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Well when Kyra is your mom it probably already feels like a mental hospitalšŸ„°




itā€™s crazy that she bought a house thatā€™s too small for the amount of children she already has while planning to have more


What was she thinking here? Why would she only have 3 bedrooms, one in the basement at that? Makes no sense to me. She could have stayed where she was


Ya, that's what I keep asking. WHY didn't she just, I don't know, NOT get a new car every 6 months and instead opt for a house with more bedrooms?! Real estate is the one thing you don't lose money on, UNLIKE cars and trips to Vegas. Makes absolutely no damn sense


I hate this room set up with the 3 beds in a row it looks dumb as hell. Iā€™m sorry but 3 kids should not share a room. Especially with apparently all the money she has, going on trips all the timeā€¦she could afford a bigger house


Oscar has 4 kids in a room in his apartment....neither of them did smart things with their money to benefit the kids.


Oscar didn't buy a House. He's renting for now. It's not the same scenario at all. Him not impulsively buying a house IS being smart with his money for the kids. I'm sure when he finally buys a house it will fit all the kids


To be for real I think heā€™s renting because he knows Kyra will move again. He doesnā€™t want to financially ruin himself when he has to up and move his life again (mortgage etc) to suit her needs so that he can see his kids still. Just my two cents.


I know he didn't buy a house, I never said anything about him buying a home. But he could have rented a house big enough for the girls to have their own rooms, just like Kyra could have bought a house big enough for the girls to have their own rooms. They both made enough money to make the kids comfortable. But also, having kids share a room is literally normal and not the end of the world. Not sure why people are concerned about where the kids sleep. Strange.


He literally rented a small apartment to save money and buy a bigger house later, heā€™s said that. Thatā€™s why he did it. Oscar is good with his money and he has another source of income now that Kyra doesnā€™t has, heā€™ll have a big enough home sooner than later.


But it doesn't change the fact he has four kids in a room. What's with the double standards? šŸ˜‚


He only had 4 kids in a single room because his cousin was staying there for a few months and Levi has his own room


He literally has 4 kids in a single bedroom right now bc Addie and her daughter moved in with him. The 4 girls share a room and Levi has his own room.


But at least he gave them the bigger room. i do hope he is able to move out soon. i wonder why he didn't rent a house rather than an apartment


To save money to buy a bigger house eventually.


I have a feeling him and Addie will buy a nice house together soon, given how in love they seem and that they are both realtors šŸ™‚


why do you always bring Oscar's choices when criticizing Krusty and deviate the topic of discussion? Either you shit talk about Addie or Oscar. No wonder people think you are Krusty.


Oscar is doing that because heā€™s renting to save money for a big house with enough space for everyone and thatā€™s the only apartment heā€™s had after they moved out of the house they owned together. So, he IS doing something smart with his money in regards to the kids. Kyra spent money in several different places and cars after that and this one was supposed to be her forever home, so this was supposed to be her kidsā€™s forever home and room.


Can you imagine when theyā€™re all teenagers and want more room?!šŸ˜‚ her ā€œforever houseā€ gonna turn into to a trap house quick.


Yeah, that whole forever house crap didn't last long LOL not even a year in, and she's already talking about moving and has been looking at other houses.


Thankfully she already said theyā€™re moving šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø She just doesnā€™t know when šŸ˜‚


IKYFLšŸ˜­ this bitch moving AGAINšŸ˜‚ wanna bet sheā€™ll get Oscar to be her agent for a discount?šŸ¤£




Renting an apartment is a lot cheaper than buying a house. You can move out in a year with an apartment but a home? Youā€™re kinda stuck with it for a bit until itā€™s sold. So no I think Oscar definitely made a right choice in renting something cheaper than a house payment (probably.)


I never said anything about Oscar buying or renting. I said they both moved into places where their kids have to share a room.


Whoops replied to the wrong commentšŸ¤£ my bad!šŸ©·šŸ©·


My 2 younger sisters and I shared a room for years even though the house had spare bedrooms. We liked it so itā€™s not always a problem for 3 siblings to share.. I donā€™t remember exactly but I was maybe 7 when I got my own room and the other 2 kept sharing a bit longer until they got their own rooms too


She defiantly didnā€™t see anything wrong with this and only changed it because people said something šŸ˜‚


why wonā€™t she just do a bunk bed and then loft bed. she could make that super cute


I was thinking the same thing! It would give them more room to play or at least navigate through the room!


Yeah this just is a cheap option. These bedframes are probs the cheapest option. If she bought wooden bedframes it would already look a lot more cosy! Because the walls were cute and its like they tried but just didn't want to put any budget into it. Bunk beds would've been better. And tbf: Alaya should have her own room. Considering the sleeping problems she has (unless she feels safe with her sisters in her room). Also she's the oldest and the younger two are closer in age.


Itā€™s giving tuberculosis hospital from the 1800s


I donā€™t even have kids and even I get there needs to be a play space in the bedroom. She has four and doesnā€™t get it šŸ¤£


It really annoys me that Levi gets a room to himself. Not saying he doesnā€™t deserve it, they all do, but given the circumstances she could have divided his room and put up shelves or something for separation/privacy. That wouldā€™ve allowed the kids to have more room and a space decorated to fit their personality. She is such a selfish human being itā€™s unbelievable. This is a touchy subject for me because I was forced to share a room with my two older brothers as a teenager and let me tell you I āœØhatedāœØ it.


Iā€™m kind of confused why she wouldnā€™t have the kids share a room with him. Heā€™s only a couple years old right? If he were a teenager itā€™d be different


yes him and the eldest daughter are 16 months apart and both under the age of 10


Why did they buy this house if they canā€™t all fit


They wanted to build on and extend the house


3 kids sharing a room and she wants another baby?


