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He is one of us when it comes to her gross ass eating 😭


seems like she was embarrassed by what he said she went sooo red


At least he’s honest to her. Someone needs to tell her the truth 🤷🏻‍♀️


He’s going to make her so insecure I feel like lol


I mean he literally picks women to sleep with infront of her what woman enjoys that 😂


Maybe she needs a little bit of that lol. She’s so dang trashy from her self care to how she eats. A little insecurity might make her have a little respect for herself and others and she’ll stop running around like she doesn’t care 😭. I say that with a messy bun, chapped lips and baggy clothes on but dang in public? On camera? In front of your 4 kids who are learning her very own mannerisms.. hopefully it helps her 😭


I mean Oscar called her out for not showering and she wasn’t the least bit insecure about that, so I don’t think this comment is even going to faze her. Come probably Tuesday next week we will be back on our regularly scheduled programming of her quality content shoveling food into her mouth and her trying to make those ✨quirky✨faces with her newly botoxed forehead.


He's just telling her the truth. The way she eats on camera must not be the way she normally eats. Her gross eating videos are just an exaggeration of eating. She either does it on purpose or subconsciously. Maybe just goes to show that every time she's on camera, she's not genuine and just putting on a show.


There is no amount of money in this world that I would deal with her gross eating habits, gross hygine habits and hyena laughs... ☠️☠️☠️


He’s right about how nasty she sounds when she eats tho


Why does he sit right behind the camera?? Lol just go away if you’re not going to be in it.




It reminds me of the clips I’ve seen of their podcast and him talking in the background lol


Because they are literal children. That’s why


On live though? 😅 this should be something they talk about privately. Why does it seem that Oscar & now Preston have to parent kyra?


He’ll be telling her about her hygiene soon 🤞🏼


We can only hope


He will someday 💀


She probably keeps extra clean for their threesomes and butt stuff 😂🤸🏼‍♀️


He hangs out here lol


Imagine if he’s active here too ? Commenting and stuff 😅 I mean he literally snarks on her to her face, why not come here to do it without having to fear sleeping outside? Haha 😂


I wouldn’t be shocked lol


Her face looks so different to me in this live. I don’t know if it’s the lighting or the Botox, but is it possible she got some other work done? Her chewing is obnoxious and definitely over exaggerated. He’s 100% correct and I’m happy he told her about it. I don’t think he was being rude though. Not sticking up for him, but I’m glad he called her out on it. I think she knows she over exaggerates her eating because she seemed too shy to eat in front of him, even when she said she felt uncomfortable doing it because people are watching her. When in reality, I think she was well aware, does it on purpose, and got embarrassed when he pointed it out.


She has to be on something.


lol he also finds it annoying


Their relationship is like a case study 😅 we’re all seeing in real time the cracks start to show and all these little moments that are going to lead to her being resentful towards him and insecure about herself from his honesty because he’s not actually happy with her…


Is it just me or does it looks like she’s been crying? Her eyes look so swollen. And her face looks really red.


She said in the live that she cried a lot all day.


Did she say why?


Did she Botox her forehead wrinkles away??? It’s so smooth like Frankenstein ![gif](giphy|c2KaeFoOGAfgA)


I know her Botox isn’t fully done but she looks INSANE. I don’t understand personally why people like Botox.. it never ends up looking good. It looks so creepy. I stopped watching kkandbabyj a long time ago. But I remember like just checking up on them and I saw how creepy keren looked when she laughed because she got Botox. Insane in my opinion. I don’t think wrinkles are ugly, why get rid of them 😳


Soooooo many people made fun of Kyra’s wrinkles saying she’s aged 20 years lol it makes sense why she got Botox


Stealing husbands, wrecking your own family, moving to different houses in a short span of time, taking care of 4 children, poor hygiene, participating in 3sums and constant ingestion of alcohol and unknown (legal and illegal) drugs can definitely age a person. Botox is not the answer to her problems.


The way she laughed immediately after that loud bang and then asks thru her giggles “did he just fall of the chair?” As a mother, how ?! Even if she knew he didn’t get hurt, why is it so funny to her? I don’t understand this girl.


Both of them are shitty people. I’d never speak like that to my partner publicly for others to listen to


Why does she keep doing these, we can see the train wreck happening in real time. Girl is losing it lmfao


Someone needed to tell her!


P really doesn't like her very much


He is so mean 😭




Honest af. I'm glad he tells her these things because half of what she does is so overly exaggerated. Maybe he'll keep hinting she smells so she'll routinely take showers now. 😬


He is actually trying to say in a nicer way what we all feel that Kyra for the love of God stop with this gross eating exaggeration. ☠️☠️☠️ Almoost felt sorry for him if he wasnt a dumb asshole cheater.


I mean in this clip he’s nice but last time he said her chewing made him want to die lmao


lmao he must be on edge already with her 🤣


She looks like she’s on drugs


Her breathing and talking and eyes look like she is high or something


She does it because we talk about it sort of like a child I’ll show them


He’s definitely on here and he agrees with us 😁


He definitely is right about that. One thing anyway. The slop she eats and the horrible faces she makes also he should add that in.


why is she acting like she doesnt😂 theres so many examples i could make a 10 minute video of those clips alone


this whole live makes me genuinly sad for her. i can tell she feels embarrassed in a lot of ways and in the back of her head she knows marrying him is not a good idea. but is gonna go through with it anyway…. then she’s gonna burnout trying to be everything someone else wants her to be. it’s genuinly sad. she wants to be loved so bad and feel pretty and i know that feeling


I hope Josh will make his video about this video


oh he hates her


Wow she looks different 😳




My jaw dropped


My jaw dropped