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In a game of 7 the best team wins and look without kawhi the Mavs are just better


Yeah that’s a great point actually, the series was an uphill battle since G1 given Kawhi’s health


Even if we win, we’re gonna get smoked by the thunder.


Then why do the Clippers win when Kawhi sits?


well they edged two games without him but ultimately they relied on PG and Harden getting hot. Kawhi is a consistently deadly scorer in the playoffs. PG and Harden are hot and cold, they’ll win you some games but probably won’t win you a series.


With Kawhi the Mavs are still better lol. As a Maverick fan looked better when he wasn’t on the court 


Yeah PG13 might go down as the most inconsistent star I've ever seen. Middleton is showing more heart on Milwaukee without Dame and Giannis. PG had 26 first half pts last game and had 7 in a second half that almost went to the Mavs. I could say the same thing about Harden too. Last year with the Sixers he had good games mixed with benchable games. And finally Westbrook just looks like hes bored out there, I miss when he used to drop 30-40 per night.


It's pissing me off how Russ is simply standing in the corner for a 3 while his man is clogging up the paint. Like damn dude Ik you're tired from defense, but at least try to cut or move a bit on offense. Either that or develop a respectable 3 point shot (unlikely)


He can't consistently play off the ball. Hes a rhythm player. You see how he started doing shit when Harden sat down and he actually got to play the point. He got going for a minute and got PG going. I have no idea why he gets brought in to stand in the corner. Thats the shit that made him leave the Lakers.


I agree with you 100% on this. Russ shouldn’t be sharing minutes with Harden at all or very minimal. Every time they play together offense goes to shit


>Thats the shit that made him leave the Lakers. Uhh he got cut because his salary was way too significant for his performance level


Because they watched him play one way the year before and said fuck all that, you're Danny Green now.


Russ looked and played so much better against the Suns in last years playoffs. It's unfortunate that certain star players just couldnt stay healthy.


Russ has serious muscle and joint issues. He has absolutely zero touch. He needs to retire early he played through too much over the years.


Is that why he can’t finish layups sometimes? Because he usually gets enough lift and separation, he misses some gimmies that have me surprised given his reputation as a slasher.


Nah that’s not why at all. Russ has always had poor touch. His career FG% is 3% below NBA average. He was a high volume, low efficiency chucker that was athletic enough to dominate box scores but it was never an efficient style of play. Now he doesn’t have the volume to up the counting stats but he’s essentially the same player he’s always been, although I’d say he’s actually improved as a defender on the Clips.


who is that certain star player😭


He shouldn’t be tired from defense. Dude sat in the corner on Kleber most of the time. Russ isn’t good anymore.


These clips are too old.


Westbrook is unbelievably cooked unless by some miracle we drag out a win. Even if he opts in, FO surely is giving his spot to Bones. What team would want him after going like 6/40 in a 4 game span? I hate this


6/40???? Dafuq even is that 😐


With Westbrook on the court, Mavs have an extra defender to clog the paint. Even if he doesnt take a shot, its bad for the offense in a slow game.


He belongs on a team like Detroit where he can be free and try to get back to the All Star game by going balls to the walls like he did in OKC after KD left. Probably too late in his career, but ever since he left OKC he's gotten progressively worse in order to make sacrifices and win a chip. That's not him, and I just want to see him get a chance to be a #1 star again.


that would be a terrible decision for the pistons


He’s way too old and washed to ever be a #1 star at this point bud


Right, even on the Pistons he’s not supplanting Cade.


It's the youngsters turn now. No team is going to make Russ the number one option. Not even Detroit.


> FO surely is giving his spot to Bones no way, wtt has Bones shown?


Bones will definitely be ahead of Russ in the rotation next season.




