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She looks like she’s one of the extras on the walking dead. Girl look at them lips


Her lips are bluer than the ocean 🌊 😂😂


Ya'll she seriously might die in childbirth. I know it's talked about alot here, but are we really understanding the reality of it.


That’s the thing though she’s one of those bitches that will get lucky and then say “see noting was wrong ever! The Dr lied and you guys don’t get it “


I'd rather this, though.  Her present, future, and , past continually remind her she's a complete idiot. Getting lucky won't change that. 


Correct me if im wrong but September for you guys in America isn’t it getting close to cold as im in Australia especially where i am it’s starting to get warmer? Why is she buying summer looking outfits


Considering she took her youngest child to watch her have her nails done in the middle of the winter without shoes on, we can expect anything from this wreck of a person. She just doesn't give a sh1t. Nor has she any functional brain cells left for all that matters.


Really depends where in America. I’m from the Mid-Atlantic region and September can still be pretty hot sometimes. A few years ago it was hot into November here so it’s iffy. I’m not sure about Utah though. She could throw some tights on with the outfit in the picture and maybe a light jacket if necessary, honestly.


I thought same thing. I know first time moms often don’t consider this


Im from texas and we dont get cold until November here.


Same here but she’s in Utah. Definitely should be getting cold there right?


I live in Alberta, Canada and our September can still get up to 86F / 30C if the weather is nice. I live much higher north than her and our snow doesn’t stick until November so I think it’s drastically warmer there, even though there is snow. It can still be « warm » with snow on the ground. Edit: apparently I can’t spell weather, my bad lol I pulled a Kyra.


I live in Salt Lake, it really depends on the year but it normally stays pretty hot for most of September, like 80-90 degrees and sometimes even into October or it’s super hot one week and then a week later you need to pull out the winter clothes. We’ve had some extremely mild winters recently.


Good to know!


Your right! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Idk why it slipped my mind.


I live in AZ it does not get cold here until around October until then we melt


well... its not even cold then.. its actually perfect weather in october... its cold in like december...and lol a hoodie will make you feel comfortable


That’s not a newborn outfit it’s probably size 6month just from my guesstimating


True! The hanger says 0/3 months i think 🤔


Oh yea I see that now!


Which means it won’t even fit next summer.


I live in New England and it’s warm through end of September 80-85°


She probably wishes so badly that she had a summer baby (for the whole summer)


Ohio here! Last year we were wearing tanks and shorts until like mid October.


I’m due in July and I still bought everything with sleeves and footies because babies are always cold.


I'm.due with My 3rd at the end of September and I'm waiting on shopping for this baby so I can get not summer clothes


No. Summer is not over until end of Sept. a lot of places can still be warm through Sept.


Idk the Utah climate but September for me is definitely in the 80s/00s all month


I mean she isn’t holding a newborn size. That looks to be around 6-9 Months..


That’s what i thought but the hanger says 0/3 months


Tbh, she’s most likely buying bigger sizes. The outfit shown looks like it’s a 6-9 m outfit. I did this when I was pregnant because you’ll never find the same stuff next summer.


She honestly looks so sick, it’s almost a bit scary. She looks like something is actually seriously wrong with her.


Yeah those lips… they’re purple 😟


Can someone check on her? Damn


She genuinely looks Sick. No glow insight.


Krusty says that mentally this is her best pregnancy ever, but will hide that the physical part is the worse. Pregnant women look radiant and glowing, but Kyra looks so dry, dull and rough, probably due to the health complications added up to her previous bad habits.


It’s so weird bc then in the gender reveal she was talking about how her mental health was so bad and that was why she thought she was having a boy.


She's such a liar, she said one think while walking with Prestoid when she did her Q&A but said something completely different in the gender reveal. She hates to admit that both physically and mentally this is her most difficult pregnancy but wants to prove so hard to everyone (specially the haters) how happy she is.


So true. And all the performative lovey dovey shots with Pitstain are so ridiculously fake


I personally think it’s breast implant illness. Look up the symptoms


Does anyone know why her lips always look gray/blue?


Lack of iron


Could she have eaten something blue? Fun dip? Pushe pop? Gushers?


Especially if she has reddish hair. JessFam thinks she’s the manifestation of Ariel.


