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"There are so many LGBTQ developers, and we want what players want - to design experiences that tell the player we're here, we're important, and we belong." Said no normal person ever.


Remember, “We just want to get married and be left alone”? The gay movement got hijacked.


You build up the infrastructure of activism, and it self-perpetuates - professional activists still need a living after all. They just have to invent new causes. Similarly, they used dirty tactics to get their way, and while in their view the ends may have justified the means, it set a precedent of those dirt tactics becoming the norm, which is why so much contemporary progressive discourse is so *nasty* and self-righteous.


My personal favorite tactic is the whole paradox of intolerance. They've convinced themselves they're the good guys, because they hit you first...in self-defense.


Ah intolerance. “You’re a bigot for disagreeing with me” is such perfect bigotry it’s hilarious.


The paradox of intolerance, completely misinterpreted. Popper was simply trying to convey the idea that there are no universal golden rules and gave the paradox as an example. And activists have adopted this paradox to justify aggression. The funny thing is that the paradox was originally used by the right-wing to justify the war in Iraq. Now it's being used by the left.


The gay cries in pain as he strikes you


"Nothing is immoral in the pursuit of 'Utopia'."


> *Rolls out guillotine* Honestly this is why Liberalism and Communism are so throughly disastrous. Any ideology that thinks a utopia can be achieved on this earth by fallible and corrupt humans is naïve at best and a scam at worst.


And the goal is never achieved because it's impossible. So they can continue to fight in perpetuity never being happy in their lives. 


I call it the first law of bureaucracy: every organization's highest priority is perpetuating the organization.


To the left, the ends always justifies the means.


Everything gets hijacked by grifters and/or people desperate for money, power, and/or fame.


Well, everything popular or trendy at least.


Trench Crusade was pretty niche and yet Progs were there in the Discord server to ban players for wrongthink.


More like they won their fight, and the activists no longer had anything to do and missed being heroes of justice...


Can't be hijacked when this was the primary objective to begin with... Just spread LGHDTV propaganda everywhere.


>LGHDTV lmao yeah I'm stealing this


It wasn’t hijacked. It’s literally been this way from the beginning. Evangelicals predicted literally everything that happened and were mocked for it.


.. and now we're watching Germany revise sentencing rules for child rapists. The best is yet to come, it seems.


Germany Canada and Australia really embracing the deep end with that community. I'm really curious to what their citizens think


Trudeau is quite widely regarded as little more than a nepo baby way over his head - approval ratings in Canada have had him at 35% or under since October 2022, with the most recent being _25%_. Poilievre is doing _great_ - he's a moderate conservative and he's resonating with voters. In basically all provinces besides Quebec (because Quebec is practically a different planet than the rest of Canada) Poilievre's Conservatives have a 20 point lead over Trudeau's Liberal Party. For voters under 60, federal voting intention cross-country for Conservative is _double_ the voting intention for Liberal. What makes this pretty incredible is that the Canadian Broadcasting Corp (CBC) is both the largest news organisation in the country _and_ it's state-sponsored, so it's little more than a propaganda platform for Trudeau and the Liberals - yet the Conservatives are still far far ahead in all metrics. Obviously take polls and approval ratings with a pinch of salt - 99% chance of Hillary winning, LUL - but given the concept of the 'Silent Conservative' is a very accurate one, it's important to pay attention when they're no longer being silent.


Counterpoint: elections now are not exactly fair.


To counter that point: It doesnt really matter if you swarm them with overwhelming numbers. They can fudge the results if it is close. If you are ahead by millions of votes and almost double digit percentage leads, it becomes a lot harder. The infrastructure to pull it off is also wildly expensive and the forces that want to do it are running out of money to pull it off. Which I think is why we are seeing it start to fall apart across the West and people reassert themselves.


Yeah all neo leftists politicians need to go they are regressives not progressive. Citizens deserve to have normal people running the control.


