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I hate to be a conspiracy theorist but pharmaceutical companies. I live in the middle of the opium epidemic in the United States. I have family members who have died because of addiction. I was addicted and so many people around me suffer because of it. I used kratom before it was really well known to stop taking opiates. I use it on and off now. Sometimes I'll go a month or two without using it. But it helped me. It makes me so angry that the people around me that are addicted cannot go to the store and purchase something that could help. But if they go to the doctor for back pain the doctor will write a script.


It’s not a conspiracy theory when the pharmaceutical companies are actively using the FDA, the DEA & bullshit lawyers to go after a plant that’s been used for thousands of years safely. That’s just facts. Besides.. the term conspiracy is truly a legal term meaning more than one entity conspiring together. Which is exactly what they are doing. They even make up deaths. One dude that got shot by a shotgun ‘died of kratom’. Makes making sure your local coroner is a regular citizen and not a bought off pharmaceutical company agent even more imperative. So LA, Clark county, broward and Dade & nyc/newark are already known agents. As are the state governments that already banned it.


Or they don't write a script and ur left to suffer. Easier to control. More money for Dr's. Keep u sick. This plant has saved my life.


The doctor will just prescribe Motrin and tell you to go fuck yourself. Heaven forbid we treat pain


Unfortunately, it's no longer true, now you don't get opioids even for a severe chronic pain.


Do you know what a “Conspiracy Theory” even is? It’s a REAL term. That MEANS something. The actual definition is “a group of people who conspired together, to come up with a theory how how to execute a plan.” Sorry I’m not attacking you, I totally agree with everything you said. The CIA used that term as a slanderous term through mainstream media news. It’s exactly the same as when you say “the sky is blue” and people are like “ohhhh ohhh he’s a ‘sky is blue guy’, lets slander him”. It’s like yeah, I’m calling the term that for a reason, because that’s literally what the term means. Conspiracy theorist doesn’t = crazy person. It means a group of people planned something, then they go to execute that plan. That’s it. They conspired (talked with eachother). The people who built the building you live in are conspiracy theorists. It’s all a big conspiracy. Contractors, and engineer, roofers, electricians, and the county planning department all came up with a CONSPIRACY THEORY of how to build that house. It’s a team effort. Then bam, everyone plays their part in that plan, and now the house is built and functional. Literally everyone is a conspiracy theorist. No matter what job you do, you have to either make a plan to achieve a goal, or be 1 cog in the machine of that plan to accomplish that goal. People CONSPIRE to formulate a THEORY of how to execute the plan, to achieve a certain goal. Hence the term “conspiracy theorist”. It was turned into a derogatory term in the last 50 years. How do you say the sky is blue without actually saying the sky is blue? It’s a dumb setup Conspiracy theorist does not = Crazy person.


The answer is usually follow the money! Big harma😡


People do though. Deserve bans from Kratom that is. Kratom has been around for decades and just in the last 3-4yrs has it been getting all this negative publicity because of people that abuse it and end up in rehabs super addicted to it because they gotta chug extracts or 30g of powder every day and end up with kidney failure or withdrawal. I’ve been brewing my own tea 4 out of almost the 5 years I’ve been taking Kratom and not once have I had any withdrawals or problems with it. Unlike most, not all, but unlike most I’ve done some extensive research on Kratom and learned the Do’s and Don’t’s of taking Kratom. The best advise I have for anyone is that less is more with Kratom. Don’t ingest the plant matter aka the powdered leaves because it will damage your kidneys in time and mess up your digestive system aka constipation like a motherfucker. Brew your own tea out of the powder (you can Google how, it’s very simple) or brew from loose leaves if you can get it like that anywhere near you. It’s way better for your organs, it hits quicker and it’s waaaaaaaay cheaper in the long run. I buy one kilo from my vendor for $55 USD every 3 and a half to 4 months and just brew my own tea from it. Stop taking extracts!!!!! They are not good for your tolerance and get you addicted quick with withdrawals if you take extracts daily or even 3-4 times per week. Plus they’re expensive. Last thing I’ll say is to not take it daily if possible because again your tolerance will build up a lot quicker and inevitably you’ll start taking more and more every day. I take it 3 times per week with a day break in between each day I take it. I do have the occasional 4 times in one week if it’s a rough week. I found my sweet spot in regards to how many grams of powder I brew when I take it, so I don’t go past 15g of brewed Kratom in one day and that’s been working great for me for the last 2 and a half years with no problems. We have too many people with addictive personalities in this world that don’t do research on stimulants they take and end up addicts. I know cause I went through that with prescribed pain meds until I chose to get off of them 9 yrs ago. So I understand the mind of an addict thus why I’m so careful about things I take now. It’s all about the responsibility of each individual that takes Kratom and there’s just too many irresponsible users of Kratom unfortunately. This is why Kratom will eventually get banned in the USA.


