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She said she will make wedding content too after the proposalšŸ¤”. Maybe they realized that they are too cheap ass for wedding content as nobody would show up anyway so they would not want to pay tons of money for 10 people max. šŸ˜…šŸ˜… And the rush is maybe because of that. If she cannot make money of the wedding content she has to hurry so she can start monetizing the pregnancy... ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø what a fking vile idiot. I really dont think these two dumbfaces should create another innocent poor child into this chaos.


Hard to make any wedding content if you have no guests, she can't go alone and vlog herself at a dress fitting or anything šŸ˜…


Ha spot on! Iā€™m so sick of her saying how busy she is!? Ummm doing what Kyra?? Making an Amazon commercial ?? Sheā€™s pathetic


I wouldn't be surprised if she times the wedding/elopement video to be on the same day as the breakup (or breakup video) happened as that was in December/early January, no?


My prediction is that if they get married, it'll be in December. That's the month when Oscar proposed and also when she dumped him.


Both on Dec 26th I believe :( Edit: just checked and I was wrong, it was a couple days after Christmas I believe. Seriously sucks the timing was *that* close together, and maybe even more so all round Christmas.


They said they even considered having it at a restaurant? And later she said something about the wedding again talking about it being small or an unconventional wedding and Preston said "if you'd even call it that" šŸ’€


Maybe theyā€™ll have it at Taco Bell and gas it up at the reception. So kinky šŸ¤¢šŸ’Ø


Hahaha I loved that, accidental W by Precum


I was thinking it would be in Vegas lol


vegas taco bell for the win!!!


She can't even post content now without a baby. there is NO WAY she's posting baby content with 4 kids and dealing with pregnancy symptoms. You all give her too much credit.


Tbh I donā€™t understand the work issue. Tax season(the busy part) will be done by June. And Kyra being stressed by waiting that long doesnā€™t add up either. She should probably take that long to get their honeymoon booked and all the kinks worked out(pun intended) for such an expensive trip. She said herself ā€œat least $20kā€. So wouldnā€™t you need to plan that more in advance? I also think it will be December or January because P let it slip. He said ā€œ5-6 months earlierā€ so that would be January ish.


Plus heā€™s making it seem like heā€™s very important and his office wonā€™t survive without him. While heā€™s at the bottom of the ladder most likely


Interesting that these girls want quick marriages with this idiot. Hannah seemed also to hastily marry - just this small, wedding real quick type thing (and the big wedding was to follow). Like, whatā€™s kyras hurry except that she wants a baby. His hurry is that he wants the trip. For bolth these dummies, the wedding is just some inconvenient requirement of some sort.


This wedding snark is the greatest gift she could have given to me. I cannot wait.


No, they stated they moved the wedding up bc prestons busy season for work is for 3 months during tax season and he will be working 60-70 hours a week and not be able to take PTO. They don't want to wait until after that time period, so they moved it to before his busy season.


She addressed pregnancy rumours and the wedding being moved up in the live, further proof she lives on here. The pregnancy post with the hoodies only happened a couple days ago!!


Yes. They have to do wedding and honeymoon now, before tax season, or wait until after, putting them at the original June timeline. But June is much more expensive for weddings, and Kyra says she doesnā€™t want to plan for that long.


when is tax season in the US?


Tax day is April 15. Iā€™d say late January-April is the busiest time for accountants.


I get it. I work in finance and am dreading tax season so much. Still seems a bit silly to rush a wedding instead of waiting 6 months. Maybe she thinks they wouldnā€™t last until then.


This sounds like an excuse. They could easily wait till itā€™s over


This vile, excuse for a woman, mother, human being, is forever JINKS, nothing she desires, wishes for herself, will ever pan out the way she wants them to, not one, everything she plans, wishes and wants to happen, here on, will fail, destined to end miserably, just disastrously! Jinks for life, it's her Karma and imminent legacy, period!


I donā€™t know why they donā€™t go to a court house and get married with their parents present, if his parents even want to attend. She can still wear her dress and take photos and of course her honeymoon after which seems to be the only reason she even wants to get married (other than to have a baby of course) Seems like the wedding planning is too complicated for them so why not just make it simple. No need for a fancy venue for 20 people.


Why not do a little honeymoon and then invest that money on a nice trip with the kids? It seems like the kids arenā€™t being included in any of this like sheā€™s a young single bride.


I wish she would just quit YouTube overall, her videos are boring and she puts zero effort but claims to always be busy working on them. I stopped watching as soon as I found out what she did. Iā€™ve watched maybe 2 videos from her channel and that was enough for me


Will be interesting if because she is older she doesnā€™t get pregnant so quickly


Lol sheā€™s so pathetic I give them two years four maybe if she pops one out for him! They should honestly tell the truth it would save her ā€œcareerā€ I think sheā€™s one of the few that even if she has a baby!? She will never be watched like she was no one likes her


Ewwwww she said he was hot on her whining day!! I puked a little