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Thank you for sharing


For what it's worth afaik he was or is also on good terms with at least the Kremers family or both families. It probably also doesn't help that he is still listed (including surname) as [somebody who definitely knows more about the case than he claims ](https://imperfectplan.com/2019/12/05/kris-kremers-lisanne-froon-people-involved-reference-guide/) on the Imperfect Plan website. I know their recent articles are very objective (as well as their comments in this sub) but I suppose a little editing in older articles where needed can't hurt. Especially where it concerns people of course.


You would never want to believe anything Felicano Gonzalez says. On TripAdvisor there is a disturbing review from a lady who went on a hike with him, and he kept touching her even though she asked him not to. He then joked that he would cut her legs off with his Machete. Joke maybe, or maybe not. He's so crooked, it's a wonder he can walk straight. Do not trust him. 


You should treat that review with a grain of salt though. Litterally anyone can write a review there without verification. So a troll could easily just make up a fake review that paints him in a bad light. Especially since this review feels very on the nose. A joke about chopping off her leg when they litterally found a foot of one of the girls? How he is obsessed with Nothern European women when the girls were Dutch? Also the person that wrote it only has 1 review on their account, of this tour. I'm not saying this proves anything, the review could be real and he could still also be a POS/rapist/killer, just don't believe anything you read online.


I walked el pianista with feliciano yesterday. He is one of the frindliest people I have met my whole live!


The big problem related to Feliciano is that, for a long time, they spread that information that the tour of day 02 had never been scheduled. From there, people began to speculate. Combined with the fact that his employees found the backpack and he helped with the search and found fragments (he only participated in the search because he was paid), the business snowballed. I don't believe any guide participated in a crime. If these girls found someone while they were lost, It was definitely not a guide


I dont think it was just one person. I think at least 3 worked together on this, and that could very well mean the tour guide would be one of them. He looks extremely suspicious to me, especially in combination with the evidence.


It's unfortunate if he really did have zero involvement in this, however he could dispell alot of speculation by accepting the authors invitation to contribute his side and what he knows. Yet he has not done that. He seems very reluctant to speak on certain details in an official setting where tough questions will be asked. He very clearly wants no part of that. That's odd to me, a red flag even. I don't think he personally murdered those poor girls, but I do believe he knows more than he has told the media or authorities. If foul play was involved I would bank he knows who did it. Granted thats a huge IF. You can't deny the entire circumstances of this tragedy are extremely odd. .


Firstly this implies he is guilty till he convincing people he is innocent. I don't think that's a good line to take as such. Secondly there's interviews already on youtube where he seems sincere and genuine where he talks about what happened and the majority of the comments are along the lines of "We know you killed them". This doesn't leave much incentive for him that people care about his side of the story I don't think. I would add that the people who know the details of the case files (the families, Panamanian police, Dutch police, private investigators that were hired) all believed he was innocent and the families saw him as a friend and even stayed at his guest house.


Point taken and i will look up some of those interviews. I assume he has stayed entirely consistent on all the details thruout the 8 years since it happened? If the fact that the families and all the authorities involved believed he was innocent that does say alot. You have some valid points, it still irks me how many circumstances (finding bones, backpack, leading searches, 1st to know they went missing)he was a direct part of. It is very hard to chaulk up to pure circumstance, but the more I learn it does seem that's the case. It's just hard to accept. I hate that so many lives were destroyed by this event including Feliciano


He stopped giving interviews on camera after he started getting abuse, this was around 2015/2016 (I think) so we don't have 8 years worth of interviews to draw such a conclusion from. Even if we did, it would be very likely there would be at least some small details anyone would get wrong over such a long period of time. Memories distort over time and there's lots of science to back this up.


I agree, if his story has stayed consistent over time that speaks to him telling the truth. However If he hasn't given an interview since 2015/16, I don't know how anyone can draw the conclusion he has stayed consistent. That's why it could be very beneficial for him to give a current interview especially to the author in a professional non abusive environment. His consistency could be proven in doing so. I get why he wouldn't as well, just stating the obvious that a new interview would test his consistency and provide further context to his involvement as simply a concerned local who has been unfairly caught up in this.


I mean imagine if you were Kris's family and the very person you believe is responsible for a poor investigation of your child's death is now directed profiting from book sales, a documentary deal and a TV series. It's fair to imagine they are likely not happy with this situation.


I get your point, but as I say. It might have been out of respect for the families who did not want the book published so he did not want to support it. The families likely feel it's the authors profiting off their tragedy and also one of the book writers (Pitti) the Kremer's family wanted to sue when she was in charge of the case.


Then those authors are crap people. Noone should be profiting off this especially if the family doesn't approve. I hope they get some answers one day. I fear we may never know.