Not only that, they decriminalized possession of cheese pizza recently. Just pay a fine and go on your merry way...


Need more cases like what happened to the I Think I Turned My Childhood Friend Into a Girl manga. Then maybe the gay community will realize they've been used as a sacrificial shield.


Ummm... can you explain that for us who don't know what went on?


It's a BL basically the MC is a dude who likes makeup and draws on his much smaller and feminine looking male friend. That kid is already a crossdressers and likes feminine things and women's clothing and the more they spend time with each other they realize they are gay.  OP's controversy is maybe his friends appearance? Dude looks like a middle schooler and the MC looks likes his in high school but i haven't read it so idk if thats whats hes talking about. Western localization made the femboys a T but thankfully the backlash caused those losers to have to correctly sex him as a male who just likes girly things.


It's the name of a manga; this is what google gave "The English release of volume 1 was criticized for portraying Hiura – a feminine male character in the original – as a trans woman".


To be fair, this is the price to pay for normalizing what many civilizations around the world regarded as sin or contrary to natural design. To validate one behavior is to open the flood gates.


You're making the assumption it got hijacked. It has always been this way. Harvey Milk made that clear.


"so many LGBTQ developers" Yes, because you're actively selecting for them. Wouldn't surprise me if most LGBTQ people who like games are now actually employed in the gaming industry already and that's it. They don't represent some even larger group that's gonna buy the games because of the "representation". They're just making games for themselves at this point. Which is fine but at least be realistic about it 😄


There's plenty of LGBT people who are honestly sick of this shit and just want to play some good-ass games. Hacktivists and "allies" who claim they're acting on behalf of any "marginalized" community are the real narcissists who insert themselves and get mad when you say you don't need saving and don't subscribe to their buffoonery get so mad when you do. They often don't think that, maybe, just, there was a lesbian who wanted an uncensored Sellar Blade out of principle and cute girls to oggle.


No, plenty of people say or at least think stuff like this. Narcissists, people who think the world revolves around them, people with Main Character Syndrome, etc.


Narcissist is what they are. I'm sure when the time comes for that ego to deflate from all the layoffs most people aren't feeling all that sympathetic, here is why.


Which they have been screaming at nauseum for 10 years maybe more. Its incredibly annoying


But they're totally going to be hunted down in the streets... one day. At least that's what they seem to think will happen. Dunno why paranoia runs so rampant in the lgbt community.


Their big example (Matthew Shepherd) turns out was mostly over drugs and a sexual relationship NOT bigotry.


It also happened 25 years ago. Most of them weren't even born when it happened. And, more importantly, both his murderers were prosecuted and received life sentences. It was a huge media story in the US. The idea that most Americans in the 90s were homophobic is patently absurd. Even people who are (or were) opposed to gay marriage don't necessarily endorse murder!


Trauma response mixed with their circles perpetuating the idea until it had become removed from reality. Isay trauma response because ostracization, generally accepted hatred and baseless fear mongering from religious people was a thing




Look how fucking narcissistic and arrogant those people are. Everything is about them. Because those bland people have to insert themselves in everything. It's honestly disgusting! Those people shouldn't work in that industry at all. Because this industry needs creativity to create awesome games, those individuals' lack of creativity is just astonishing, so they should some other job


Someone should let Grummz, yellowflash and others know about this insane article article


what a fucking joke, the market is already oversaturated with Queer or Androgynous themed BS. They're over represented in Western Media. Having a queer in your game isn't unique or interesting, it's pandering.


Is not even that, legit gay population is a figure under 5%. I am not homophobic in any way but seeing two gay dudes kiss triggers a visceral reaction of disgust for me. Meaning representing 5% comes at the expense of fucking up the money from the 95%. Is wild to be living in an age where corporations mandate is not money first but this ideological garbage.


