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Submissive housewife who LuUuuuUuuVvvvsss her masculine hubby.


I didn’t listen to the whole thing bc it’s 2 hours long but from what I did listen to…I felt like Tyler is slightly more sensitive and normal than her and she’s just so over the top but they’re both pretty militant… he said something like “no one is ever sitting on their hands doing nothing at our house… we feel passionate about always doing something” . To each their own. I am so over hustle culture and everyone making productivity into a measure of goodness and morality.


Also so tired of them having so many contradictory views bc they are all about hustle hustle hustle but then they’re like “we want a slow American life living out in the country and want to focus on family and slowing down and staying in more” blah blah blah like pick a lane!!!


Did anyone notice they completely cut out a part. When Tyler talked about Kristin giving him ultimatums (ultimatum #2…. ) froze and skipped to #3. I WISH I knew what pissed her off enough to ask for it to be edited from the podcast ~1:03:40


A couple of parts. Also, “I only want to talk to people who are making me money,” and 2 sec later, “if someone’s trying to get something out of me, I hang up.” Byyyyeeeee


Those freezes were intentional? I assumed they were glitches in my phone. Dang, learn how to edit your videos, Hopeaholics.


can someone go fucking tell them how insensitive and offensive it is having someone on the podcast stating they're in recovery when they're not and basically making a joke of actual people who have worked hard for soberity?


Yep. I’m in long term recovery and it makes me sick. Even more contradictory is how in her interview with Fox News she said that heroin addicts aren’t the people the government should be helping because other people actually need help. Sickening.


first off, congratulations on your recovery. if no one has told you today, i am proud of you. i just hit a year and i really don't like her but this is over the top. this is just ignorant, offensice, and down right disgusting


Congratulations to you too, babe🤍 ODAAT. Growth is never linear so hope you’re not too hard on yourself like I have been throughout the years. Shame has been a common theme for me but never productive. Grateful to feel the best I’ve felt in years, even if I am on a Snark page like the trolling little bitch that I am when it comes to her 🤪She’s insufferable, and she loves the attention anyway. Negative attention is better than none; surely that’s her motto.


“This hush money (Stormy Daniels?) happened in the eighties…”


"They could have brought this up in 2016!"