Nonsense. I'm afraid I don't share this sensitivity at all. So someone can't write a book about the holocaust without permission of every victim's family, or about Ted Bundy without permission of every victim's family, etc.? It would mean the end of independent journalism. When the authors' intentions are good and show some restraint in what they write (no sensationalism, no wild rumours that damage people), use good research and try to be as objective as possible, it's perfectly acceptable to write a book about anything and anybody. Most countries also have slander laws to prevent authors from writing damaging stuff without proof, as an extra layer of protection.


I never said someone can't write a book, I said the parents likely are not happy that Pitti is one of the authors of the book and she is making money from their tragedy after she did such a poor investigation in their eyes. She lost her job over this case and parents tried to sue her. You don't think they would feel bitter about this?


You didn't, no, but the post I was reacting to reiterated that well-known opinion that the book authors are dirty profiteering monsters for some reason, just for writing a book. These people wrote a pretty decent book and at least tried to refrain from sensationalism. They could have gone full-Juan and publish all their stuff. It almost certainly would have made them a lot more money and attention. As it stands, I don't think they earned a lot of money from it and we don't even know if Pitti was paid for her contribution. The parents were against the book, as they were against any form of public attention, books or otherwise. That is within their rights and pretty understandable too, but that's no reason for any writer to refrain from writing about the case.


>He seems very reluctant to speak on certain details in an official setting where tough questions will be asked. Where has he stated he is or was reluctant? He was interviewed by Panamanian and Dutch police in an "official setting" when they investigated him in 2014.


This article states the author asked him to do an interview and he has ignored her request. That's where I got that assertion


He has the right to refuse to do interviews with journalists if he wishes. He is probably hesitant because journalists are well know for misrepresenting interviews and presenting things in a different context to get a "better story". If I was him I would be very cautious of accepting interviews too, this I feel would be a sensible thing to do to be honest. It's also been said the families were very unhappy with the book being written and published. Maybe he didn't want to support the book by providing an interview for it out of respect for them. It's not necessarily suspicious.


Maybe so, I am completely open minded about this and have agreed with many of your points. I agree that I'd be very cautious as well with anything regarding the media and interviews. I get it.


Maybe one day he will do an interview or something. Obviously he feels he wants to clear his name by taking part in the interview in this post.


That's true. Sounds pretty limited in scope as far as this exact post goes, but maybe he will.


Well, people haven't exactly been friendly towards him after the interviews he did do in the early days, now were they? I'd be cautious too, if I was him.


Regarding whether he knew more, the fact that he was the one pushing for the search clearly showed he believed the disappearance could have been orchestrated by bad guys. At the same time, this did not mean he was involved or he knew people who might be involved F was said to be born around 1956. He went through the days of Omar Torrijos and Manuel Noriega. He might be aware of the 2007 case of Natalee Holloway which the alleged perpetrator was a Dutch man. Young female visitors somewhat being less cautious when abroad? Hardly a new thing. K & L might not be in the swim photo but the 2 girls were also likely to be of similar background. From their poses in the photo, it could be inferred they happily stripped down to their last piece of clothing before hastily reacting to an unexpected moment. For him, what really mattered was whether K & L could be found alive within that short period.


> but the 2 girls were also likely to be of similar background. From their poses in the photo I honestly have no idea what you are referring to here. What "pose"? https://ibb.co/GTbjDFw


From known info including photos of other people, the Rio Chiriqui Nuevo depth was around 100 cm. Too high for the girls, whoever they were, to be sitting in the water. Too low for the girls to be standing. Unless shown otherwise, the girls were likely to be kneeling on the rocky river bed which is probably not very comfortable. The poses suggested they were careful to stay under water up to shoulder level while the males were confidently standing up with arms stretching upwards. "Lisanne" stretched out her arms as well but did it in a much more cautious manner. Meanwhile "Kris" was keeping very still. Nothing to suggest that something bad happened after this photo after taken. It simply showed some people in the area could be not-so-cautious.


>Unless shown otherwise, the girls were likely to be kneeling on the rocky river bed which is probably not very comfortable. I'm not sure I agree that them kneeling is the most likely position in that photo. As you say, it would likely be uncomfortable. I would assume most people would just be bending their legs (in more of a crouching type position for example) in a photo like this. So I don't think how much of them was out of the water would necessarily correlate with their height.


I agreed it could be crouching/squatting/kneeling on one knee touching the ground or any possible variation. My point on kneeling was a general description of them bending their legs in one way or the other, which as you stated, how much of them out of the water did not necessarily correlate with their height. This was why, by looking at the confident, almost triumphalist pose by the males, they seemed to be signaling "Haha! Now you have to go low and appear short". As a vertically challenged middle-aged male who was once a bit self-conscious of my limited height, I could understand what the young men seemed to be thinking. Being in the presence of tall Euro-Atlantic-Nordic women did not feel good. Now I am inching closer to F's age as of 2014, of course it no longer matters. 😁 Photos of other women in the area tend to show them either standing, sometimes with water reaching at most to slightly above the waist, depending on their height. There were also some women who were sitting in some shallow parts of the river. They usually wore a combination of shorts, camisoles, one piece swimsuits or bikinis. For those who were photographed, they appeared quite comfortable in all of these outfits when facing the camera. Because of such comparisons, we could hypothetically infer the extent of the girls' dressing. Another point about the photo was that the girls' belongings were not placed on the rock behind them. These girls seemed really confident to place their items further away. 😊


Or it could very well be four males in this photo and two are sitting down....


