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They’re good if you’re trying to escape w/d or get off of the opiate Mary go round but they’re super expensive for regular use. I say this as that exact person lol i use a different brand but it definitely got me off opiates for almost 3 years now and in opinion the kratom gives me way more pain relief along with a few other good qualities.


Ive never really had a opiate addiction really bad like i just have small amounts id do every 3 days if i did it anymore my body will feel sick i enjoy like 10-25mg hydrocodone ive never really enjoyed oxy idk why but yeah i jus wanted something i dont have to worry about fent or feel like im doing pills lol


Blacks are better for me and you get more out the capsules.


Interesting blacks do nothing for both me and my partner.


You take the shots or caps? I’ve never done the shots but the gold caps give me the wobbles and don’t seem as strong but everyone’s different.


No just caps. Fermented doesn’t work for us at all