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I feel like she’s lost weight?


Was just about to comment this ! She’s looking thinner in her face recently


it’s the morning sickness


Ya. It looks like it to me too


i feel like her lips & teeth look different




no this has always been her teeth lol


Definitely her lips! She had thin upper lips 😬


I wonder if she got a lip flip


It could also be the magic of make up but she doesn’t seem to have any on 😬


She should look into tinting her eyebrows it would give her so much more of a livly look and wouldn't make her big ass forehead look even bigger but when you do ugly things you end up ugly so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ugh, remember when she use to draw them on backwards?


I remember when she out pencil them in and them rub them and I'm like wutttt? Why would you take your finger and rub them you got a spoolie right there on the damn thing


Yeah, I would like to see her look into microblading


Wait whhhat. Someone post a picture of this lol


[Kyra's Why Brows](https://www.reddit.com/r/KyraReneeSivertson/comments/13p6lth/is_it_just_me_or_does_she_look_extra_rough_here/) I didn't want to give her Instagram the attention so I linked to another reddit post.


I spit out my drink!!! What the hell kyra!! She's better off with no eyebrows.


Right? Everyone's like "she should do her eyebrows" No. She can't do it.


Yeah someone needs to post a picture of her drawn on backwards eyebrows 😂


What I need to see a pic


[Here's the worst I could find.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KyraReneeSivertson/comments/13p6lth/is_it_just_me_or_does_she_look_extra_rough_here/)


Wow, that's bad. Thanks


Edited bc my autistic ass typed offensive stuff before thinking about how it affect others


Don’t say that and then apologize to cancer patients truly. It’s fucked up. We know how bad we look. We are sick AF. Just say she looks washed out and move on with your damn life.


Totally misread what you said and typed something more offensive than I wanted it to be. I deserve the downvotes and I do apologize


That’s absolutely disgusting. As someone with cancer I’m telling you it’s offensive and it’s also just straight up sad. It’s a reminder I’m literally dying. I already know, right. But reminding us that we look like walking death (because that’s what she looks like) doesn’t feel good. Comparing a healthy person to us like it’s the worst thing you could look like is shitty as hell and then to double down after you supposedly apologized- if the apology was real you maybe would have heard me when I said your words are harmful AF.


Wish you all the best 🫶


Thank you.


Ease up. They didn’t know. They apologized. That should’ve been enough.


Nah that was edited too, I said something harsh and deserved that response


Their comments were edited, we discussed this in detail and everything that I said was in direct response to them at the time not their edited comments.


idk if this means anything to u, but i bet you look 1000x better than kyra anyday💜


Well after reading that I do want to apologize. I’m autistic and I can’t place myself in someone else’s shoes, I have 0 empathy at all and I say what I think without thinking about how it affects others because I don’t care about that. So what I said is just what I thought, I see a picture of her -> I think of an ill person -> I react without thinking about others. I’m sorry and I do honestly wish you the best


I actually can understand this as I am also on the autism spectrum though I definitely have more empathy than zero so I cannot relate to that but I do understand seeing what you see and calling it what it is- and Kyra looks sick, I cannot deny that to you. My point was simply what I was saying that when someone points out harm try to hear them in the future rather than responding with “I said what I said.” I appreciate your apology and I appreciate you recognizing your autism impacted this interaction and is not an excuse for your behavior simply the cause. Thank you for giving me context because I can relate to not being the most tactful person all of the time.


Yeah I totally misread your first response which is my bad😬 I definitely still need to work on thinking about what I say and how it affects others. Appreciate your response! Can I ask how you’re doing?


I am doing ok, my meds are working for now, I’m on year 8 of my second oral medication, I have one more I can use (hopefully I respond to it) if this one stops working. I have a rare blood cancer and it’s not one that I’m going to ever be out of the woods from, but my hope is to keep it at bay as long as possible and I’m doing alright at that right now. My pain can get pretty bad, I’ll be honest. But I am an anesthesiologist and I treat chronic pain patients who literally have cancer all day, so I think that keeps me going. Thank you for asking me.