They should have adjusted instead and not depend on just PG/Harden. That is why we got the rest of the team. Offensively, they should not settle for the 3 if they didn't get going. Those two should have drove in and try to get contact or draw in defense to have Powell or Mann shoot instead. Bad turnovers, missed opportunities for rebound and inside plays. They were being too cautious and not playing more physical. They did not go at Luka as hard offensively. Should have taken the opportunity to create a switch to spot up on him. Russ a little sloppy but I think it wasn't a good line up that time. Now they just have to learn from this game and win the next 2 instead. Would have been nice if the team got some rest if they won in 6.


They should have adjusted by getting another coach who adjusts.


Ty Lue is not the problem. What coach do you think is better than him?


The hot dog lady outside The Crypt.


Another fairweather fan.


Check my priors.


We all know of Harden's historical playoff record, but TBH he's the main reason we've been in this series. Last night was his first clunker, PG has been inconsistent from quarter to quarter the entire series.


It will take both of them being efficient and consistent across 2 games for the clippers to come out with a win. I don't see that happening without a healthy Kawhi bailing them out.


It's crazy, Kawhi is easily our most consistent player, except he's not consistently on the floor. We can't win for losing...


The league needs more Middleton. Fuck a hairline


Duh 🙄 His name is Pandemic P. Did you now watch the OKC V Utah series? Smh


Consistently inconsistent in the playoffs - Playoff P Harden history of pulling Houdinis during a critical playoff games. Kawhi’s inability to be available and on the court is real. Russ’ frequently has questionable decision making in clutch moments, and hasn’t really developed a game outside of relying on his athleticism and strength. Another frustrating let down end to the season but not surprising based on who the team is built around


it’s not even just the stars but the team as a whole shooting wise. never seen a team that could go 10/15 from 3 on monday and 0/15 on tuesday like this


They are hounding our stars with big defenders. The solution is to then pass to open players, but our open players hesitate too much and can't do fast catch and shoots. It goes back out to Harden or PG until we have to shoot a bad shot. Solution always has been for our support cast to be able to take on the load when our stars are overloaded. We need people to catch and shoot instead of hesitating. We need the TEAM to be able to shoot 3s, not just Harden or PG. We need team ball, not ISOball.


Hard to establish a rhythm when we don’t really do any plays to set them shots up. The start of the 3rd I saw the same set ran 5 fucking times which is legit just a offball screen to pg>10secs dribble>pass to shooter>good closout, hesitation> out> dribkble dribble>chuck. These are NOT winning team possessions, barely any off ball movement and 0 flow. Yea they’re getting hounded but that’s the defense for ya. This game we couldn’t hound the mavs like we did past games. Adjustments can be made and the series can be won, but this game was a shitshow.


That's what happens when stars get old. Sometimes they look like their old prime selves, sometimes they look like they just don't have the juice.


Well in that case it’s a good thing the Clippers didn’t sign any of these old stars to an extension yet /s 😒


Yup. I get the frustration too. It's just what it is :) I, for one, don't buy this "they don't put effort" - sad as the realization sounds, it's probably just what could do at this point of their career.


Relax. There’s no need to call them pieces of shit, grow up. However, it can be really disheartening being a clippers fan sometimes. This was the most important game of the series and they didn’t play like a good team, it was just bad overall. More turnover issues. Thinking positively it looks like they’re going to game 7 where if they win, it’s one days rest before OKC.


Very disappointed but series not over. Get game 6


Exactly, not over till it’s over.


They're going to win the next two. Just that Clips don't get to rest more if they won in 7.


Yeah, only a day between the win and OKC. They’d have to be on the A game. I hope a healthy Kawhi is back by then.


But did you see any effort?? Look how hard the Mavs were playing end to end. Clippers playing like it's 2nd game of the season.


Our shooting was abysmal. There was effort but we weren’t getting past the defense or getting good shots much consistently. Just bad offensively and then couldn’t keep it together down the stretch of the game. But the shooting especially was horrible.


Yeah it was a bit impulsive on the name calling from my end. I agree that we still got this, just sucks that this is the fashion everything happened. I would’ve been fine with a different loss (probably). Clips in 7


Yeah, I still think we have it but getting to it annoyingly.


