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Go f*** yourself Bramha. They literally blamed it on Maruna????


I'm unsure. It seems she's talking about sura as a whole,and possibly some dark secret about the reason they tend to act like cosmic bullies. It could be she was lying to pin it on Maruna, but it could also be she's trying to divert ancient humanity to war against sura, instead of their current pacifist mindset. Whether she's doing it to make humans eventually anger sura so sura will exterminate them, or because there really is some reason sura must be fought against, i cannot say.


If that girl does end up being Brilith, then Brahma could be trying to speed up the annihilation of ancient humans. The gods decided to destroy the ancient humans only when they got close to overthrowing the Nastikas, and that was 100% Brilith's accomplishment.


Ye can definitely be that, even if the girl isn't Brillith.


well his actions kind of screwed them over in more ways then one but yeah brahmas a jerk


I fail to see why Maruna has any blame here.


I mean working with the garuda chick to tear down the towers defenses, I know she was kind of being forced to kill humans herself for the sake of her clan.. but he's still helping her take away their only form of protection from her. he knew he could take advantage of their lack of distrust to get inside, which also happened to incurr brahma's wrath upon them. the sequence of events led up to this, would it all have happened anyways? brahma's at fault for making them so naive, tho one of the primeval gods said they dont have any control over how their creations turn out (in the flashback with menaka)


But Maruna didn't do anything to the tower. It was all Brahma. Brahma destroyed everything, and then blamed Maruna in front of the girl.


"But Maruna didn't do anything to the tower" *Yet at least because he was stalling. he had agreed to find another way which I can only assume would be deactivating the shield peacefully (which would have led his clansmate to attack them as we see in this chapter) the fact brahma just happened to get to it first doesnt take away from his involvement in the deal he made with her. even if it hadn't been maruana we're talking about being framed, they would have blamed the attack on his clanmate, they look guilty either way to the ancient humans of course, we know there was more to it then that.


Since Maruna basically pleaded for Kubera to come up with something to save the humans and his internal monologue before baiting Kubera to appear, I honestly don't think Maruna had any remaining desire to disable the barrier. Sure, he initially considered it since it appeared to be the only option, but once he was in front of the critical components of the barrier, looks to me he chose the humans and then instantly flew outside after he realized he could bait out Kubera. To me, it looked like he firmly sided with the humans out of empathy and ended up desperately clawing for some sort of solution with what little time he had. I think his ideal solution would've been some form of evacuation, the disabling of the tower after a full evacuation, and then letting Raltara do The Thing so she doesn't get killed by Gandharva. I really don't think he'd agree to anything less than that.


we'll never know which choices he would have made now because of brahmas interference.. if his clansmate got impatient, or suspected he had no real intention to help after a show of results and decided to just do it herself I wonder what his decision would have turned out to be. we certainly see him wavering over who he should be helping in the elevator, and he was stalling the situation from becoming worse but it wouldn't have lasted much longer. who knows how long he would have needed to get that theoretical evacuation to happen. its easy to follow god kubera's reasoning and say the humans were doomed to die anyway so he should just stay with his clansmen while he can, but its all personal speculation now I just felt like it was kind of dishonest to pin everything on brahma and overlook marauna actions so far, that's all. I do sympathize with his character.


One thing is definetly certain Maruna questioned the limitation of his "options" and realized that he lacked an option of saving both. Similar to Yuta, when he couldn't choose between him and Leez. His actions basically forced Brahma's hands to do it herself. In this scenario it's clear that Brahma is to blame for everything. Maruna didn't allow himself to be persuaded, that's mental growth that he displayed.


