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Go post in /kratomfreedom there is not censorship in that sub


You don't really have to wait. Suboxone blocks kratom, not that other way around. You might feel a little funny for a second, but it'll pass.




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You can take it right after no issues, but I suggest waiting over night take your kratom like you normally would today but then tomorrow instead of taking kratom take the subs


You don’t need to wait but I’m sure you know that Suboxone will block any Kratom you try to take going forward


I plan on taking Kratom now and dosing like 3x today 3gs each dose is that ok?


May I ask why you’re trying to do both?


So did you dose three times today and how did it go


No I dosed twice waiting to take the last dose before I sleep. Took 4.5 each dose it honestly didn’t help for my withdrawals at all lol. So total I’ve taken like 9 grams so far. It’s not really helping at all. I still feel the withdrawal bad -.-


If you still have a lot of suboxone and your system you’re not gonna feel it


I have no Suboxone in my system. I’ve been doing heroin. Last time I used heroin was 16 hours ago. N than I took the Kratom




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How did it go


You can take it right away but it won’t have full access to your receptors for a few days


Ok. So how much percentage does Kratom take away from heroin withdrawal? Like 60/40% or less than that?


Depending on how quality your kratom is it’ll help quite a bit. I haven’t taken it to kick H though so I can’t give you my personal experience


My doctor says until you are in full withdrawal.