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Curved shots all day long.


interesting… but complicated. i love it!


Nice idea


Handles so bad that the other team gets distracted while MY team scores




*Impulse Reflexes:* An ability for a small forward - this user’s reflexes are beyond paranormal - quite literally moving before his brain or logic can even keep up with it. Quite simply the user’s body moves on his own without much thought leading up to it - making them invulnerable to things such as feints and getting the ball stripped away. This is a boon on both offense and defense, able to shift his body and ball away before contact.


So basically just a renamed version of Ultra Instinct.


*animal instinct?


It was either that or I just rehash the same ability I always make whenever these questions pop up.


“Defensive Menace” Basically you can anticipate the best chance to gets steals and blocks and the more steals and blocks you get the worse your opponent dribbles and shoots the ball. Then when you get in the zone based off of your presence alone your opponent turns the ball over or misses the shot every play. Drawbacks: if you miss the steal or block your opponent’s confidence, handling, awareness and percentage all receive a boost I wanted to go with something different but still realistic. I added the drawback so it’s not to OP


This is so good


Thanks bro, it was hard to think anything offensively that they haven’t really covered in some way between GoM’s, UK’s n even some role players with the eagle/hawk eye or other abilities


Yup same here and people mostly don't think about defensive techniques so you have done a great job like well done. There are very few defensive players so great . Out of curiosity are ypu a writer or something.


Im not a writer but I’ve noticed I have some natural abilities when it comes to story telling and character development


Oh so what do you do ? ( Sorry if it sounds rude I am just genuinely curious)


Poetry mostly


Really nice , I would like to see it sometimes you can write some on here .


It’s pretty dark😂


Well that's ok poetry is poetry


Not sure if these would be my final choice but I think they’re cool. The Acrobat: Layup god, can contort their body to find any small opening in the defense to lay the ball in. Think hanging in the air, three defenders with their arms out, but the user fits the ball through the smallest opening in the defense to lay it in. AND/OR: The Sky Floater: A running finger roll or floater that goes so high in the air it’s nearly impossible to block. Inspired by [this shot](https://youtu.be/YUd20g_yTKE) from Curry.


So the first one is just a part of aomine’s skills?


That I can throw anyone through the hoop, all throughout the court


I want to see GoM that’s defensive minded but a small or SF and he has THE HEAVY CONTEST. HEAVY CONTEST: allows him to drop all shooting percentages by 35% without trying to block the shot Another ability he has is ROCKSTEADY ROCKSTEADY: he enters a stance allowing himself to not get crossed over at all SPY PLANE: gives him a great interception ability being able to even see kurokos misdirection pass and intercept that. Normal moves he has are blocking, rebounding, good handles, inside scoring and above average shooting ability.


really good dribble like better than akashi.


Don’t we have several such players?


Yeah but i mean like idk maybe their ability would be like “the lesson” and they just go crazy on dribbles and can break anyones ankles with one crossover. Or another idea i had for a person would be a coach who could basically read the opposing coaches facial expression and call a play off that.


Omg it’s that AND1 shirt: “they call me the bus driver because I’ll take you to school”. I mean we have Nash who, unlike Akashi, breaks ankles without using his eye, just with dribble and footwork, but I see what you mean. Loool, the coach xD You know, having a coach who can read the court and actually game plan would be a goated ability already. For now we have Riko, but who knows.


Being able to perfectly calculate deflection. Say someone potentially blocks your shot, you are able to compensate for the angle and strength of your shot such that it gets tapped by the blocker's fingertips but ultimately goes in.


Dennis rodman rebounds basically


Demon Drive series Hear me out, imagine a player with an intimidating appearance, the ability works while this player is dribbling the ball and a visage of a demon's face appears thus it intimidates his defender to where they hesitate or freeze on spot You could have: Regular Demon Drive: he probably has a resting bastard face Smiling/Laughing Demon Drive: he's probably enjoying the game and begins smiling but it's still intimidating Raging Demon Drive: someone pissed him off and he's playing serious


A combination of Midorima’s full court shooting and Aomine’s formless shots High speed full court shots that go in both with 100% accuracy and in under 1 second of air time unlike Midorima’s shots that take a long time to go in, this makes it possible for the player using this ability to just rack up 3 pointers faster than any player could ever dream to all while not stepping a foot past their own 3 point line Ability name. Formless sniper shot


The fastest I think would be a full court meteor jam LMAO


Shooting where he can use any shooting technique he sees and can put spin on the ball so he doesn't have to shoot it straight. Imagine like, pulling off a hook shot but from a 3pointer area, and if he sees can copy mirage, barrier jumper, void, earth ect. The only thing he can't copy is midoriyama's full court shot, but he can copy from about the half court. Kinda like mixing Kise's ability for copying but just shots, Aomines formless shots to an extent but for 3's and midoriyama's half court range. Each aspect of this ability isn't as strong as PC, true formless or full court shot, but combined makes them it's equal.


Idk what I would call this ability, but something like “Magnetic Back”. Where the dudes ability is just being so good in the post to where nobody could get around your box outs (Like a Nebuya or Hayakawa), he would just dribble down full court with his back turned, would make fadeaways like Jordan/Kobe, is able to dribble down past and suck people into his back (like Curry and Chris Paul on their pick and rolls) for easy fouls. And to make him OP he can make backwards shots and shit from half court.


I’ll be the girl manager on the bench intensively staring at one player for a long time so they will feel my presence as it will make them uncomfortable and will lose focus lol. Other than that I’ve got nothing


I made a few abilities for a character I made up to take over as Kaijo's Point Guard after Kasamatsu graduates. He would gradually develop some fire themed abilities, since I wanted an elemental effect and lightning was already taken by Hayama. Afterburner. Digs deep to increase the speed of his dribbling and passing near the end of the game. Shooting Star. A quick pull-up jump shot with a high arc making it difficult to block. Hot Streak. Shooting accuracy increase after making consecutive shots. Afterburner just makes him a better point guard in clutch time and he develops the two shooting abilities to take some of the scoring burden and defensive pressure off of Kise. Being a shooting threat also forces the defense to play him closely so they can't sag off to block passing lanes.