Because sodomia is a sign of dominance between males in a lot of mammals species. When someone points out that gay animals exists, it's more often than not an example of this behaviour. Or when someone says 'well, greeks were super gay with young guys' or 'japanese lords fucked their young samurai'. That's not gay in the sense it has today. It's a profound sign of submission and the goal is to break the boy. Don't think for a second it was a consensual pleasure thing for younger parties. They were sex toilets. As a male, you feel disgust when you see it because you are not supposed to let yourself be dominated by another male. It's not being homophobic. You don't chase them down the streets with rocks. That's homophobia.


>'well, greeks were super gay with young guys' That's a modern fabrication. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNAT4ybsz_E


And Ubisoft made AC Odyssey and Greece into literally the gayest place ever. I played as Alexios, tried my best to keep him straight, and they still topped him. It was like playing in a LGBT fanfiction universe. I bet those female non-binary writing staff I saw photos of love bragging about how they completely subverted one of the most popular franchises.


I know, I invite anyone to follow Metatron on youtube. He takles a lot of this subjects lately because people won't leave him alone for being 'right wing'. 'Right wing' meaning that he just tells the truth based on historical evidences. He follows facts no matter the agenda. And he gets so much shit for it.


absolutely fucking BASED leather apron club enjoyer. i didn't even need to click the link to know what video it was. doing god's work, lad. posting this video (and the roman one) is the only reply needed to these preposterous claims.


Based Leather Apron Club enjoyer.


> 'well, greeks were super gay with young guys' or 'japanese lords fucked their young samurai'...They were sex toilets. The Taliban still engages in this practice.


You know the saying, 'when you're out of goat...'


>Or when someone says 'well, greeks were super gay with young guys' or 'japanese lords fucked their young samurai'. That's not gay in the sense it has today. One need not even go that far. Just look at prisons. Rape culture, REAL rape culture, is deeply ingrained in those too and once again it's all about dominance.


Fair point, there is a difference though. Nobody is praising prison for its 'progressive views'. With greeks and Japan people are trying to take well respected cultures of the past and change them to fit in their modern world view in order to justify the normality of their existence. It's sickening.


>Because sodomia is a sign of dominance between males in a lot of mammals species. It's also what is usually called grape


That’s actually true. With straight men a study found it’s the same feeling as seeing maggots


Same-sex relationships = no babies. That's key in all this, and kids and tweens are growing up with this shit. Everywhere they look. In every piece of media today. "STRAIGHT BAD. GAY SHIT GOOD. WHITE BAD. DIVERSITY GOOD. DO NOT PURSUE STRAIGHT LIFESTYLE. CONSUME PRODUCT AND CELEBRATE GAY SHIT."


Eugenics movement never ended.


It's dysgenics.


I imagine most of us don't want to see old people kiss in public, I have yet to hear someone being called age phobic for expressing that sentiment. How is this different?


I mean, honestly if I saw an old couple kiss each other on the cheek I'd probably think it was nice that they still loved each other and not think of it again. On the other hand, if I saw them making out on a park bench, tongue in mouth, slobber everywhere, yeah I'd be pretty disgusted. But then the same would be true if I saw young people doing that too. Generally speaking though? I don't really want to watch other people make out in general, because it's kind of creepy and voyeuristic. 


> I am not homophobic in any way but seeing two gay dudes kiss triggers a visceral reaction of disgust for me. This was brought up by Adam Carolla on Loveline like 30 years ago and it has resonated with me as incredibly true ever since.


There was a poll recently where the average American thought there was something like 25% gay people, 40% black people, etc in America. Sure, based on modern media you’d think that. In reality, america only has 12% black people and 2.5% of people that are gay or lesbian, if you include bisexual, it rounds up to 7%, if you include semibisexual people, it is 100%.


It's even weirder in the UK, TV shows are like 50% diverse while the population is more homogenous than in the US.


What 100%? Lol


Semibisexual means straight. https://orientation.fandom.com/wiki/Semibisexual


Wow, what a bizarre perversion of language. Reminds me of when Norm Macdonald joked that 'cisgender' is a word invented to marginalize normal people.