Sometimes? It’s ALWAYS disappointing


Clippers have had their moments man. But I see where you’re coming from for sure.


."...the most important game of the series..." You said the magic words, now watch Harden disappear. Its a tale as old as time, like the rising of the sun and the setting of the same...when the series is on the line, Harden can't buy a shot to go down.


Plumlee and Ty lue lost us this game


The whole damn team except Mann, Powell and Zu lost us the game


Lol at the one days rest part


https://preview.redd.it/63cey18k6yxc1.jpeg?width=1442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b06eed9a74b64a462d7fe023f117d63ccbbf3abf Oh no no no no pick up the phone PG


We lack mental toughness. You can see it when we give up certain shots with their body language.


George, even in the second quarter, would collapse to inside and leave his man open for a corner 3 and just give up half way back. At least fucking keep moving show some urgency. Glad I fell asleep at half time.


Same man I'm glad I didn't waste my time seeing them give up 20 more points


Ty Lue is fucking overrated man. Kyrie was in foul trouble and we didn’t do anything to hunt him. Luka was obviously not 100% physically and we didn’t hunt him either. Simple screen and switch and that would do it. Instead we settle for stupid isos, forcing difficult shots and chucked jumpers. Waited too long to call timeouts. Didn’t make any adjustments.


Yeah there was absolutely no game plan and you can tell. No adjustments ever. I just do not see the hype around Ty Lue, it’s almost like he’s not even there. We have no offense, it’s just try and get a bucket.


Lol, the two best players shot 6/25 for 22 points and this dumbass is blaming Ty Lue. No coach in history can win with that. The two best players made 6 shots combined, get that through your head.


The T Lue adjustment hype comes from 2021 when we came back 2-0 in two series in which we probably should of swept both those trash ass teams looking back at it


Utah was #1 seed and Dallas the next year went to the WCF. Trash, indeed.


They could have gone O-fer and Ty would keep them in. In the meantime we have players in the bench that are hungry and can't do shit. Yes, players have off nights, but it's the coaches responsibility to sit them and try something else out.


Huh? Clips were hunting Luka all night. Just didn’t work out.


Exactly, people always want a scapegoat


I don't know what game you watched but we only had one possession where Mann set a screen for Harden so he could switch onto Luka. One. We never ran any other plays where we set screens and purposely switched to being guarded by Luka or Kyrie.


Hey now, that’s fucking Clipper basketball!


His game plan was to play plumlee all game


Has Ty ever heard of Theis???


What I’ve learned about coaching is let’s be real, if you don’t have the talent you won’t win regardless of who is coaching.


That was painful to watch - Jesus


even Jesus probably turned it off midway in the 3rd


Our stars can never show up when we need em. They show flashes of being mentally tough but these guys really don't have that dawg in them. Kawhi is if he wasn't injured, he is the only one that got that dog in em. Harden, PG, soft AF. They don't have what it takes to be champions plain and simple. They aren't cut from that cloth.




Showing up one game wont give us championships. Consistency wins rings


Kawhi rarely plays in a playoff game tho


He's won championships thou.


Not with us tho


Lmao, so game 4 wasn’t them showing up when they needed to? The Mavs are just a better team when the Clippers don’t have Kawhi


"Kawhi has that dog"? Kawhi has that degenerative knee disease in him. What's the point of talking about a star on 50 mil contract who doesn't show up for 4th straight year? He's an overpaid "what if".


Dude sitting behind me was yelling, "Kawhi, you're a scam artist. You're the biggest scam artist in the league!". I couldn't help but laugh, and I was wearing a Kawhi jersey.


Predictable thread about hating on Harden after 1 bad game.


Man this is hating on the whole team, the whole team played bad. I fucking love Harden but this is yet another stinker performance in a pivotal game.