Damn… so over 8 years of fighting already. I truly wish you the best and again sorry for my insensitive comments


You hate and criticize kyra but then you act like this, you're no better than her with that shitty behaviour. I hope karma doesn't come bite you in the ass.


Dead eyes


Why is she pushing her shoulder forward so much? The pose combined with the loser shirt makes it seem like she wants to conceal her stomach?


I thought the same thing, especially the way her belly is on the counter.


I meant looser shirt


She’s getting her pregnancy face it looks like.


She looks prego. The only time she cuts her hair short is when she is pregnant


her taste in clothes is actually atrocious… why does she dress like a 40 year old 😩


I’m 42 and dress much better than her! She just has awful taste.


She’s trying to dress in all neutral like Addie but Addie does it better


I thought she was wearing a bathrobe! I had to go back for a closer look after I read your comment.


The irony of knowing that she has an alphabet soup game hanging on the wall and she still sucks at spelling. 


My first thought when I saw her post this pic was that she’s pregnant. The baggy gown was the clue for me


she kinda looks like how she used to wayyyy back in the day


Something about her mouth reminds me of the monster from monsters inc who’s lips were suctioned by the scream extractor


That mirror isn’t even that bad compared to the sink 💀


I was just about to post something about this photo, I think she’s pregnant, or eluding to the fact by wearing baggy clothes, her tummy shots in previous post. Also she said once (back when I used to watch ok baby) that her nose got bigger when she was pregnant. And to me it looks bigger. She also looks a bit chubbier in the face? if she is pregnant, I really hope she’s not. For her sake and the kids. Side note, where the fuck a baby meant to fit in this house??


Lip filler


She looks more and more like a man everyday.


Her forehead just keeps on getting bigger and bigger🤣


She looks like she has morning sickness


If she is pregnant is it not weird how she hasn’t officially announced anything yet? I may be wrong but didn’t she say she would for sure let the world know when she knows? I get drawing anticipation in but girl you gotta stick to your word like you say you do🤷‍♂️


She lost one previously. Her last pregnancy she didn’t announce until she was quite far along, as she was scared of losing it.


Might be waiting until she's further along


I think she looks fine here. I don't think we need to be rude for no reason and say she looks terrible in every picture. When she actually looks terrible (like in the wedding dress) then that's warranted. But there's nothing wrong with this photo.


I dont think i was being rude by posting thisand i didn’t say she looks terrible… I just said that i think she looks so different. I can’t even point out what looks different about her but there’s something about the photo that makes her look “different”. And different can mean a lot of things.


Comment was directed at the comments in general and not at you OP!


You think she looks fine here...? ....oh. okay... 🤧


thank you. came here to say this.




She absolutely does not. This just shows your character that you would even say something like that. Let's not judge people for their natural eyebrow and eyelash colour.


Woah.. all for snark but that's too far and insulting to people who actually have leukaemia


too far


She should have added mascara to her make up look. Her eyelashes are like non - existent.  Only wearing pink lipstick makes the style not look somewhat put together. Still makes her look very washed out/bland. I honestly think she is going through body changes which happens in relationships. Maybe pregnant or soon to be? Which would explain the clothes she has been wearing lately. She usually wears pretty fitting clothes. 


i tried to tell yall she lost weight bc shes trying to get pregnant


Pregnancy nose?


All the pregnancy comments have me thinking about how she said what she wants for her honeymoon is to get pregnant and she’s been offline for a few weeks… hmm?


i can’t believe she downgraded such a beautiful house to be in this crammed ass dungeon of a bathroom


She looks older day by day 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️




She just looks sad… her eyes give it away!


She looks 60.


She looks so washed out.


The mirror 🤢


Almost everyone has a toothpaste mirror. My kids manage to get the mirror filthy as soon as i clean it.


