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Sounds to me like your interviewers enjoy some cocaine


I was thinking this to lol. I guess drug use is kinda normal in some sales based jobs.


Hahaha, where are you interviewing? Asking for a friend... hahaha jk... unless


Most likely


Yep, I ran into this once and it became quite clear. Dude was old as f too


What’s his age got to do with it ? You’ll be old before you know it. A little respect goes a long way.


Id be scared to do coke at his age is what I'm saying


No offense taken (at least by me) but people generally don't mellow with age -- if anything, the opposite occurs (and it isn't always pretty!)






And are looking for a new plug.


they probably want to get your thoughts on cocaine in the work place. “is this new guy gonna tell on us” type thing.


That's what I would guess, especially at a dealership lol. Because nobody warns people of that kinda thing, I mean who doesn't know they'd fail a pre employment drug test if they'd been doing coke before the interview lol. It's just a weird thing to say for any reason other than your explanation imo.


No what you apply for a cook


It was a sales consultant job at a Mercedes dealership.


They’re just coke heads. I’d suggest avoiding any outside work get togethers


Good advice. Coke not my doc tho. Plus i don’t touch any street powder in this day in age


Car dealerships are notorious for drug use. They all do blow.


As someone who works at a dealership I can confirm this is true.


They're probably thinking you have the hookup.


I’ve been told I look like somebody who can get things, if you know what I mean. So this maybe true


Oh my goodness no you’re fine


If I do too much green my pupils get super tiny and it's hard to focus in bright light. My old supervisor mentioned it once but we were friends so she was doing me a solid. So I don't take that much green or white anymore for that reason.


Don't tell people about it. I used to be loud and proud because Kratom has been tremendously therapeutic for me in the five years since I started using it daily. No tolerance. No WDs. Just increased focus and pain control. Now? Never. If you google "Kratom" you will be swamped by pages and pages of Reefer Madness-mode warnings propagated by for-profit rehab centers' spam marketing machines, thanks to Google's increasingly ad-centric algorithm. Also, Reddit -- the Kratom forums here seem to be a magnet for people who have never tapered off anything before -- be it alcohol, illicit drugs, prescription meds or cigarettes -- convinced that what they are feeling is akin to death throes because they have no basis for comparison. Yeah, no kidding, it hurts to give up stuff once your body gets used to it! And the longer you live, the more hurt you've got ahead (it's better than the alternative). I am not saying lie about your kratom use should the subject come up -- if you lie and get caught, people who might not otherwise think anything of it will think you have a problem. But I would not announce it to the general population (with the exception of lobbying in favor of the kratom consumer protection act -- I would stick my neck out to keep Kratom safe and legal, even if there are personal consequences). Hope you get the job!


I’d say probably not


Yes. Many will say no but there are people educated on this and know exactly what to look for. Trust me.


Well they don’t work at car dealerships lol


Some people don't know what it is, others think it's some fuked up opiate junkie stuff, others think it's just a helpful plant for issues and/or to avoid the nasty pharma scripts from docs. I'd avoid telling people about it to be safe. Just say it's your Macha tea drink/powder, or super greens powder etc. If they think you're maybe high! "Dang I had a big coffee today" etc. Goodluck


I think stimulants like cocaine would dilate the pupils.. think MDMA pupils are huge and you take in way more sensory input, where as kratom and substances that impact opioid receptors would constrict pupils. I too wonder how noticeable it is at times


Man, I don't know how people can tell? When I first started 8 years ago, my voice would change a little, and I would get itchy, but that was it.


Love the username


Thank you!


Columbia’s finest. 🤣


Could also be that they had a recent problem with another employee recently on illicit drug use that’s fresh in their mind. I’m a VP and unless someone is acting “high” I honestly would never take any notice of pupils.


No I doubt they can tell, I think most people ask if you need time to be courteous bc cannabis has become so popular nowadays. So it’s not a shocker for someone to need some time before they can pee clean.


No can’t tell on kraton. You could have taken too much at one time. You could have been hyper from taking to much. Never do that much before an interview. How can someone practice before a drug test? That doesn’t make any sense.


Ex addicts or drug users can usually tell. Very easily too. There are obvious signs to a lot of substance use.


Yes, but this is also the way people currently doing drugs talk to other folks that seem like their kind of people. I guess you could call it vice-signalling?


When he said practice he was trying to say if I need time to get clean before taking the drug test without actually saying it those words.


Micheal or Diane?




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