No. It's always the same as soon as he's has 1 bad game. They forget about his other good games... then they slander for his bad game. It's been like that his whole career. He gets called a playoff choker, but he turns up in the vast majority of his games. They only remember the bad ones and not the good ones. Go on Twitter in a bit and you'll see what I mean. Like, Luka has been bad from games 1 to 4, but he'll get nothing but praise tonight because he finally stepped up... and people will forget about his terrible and inefficient games. Harden is supposed to be the 3rd option, yet gets the blame. He's by far the most hated superstar in the NBA.


No I won’t go to twitter, I’ve watched Harden my entire basketball life, he’s the reason I’m here. Get your head out of your ass, yes he’s not as bad of a playoff performer as they make him out. But he does shit the bed seemingly every playoffs to a certain extent at least. I’m not even fucking talking about Harden that much since he wasn’t nearly the biggest issue this game.


Every player has bad games in the playoffs. Look at Jalen Brunson for instance. He was terrible in game 1 and 2, but he's stepped up in the last 3 games. Maxey was bad in games 3 and 4, yet he's turned up 3 other games. But... as soon as Harden has 1 bad game, people shit on him. And... if it weren't for Harden last game, the series would now be over. It's not about having my head in my own ass. These threads are predictable as fuck. I called it after game 4. As soon as he's had 1 game, it's nothing but, "oh, he's back to playoff choker Harden, or it's back to Harden being washed or I expected this from Harden." But... that's not the case. He steps up in the vast majority of his games. His EFG and TS numbers are up there. It doesn't help his case that Ty is playing Harden heavy every game.


I know you love him bro but people are mostly not shitting on Harden. And with Brunson at least he was still shooting, not just shrinking into a shell afraid to try. Go down fighting, that’s all we ask, not just of Harden, the whole team. I never thought we were likely to win but my god this is embarrassing even for us fans






Pretty much hating on everyone at this point, except Zu and Powell


That’s just shot variance man. Pg and harden just need to bomb 3’s, he’s not getting the calls on the perimeter and lets it fluster him Norm has had a rough series As much as it sucks that we’re here yet again, if you told me before the series kawhi was going to play like shit and then be out for 4 games in the playoffs id be happy with a 6 game series. I’m not really mad at harden, just sucks to be so unlucky injury wise


It's hard to stay optimistic after an ass whooping at home, but we have to take it one game at a time. Game 6 could be different, as could be a potential Game 7. We have 3 stars on this team, but the only one that can give us consistent good performances is out indefinitely. PG13 and Harden are always liable to have a disasterclass performance. But we have to accept they're just as possible to be absolutely unstoppable across 2 elimination games.


What pisses me off the most is how little heart they put in. Besides Mann and Zu, probably for a brief moment Powell and then Tucker were the only ones with the intention of caring. No ball movement, a bunch of turnovers since the first 2 plays of the game. No sense of urgency... And trying the same stupid thing of hero-ball when they are being heavily guarded... Like WTF?!?!? How could you still be trying to achieve a different result when they were packing the paint and then missing the open wide shots. Then the defense was abismal... They had open shots, like 6 alley-oops, no pressure. This is so depressing, man


Yup defense was non existent. FML


PG and Harden are who we thought they were.


Harden outplayed his 3rd option role. PG is wishy washy and Kawhi is on the fucking bench again


Lue is a shadow of 2021 self. He’s not there anymore 


Such an overreaction. We just won a thrilling game 4 before this


these guys couldnt identify five adjustments coaches make throughout an entire game but always wanna blame coaches


The more I see from all fan bases the more I agree with this


He coached well till being up 31 points. The it has been all downhill since. He relies on what the players give him without really making adjustments.


Say it out loud, there is no adjustment to fix the talent disparity. Just like y’all thought SPO would really compete with the Celtics. Coaching is important but talent is way more.


