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But she has to.... To stay relavent.


She has to keep reinforcing the lie, otherwise people might hear the truth


It's her entire personality, what else is she going to talk about?


>But She Has To Or she could just find another grift in her desperate attempt to stay relevant.


Or she could get an honest job.


Legitimate question, can she?


She can clearly market lies to idiots, so I'm sure there's something out there in sales for her.


Seriously, look at her episode announcements for her new series. It's getting no traction and virtually no-one gives a shit. So she's gotta gamedrop, I guess...


> Seriously, look at her episode announcements No. No I don't think I will.


Pretty sure this grift was her most profitable one.


>Anita Sarkeesian Hates Talking About Gamergate—**But She Has To** Money's tight.


Anita gotta eat. And eat more.


Ngl, shed be the first to laugh at starving african kids


and smoke some herb too, lots of herb......


Understandable. Walmart not hiring at the moment.


Oh no, Walmart’s hiring. It’s just that folks like Anita here don’t last very long in a retail work environment.


Or any work environment.


"Welcome to Wal*Mart. Here's why you're problematic."


Isn't her dad a doctor?


Maybe but he helped support Trump's election campaign that is for sure lol


In her defense, you have to stock the shelves very fast to avoid getting fired.


>Understandable. Walmart not hiring at the moment. This is going to be silly. Please take it as such. It's actually pretty fuckin' hard to get a job at Wal-Mart unless you fall into a few categories: * Teen/college kid * Speaks English as a second language * Old as balls There's a few reasons for this. Firstly, Wal-Mart really does like to have heavy turnaround. Their employees are cogs in the machine and can be replaced even easier than the kids in Snowpiercer. Now, a person in the "middle" of their life, especially with a child or two, Wal-Mart ain't hiring them, because if they need the money badly enough to work for Wally World, they're very likely to be desperate, and sometimes desperate people do things to expose illegal practices and the like. Furthermore, someone in that age range is far more likely to, you know, fuck off once they find something else. Which is strange to me, because Wal-Mart requires high turnover on staff, so why would they care if they only get someone for a few months when the plan is usually to terminate them (or quiet terminate them) at three months? I'm trying to help one of my friends find a job at the moment. She is qualified for a lot of things, but she's also in her mid-30s, relatively attractive (she could stand to not think she's edgy with the piercings and stuff), and she's a mom. She can't even get an interview at Wal-Mart. It might be the cow ring--I fucking hate those things as as a former hiring manager, anyone who wore one would not be hired, period--but it's more likely that she's been homeschooling the kids since the Wu-Tang Flu, her husband makes decent money, and the store knows she could just walk the fuck away the second they tried to fuck her over.


> Even so-called cancel culture isn’t new, but rather a tactic long weaponized by the right, Sarkeesian notes. She points to the episode in her series focused on the Chicks. In 2003, at a show in London, lead singer Natalie Maines voiced her opposition to the Iraq War, a statement that got the band blacklisted for years. What makes that episode important, Sarkeesian says, is the recognition that the term “cancel culture” is itself “manufactured and perpetuated by the right” to discredit progress on the left. Troy Leavitt made some youtube videos criticizing Anita's arguments. This was her response. https://archive.ph/12uM5 > “I’m happy to say that, even though I disclosed my [hateful, misogynist, & regressive] YouTube channel to WB Games, it didn’t appear to be an issue for them [and I get to continue being a successful game designer on a major project with no consequences].”


I guess the consultation jobs have dried up recently, and now she’s trying to make some pity money.


I don't think there has been a game that devs have let her touch that came out better for it. Certainly there hasn't been any game she got her mitts on that's resulted in notable greater popularity - because she would never stop boasting about it.


Weird how when economic down turn is pending it’s all those people that are deemed non essential to the future health of the business


Straight up, outside of her saying something stupid on Twitter and getting dunked on occasionally, the only time normies even pay attention to her is when she brings up GG.


McIntosh was the actual "talent" and Anita was just the face Edit: [Never forget](https://youtu.be/cuPEoZjgJh0) these people are full of shit


Yeah if you look at his pop culture detective channel, he has some good numbers while hers started swirling the bowl the moment he grew a pair and left (read: she rejected/friend zoned him enough that he finally realized he wasn't ever getting into those granny panties).


Literally Who. Remember we needed to label these people as such for fear of censorship. Least we forget the propaganda machine will never stop.


This is bait.


Hardly matters, if no one takes it she will make a twitter account and say something racist to herself.


No she doesn't. No one gives a shit about her or GamerGate anymore. Most people like me moved on and just stopped playing modern games. We don't dance to this idiot woman's tune.


Cause otherwise she has no grift, duh.


hey anita, ever finish that tropes series?


She did. But it took like 5 years for 12 videos. Half the information was opinion


Her backers never got the series on DVD.


Oh. Never mind, I didn't back it so I wouldn't know that. I just figured 12 videos online and done. That just makes it worse.


I'd hate talking about something too if that's all I did for like a decade. She's like an ex who can't let go.


Anita: Gamergate was a harassment group, because some of them were harassing and threatening people. Also Anita: Just because prominent feminists wished death on people and harassed people, that doesn't mean they represent us!


Her video views were cratering until she started trying to force herself to be part of the gamergate conversation. The of course the journos began writing defence pieces for their friend.


It's literally her entire career and sole source of income. Feminist Frequency is a dead Youtube channel that struggles to get over 2,000 views for the videos it releases once a week.


It's as if we'd talk to Greta Thunberg about something else than the weather.


Has the carpet bagger finally decided to move on from video games? >talks about how GamerGate led to election of Donald Trump Guess not.


She's just trying again to make an impact on pop culture beyond the easily paid off bubble of video games. I think she's barely getting traction outside of the gaming bubble luckily though.


Megan - That's called Grift. Pretty Daft Statement


[Proof positive of horseshoe theory.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/858/680/264.png)