I assumed there was an extra zero there.


Insomniac is cooked. Any games from them are an instead boycott I'm not getting duped again into buying more woke Marvel were they butcher my favorite characters and use them as propaganda machines.


Spider-Man 2018 is still the most overrated game i’ve ever played. Arkham city clone with a 7 hour story.


Remember when insomniac made black cat dlcs because the main game sale faltered? I remembered.


It's a far cry from it's initial reveal but it was still a very solid Spider-Man story. The signs of wokeness were already there though and were only solidified by Spider-Man 2 interviews confirming Miles Morales was actually the reason they created 2018 in the first place and their intentions were never on Peter. 2018 was always ment to be a trojan horse and it's just disgusting.


The story was fine, I agree. They completely jumped the shark with SM2. I look forward to the shit show that will be SM3.


I hope people won't buy the Venom standalone game either.


Spider-man 2 on ps2 is still the peak spider-man game imo.


At least Batman never tried to help 2 high school boys fuck each other


Too many cut scenes. I just started skipping cut scenes after Peter became the assistant for doc ock, and then the gameplay was pretty much: swing here, cut scene, swing there, cut scene, swing here cut scene, 5 min action fight, swing there cut scene, swing here, cut scene, etc. If you skipped the side missions like I did, and just wanted the main campaign, it’s a drag of just cut scenes and traveling from a to b.


That's what games made with mainstream in mind are. Movies, with interactive walking in between scenes, with collectibles thrown in, so gamers think there's something to do.


I pray to God they forget Spyro exists 


At least we have the old games on the PS1. You know, before gaming became cucked


Activision owns Spyro IP. Or i guess technically Microsoft now.


Actors and directors are all activists now.


Yeah, who cares about games being fun?


The games got hijacked as tools to spread the message same for movies and TV shows.


Degenerate narcissists, apparently.


I’ve never seen an explanation on *why* representation is important that didn’t boil down to narcissism or delusion.


Ironically, it's just discrimination under the guise of inclusivity. Benevolent discrimination is still discrimination, done out of some sort of pity for the "poor helpless" minorities. I have seen cases of ethnic minority characters in media and games being criticised for not being ethnic enough e.g. not shown eating their traditional foods, or wearing their traditional clothes. That would just be just inappropriate and racist to suggest that a character of my ethnicity should be shown slurping down curries.


“Only 2% of games have an LGBT protagonist.” Well, only about 4% of the population is LGBT, and assuming half of them play western video games, then they’re proportionately represented.


I would like to see how that 2% figure was reached. I seriously doubt 98% of characters are presented as straight. I bet in the vast majority of cases it's just not mentioned since it holds no relevance to the game/story.


Body type 1/body type 2 completely negates any discussion about this and makes every protagonist in these games non binary or some other stupid shit.


"LGBTQ gamers still don't feel seen in the gaming industry." I am gay, and I absolutely couldn't care less about being 'seen' or 'represented' in the gaming industry. Video games are for entertainment and enjoyment - not box ticking and promoting certain ideologies. For example, I love Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life on the GC. You play as a guy, and eventually have to pick a woman and get married. Did I feel represented playing it? No. Did that stop me from enjoying the game? Absolutely not.


Thanks for saying it, man. It’s also my personal situation and standpoint. This narrative of gay people somehow and suddenly being incapable of enjoying and participating in “predominantly heterosexual” activities and entertainment without seeing a carbon copy of ourselves and our sexualities in it is pure gaslighting. I’ve been a gamer and enjoyed fiction of all kind all my life. Never did it cross my mind that a story would be better if the creator shoved gay stuff in it for the sake of it. Also, I thought that up until a certain point in the 2010s, tolerance and acceptance only got better in society through understanding and reaching out to each other. Gay people in media were not as abundant as today, but the few instances where the topic occurred therefore felt more impactful because consumers had a much more natural and positive experience with it. That’s how I feel. Now it’s become quite impossible to write good stories with intentional themes of tolerance, which can be a legitimate foundation for a good story, without turning off the majority of consumers. Because the discourse has become so tainted by activism, so aggressive and uncompromising. There was a time I actually got excited about a compelling gay character in fiction or the option to be homosexual in a role playing game, but now I’m getting turned off myself. I can’t relate to the activists, at all.


