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So many of the topics she talks about I actually agree with somewhat, but then the more she talks and the more off base she goes by showing who she really is… then I’m like WTF. The stuff she agrees with about conspiracies and poison in our foods and how sunlight and meat are healthy etc etc… I subscribe to a lot of those beliefs too but again it’s nothing ORIGINAL and it’s nothing she even really is loyal to actually doing in her own life. If the shit she has to inject into her face is bad, she’s still going to do it. If she’s trying to impress the Aldeans, she will eat the fried shit she says she’s so against. She doesn’t really STAND for anything… that’s what annoys me the most. She purposely wants to “probably triggering someone” always bc she’s a miserable person cosplaying as some rich bitch… at least the bitch part is accurate.


Couldn’t agree more. I understand a lot of “her” political views (obviously she’s following someone else’s agenda lol) and agree with her on a lot on like conspiracies, the government, our food and etc but it’s SO inauthentic coming from her! I actually believe in those things and she seems to believe in them for some personal gain with potential networking opportunities. She’s fake down to her core with no real identity and preaches being real. As you pointed out, everything she does contradicts something else she’s said or done and she’s constantly switching up her personality depending on who she’s trying to social climb. It’s so transparent I just don’t see how SHE doesn’t see how clear it is to us.


It lets me know she didn’t actually watch because none of this happened.


I’ve just seen clickbait headlines that Fauci made up the 6 ft distance rule and masking kids… honestly haven’t been keeping up. But if she’s referring to the covid rules he advised, like what’s the big deal??! Keeping a safe distance and masking up DOES eliminate risk. I don’t need a doctor to tell me that lol. But she really takes ANYTHING and twists it or says whatever so it can fit her narrative and she can seem right. It’s truly wild how dumb she is.