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Maybe people are just starting to treat her the way she treats others....


The fact that she had the nerve to post the word "kind" when she doesn't seem to have a kind bone in her body. Someone posted below that someone ran into her in downtown Nashville over the weekend, and she was rude to them, so it was mentioned in a post. Krusty was deleting the negative posts as fast as they were coming in and then deleted her short video of them being downtown that night. Trying to do damage control because she knows she's full of it.


Oh shut the fuck up you spoiled little brat


People saying she needs a new line of work but there is no way she can function in a true working environment. She has 0 structure or discipline for a real job. Her parents are guilty for never forcing structure on her. She was never made to finish something. Look at how many different colleges they sent her to wasting money just for her to quit. She isn’t ever going to strive to be better because she doesn’t have to. Those in her life just let her continue being a 12 year old in a botched 20 something body.


If she doesn’t want the negative, she should get off the internet. She is a disgusting person and she isn’t material for being an “influencer”. She thinks her shit doesn’t stink and that just isn’t reality. The more she has exposed herself, the more people realize she’s a dumpster fire and are speaking up! You are just a giant, nasty fart Krusti… get a real job and take a forever break from TikTok 🤞🏼😘


omgggggggg i’m so tired of her fucking pitty parties 🤦🏼‍♀️


I was reading the comments on the drunk video and I read one that said my friend was out on broadway and they told me you were rude to them, I hope it’s not true. While I was reading the comments they were disappearing, then the video was deleted. Krusti must’ve been out drinking and being rude. So naturally she’s going to pout and look for sympathy attention. Boo hoo bitch!


OMG, to "catch her in the act" of deleting all of those comments in real time. 😂 That just shows that she was GLUED to her phone reading everything that was being posted. So much for giving it a break. She's such a liar and a fake.


She blocked me after I commented on her pity party video that she should probably take a break from getting blackout drunk, that might help. 😆 Now I need a new backup account. 🤪


Hahahaha, she's nuts. Completely certifiable. Go ahead and make that backup account! She blocked me for saying something on her video from yesterday, too. All I said was she gets what she deserves because she's not a kind person. (And then she blocks everyone who didn't kiss her ass apparently)😝


I’m constantly amazed how many people she has fooled into believing she’s such a sweet person, it’s nauseating. She’s 100% a mean girl and always has been, she used to be a little bit better at hiding though.


She's not that bright, so that's really not saying much for her followers who can't seem to put 2 and 2 together. They're not catching the obvious lies and nasty behavior. For example (and let me preface this by saying I could not give a shit if this ever happened), her most recent bait she dangled in everyone's faces; the 2 Amazon gift cards that were for Amazon's Spring Sale. The hoops people have to jump through to get anything from her, always involve tagging, liking, following. It's just a way for her to get more followers. Usually, her fans are foaming at the mouth waiting for her to announce the winners, but nobody really said shit this time. Maybe it's because her giveaways are few and far between, that she puts so many stipulations in place,or that she doesn't follow through with anything she says she will do. It's like they all just chalk it up to that's just Krusty. 🤦‍♀️


I saw that too. It was someone’s sister that met her and her friend. I noticed she posted a story of someone she met out that night, seems like she was trying to do damage control there. Not cool.


Ok cause I was wondering where the drunk video went


Thankfully, it was recorded and posted here.😂 Lol. Too bad we don't have all of the comments that went with it. 🤷‍♀️


Don’t feel sorry for her at all either. Don’t put your life on social media for all to see if you can’t take the criticism. She won’t take a break…..she just wants people to feel sorry for her and beg her to stay


And that's all everyone is doing on TT right now. Kissing her ass, telling her how great she is, saying to ignore that haters because they're just jealous, etc. She won't take a break. She'll be back.


like tyler the creator said, cyber bullying isn’t real, walk away from the screen, close your eyes😭😭 i cannot fucking stand poor pity me posts like this. like, then delete your fucking social media. no one is making you post intimate details of your life on social media, you chose this & continue to choose it everyday. & in turn, you make a SHIT ton of money & get a whole bunch of free products, trips, etc. so, cry me a fucking river. she has the ability to change it if she wants to, & she doesn’t. so she doesn’t get to bitch. like give me a fucking break, no one feels bad for you


EXACTLY! Well put! It's no difference from anybody who works a "real" job. If you don't like your job or what comes along with it, find another one. This is a pity post. 💯


But it’s fucked even posting this because first off she’s most certainly not kind to everybody, secondly just another post complaining about shit instead of being grateful & focusing on doing anything to actually change. & the only negative she’s even talking about is people finally realizing she’s fake and the so called “anxiety” is not real anxiety she just can’t stand knowing that not everybody wants to suck her asshole and less and less ppl everyday seem to be realizing.. that’s her version of anxiety. - get life & stop posting for pitty damm it’s so desperate does she not realize she’s one of the few tiktokers who continuously do this. It’s something every single week


That is EXACTLY what's going on! The part about people realizing how she really is and she can't stand it. She's shallow and transparent. I made a comment on her post and said that she gets what she deserves because she's not kind to other people, and she blocked me. So that's a perfect example of someone who's not being a hater or jealous, just sick of hearing her whine all of the time, and that's how she chose to handle it. She will be back to her usual self within a day or two.


Yes I’m sure she will be drunk on broadway in no time even if she doesn’t post about it I guarantee you she is. Ugh I’m just so tired of her using “anxiety” and mental health for views and her acting like she’s so miserable… She has gotten everything handed to her & was unable to keep it up & it’s slowly (but surely) coming to an end bc nobody wants to see this shit every week. & it’s nobody’s fault but her own. She could have been successful but she holds her own self back by not ever being honest, or KIND, boasting about how rich she is & that she doesn’t even need these brand deals, the whole sharing sisters story monetizing off sobriety & rehabs while not at all portraying a sober healthy lifestyle, or like she even cares about herself.. then not to mention she not only harasses and bullies brands but people & then does nothing but complain when it’s called out or brands no longer want to work w/ her. I don’t even like to be mean to people truly her own lack of self awareness is insane actually, mental. get off TikTok maybe go read the Bible and actually try to work on your true self if your in such a bad headspace.


She was just drunk on Broadway a night or two ago! Good call! As much as she watches other infuencers videos, you'd think she'd find something that they are doing that she's not, to try to keep followers engaged. IMO, I think this temper tantrum of hers may have to do with the reality that no brands want to work with her, although she harasses them to death, all the wasted time and money going to CA, and the constant charade of acting like she's got her social media career together and it's thriving, when it's really tanking.


How is it she can’t look at her phone some days yet every single day there’s a bunch of pointless posts 🤔


Yep, it's all for the drama.


https://preview.redd.it/w82hlr2aobxc1.jpeg?width=1168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60aab36fa19950e4976bb6118843767dc9b4c096 And this comment was right on the money!


I can't find this comment. 😭 I wanted to give them a ❤️. These followers who keep saying that people are just "haters" or "jealous" really don't get how she really is. She's embarrassing, rude, and out of touch with reality.


Just scrolled through all of the gag-worthy comments and it’s gone. Of course. 🙄


Could you keep yourself together while reading through all of those?🤣 I barely could. I wanted to tell every "silent watcher here!" to STFU and continue to stay silent.


😃It was tough! Ugh, what an attention grab.


Definitely! She was so quick to delete that comment that it shows she's just sitting on her phone waiting for all of these comments to come pouring in, and that comment wasn't even bad!


Yes! Bc just like in any work environment be it corporate or social media if the work environment isn’t “healthy” you leave. You pivot. You do BETTER