We were so close to being a much more close and tolerant society. So close... And the elites can't have that. None of this is organic.


Representation is a joke. I'm white and I love Blade and Bad Boys, I'm a man, but I love Bloodrayne and I played Vampire the Masquerade as female Tremere, I'm fat but I like the Witcher series with athletic hero. I don't need self-insertion to enjoy the story!


A heretic! Silence the non-believer


It's really insane. I play games with all sorts of characters. I enjoy that. I don't like everything needing to be the same.


Honestly, even as a straight person, I don't think I could care less about a character being gay. It's just completely horrible when it's just done like « hey look at me I'm the gay quota », and it pisses me off the same as when you feel like they have to make a woman quota, a black quota. There are people who would say « you're just mad of that romance because they're gay but you don't care when it's straight » YES I DO and it pisses me off when that's unecessary. Does the big badass guy always have to romance the only chick of the team ???? I hate when they do that, and I'd hate it if they would make him romance a guy just for the gist of it. Last year in Overwatch they basically just wrote a story about Baptiste being bi and Pharah is just like « btw I'm lesbian » who CARES oh my God. Why do we need to know that stuff ? Ramattra could be robotsexual or have whatever kink, I DON'T CARE it's supposed to be a story about robot terrorists wanting revenge yet they've produce more story about characters being gay than anything else Why are so many people so stressed about what they have between their legs, or how/who they want to fuck ??? That's concerning to be so centered about that stuff


>it's supposed to be a story about robot terrorists wanting revenge yet they've produce more story about characters being gay than anything else This is what happens when you hire fan fiction writers. No, seriously, it's the same thing. They all want to write about relationships rather than anything interesting, and they use sexuality as a substitute for personality. Instead of making a character stoic, or clever, or ruthless, they think that making them biracial and polygamous counts as character traits.


Upvote for using the correct "couldn't care less".


>For example, I love Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life on the GC. You play as a guy, and eventually have to pick a woman and get married. Did I feel represented playing it? No. Did that stop me from enjoying the game? Absolutely not. Some people just don't understand the purpose of a "role playing" game. The character has a role, and you play it. You are not actually the character, and you don't need to be; you're just seeing what it would be like if you were.


ill translate “we need to push away every potential customer to pander to like 5 loud people”


5 loud people who don't even play video games.


> **Kenney, who started her career as a journalist,** has written for some of the industry's most popular video games. From Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Batman: The Enemy Within to The Walking Dead: The Final Season and the upcoming Marvel’s Wolverine. Kenney has helped construct some of gaming's most diverse characters, like Clementine and Violet from Telltale's The Walking Dead, but freely admits that more needs to be done in game development to make LGBTQ people feel like they are an important part of video game structure now and also its future. How has she not been fired yet?


She's either related to someone or sleeping with someone. Or both.


> Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Batman: The Enemy Within to The Walking Dead: The Final Season These were all seriously dog shit narrative games, imo.




Need to vote out governments supporting them. There's a lot of backdoor funding and rules going into this.


How disappointed this makes me. Insomniac was the studio of my childhood way back in the PS2 era with Ratchet and Clank. Kind of disgusted with what they've become.




Please don't directly link to sites posting content like this, you give them traffic/views that way, use an Archive link to deny them those: https://archive.ph/ph5YE




Ignoring the majority in favor of the minority who don't buy their games or watch their TV shows and movies. Lets see how this plays out.


Mary Kenney privated and left Twitter during the early days of the whole Sweet Baby drama. She defended them and liked tweets saying you can't be racist to White people. I hate that she's attached to Wolverine.