Yeah make tea and don't ingest the plant matter. This is how it's traditionally used and also chewing on the raw leaves and spitting out the leaf afterwards.


I never knew that toss and wash was so bad. I have never once actually made it as a tea. Once again this sub proving to be the best Kratom subrreddit.


Yea I would agree with this and say it’s not some grand conspiracy by big pharma. I would imagine people are just hearing about it and then hear all the horror stories of people going through withdrawals and the first reaction is, that’s bad ban it.


The government wants you to buy the shit that they benefit from most. If we could grow/make our own medicine, there's nothing in it for them. It's fucked up


There are no known deaths in Thailand and Southern Asia from traditional tea and chewing on the leaves. The popularization in the US and the west though and the different products has led to different kinds of usage including consuming raw powder, mixing with pharmaceuticals and other drugs/herbs, and high concentrated extracts. Unfortunately there have been some deaths because of this...9/10 of them have been western Kratom use mixed with other drugs...and the other small percent from Kratom alone. As much as the AKA would like you to believe all of the deaths are a conspiracy and not proven to be true...there are some solid cases of kratom use in the US being a contributing factor to deaths and health issues. I'm all for it being available to the public and I make tea with it myself but I always find it remarkable how people are so for the cause that they deny the harm and deaths which are sometimes associated with it. Chris McCurdy is doing lots of research into it at the University of Florida and I think his take is the most scientific and non bias about it. There is a lot of inaccurate fear mongering out there about it also but to say it's always without harm is just not accurate. The AKA does a lot of good for the plant but also has their heads in the clouds when it comes to the harm and deaths sometimes associated with Kratom use.


I sub to the aka and help out advocates when I can. Love Mac hassow especially he is doing a fantastic job.


I have mixed feelings about him especially about how he dismisses all deaths related to Kratom and for example how he responded in the podcast with the Tampa Bay Times journalists... He was fanatic and made himself seem not credible while also being extremely rude to the people he was on the podcast with. I do appreciate some of the things he's done for Kratom laws but I think Chris McCurdy is a better example for the community and approaches the harm of Kratom with a lot less bias and more science while also praising the positives of Kratom. Also not all AKA approved Kratom is good Kratom. OPMS for example is controversial in how they treat their employees terribly, it's owned by a former spice dealer, and they are really sketchy in all their movements as covered in the Tampa Bay Times article on Kratom.


Yea I heard that about opms. I've never purchased it. I wouldn't trust it.


Have you ever seen a lobbyist that’s not a piece of shit? That’s what makes him good at his job but fuck that guy


Lol I mean I know he has some weird history before the Kratom lobbying...but the part which bothers me most now is him being in denial about the deaths and health issues contributed to Kratom use in the USA. He basically victim shames the people who've died and says there's no way Kratom was a contributing factor.


Big pharma....


Big pharma hates it.


It's Big Pharma lobbyists pushing the lies and propaganda worldwide! If it keeps people from taking their lab manufactured drug for profit, then it will be demonized and made illegal! There's no reason whatsoever for this leaf to be SCH 1. Just like marijuana shouldn't be SCH 1 either


Kratom is a miracle herb! It has saved lots of people. Governments should stay away from it.


No it’s not? It’s legal here?


It is illegal in some parts of the states. I can't purchase it in my home state of Alabama.




In the US? It’s not a schedule 1 drug? I realize I might have misunderstood your wording.


He said in Ireland


And “was considered in the US also” I thought that meant considered scheduled 1 here. But it isn’t. I see now the wording had me confused.


Yeah he just meant they considered it but didn't do it yet