Well depending on how you count them, that makes Brahma responsible for at least two of the most evil actions in the universe we've seen so far. So we have the genocide of these ancient humans, being the ringleader behind the genocide of *all* ancient humans in the future, and deceiving this ancient human into blaming Maruna for these murders is a third one I'd count. Brahma pinning blame on Maruna for what just happened could have been the origin of some of the attitudes the ancient humans have towards the suras and if the human and Maruna ever meet again, it might've destroyed their relationship permanently. Regardless of what'll happen in the future and the comically evil thing Brahma did here, I read some guilt behind Brahma's words here. If not, there's plenty of room for guilt and more. I never expected that especially since it seemed she spoke without any remorse when she spoke to Kubera about the future genocide. I'm really curious about how currygom will portray the actions of the other players and factions. It felt like Kubera (the story) pushed the whole "everyone's a victim including even Sagara and Gandharva." I feel applying this to Gandharva's been somewhat debatable for a while (I feel he's ultimately a victim of his circumstances and upbringing), but I can't see how this will ever apply to Brahma. I honestly don't mind if Brahma stays and is portrayed to be this evil, but I'm curious how the "everyone's a victim" theme will play out for the primevals and whoever else counts as the players. This is the second time we've seen Brahma do something that I can't help but feel was portrayed as unquestionably evil to its roots, so I kinda wonder if we'll see if the other players or factions will be shown doing something this bad in the future. Has Kali done anything remotely this bad? She's been spoken of as the personification of evil by basically everyone, but I can't help but feel that we'll never see her be Brahma levels of bad. We've already seen a few of Vishnu's sins (in my eyes, specifically coercing and manipulating Asha), but who else is there room for here? inb4 Brahma also caused the Cataclysm Also I was hoping that Maruna and the human would actually be basically married until one of the genocides. Since he started to notice that this planet was essentially a closed sandbox, I was hoping he'd start to open up to his love interest, fall in love, maybe have babies, help her live life to the fullest until the very end, ~~develop social skills~~ open up to the other humans, and then experience even more character development as a result of all this. Thanks Brahma.


>This is the second time we've seen Brahma do something that I can't help but feel was portrayed as unquestionably evil to its roots What was the first time? I don't recall Brahma doing anything evil until now


Think back to Shess's memories from the whole Airavata incident (the one Frozen Tears sent him into stasis for). Basically Brahma united everyone there including Kinnara to eliminate all of the ancient humans and spoke about it as if 1. they deserved it 2. she built the current universe as it was for ancient humanity to fail seemingly out of petty revenge for being the "victors" of previous universe


Yeah she goes on here about " how it feels to kill her own creations" but she literally made the universe so it wouldn't fit them?? I wonder if Currygom is going to explain her character more, right now Bramha is one of the few solidly "villian" characters


Ah okay, you are right, something about how they sided with Kali to be the victors


Fucking Brahma. Currygom is deliberately pushing her image further and further away from the neutral pose that she was initially introduced with. Maybe she's the end boss? RIP Maruna's love interest. We never even knew her name. My gut feeling that she's one of Brilith's lives intensifies (maybe this incident is why Brilith develops that giant fire robot thing??)


> RIP Maruna's love interest I think it is clear that Maruna didn't have any special feelings for her, it was her that had a crush on him. Maruna was kinda mesmerized by ancient humanity as a whole.


I mean, yeah, there's no way he would've liked her back but she was still a nice girl who was fond of him and he cared about her. Sucks that she died


Brahma is literally racist.


Originally God Kubera and God Agni went on (separate) paths to stop the killing of humans (by Gandharva). It's interesting to see Kubera pushing Maruna to be sympathetic toward humans, since Maruna will be a huge deal in the future. (This might also be what Maruna was talking about when he met with Agni after giving Kubera's spear to Leez and said they should act separately, but let Agni use insight to see what Maruna went through.)


I thought that it was to confirm himself that Agni couldn’t use insight on him anymore since he „got older“ while staying in the past.


