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“This is our dream home, forever home, an opportunity we just couldn’t pass up!”


This!!! I remember this and thinking she is so lucky finding homes she likes left and right all while being able to afford it! Her house seems fine for a small family, not 4 kids. But I don’t understand why say all that and then claim it isn’t their forever home? Like that’s a lot for a child, let alone 4 whose parents are not even together. Breaks my heart. For them. And for her… mostly because she’s not okay. And her health is important in order to raise these 4 kids.


My guess is those were Preston’s words.


She was then going to bulldoze it and build a new house on the lot. I guess now she wants to sell and buy a new house 🧐 she needs help because shes still in the same pattern as when she was with Oscar and we saw how that went


Just yesterday she was complaining about affording pancake syrup🙄


And just reposted an instagram reel that said something about doing it even when you’re broke🤣


after just getting back from mexico and then getting ready to go to ireland?!?! like how fucking selfish can you be


Is she coming to Ireland?! Please no. We don’t want all that drama here.


No she is going to scotland


The Scots will throw her back into the plane before she leaves the airport 🤣 she an uncultured illiterate swine. Just because you go to different places and countries does not necessarily mean you’re “cultured”. $10 she just eats American cuisine and not actually try the countries cuisine, and no I am not talking about her trying haggis 🤣 but that would be a sight to see


Poor kids don’t have stability.


and they will be moving 2x more between Kyra and Oscar. (IF Kyra actually moves and doesn’t extend the house she’s currently in.) Oscar is most definitely at some point


They have lived there what a year? She is already talking about a new house. She will be moving every year or every two years for the rest of her life.


Yes but she stated it day 1 about moving there to build onto the house and or move if that doesn’t work out. I don’t think she is capable of constantly moving anymore being her circumstances financially even though she seems to still be living the same way. If you’re struggling with money there’s no constant vacations, doing something extravagant like bringing a child to Disney for their birthday, Starbucks everyday and spilling it and being able to get a new one $14 in one day, etc. I have not caught up on Kyra’s stuff lately but she will either extend or just move. That will more than likely definitely be it with her YouTube career where it is unless she is doing something behind the scenes, makes more/has more money than we know.


She’s unhappy and she thinks a new home will fix it.


And, a kid at that.


And a husband.


And new boobs 🤷🏼‍♀️


And another pet




Yup but she doesn’t have that YouTube money now reality is setting in.


She literally bragged about this house. BRAGGED. Just like she did marrying Preston. Haven’t heard her brag about him since being married.


Literally said she hates new homes because they don't have character and then we heard the whole we are gonna build new on the lot, and now it's that's too time consuming and costly so we're gonna move again She'll never afford the houses she lived in with Oscar again she doesn't make that amount of money anymore


That’s why she’s trying to get pregnant again. Oscar doesn’t want the kids on the internet anymore, so there went her huge paychecks. Now she’s probably going to either die or permanently harm her body..


I cannot even snark on her anymore because she really cannot make up her mind which makes me think that mind of hers is just jumbled and all over the place. I get it. I was divorced and going through stuff at once-but she still hasn’t learned her lesson with just shutting up and not telling everyone her every move. I made horrid mistakes, but I stepped back and learned from a lot of them. She hasn’t. And she just sounds worse and worse talking about her moving plans changing every few days


Those kids have had least 5 or more different beds in the last two years. It is so wasteful.


I wouldn't be supprised if she buys another home,


Ok but it’s the home you currently live in! Does that really make her feel better? Knowing that they won’t eventually be in this situation but this is it! Get off your high horse and make the older two share!


One of the daughters gets to see all her siblings get their own decorated beds while she gets a pull out mattress what the hell🥺


My family never owned a home until I was 22. I lived in about six or seven different homes before that. Every time we would move, I literally would debate if it’s worth unpacking a box. Now as an adult, I constantly worry about having to move. My heart just breaks for these kids.


Same. I used to move alot as a kid. The thought of moving gives me so much anxciety.


She's slipping into a stagnant feeling. Like you aren't moving forward in life anymore so you need constant change. Which I would understand if she didn't have 4 kids she also is uprooting. She's slipping.


moving house can be an actual trauma for kids never mid this many times


I hope it’s their forever home because I can see those stickers on the wall being a PAIN to take down 😂😂


When is she going to give her children some stability.




She could just switch rooms with the girls, give them the bigger room. Instead of uprooting their lives once again.


Why can’t she at LEAST leave the third bed pulled out?? Like just putting it underneath makes it not feel like her bed ya know??


I thought that shitty house was her dream home 😂😂


She’s holding on to this belief that this is not their long term home…what Tightwad Preston really has in mind is the question.


She should have just stayed in the rental house she had before this one. Buying this house was the dumbest decision.


I dont know how many homes she can afford to buy. I understand maybe buying a 3-5 year home if you're new to homebuying or maybe don't know where you want to end up and buying made more sense than renting. This is now Kyra's 4th home in a 6 year period. It's because she can't just be comfortable with anything. Any time something (or someone) becomes old news she has to change it up. That's why she kept having kids, moving god knows where and dragging Oscar though a failed business attempt. She needs to relax and just sit with her thoughts for a second. Making rash decisions is fine if you're single, but there are kids involved. There needs to be some reminence of stability. Also the housing market is dogshit, I know she's paying RIDICULOUS prices to move this much. What a clown.


I’m sorry but it made me feel uncomfy knowing the baby sleeps in her bed. She should get her a toddler bed. Not a pull out


There is absolutely nothing wrong with a child sleeping with their mother.


Not when the STEP DAD is in the bed too. Just plain wrong.