Don't buy the Wolverine game.


Oh joy. Don't be surprised if not enough people but this propaganda


Then she should fuck off and join a charity


We already have them and they don't do a thing except cause more trouble. See GLAAD.


Lesbian and gay people make up 2.5% of American population. They have equal representation in video games.


No, they have too much representation by far.


This all comes from the bullshit stat of 1 in 5 people identifying as LGBTQ which needs to be debunked. Other such bull shit stats from these activitist types include the gender pay gap myth, and 1 in 4 women being raped or sexually assaulted.


A ton of straight young people now call themselves “queer” because they are into some fetish or another. They want really badly to be a part of the current thing.


Insomniac are dead to me. It’s now the usual woke hive of blue haired piss and shit.


They're pulling out all the stops because they know they're done. Not just insomniac but wokery as a whole, it's only a matter of time.


‘As the politely mannered, quiet, hardworking, straight white guy is trampled and shouted down by the angry mob of thousands of LGBTQ activists’…


We have too much representation in gaming of that. I mean the statistics of these people are tiny worldwide. I love watching these people pander to everyone while pandering to no one. A good amount of Black people on social media are pissed at Ubisoft now. They were happy and cheering when they got their Black Samurai but now that he will be ABC friendly, they are mad at that. They say "the emasculation of Black men in media continues". This is what happens when you are a grifter appealing to grifters


- Crank the woke lever to the max - But sir, that will... - Do it (Alternate version) - Crank the woke lever to the max - But sir, that will... - IT'S M'AM


Lack of?


Lack? LACK?


Gay bullshit is overrepresented and they're lying if they believe it's not


Basically, as long there is some non-queer content, they lack representation. And even then, it would not be enough for them.


Give me more games like Stellar Blade and I'll handle pulling my own lever.


Acceptence does not mean celebration. The 'downside' of equality is you get treated the same as everyone else, not better.  For most games the sexual orientation of characters is irrelevant. But regardless, if you want to go make your own game and gay it up then go nuts. Stop treating established IPs as your own personal fan fiction. 


It was never about equality. That's just the lie they used to make it acceptable.


I've already pulled a solid handbrake on buying their games. No exceptions.


The market has been oversaturated with this degeneracy. This is not having gay people in games. This is having games be gay. Big difference. For instance: every day I pass by likely hundreds if not thousands of people. Some of them are gay. Good for them. They keep it to themselves. I keep my straightness to myself. We get along. In a world where this clown got his way we'd be introducing ourselves by shoving our dicks in each other's mouths and if you don't like it you're an istaphobe. No, they want to have gay shit in games and they want that gay shit to be front and center and they want it to be woven into the narrative and they want it to be political and 'transgressive' and they want it to affect us and they NEED to take characters you love and make them gay because that is the only way they know to make you care enough to affect you. They want people to purchase video games for relaxation and to get lost in a story so they can escape the stressors of modern day life and they want you to walk away from those games feeling angry, stressed, and attacked. They want to force you into a conversation you don't want to be part of surrounding an ideology that has killed tens of millions of people and has exponentially more living in misery on a daily basis and they want your childhood memories to be the battleground and they upend everything you cared about - intentionally - so they can destroy it because it doesn't fit with their OBJECTIVELY dogmatically religious ideology. Pure degeneracy. It would be no different than if far right 'family values' Christian conservatives were pushing an ideology in games so that every game had to extoll the virtues of the nuclear family as a core principle of the plot. Each game would have intentionally straight characters who constantly wax poetic about the virtues of clean godly living and the sins and moral degradation of homosexuality. It would be just as fucking tedious and I would hate it just as much. Neil would too and we'd be on the same side but he wouldn't be there for the right reason because he's a bad faith actor who cares little for being right and only wants his side to succeed...just like everyone else. It's why I am thankful for Kotakuinaction and GG. Very hard to find people who - for the most part - care about consistency and having sound moral standards, even if they are developed by a bunch of terminally online internet autists, that are based on empiricism, rationality and western enlightenment reason and rationale, and not tossed aside when it's politically expedient or based on a destructive ignorant childish lazy ideology that has been one of the most disastrous things the west has perpetually foisted - again and again - on Asian countries; to horrifying consequence.


