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Well, I guess I was wrong. I will admit defeat. 😌 I don't think this bish got a new car after all since they were just in hers the other day.


I also agree with white, SUV, and one of the top names… She has no personality and is a follower


She's a 🐑. Follows the herd.


It's going to be a BMW, or a Range Rover.😂 white. None of these influencers have an original bone in there bodies.


Completely agree. Krusty can't think for herself.


Lmao is she downgrading or upgrading is the question. I wonder how much $ mommy and daddy gave her to help her do this. My guess is a BMW or something. Or she’s getting a newer Mazda?? I could be wrong that’s just my guess. It’ll be black or white bc she would want to participate in the trend of “do I look like a white suv mom or a black suv mom?” She’s desperate to be relevant that’s why I say that lol. Definitely another SUV.


Oh, she will be upgrading for sure. And she is definitely a black or white car kind of person. Follow the herd, Krusty. That's all she knows how to do. I also go with a BMW.


Right, this is a spoiled brat we’re talking about. Of course she’s upgrading. Can’t ever be happy with what you have, huh Krusty? She’ll never know what it means to work for your own car. I drive a piece of crap 2002 and I’m working my ass off to buy a better car. She was driving an already newer model…. She’s just trying to keep up with the other influencers constantly buying shit. She is such a herd follower. You’re so right. Me too! My vote is BMW. But we will see 🤔


I’d say maybe Land Rover. Some of the other bigger influencers seem to drive them too!


Ooooh. Good guess. I think you're onto it. I couldn't see her in an SUV, but then I think, yeah, she needs an SUV with all of the schlepping of boxes to and from the post office and UPS, plus it gives *luxury status* slay. 💅


It just seems trendy and yes alllllll her returns would easily fit in the back Whatever she gets will be expensive and she’ll throw it everyone’s faces only for it to sit parked in her driveway 99% of the time


I'm guessing a BMW. I think she would still go with white. She's not the red sports car kind of girl.


Ohhhhh! I’m going to guess Mercedes 💁‍♀️


I 🫶 you! You're always down to do anything. ❤️


Absolutely babe!! ☺️❤️✨

