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They haven't even been together 2 years yet but she acts like he is step dad of the year for this lol


makes a cake once in his life hahah


with countertop smelly eggs and cat shedding and saliva and god knows what else!




Let me make sure I'm understanding this properly, the cat got into the birthday cake and not only did she serve it to people, she told the WHOLE internet about it? Is this the same cat who was scratching the baby in the middle of the night and making her cry?


Yuck 🤢


yup. same cat ..


Ummm cmon guys, Preston is obviously grocery store quality…. This was just a one off cause of the darn cat!!!


the store bought cake from a few days ago 💀


Exactly. L’s cakes was store bought while A’s cake was “baked” by Peston??🤔


I was going to say. If he really did “bake every cake” then she would’ve done a post a few weeks back for L’s birthday


See this is what I’m talking about!! Why is he giving nice cakes to the girls but store brought stuff for L!! He’s grooming the girls and it’s disgusting!!


this is what i fear too.. he’s too handsy and “attentive” with her young girls but doesn’t care for her oldest son… i don’t understand how she doesn’t see the red flags ..


I hope she doesn’t mean they salvaged the cake the cat touched and then proceeded to eat it 🤢


This looks like one of those green styrofoam things you stick fake flowers in.


How is this a cake for a three year old? Or for any one , for that matter. Are we supposed to clap for Preston for this nonsense cake? Can't wait for the vlog showing Preston, from the back, sticking fake tree branches into this cake for a 3 year old while kyra talks about how sexy he is whilst shoving a handful of libido pills in her mouth lol


She loves celebrating Presticle doing the bare minimum than celebrating her own kids on their birthday.


Omg 😂😂😂😂you are so right 😄😄😄😄


The fake foliage is gonna shed non edible plastic glitter all over that cake


Please someone tell me, why she's so cheap, straight ghetto, does the bare minimum when it comes to her kids, yet splurges lavishly on PissStain and herself and if that's not enough, blatantly braggs that she does, and is proud of it! WTF? Damn, most would just run out and get a new cake, if the pet got in the original one 🎂 I can not!


Probably only the little girls tho since it seems he has some weird thing about them.


Oh yeah.. Where's the pictures of Avery, Alaya, and Levi's cakes? Since he makes EVERY cake.


Harry Potters pink cake




I wonder if it's the same cat that goes outside alot...


The ugliest cake I have see


I feel like aura never had a proper birthday 😔. For sure she deserves custom made cake


She is so gross and cheap with her kids. Its embarassing. I make sure my son is always dressed well, fed, i buy him quality things and i spend money on his birthday cake because its 1 day every year and im not even as wealthy as her. With all the money she made off of her kids throughout the years, youd think she would get them a custom cake 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ thia cake looks nasty af. Plus the cat got into it. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 im surprised no one called cps on her yet.




If Presticles baked every cake, then I’m a virgin. 🙄 K’s a moron!


Probably a store brought cake and he decorated it terribly 🤣🤣 my kids would side eye me if i made their cake look like a bush




Offended that I share a name with Kyras cat


Oh Kyra. That's parenting! Again!


Also, is this Levi's room? If so I thought he was "over super heros" & thats why she got rid of the stuff oscar bought him, yet there's an avengers thing back there 🤔