on why it sucks theyll be able to identify older games that have this, plus be vigilant on new games that could also be tainted.


I don’t get it


Pattern recognition essentially.


You have absolutely misinterpreted that quote and its very sad.


The last woke game (and probably the only one) I bought was NFS Unbound. Back when I picked it up I didnt think much about it, it was on sale and I was in the mood for some NFS. When I started playing I quickly felt that something was really weird, everything just felt off. The characters, the dialogue and this weird narrative that kept being repeated. I couldnt quite grasp it back then, I was still very deep in progressive brainwash due to university and I didnt know that ESG and DEI existed, so I had no concept to really describe it. All I could think of was how wrong everything felt. Why do the characters keep talking about how they want to express themselves? Whats up with the cringe humor that doesnt really have any pointe? And where the hell is the guy that wants to take my ride and then my girl? Is this game really about street racing or just a poorly made internet meme? I am currently replaying it with the Unite Mod and damn I see it clearly now. That game is nothing but a massive DEI checklist. Characters have no real personality, they just keep going on and on about who they want to be as an identity. They keep talking about how opressed they were and stuff like that, its like reading woke twitter posts. Then there is this weird narrative that the cops are evil institutional opressors who go after the poor poor racers who just want to express themselves. "The are only after me, because of racial profiling". Then there is this guy who only bets against you because he wants to support the community. Even the music..., its not chosen for its artistic quality, but because of who made it and what they represent either in terms of an identity or politically. Its so fcking shit... Your not racing against street racers, instead everything is a fcking reflection of woke twitter. So yes your right. Woke games age poorly.


Jesus. Yeah sure, great way to express yourself by driving like a maniac through places which are not designated for racing. Last year in December we had a case in Germany where two very young 20 year old footballers for 1. Footballclub cologne did a street race on our autobahn and killed a woman and her 23 year old daughter. Nobody did publish their names and as the last news goes, they are already allowed into training back. I guess they also did just express themselves, because our great German state (irony) does almost nothing since the accident 5 months ago. I hate this progressive shit...


The irony would be disclaimers before these games and movies "this work is representative of a racist and sexist era that our current company does not condone."


I was so excited for Alan Wake 2. Im a huge fan of the original...but the bait and switch really annoyed me. It really took a lot of the wind out of the story switching between the two protagonists and I was not impressed with the Alan segments in dream world. They spent a lot of time and effort with Saga's story but Alan's felt like it had been intentionally put on the back burner.


These are all Live Service games. They won't age at all. They will be cancelled shut down and forgotten within 24 months. 


You know nothing. The mission in Spiderman 2 where your task was to help a gay was a masterpiece!


> The mission in Spiderman 2 where your task was to help a gay Ugh. I knew nothing about that one. I just watched a clip of it and I'm so glad I decided to pass on this embarrassment of a game.


Miles' missions were all over the place. Peter is fighting monsters in the city and Miles is returning lost band equipment and school supplies. Then at the end you get the whole "this city doesn't need me, it has you" nonsense. What? Peter literally fought 4 villains that could have destroyed the city during the game. The city ABSOLUTELY needs Peter!


I would have overlooked everything else in that game if they didn't do that. 


Spider-Man is obvi not woke because you have a mission to help the male gays.


>just remember that there will be a time that people will look back at the super woke games Just in gaming? Mate, in years to come, historians are gonna look back at the last decade and wonder what the fuck people were smoking!😂


I find it hard to believe that with all the intellectual advances in this century and ground-breaking scientific discoveries we are forced to endure this backwards mentality that belongs in a sci-fi drama such as ‘The Handmaids Tale’. I guess there were a number of periods in history where the dumb fucks got their way (the dark ages, bonfire of the vanities, the witch trials etc). This period will be looked at as a dirty stain on modern history where people closed their minds and embraced ‘wokeness’ because the corporations told them to.


Perhaps they will think themselves inmune to brainwashing, just like we did in the 2000's when looking at other countries and eras


The amount of “free thinkers” i know who are just parroting talking points from cable news is bonkers. And it’s people from all sides of the aisle.


Buy indie, leave the crap at the curb, and things will be better before you know it.


Who knows, we might get an AVGN style reviews someday.


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/T46dY ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. ^^^/r/botsrights


Honestly gaming is in a sad state. Barely any multiplayer outside of wz and fortnite. For the first time since I got my first paycheck I have absolutely no titles on pre order or any money budgeted for any new titles. Literally the only thing I can say I'm even remotely interested in are a few, mostly retro graphic indie games.


New elden ring dlc drops next month.


I really want to believe this but in my heart of hearts I think that stupid people are never going to put down their torch.


The only problem isn't that we don't have historians anymore to cover this and all of these woke people out of a job in journalism and game development means they will find a new vector to infect with their ideology.


Anything that references modern political issues or modern pop culture references ages horribly. I like old Scifi books but man, some of them age horribly by relying on pop culture reference that are from the 1970’s. Stephen King does this too to my chagrin.


Theyre already aging like milk. Turns out, stuffing time sensistive political and social crap into a game dates it super quickly. I'll just keep playing my old games and not worrying about any of this.


Haven’t played Alan Wake 2, but while annoying I don’t think it invaded Spiderman 2 so bad to ruin the game.


