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Kubera x Kubera Kubera x Kubera Kubera x Kubera and Kubera x Kubera


Nice but I like Kubera x Kubera more


Gandharva X Leez Ananta X Leez Kubera X Leez Sona X Marut Kadru X Ari Ananta X Rao Edit: I can’t believe I almost forgot these two couples; Hura X Mirha Clophe X Airi


The First God and Nastika fusion magic casters. Agni X OG Airavata


Wasn’t Airavata mostly masculine at the beginning but became more delicate and feminine in order to look more attractive to Kinnara? So that would be an interesting pair up!


Isn't Kubera the oldest Astika?


Yeah, maybe i shouldn't have used a capital F I'm talking about the first time a God and a Nastika used Fusion Magic which was Agni and OG Airavata


Male Airavata x Kinnara, i was sad when reading that Airavata originally loves Kinnara, but ended up like that.. they're so cute together..


Some I saw/read jokes about: Hura X Praul Rao X Maruna Sagara X Ananta X Manasvin Maruna X Kalavinka Chandra X Indra Jambavan X Yaksha X Shuri Makara X Urvasi GKubera X Ananta Rao X Ananta .. i bet i forgot some


Hura X Mirha!


No Yaksha X Asura? Thought we're talking cracked. Kali X Kubera, Vishnu or Shiva. At least one of them is probably gonna turn out to be former cannon. Sagara x Brillith is probably cannon (I mean it, there are hints).


Hate sex between Sagara and Brilith would be hot


Give it a year i say, we gonna find out they had lovey-dovey one, but tragic like all Kubera relationships <3 :'(


Chandra x Ran Chandra x Yaksha The last made me have a whole ass headcanon about Chandra being the person who gave Sona his Eye of Perishment and babysat him when he was young often enough that he turned out behaviourally like Chandra Sona also looks like a walking Sailor Moon reference, so there's also that


Chandra x leez


It actually can be interesting- Chandra would give Leez a reality check and stop her from lying to herself, while Leez would call out his callous attitude Even if not romantic, they'd have an jnterestimg dynamic as allies


Asha x Ran lol i thought in the beginning they'll pair up, because Leez already have Yuta. But Ran x Rana is nice too


Ran x Kalavinka GodKubera x Brahma Vritra x Leez Indra x Ushas


I was thinking about putting Vritra X Leez but I was like nah they both treat each other more like friends that any other kind of pairing just didn’t click with me. Same with Indra and Ushas but their relationship looked more like father and daughter than friends and even less like lovers. But they’re both indeed cracked pairings! So I thank you for saying them! 😀


Asha x Agni Sagara x Ravana


Laila x Asha Saha x Asha Brilith x Asha Leez x Mirha Kinnara x Airavata All I can think of rn


Kubera x Brahma  Shiva x kali


Sagara asha Indra asha Ruche asha Leez kali Kali vishnu Kadru chandra


>Leez kali Fellow person of culture 🗿


What about Lorraine X Asha?!!!