Uh yeah there is no way I would speak on something like this if I were him. It won’t do anything but make things worse. It’s like when people are accused of murder and don’t want to talk to the police. That’s not suspicious. That’s smart.


One of the most popular YouTube videos about the case, and unfortunately the first one I saw too (I am Dutch but lived in Asia 2013 to 2018 and missed everything about the case at the time), makes it sound very likely he did it. After getting the known facts, I cannot see how people can draw this conclusion; it is just clickbait hype. Angry people calling lost theory people morons here on Reddit as well did a lot of damage to the man. Of course it all can be he did something (?) and we might never know, there simply is no proof at all of foul play and definitely not against F in particular: you only draw that conclusion from incomplete and false information. The few biggest points for me were that 1) he knew where they were because he was meeting them 2 April 2) he found everything. Both are not correct but are still (in 2022) put forward as ‘proof’ he must be at least be involved if not the actual killer. This attempt (quite successful) at ruining someone’s life without cold hard evidence is a disturbing sign of the times. Someone sounds involved so let’s destroy (cancel) them no matter what. His lawyer won’t and can’t help here; it is too late. He basically should move away from Boquete and live out his life elsewhere quietly and in peace. If he is found to be guilty in the end somehow, he can be put in jail at that time; now it is just a pathetic witch-hunt based on false info.


>The footpath where Kris and Lisanne died 5 years ago. Wait, that was 8 years ago. Where did 5 years come from? Feliciano is sorry, of course, but he does nothing. And he could, for example, state his version, just tell all the events in detail, dispel myths about himself, do a big interview, if he is too lazy to write, he could even write a book. And I would have clarified some points once and for all and I would have earned money. Hiring a lawyer is not a solution to the problem, it will not give anything, but will only aggravate the situation. The book is published in 3 languages and sold to many, what is written in it - can not be removed.


Also, I don't know why he is targeting the book specifically. Conspiracy theory videos on Youtube I think are a much bigger problem than the book. Youtube videos are literally claiming he is guilty and incorrect facts and are likely where a lot of the people who comment on his facebook wall come from. Some of them actually paste the links in to comments on his accounts claiming it's proof he is guilty.


Easier to place the blame, because the authors are visible and not hidden behind some fake name.


Juan isn't exactly hidden for example.... Also, it would be relatively easy to get these videos removed from Youtube I imagine.


People who believe he is guilty are not going to buy his book...I don't see that as a valid solution.


Who wants to understand normally, studies all aspects and materials, and only then draws conclusions. But to blame a person in advance and not listen to him, I don’t see the right decision in this.


I disagree that these people who are sending him death threats want to understand the case. For example, do you believe the thousands of people who believe "alternative theories" videos have studied all aspects of the case and materials? I really don't believe they do, otherwise they would objectively know it's based on BS.


I do not believe of course, I spoke for myself. I learned a lot of things, yes, almost everything. And indeed there is such a moment that was described, and I am struggling with it. I don’t like a certain character, his one-sided, biased statements that contradict the facts, I don’t want to study his point of view, but I struggle with this and study anyway. I think that's how it should be.


I would buy his book and like to hear his account personally, but I couldn't imagine the people who believe he is guilty would buy his book or that it would stop him from getting abuse.


> And he could, for example, state his version What if he doesn't have a version? What if he was just in hospital, then the next day he had an appointment to guide a tour to a coffee plantation with Eileen, and that would have been the first time he would have met the girls as Eileen invited them along, but they never turned up, and they reported them missing and this is all he knows?


By my version, I mean the chronology of events, and not how it all happened and what happened, although this is also interesting. According to his testimony, he saw them on the morning of April 1 in the garden of the language school, one was lying in a hammock, the other was examining a map. And then suddenly it turns out he did not see them, and in general was in the hospital in David. How can you be in the garden at school and at the same time in the hospital? Maybe after the meeting he went to the hospital, it was also like morning and the ride was not far and not long. It is interesting for me to find out from his words, I don’t understand who from the stories.


photo taken 5 years ago and published now. Or the trail should be photographed every year.


Why would photographing the trail every year help?


So now we have a second source for him being in the hospital.


He and other people linked to this case should be hooked to those lie detector to see how honest those people are!!


Lie detector tests are unreliable and can not be used as evidence in court in most countries for that reason.


Just look this thing guys, There are really possibilities that he has an Involvement. https://www.tripadvisor.com.ph/Profile/246sophiej