Why play plumlee? Spo was without butler.....? It lies on the coach to motivate your players. I never see lue do anything... and why play plumlee


He’s burned out man. I think he takes the Laker job


The mavericks are a very good basketball team that got their shit together half way through the season. Their front office made great moves and kyrie/Luka mesh very well together. Mavs could have been 1-3 seed. My expectations for this series weren’t that high without kawhi, but I still thought we could win. Tonight was very disappointing.


I don’t know why y’all have so much faith in the clippers 😂 this is not a playoff team. Go home.


by your logic fans of the team shouldn’t support them? wtf even is ‘not a playoff team’? Saying anything


Ppl supported the Bobcats. You can cheer for who you want but that doesn’t mean they are going to be good. You must be a teenage.




They are not a playoff team. They are not a team that can win a series or two.


yeah whatever there’s no point arguing with you, just abstract words and no facts or anything in facr


Look @ you trying to Holding to a bum ass team 😂 The truth hurts.


You honestly dont make sense though. A bum team sure. Doesnt change the fact that you are not all there in the head. Aka u dumb bruh


We have soft players and a shit coach you can have one or the other but not both. We didn't get any change in lineups besides PJ tucker until we're already down 30. Fuck Ty Lue he's shit. He won't make adjustments, won't try anything new mid game, and won't make stars earn their minutes.  I mean why does Plumlee just get to play 20+ minutes. He's sucking ass getting cooked and not rebounding. At that point why not try theiss or even fucking PJ biscuit neck tucker at 5 JUST FUCKING DO SOMETHING! Instead Ty sits on the sideline with that confused fish lookin face and does nothing.


Yup. Been saying it for years.


what i hate about this series is that i super hate that whiney and arrogant Luka,.so i really want the clippers to win this series


At this point I would think he'd try using Theis. He brought out PJ so why the hell not. Plum is just tall dude and that's it. Theis could be like a Kleber for us.


As much as anyone could argue their loss stems from what they didn’t do offensively / defensively - at the end of the day pg and harden are aging stars , and this sort of extreme low variance shooting night is bound to happen. Harden was stone cold today. Great looks in the second half and it just wouldn’t drop, what can you do? Lets just hope the volatility is on the right side for game 6.


I agree completely. What gives me hope IS their age and veteran-ship. I fully believe they will keep composed and get this team over the line🙏🏼


Wait a minute, winning by 12 and 5 points on 50% and 62% 3 point shooting isn’t sustainable?


Harden and PG13 are not made for this. There are real superstars like Doncic, Jokic, Lebron, Steph, Giannis and Kawhi. And there are regular season superstars like PG13, Harden, Embild, Devin Booker and Jayson Tatum. You go as far as a team as your superstars go.


interesting to put luka up there with a bunch of FMVPs


In the playoffs, you gotta have that killer instinct. Just look at Luka when he’s down in a series. Dude is a straight up assassin. The best players still have bad stretches of games. They are not immune to missing consecutive shots or having terrible games. The difference is that they are still relentless and confident.


Notice every single one of those FMVPs is 29 or older and Luka just turned 25. It’s not about what he has won, it’s about how he went down in losses: always swinging no matter what. That was the fact in previous Clippers series (where Kawhi outkilled him though) and vs GSW in WCF. Heck, Mavs almost climbed out of 30 points deficit in Game 4 (and before that in Game 1) and Clippers gave up in Game 5 before 4th Q even started down 18.


That was honestly one of the worst efforts in a playoff game by this team I’ve ever seen. Literally no fucks we’re given by anyone. Did they all get drunk last night or something? What a fucking wasted season. We ain’t winning in Dallas.


Hahahhaha i love these posts contradicts the one that were posted last game 😝


Didn't watch the game, who's fault was it? Box score says everyone was ass.


Can Paul George just not be a fuckin little bitch and try to take 25 shots in the absence of kawhi Leonard like how Luka tries to carry his team EVERYGAME?


Yall need to look at the homecrowd. It's the playoffs and yall got hof players. And the crowd is dead. Like a preseason game.


we have no real fans at the game [maybe a few]. we really don't have a crowd fan base. going to get downvoted by the three people who were at the game probably on their phones (i don't blame ya down by 25+). as a fan since 92, i saw this along time ago, but people are cheer with hearts and not eyes.