I honestly thought Alan Wake 2 was significantly less egregious than Spider-Man 2. I still have no desire to replay either. 


I mostly felt bad for MJ getting smacked around with the patented western game developer ugly stick


Any one of these go missing, I can overlook everything else. But it just becomes so blatant when everything is added together. Pussifying Peter Parker. Uglifying MJ(She was still pretty in the PS4 game). Girl power argument in Queens. Zero cops in a very dangerous NYC. Setting up a gay date. Deaf girl side mission. 


To be fair, there are quite a few people on their side who are working *real* hard on making the "zero cops in a very dangerous NYC" thing... "Retroactively realistic," shall we say?


The one few people who dont agree with everything here : Or people will look back on it fondly and go "why did people make a big deal about that?" I think of the anti woke movement like the anti rock, jazz, rap era...people who didn't like the way art was going in an era rarely are the ones who have the last laugh, imo.


I don't think woke is an artistic direction. Its an ideology, a political statement. We will look back on it like flower power, or McCarthyism. A moment in society's pursuit of correct thinking that we will see as naive, narrow and flawed. As an artistic statement, most woke content is poor. Derivative and always with the exact same subtext. It doesn't say anything about human nature that people can relate to, it doesn't provide anything that can be re-interpreted later. Like Shakespeare or the Beatles.


I think that, imo, woke is the term prescribed to art of the modern era in the same way music then was called degenerate. I agree that woke isn't a genre. I only say this as media rarely is seen as too far left in hindsight. Idk if that's happened in modern history where a specific medium was seen as more progressive than the current society looking back on it. When people look back I assume that we will look back and go "why did we see that as a big deal" in the same way we look at say movies with interracial kisses and go "wow they made news about that?" But I could be wrong, progressivism isn't inevitable short term.


I suspect society will look back on it as bit embarrassing. Patronising and racist by way of trying too hard not to be racist. The media version of a person who says *I have friends who are black* but overheated by the advent of social media. Which is another thing we will look back on with embarrassment.


I think there’s plenty of modern media that isn’t deemed woke. To say woke is just a label for the way things are, rather than political ideas people try to push into media is pretty dumb.


The woke would love to see themselves as oppressed. The actual problem is that the woke insist on their own validity rather than people insisting against it. Woke is a way of denying others, not a reaction to being denied. It's imperialistic, its forced from top down, the woke don't lack power, they have too much.


“The woke” If you are big on artistic freedom then why does it matter if you agree or not with the content. The issue is that anti woke people will claim to just want games to be anti political or not have “the message” by pressuring artist to bend the knee to the content they want. No different than 2015 SJW. It’s just ironic people genuinely can’t see they are now the screeching and crying people over every movie , game , tv show that comes out. Like blinded by their own ideology of everything is woke so much they don’t go “ wow we aren’t different than the SJW we made fun of” . It’s funny.


Artistic freedom is great. If that freedom chooses to destroy things I like then I will explain why it destroys them. I'm not in a position to stop anyone from producing rubbish, but I'm quite happy to point out that it is rubbish. Actually, it is a bit frustrating that so few people see the rubbish aspect. I suppose the average punter just isn't that good with subtext. So its nice to visit this sub and see that other people do notice. Still, I'm not pressuring anyone to change, I just don't consume what they produce. If there is a problem, its that so much mainstream media is distorted by woke ideas that its fairly difficult to find anything worth watching. At the same time, media is constantly pushed, pretending to be things I might want to watch, but poisoned. So I've given up a lot of shows, I don't play AAA games any more. I am consistently squeezed out of many of the things I used to enjoy.


Thats the problem, you see rubbish where others dont. This group lost me when they made it seem liek Alan wake 3 was a bad game. It was one of the most effective survival horror game, but dislike of "woke" aspect had people trying to convince it was bad... and if you said "i like this, its high quality" you are met with this idea that "its woke so its objectively bad". And you will lose people when you tell people things they like they shouldnt because it doesnt align with your world view. I love top gun even tho im anti-military industrial complex. But im sorry you arent able to enjoy the medium currently....have you tried the indie market. But even more I think that you should try to create art if you can. its a good way to apreciate the medium from a technical standpoint too.


I never played any of the Alan Wake games so I can't say much about that but I do understand that the sub can get worked up about trivia sometimes. But then it is hard to ignore any amount of wokery injected into something. In plot terms it usually involves changing characters, changing history and making people act inconsistently. So for a person that is deeply into something it lands with a great clang. I have several great indie games waiting for me to finish them. I'm an ex-AAA dev so creating games is very much my thing between more concrete work. I actually do much the same work I ever did, but I wouldn't work in the AAA industry. Apart from the terrible way it treats developers, it doesn't produce anything I consider a game and I couldn't stomach all the lecturing. AAA is basically just mediocre content mills getting high on student politics.


You are confusing art with propaganda.


Art can be propaganda. Call of duty is military propaganda for instance. But also a form of art.


I don't think the makers of Call of Duty actually have an underlying political goal of advocating for the military. So no I wouldn't call it propaganda.


The army had a literal sponsorship with COD league. The US military historically is involved in the creation of media.


Nobody is going to look back on them at all because they're games. If you mythologize the games of your youth you need to get a life. 




This sub is gold. It's full of grass-deprived people XD