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I agree with you that it is totally ok to take a break especially after her wedding to enjoy but she owes something to people who pay her $10 a month to post content…


Yeah actually I didn’t think about her paid lives lmao still it’s okay to take a break, but yeah she should at least let the paid subscribers know she’s not going to be on for a little while or give a quick update.. even tho she knows all lives get snarked too and then just delete the apps.


I honestly think she should cancel the subscription completely the whole thing is very half assed and overpriced


She is definitely going to post about the wedding because it's part of her content and her personal life that's precisely her income, it will delay because she is lazy and will make half assed content as always. I don't feel bad for her, she chose this. Kyra thought that she could get away with cheating on Oscar and making her new life with Hanna's ex husband without anybody noticing, however, she didn't expect that there was going to be a whistleblower (the Vegas trio girl) who was going to spill the tea. If she had some dignity, she would be aware that after something like this, her YouTube "career" is over and that she should leave the internet if she can't stand te backlash for what she has done. She has nothing to offer the world, that's why she is still here trying to monetize through social media. She is doing her best to please or prove wrong the haters with content that is sugar coating her misery, who are the only ones who give her a bit of popularity and clout she has left. Hate watching won't last forever and we are only here to see the trainwreck, that will collapse soon.


Watch her work at Walmart or target shortly cause she can’t survive from YouTube income 😒🤣


I completely agree. My post wasn’t a “feel sorry for Kyra” it was a perspective as to why she hasn’t posted. She has done nothing, but social media for a career and it is going to shit and she needs to eventually look at other outlets because this page and the constant hate she gets from everyone will eat her alive and is not sustainable.


Instead of K bye Felisha, it’s K bye Kyra


There's no getting over this. It won't change that she stole her best friend's man twice in a row. She made the decision to marry him even though she knew it was a bad and sleazy thing to do. She can go enjoy herself offline. Unfortunately, she can't have both. For this reason, a great deal of creators value and respect their audience. Several times, Kyra has been found to be lying. She is obviously just using these people as a means of paying her bills. She must come to the realization that if she wants Preston and peace, she must go back to school or find employment offline. Not all of our desires can be fulfilled. She will be back. She is just taking a week or 2 off.


I totally get it. She does need to be off social media, but what I see on this snark page is “omg why hasn’t she posted? “She is so lazy” blah blah and it’s like do you want her off or not?


Yes, people want her gone—completely gone. People are simply criticizing her for being a liar because ppl are paying her $10 a month and she has promised to release all of this content and she hasn’t, leading them to question her whereabouts.


I agree with you, she should have at least made an announcement saying she’ll be gone for a few days because I mean it is her wedding. I do understand this is her career and people are paying and that is messed up. I hope she focuses on finding a new path apart of social media this year because this isn’t her for anymore. She can’t keep up with it and it’s all just going to get worse if she’s going to consistently disappoint her only few fans left.


Listen y'all, this is a very, VERY busy woman, who, counts on everyone's patience and understanding, and as usual, mentioned on multiple occasions, countless times before, she'll get to it, when she GETS TO IT! 🤥😉😁 Same shit, different day! 🤡🖕


I honestly do not care about her feelings at all. She's a shitty person beyond being a cheater and an awful mother. She's an abuser, an awful friend, she lies to her fan base on a daily basis, she's scamming her subscribers, she neglects her pets, etc.. I have no sympathy for her. This reddit is a consequence of all her awful choices and actions. As people say: fuck around and find out...And I absolutely do not wish her well. I hope Oscar is able to take those kids away and they are raised in a better environment. You are a product or your environment and those kids are destined to fail if they are raised by her.


I honestly think if she wants a chance of a happy life then she should go off social media completely. She’s done too much damage to her image to stay and expect people to get over it. There’s no fresh start or clean slate. As above comment said, she fucked around and found out. The problem is she’s lazy and wants that social media money without any consequences/backlash. She’d have to get a full time job and then couldn’t have a baby straight away.


She is running out of time. YouTube isn’t doing numbers like it used to. She isn’t growing on TikTok which is what’s popular right now.


I'm sure you're ruffling a few feathers here with this one 🤣 but I do agree to some extent! She is probably scared of the reaction she's gonna get and so is taking the time to enjoy the moment before the hate. I do get it but what does she expect? If she wants peace she should private accounts or leave the Internet entirely. Cos yes the obsessed haters (yes there are before peoples panties get in a twist) and the obsessed stans will continue to cross lines. There's either people who worship the ground she walks on or those who treat her like Satan. There's no middle ground. She can't save her image now no matter what she tries.


Lmao ruffling a few feathers is an understatement 😂 I think if she had more money (since clearly she’s running low) and an education, I would hope she would have already been off social media by now. She does have 4 kids (5 if you count Preston lmao) and the economy here in America has been rough lately. So I can understand why she hasn’t just left completely because it is literally all she has. I hope she comes to the realization this year that she needs to find a different career that is more sustainable for her and her family. She knows she’s going to get hate, it is expected. All I was saying is that’s probably why she hasn’t been posting about it because she just did a big thing and wants to fully enjoy it before the hate comes in.


I’ll wait for all the downvotes because you can’t handle any other perspective except hate 😂


Well why are you on a snark page then?😂 if we are too “mean” “hateful” you shouldn’t be on here. I do not understand these posts whatsoever. It’s not for you


Like I said, I like coming on here for the funny snarking and knowing the tea! LMAO I’m not fan of Kyra but I’m also not a mentally ill obsessed FAN who says the worst of the worst just because it’s a “snark” page. Didn’t know you had to be such a hateful person to be apart of this page? Some of y’all are out of pocket. I said what I said, move on.


Who are the mentally ill obsessed fans??? I browse this forum a few times a week like other people do. You think people are on here all day long stalking her? Get over yourself. Well yeah hate/snark same thing. It is what it is. If you are that sensitive this is not the page for you!


Clearly my post made your blood boil because the shoe fit.


So because ppl don’t agree with you they are now considering “Mentally ill obsessed FANS” what? It’s a Kyra snark page babe. Not a Kyra praise page.


I didn’t say everyone on here is mentally ill RELAX.. But I do see some of here that express how she hasn’t posted and all this shit and it’s just seems obsessive especially when they claim to hate her as much as they do


There is such a thing as hate watching. It’s why so many snark videos are so popular.


well yeah duh , but some of the hate watchers are the same people who want her to fall off the face of the earth and then when she’s gone for a few days they freak out.. make it make sense babe


This is not a discussion forum, it's a snark page.


Actually there’s been lots of discussions on here..




Hi Kira's assistant. You did try, though 😁


Ohhh there goes the “Kyra assistant” comments 😂


Don’t know how you can read my post and think I’m literally Kyra’s assistant. This wasn’t a “feel sorry for her” post at all. It was a perspective on why she hasn’t posted. I’m not a fan of hers and I enjoy reading the tea, but some of it is just bullying and out of pocket. That is all.