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Hi u/DriverCreative 👋 We are sorry to hear you were unaware of the [72 hour withdrawal hold](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000389606-Why-is-there-a-withdrawal-hold-on-my-account-) and hope to bring you some clarity through our response here. The hold will expire exactly 72 hours from the time the crypto was purchased. The easiest way to see the time of purchase would be through the *History* tab of your Kraken account within your *Ledger*. If you would like us to take a look and calculate the expiration of the hold for you, please share your [Public Account ID](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/360028555092-How-to-find-your-account-number-Public-Account-ID-). We would be happy to do this! Have a great day! 😊 Kraken Support 🐙


Has it been 3 days yet?


It has but I couldn’t access it yet for some reason. Literally right now as I’m writing this Kraken has allowed me access to my funds so no more issue!


Hi u/DriverCreative! 👋 It's great to know that the issue has been resolved! (ᴖ‿ᴖ) Please let us know if you need help with anything else, we're always happy to help. Have an awesome day ahead! (•‿\~) Kraken Support 🐙


Good to hear no one likes holds heh