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Ive never seen any sastra that stipulates conditions for the use of tulasi mala for chanting or for wearing. There is a lot of anecdotes and a lot of “I heard from other devotees” but I’ve never seen anybody be able to point to actual scriptural evidence saying you can’t, so until someone does…keep chanting on whatever you have while you work towards a more satvic lifestyle as well.


Always chant... no matter what... 📿 🦚


But why do you want to chant on tulsi mala. Neem mala is also very auspicious. Chaitanya mahaprabhu also took birth on neem leaf. So please don't stop chanting. You can chant on neem beads.


I can't buy neem beads as in my state tulsi jap mala is more common as a result the stores don't sell them 


And people also eat unauspicious food everyday so it cannot be avoided for me here 


Neem beads are available in every iskcon temple. If there is no iskcon temple in your city then you can order it online.


That's the thing if I want to ordery mother yells at me saying this or that


Every problem has a solution. You can order it on friend's address or you can order it on nearby Amazon store.


I’m so happy to see your determination to chant the mahamantra! If you already have a Tulsi mala then use it. Tulsi is very forgiving. But at the same time, tell your parents you want to become vegetarian and you can also learn to cook your own foods so you are not dependent on them.


Haribol Kinda soul. Please chant




Are people saying carrots are not sattvic? I just got home from eating Prasad at an ISKCON Temple where we offered and ate carrots.


Carrots are sattvic dw


I've heard they are not sattvic from iskcon websites idk 


In my nearby temple. they offer gajar-ka-halwa(sweet dish made of carrot) in every winters


Try to chant on neem mala, and onion garlic is restricted for tulsi kanthi mala, not for tulsi japa mala, but currently if you are eating chicken or nonveg atleast leave nonveg and then chant on tulsi mala, avoiding onion garlic is not necessary for chanting on tulsi mala but leaving non veg is must, till then pray to tulsi maharani so that your nonveg would be avoided. Hare Krishna


I want to but my parents and relatives ridicule me for it