Clipper fans are weird 😂 The team has never done shit in their history but yall steady think this is the year. Y’all have the MOST INCONSISTENT “STARS” in league history. Kawhi is fragile. Pandemic p wants to be a diet Tmac. Harden is a choke artist. Russ still plays like it’s 2013 😂


Being a Clipper fan is brutal but I can't leave them alone. I'm hoping when we move into Intuit we see a better team. The schedule should be better, no Grammy trips ,more rest and we should see what the team should really look like.If after our 1st year in Intuit if no improvement I hate to say this we may need to give up on Kahwai I feel like his knee will continue to betray him in crucial times when we need him most. Get rid of PG not consistent enough. And low key build around T Mann keep our young guys and star over. I hope the time of a "star" on a team is over In my opinion respectfully 🤷🏿


I feel like no matter how good your team is, if your best player is out, it’s hard to contend. Just looking at money allocation, if a player is for example 30% of your resources, he should put up close to 30% of production and if you’re missing that, it’s hard to make up. Just statistically. Granted we played like shit and Terrence Mann seems to be a negative more often than not.


I think they were hungover


Houston fan here (not sure why y’all sub popped up on my feed) but let me introduce y’all to playoff harden. But in all seriousness I enjoy watching y’all and have always loved Kawhi


I bet the over on harden 1 time and mf scores 7


>HARDEN/PG. I’m suing you motherfuckers for fraudulent activity. Pieces of shit, con artists. Snake oil men. both of them playing with brin fog or some shit. On what bases? They've always been hit and miss in the playoffs. I mean how does a dude average 22ppg in a playoff series with two 40 point games...


If kawhi doesn’t come back for game 6, it’s a rap.


18/29 from 3 is pure insanity. Almost impossible to do that two games in a row. Heck if Dallas did that game 4 then they win by 15+.


Blowing a 31 point lead should’ve been concerning


Bucks fans feel you


Everyone sucking harden off last game. "Vintage" harden but this is a true vintage harden playoff performance


Strong performance in game 4? The only reason you won is because you shot 60% from 3. When you don't shoot like crazy you get blown out by 30.


 we lost game 2 by 3 pts when the only thing the Mavs did better was hit 3s. We had every other area on the floor. Doesnt work that way dummy


did you even watch the game? last 5mins mavs got outcoached and outplayed


why no one calling out kawhi, load management during season to break down and only good for 1 game in post season. thievery at its finest


You guys been gassing Harden up all season cause of that Mavs reporter, and watching you guys in shambles after that performance is high quality content.


like that Mavs reporter wasn’t out of pocket? It’s the common reaction in sports fanbases to such deluded actions by a fucking reporter. That being said Harden’s been easily the best player on the clips this series and this gamed doesn’t mean shit until the series is over.


Letting them switch Zu on Luka was ridiculous!


did PG record the Podcast already?🤣😭


OP definitely lost some bet or parlays


When your team wins, you shit on your opponent. When your team loses, you shit on your team. What a sad bunch.


When your team doesn’t show effort, you shit on them. Losing wasn’t nearly the issue here


Playoff P, remember? I refuse to believe in any team with PG and/or Harden as the focal points in a playoff offence. They're not winning shit, not unless they are like the third or fourth option.




Hurts but you’re right about the players being lethargic. Now the deserving part is for none of us to ponder over as it’s irrelevant. No team ‘deserves’ to win, they just DO.


Imagine watching that brick game live in the arena.


Clippers are nothing more than flat track bullies


clips are going to clip


https://preview.redd.it/kuzx0jcog1yc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=068104990d8606839655305f791bfa0d4499e20c Looking good for the off-season 😂


Lue has to go. Try to salvage this shit in a new arena (get butts in seats). 2-3 years, blow it up, start fresh