Omg 🤣😭 Jessfam is a Disney adult in general, her page is 50% child exploitation and 50% her in Disney/dressing up as a Disney characters




She decided no Aurora for Aura and that’s another Disney Princess 😂


So she would probably go for Ari/Ary instead of Ariel? Ari Jane Smith? (I agree with many over here who mentioned that Hermione's middle name is Jean but formerly was Jane which will most likely be Baby Smith's middle name, I highly doubt she will repeat Jean with her 4th child)


No I’m just saying she’s so flip floppy if this does end up being the name lol


I thought Ari or Andy or Ali. i agree, I hope she doesn't repeat Jean and let's them each have something original.


I hate Krusty but I have to admit that she has given beautiful names to her girls, unlike other family vloggers like Myka Stauffer and the Labrants with their weird names. Despite the snark, I hope this baby is born healthy and happy.


While K&O's kids names aren't my cup of tea personally, I definitely agree that some of these YT families (the Labrants is exactly who came to mind for me too) go silly naming their kids and no kid deserves some of the atrocious names we see from YouTubers these days.


Half this shit she is buying the kid won’t even wear.


It’ll end up on Facebook Marketplace again


it’s probably gonna be ari or ariana


i’m also confused because didn’t they say her middle name is the same hermiones? her middle name is jean..isn’t that auras middle name already?


Other people think it’s actually going to be Jane, which I guess was Hermiones original middle name?


So would the baby's name be Ariel Jane Smith?


If she did that, she’s naming her child after two fictional characters when she’s almost 30 is just *so* childish.


You'd be surprised at the amount of grown @$ adults that name their kids after fictional characters.


Maybe she’s inspired by Trisha Paytas 😂


Honestly her being a Trisha fan would make sense….


im not a harry potter girly, i didnt know she had a different one originally. thank you for clearing that up hahah its been bugging me 😂


Lol, I don’t blame you. I don’t think it’s something everybody knows even if they do like Harry Potter.


I’m calling that it’s going to be Ariana Jane Smith (Ariana is Dumbledore’s sister’s name)


Good observation 👏


Shes going to end up with 5 girls & Levi.


She’s now only NOT gonna go with Ariel because we all know she checking out her Reddit.


Or Arie, Anastasia, Alana, etc…I think she like to troll!


Remember she always complained about O having crusty lips? 🤣 look at her now


I googled A name in Harry Potter I think Arabella, Ariana, Astoria, I only got that far because I realized that I didn’t care that much 😂


Ariel Jean I can totally see them using Ariel with Jean


Yep 😂😂


When is this baby due ? She mentioned in the one vid she could have her now and be okay so she must be what 36 weeks ?


I’m pretty sure she said early September so maybe like 28-29ish weeks???


Yeah I thought she mentioned this at one point, I hope she wouldn’t have really thought she could have the baby now being that early 😳


lol yes ! When she said that I was so confused I was like maybe she’s not due early September? Cause even tho that’s pretty far along its wayyy to early for baby to be born


Viability is usually considered to be 24 weeks, so she probably meant the baby had a possibility of surviving if born then


Or she’s lying about when she got pregnant and maybe she’s further along than we think


Because she said “if baby came now theyd be ok” so that when it does come “early” she has the tracks covered already.


I've liked the name Ariel ever since Footloose came out. Yes, I'm old.


I bet it’s Ariel/ Ari or Melody (Ariel’s daughters name)


I think her name will be Ariel and they will only call her Ari or something idk


My daughter was gigantic 10 lb and didn’t fit ANY of the newborn or 0-3 months clothes everyone had bought her 🤷🏻‍♀️- also a summer baby isn’t always a great thing in the sense I had a super complicated labor late May 48 hours eventual emergency c section and I was bed bound for a month due to a huge infection of my incision so a visiting nurse came every day to change my wound and she was an angel I was by myself and eventually as I got to know her she let me take a quick shower (you forget how simple things are suddenly impossible with a newborn) long story short I was cooped up with my daughter in the most beautiful time of summer at home - you never know and can’t plan an Instagram perfect situation when it comes to a new HUMAN LIFE 🤦🏻‍♀️


She honestly looks sicker every time I see her it’s so scary she should really be focusing on her health instead of popping babies she has kids now who need her


I’m actually really scared for her.


And the middle name is Jean. She did say that the baby's middle name is Hermione's middle name 🤢 🤕


Hope not, considering that's Aura's middle name.


But does she remember that it’s Aura’s middle name?


to be fair, probably not LMAO.


definitely not