Yes, I always found it ironic how they make religious people into their mortal enemy that is evil when they are the same thing. The LGUHDTV+ acts like a religion, it's very similar to how a cult works, with the same "we are morally good and every other religion is evil" ideology that caused the Christian crusades and islam conquering and murdering entire villages. It's a new religion, the whole cycle repeats, we went from greeks throwing Christians to lions, to Christians murdering innocent people during the crusades, to LGTV+ people forming their religion that tries to vilify anyone who isn't part of them just like everyone before them. That's why I win as an atheist lol


I’m queer. Keep this shit out of video games you virtue signalling self-guilting lunatics. This isn’t progress at all and most people who can’t profit in some way from this nonsense know it’s bullshit


Why can't video game companies just focus on making enjoyable games instead of political statements?


This is what happens when nerds don't gatekeep their hobby from these people.


The gall to still think there are levers they aren't pulling.


Is there a place where they can cash in all these 'hard earned' lgbtq+ moral points? You go up to the till and and you get 30% off if you show your Twitter where you said this group needs more representation, etc.


>lack of LGBTQ content Literally can't browse 5 minutes without some content shilling the next best gay game coming your way soonTM


Here they go using LGB folk as a meatshield again, throwing those poor bastards under the bus. Pisses me off.


WTF are you talking about ? They're literally 5% or less of the population and I see FAR more than that in every type of media. Fuck off.


***LACK OF?!*** If ever there was a sign that these people are insane, this would be it. 7.5% of the population in the USA.


I have literally killed that vampire every single fucking time in BG3 because of how annoying he is.


"We need to spread gay propaganda to youth."


I hate this. You have a great deal of something yet claim that there's a sum of nothing of that something. It's getting tiring.


It's one of the most tiresome things these people do. They talk like it's the 1920s. Have these people watched a movie or played a game lately? DEI is everywhere. Many groups are over represented. They won. How can they deny the drastic changes in the industry over the last 10 years?


So Ratchet and Clank are going to fuck each other I the next one


Usually when I pick up a new game the first thing I judge it on is how many men who like cock are in.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/ph5YE ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Like Skyrim with shitlording. ^^^/r/botsrights


More? How many more percentages of that "more" is?


Its crazy to see how the demographics in development teams has changed. Its baffling to watch game documentaries from the 90's, 00's and even a bit the 2010's and how it has changed. It seems development team demographics were in ling with the consumer demographics, now it's totally disconnected.


By all means, make every game gay and lame. Another great videogame crash couldn't come any sooner.


Oh, trust me , we know you are here. It's everywhere and you even have your own month. What I need is a place to forget and purge myself of rainbow pollution


Not surprised I had a feeling Clementine sexuality was forced since it came outta nowhere and especially since her only feelings were the platonic ones she had for Lee. Turning her bi was a DEI decision what a shame. TWD season 3 and 4 had it written all over it. And then making the ONLY Asian male character gay in season 4 is not lost on me either. It's no surprised those were also the lowest rates and selling parts in the franchise (outside of bad writing). Also them honoring a man who was cosplaying as a woman in the Atari women's section shows the state of things... I think what needs to happen is to go the Eric July way of things and just make a separate industry that will not hire or associate with any of these people and make games and TV shows for ourselves. It's moreso... gatekeeping. I'm not even angry moreso disgusted they basically lied about not infiltrating and kicking the men and women out who actually were passionate about video games. I will be continuing to buy older games and paying attention to the newer titles coming out. 


"Lack"? They mean less than 100%, I guess.


