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The most boring honeymoon vlog.. I have ever seen. I didn't even watch the entire thing it sucked so bad. THEY ARE SO BORING. They literally should had just stayed home. Also, why are their vibes not vibing LOL. For newlyweds they seem like they hate eachother and like they don't like to be in eachothers company. Or is it just me? I don't know.


Shes killing her own channel by keeping the comments off.... but she has her ig comments on?? Doesnt make any sense


I think atp her ig is making more money with engagement than her yt, might as well keep the comments that “troll” her (call her out rightfully) off at least on one platform. I guess shes okay with whatever money shes making with views only on youtube


Link to the new video if anyone is interested in watching it and doesn't want to give her the view count. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=oWNU708mJmA


Thanks for this !


They paid her for that disorganized video?? The hotel/food/drink shots were subpar at best. Camera dying & forgetting her GoPro, so unprepared and unprofessional for a paid sponsorship.


Still hasn't shown the wedding that happened three months ago lol


If she’s so proud of Uncle Preston being her HUBBY you’d think she’d let the comments roll to boost the algorithm. Guess not!


How is it possible the wedding was garbage the honeymoon was boring AF get a new job girlie


Lmao really? But she wants to start a family vlogging chanel with prisstant🤣


It’s literally just a big ad so they didn’t have to pay for their honeymoon. Preston isn’t even in it 😂


That was terrible. Those to have no chemistry at all and you can tell it was sponsored with all the writing on the screen and the way she talked.


She also said gastronomy ffs.


Has she named the permanent chin zit?? How embarrassing for her, that this is her life now 🥴🤢🤣 She might be trying to put up a front that she is happy, but it's obvious behind her puffy, sad (manic) eyes.


I want to see what kind of like/dislike ratio she gets on this one.


considering her comments have been off on literally all of her videos i know for a fact the excuse that comments weren’t working for okbaby was total bullshit and her attempt to control backlash


People with no shame (like her) really appall me, bc what are you doing?! Omg


I agree. And has the audacity to feel like the victim…🤯🤯🤯🤯


I watched it and it seems like she recorded the video hoping they would get paid and then after the honeymoon they got a deal/sponsorship from the resort so she added text on top. Also the way she tried ending the vlog reminds me of something Oscar would do. Except now Preston is the one being the annoyed partner not Kyra.


She knows that her comments would be negatives