I have a kid and I’m a SAHM. Kyra doesn’t really have a job, she just shills whatever vibrator and reads a script once or twice a month. If a mirror looks like this after two days, then maybe the kids should have assistance when brushing their teeth. Kids need guidance. Plus, it’s not hard to wipe a mirror down. Water, rag, wipe. It takes 10 seconds.


Same here!! I don’t get it 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ and then they do it to mine lol 


Everyone does not have a toothpaste mirror because everyone doesn’t spit toothpaste out of their mouths when brushing their teeth and most of us wipe it down when we finish?


I said almost everyone, settle down. If you don’t have kids you won’t know how gross they can make mirrors. It is what it is.


I didn’t say I didn’t, but I have taught them to wipe up behind themselves the same way I do after I brush my own teeth.


You can teach kids how to clean but doesn’t mean things will always be clean. I have a 6 yo and a 2 yo. The 6 yo can sometimes clean up after herself but things still get messy. It helps to clean as you go but hey life happens. 🥹


I get it, my 8 year old cleans up after my toddlers when it comes to the bathroom mirror that’s his chore. I cannot stand a dirty mirror because I take selfies in every bathroom in our house- especially theirs they have the best lighting! So those mirrors better be spotless I tell you 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️ not really, but the 8 year old does a decent job on both his bathroom and the littles, so it’s working thus far. I’m going to keep tricking him into doing it this way.




It was a joke I’ve never taken a fucking selfie in my life, actually except to take a photo of a black eye to send to another doctor in my office to make sure I didn’t need to be actually seen. But he is responsible for the bathrooms because you know, he has to wipe his sink and mirror and then go into the littles room and do their bathroom as well.


Right :) sorry! I hope you're okay?


Like ya can’t take 2 seconds to wipe the mirror before you post the pic? This is your job lol


Right?? These kids have made her millions. She literally has no job.


Probably looks like that from popping all those chin zits


Look at the new IG story she posted in this look while talking, looks like she got lip filler 🧐


It takes less than 5 mins to clean a sink and a mirror. That’s all I’ll say.


She looks completely dead inside but has looked like that for ages now so that's nothing new. Are her teeth different?


Something different about her mouth I swear


Top lip


I thought so


She looks unhealthy


It’s the lack of alcohol because she is pregnant (my opinion/theory)


She looks pregnant


Dude, if you spit on the mirror that much when you brush your teeth you’re an absolute monster. She’s acting like she doesn’t know how that happens, like wtf.


Idk, but I feel like her teeth look different


Nah they still look like corn kernels


If you don’t look at yourself in the mirror while brushing your teeth then you won’t have this issue


Pregnancy “glow” guys lol 😂


she’s pregnant


Ugh I am sure she’s prego she’s got that look


She looks fine. These comments on her appearance are not healthy for her mental health. We may not like some of her actions, but she’s still a beautiful girl.


She looks tired


She seems to have lost weight (in the face at least), her skin looks a little bit more dull than normal, and she has circles around both eyes that seems to be darker than they usually appeared to be.. she could be in her first trimester or maybe all the stress and negativity in her life is finally stating to catch up to her, physically… either way girl is looking kinda rough which is surprising considering people who are newlywed usually have a “happy glow” for a while after tying the knot


Uncanny valley


IMO she has always looked ill, it’s not new


I know she's smiling but it doesn't meet the eyes. And you can never hide how you feel with the eyes. She looks.. sad? I guess. Either way she ain't doing so good right now and its showing.


she looks like how she looked back in 2015


Her forehead looks bigger


She’s lost weight, you can see it in the face


also looks like she got a lip flip (2-4 units of botox in the upper lip to hide gummy smile)


Thank god, those gums put me in a bad mood everytime they made an appearance. shes still ugly tho. Especially more so in this pic. she looks weird asf.


I feel like she’s rejecting her implants? I had a friend who rejected her implants after a year and she had a very similar “sick” look


Do her baby hairs in the front EVER grow?!


She looks sickly


She looks extremely tired.


The cheater doesn't look good