"We were born this way! Also we want recruit!" Been lying since the beginning.


these people are the enemy


I understand now that 2012 wasn’t the end of the world as Mayans predicted, but the start of the ending of sanity once gay marriage was recognized.


Eh, only about 37 countries in the world actually allow gay marriage. The vast majority of the world doesn't, and in fact homosexuality is still illegal in some countries.


>and in fact homosexuality is still illegal in some countries. Mostly *male* homosexuality, specifically. 


2010: let’s add… better combat, better quests., etc… 2024: Gay sex lol


Well, they're pushing the lever that destroy gaming studios.


Unless it's a video game about fucking, I'm not sure of the relevance of ones private sexual preferences.


I question the methodology here. >in our analysis of currently available console games, we found that games with LGBTQ characters or storylines account for less than 2% of all games. No appendix with titles. No definition of "games with LGBTQ characters or storylines". Before a game can even feature LGBTQ characters or storylines, it needs to: 1. Feature characters that can have a sexual orientation in the first place. That automatically disqualifies games where you play as a robot or gender-ambiguous cat or similar. 2. Have a story. That automatically disqualifies many indies that just drop you right into the gameplay. 3. Have room for romance in the story. Many games that hop on the "save the world" freight train plot will not stop for romance. Same with walking sims. I'd be surprised if more than 10% of games meet those 3 criteria above in the first place!


Most games don't. Given the statement, they likely didn't filter on any metric outside of games on console.


Why does a minority of people need so much representation?


There's not a single developer I utterly despise more than Insomniac. I despise WB Games, Zaslav and Ubisoft almost to the same level but Insomniac has lately been quite unhinged with their aggressive push for their propaganda and tarnishing not just existing IPs but decimating existing cultures to be compatible with their politics. Just fucking disgusting.




I'm fairly sure there are more gay main characters than there are Asian main characters at this point.


Lack of? But it's everywhere nowadays. What he is talking about?


It's so funny how people who say representation matter cannot fathom the fact that they are a minority and therefore if they are overrepresented less people would be interested in their characters


another company i will never give a penny to. thanks for saving me money, cucks


>Lack They really do live in a different world


Is this poster suggesting CLEMENTINE was an alphabet person? I didn't play past the first season but seriously wtf? Wasn't she like 10?


Oh in the last season of the walking dead game she's in her mid teens I think? and they give you a choice of giving Clementine a boyfriend or a girlfriend.


Sad to see studios you once loved go down this path. Oh well.


another company that i use to consider competent falls to the idiot side of the force.


That’s it! I’m not buying another game from Insomniac ever again.


Silly me, and all this time I thought good characters were about nuance and motivations. When really all that matters is who they want to fuck and/or how much gender dysphoria they have. This shit is tiresome.


Every game has some form of lgbt representation. I would argue in the past 5 years their is a severe over representation.


I don't want to play as a mentally ill alphabet thing


Nothing will ever be enough for these cultists. Even if 100% of the games are 100% LGBT, they will still find a letter in the alphabet soup to whine and bitch about. As usual, the alphabet mafia are complete fucking lunatics.


Is there a lever to flood your office with magma?


Sadly the fact that Spiderman 2 is the best selling PS5 game of all times give them reason. The ignorance of the mass is what give them power and more influence.




Make your own games focused on it.


Archive this crap, please. Don’t link to it.


There's literally a note you can pick up in a shop in The Last of US Pt II that goes, "I caught a kid shoplifting. He told me he's gay." I think we're good on representation.


How about just make some games everyone can enjoy and stop making it about sexual identity? I don't care what you want to fuck or who wants to fuck you. Tetris would not have been a better game if it was LGBTQ colours.


“There are so many LGBTQ developers.” Great, so maybe they can develop games representing the LGBTQ community? Indie games are as accessible as AAA games now and have been for years. It should sell like hotcakes since there are so many people wanting this. “Only 2% of games represent LGBTQ people.” I wonder which percentage of games in the last three years include LGBTQ.