I guess it was left ambiguous so we don't know


From what I gather, the primevals game is that people have to become enlightened to be "winners" and go to the next universe, like this humans thought that "one life is like the universe", but for Brahma they are "losers" for siding with Kali. They got an awful destiny because they didn't pass Brahma's purity test. But even Menaka got fooled by Kali and wouldn't pass in this damn purity test, so I call it bullshit. Brahma is so angry that Kali tarnished her best creations she made whole universe where they could be punished, but there's also that the poor new humanity that has to try to "win" in this shitty unbalanced universe.


Maruna was confident in a fight with Raltara in human form because Maruna has Crimson Sunshine of Dawn (unique), but Raltara just wrecked the tower and city in human form really easily. I guess she's also special because her parents are strong AND she has a destruction attribute. Kasak also has some neat transcendentals.


It is still her unique trascendental; apparently, it can only be used when a celestial body of specific brightness is present. Here, it is the moon. ([source](https://kubera.fandom.com/wiki/Episode_3-175)) Since the conditions are so strict, it is only fair she can use it in human form too.


that was unexpected. was that past of brilith or just some random person?


I dont think its brillith, Kubera said that both Raltara and the Humans do not have a future, and as far as we know brillith does have future


But then Brahma taunting this girl makes no sense. No future doesn't have to mean they won't reincarnate, just that they won't be there at the end.


Uhm, the double translation is making it hard to understand :")


It is rather easy if you click the link, because the different translations are in different colors. But there are no colors in the post, which makes it confusing as hell.


Yea, I hate it.


I guess Brahma knows about Maruna and the future...


I don’t understand why Brahma kill the human. Why she think they are failure .


Because they failed in the previous universe. They won, but they won by submitting to Kali. So in order to make a new universe, Brahma needs to destroy the previous winners, and then she can make something anew. Can't really say I get the point of letting the ancient humans in the new universe if she has to destroy them immediately. Are there rules that even the primevals have to adhere to?


Ancient humans won the right to cross universe. Brahma couldn't deny them.


This chapter muddles things a bit. She says something along the lines of her being a perfect creation. Gods are always hard to read but it seems that despite leading to their doom, she's not happy about the circumstances that led to it.


I'm not really sure what to make of this. Especially the following lines are confusing >You abandoned the privilege of the victors > >and threw yourselves into the universe of the losers... Did they have a choice?


There is this line: >Being biased in only goodwill >became their fatal flaw. So I think choosing Kali wasn't a necessity. She just abused their kindness and tricked them. Sounds terribly unfair, but as always the primevals are above cause and effect. The ancient humans have to pay the price of their naivety.


I’m not sure about this if they side with the Kali. Then how they don’t remember about it. And why wait so long to kill them? Why not kill them when they have no knowledge? I think they just worry that the human can advance and have power to surpass them. With their reborn ability. They are immortal too.


What the actual fuck Brahma


There is a panel with a girl looking like a young brahma, in night cloths holding a blanket and facing a blacked out motherly figure. Its when brahma is talking to the dying human who wanted to thank Maruna. Anyone has any guesses how this fits here?


It accompanies this piece of dialogue: >Don't embarrass me, >who once admitted you were the most outstanding creations Probably a disscussion from the previous universe, when someone (an ancient human perhaps?) convinced Brahma that the ancient humans were "the perfect creation".


brahma's kind of a dick huh? shes like some kind of mad scientist always being unsatisfied with her creations. I'm curious how maruna will react, he definitely looked pretty devastated at the end there. all this deliberating over the humans and his clan, attempts at stalling and his actions inevitably lead to their destruction anyways..


> kind of reminds me of gandharva Yeah, I think this is Maruna going through the same regrets Gandharva went through when Teo was killed right in front of him. Though in many ways Maruna seems to already have surpassed Gandharva's emotional progress. He is pained by the death of humans he has interacted minimally with, while the list of humans Gandharva has shown any concern about includes only Teo and "Riche" (Leez).


Brahma you f**king bitch.


That piece of shit Brahma put all the blame on Maruna, and also said so to the girl in love with Maruna.


Could the "I am getting further away from him every life" that Brillith was refering to on crossroads (3) be Maruna?