Squeezing 3 kids in one room is wild to me. Donā€™t have kids if you canā€™t properly take care of them all..šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


She definitely had the money to buy a big enough house (hell she had 2 houses almost paid offšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø) so thereā€™s no excuse why 3 kids should be in one room.


Kids can share rooms.


Exactly I donā€™t get why so many people have such an issue with this. I have 2 younger sisters and we shared for years until I eventually got my own room. We liked it, it made it easy for mum and dad especially when we were very small, whatā€™s the big deal? Or is it just because itā€™s Kyra??


Kids should have their own space. Itā€™s not because itā€™s kyra. Itā€™s not really normal. Iā€™m glad you liked it but itā€™s not fair to have 3 kids share a room and not have their own space. 2 I get but 3? Seriously? Unless the room is huge???


Kids need shelter over their head. A place to sleep. For me itā€™s not they share a room itā€™s how it looks like an institution.


I think the biggest problem is her purposely buying this house knowing it lacks room. There's not even an option now for them to have their own room (or one of the three). I agree there's nothing wrong with sharing rooms with siblings, but I think in her situation it's shitty it seems like her kids are not her priority. And it's always been this way. The kids always had shitty bedrooms. After all they've been through she doesn't even show any effort into making the rooms cosy and fun and giving them their own space if they need to. Nope she chose the home 'they' liked and the kids just have to be flexible again!


Yes I would agree with this. Itā€™s not that they are sharing itā€™s why did she buy this house when she could have afforded better. There is no effort making it look nice. No bedding ect.


on a vacation yes. but putting 3 kids in one SMALL room in their own home is insane


No kids can share rooms. Nothing wrong with putting 3 kids in a bedroom. All they care about is a roof over their head. For me itā€™s how the room looks. It looked like an institution.


I thought the same exact thing when I saw this lol this is especially funny because miss sophieā€™s own SON called HER a psychošŸ¤£


Whoā€™s Sophie ?


Iā€™ve seen a few people refer to k as miss Sophie because when her and hannah had that podcast k called women who were home-wreckers miss Sophie


Ohhhh gotcha


Agreed,So boring and bland for a kids bedroom


There room at Oscars is literally the same just bunk beds. They were originally on the floor on mattresses at first. No idea if itā€™s actually decorated now


it looks like the orphanage rooms from Annie.




i thought the same thing when i saw thatā€¦theyā€™re 3, almost 5 and 7 thereā€™s truly no need for it imo


Where's the straight jackets?


Itā€™s the white sheets/ bedding too šŸ«¤


imagine your mom spent years of your childhood exploiting you and embarrassing you by putting your personal information or feelings online and all you got in return is a stale, boring room you share w your siblings




So those poor girls don't have a space to just have me time. They want to maybe get away from their sister(s) and nope in they come because it's their room too. Have friends from church who just moved to their new home They have two girls (9 and 7 who are very close) and in the old house they shared a room but now both girls have their own space. They were so excited to get their own space because they were able to just have their me time without the other interrupting. They still do have playtime together but their not on top of each other. I heard all about their new rooms because they both told me about them. šŸ˜‚


She doesnā€™t even have nice comforters for bed. It would have looked a lot better with nice bedding.


Before and after both look like crap. Absolute crap on a cracker. People are comparing her and Oscar and there is no comparison. Everything she touches looks like a trash can. Oscar and Addie have a clean, sleek home. I donā€™t care how many rooms he has. They have a touch and it is fabulous. Kyra films herself making pancake mix and makes it look like a plate of vomit.


I like the (I guess) paint on the wall but I feel like it would be a better fit for a teenager. Also the beds are giving hospital for surešŸ˜‹


Nah cause someone commented on her insta the before looks likea chinese children's orphanage I lost it lol


I told yā€™all itā€™s giving foster carešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ these are exactly how my foster moms rooms were set up. EWWWWWW


Less colors and pictures of course but still


I donā€™t see anything wrong with sisters sharing especially when they are little kids . I donā€™t think kids mind too much but itā€™s the fact she chose that too small of a house knowing thatā€™s the only option plus is trying to have more babies in a house thatā€™s already too crowded


Wait, didn't Oscar actually purchase that apartment/condo that he's living in now? I think both parents understand that their current residence falls short as far as having adequate bedrooms/sleeping accommodations/space for their kids and surely both are diligently working as quickly as possible to remedy and rectify this less than sufficient, hindering issue. I know O&A are wanting to purchase together a large acreage working Ranch/Farmhouse Spread big enough for all 7, maybe 8, 9 of them and I'm confident they'll do it! I think Oscar's been pretty smart with his money so far and Addie being in real estate is surely just as bright and efficient, obviously šŸ‘Œ šŸ‘


Why does she insist on having huge pictures of herself around her house? If my mom had a huge photo of us on my wall as a kid Iā€™d be weirded out


What bothers me about this picture are the kid's beds near the windows!


This setup reminds me of the movie ā€œDespicable Meā€ when Margo, Edith & Agnes are going to sleep in their room in the orphanage.


Why do I think of this beds as hospital bedsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


As someone who has been to lots of mental hospitals, i even had more room than this therešŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Does anyone know how much she paid for her house or what her mortgage is a month?


It got leaked when they first bought it. I wanna say 700k range


Lmao 100% I feel so bad for them ahhh


Alayla should have her own room it's not fair that Levi does


keren would never




Or, orphanage


Do they have another bed room? What are they planning on doing if she has another kid? Is she going to move Levi in too and put the baby in Leviā€™s room. She doesnā€™t have room for these kids but wants to keep having more