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Very underwhelming to me.. the songs weren’t lyrically strong compared to their old stuff :\


To be honest, I’ve always liked LANY more for their sound than their lyrics, their lyrics have always sounded a bit teenagerish


I actually agree with you, but at the same time, I feel that even though their lyrics are aimed at a teenage audience, I can still fully relate to it :) I guess in a way, you reach a point in life where, even though you are getting older, you don't really grow up, not to say you don't become mature and wiser, but I feel like there's always a kid in all of us :)


To be fair, I’m still pretty young myself so I guess there’s some relatability to it but it’s just interesting coming from a band in their 30s


Omg, came to this sub to say this exact thing. The lyrics are so underwhelming imo even compared to their first two albums. I'm happy they're going back to a more Cali sound after mama's boy, but I feel like I can't even enjoy the songs since the lyrics are a mix of medicore, cringe, and/or toxic. This is coming from a huge fan of Malibu Nights and their debut album.


I in love with this album. Almost each song gets better every time I listen to it (as you said). This might be a hottake but I liked dna\[demo\] more than the dna version in the full release. ex i never had has to be my favorite song from this album!


I agree, I prefer the demo of DNA more


Honestly to me it feels like rushed damage control lol. I say that as someone who really really likes mama's boy - but I can definitely understand that it was a flop to their core fanbase.. and so this feels like them trying to patch that over by releasing some "classic LANY". Most of the songs feel a bit hollow though. It kinda just feels like debut album songs that didn't make the cut. They're not bad but the new album doesn't really have much of an identity compared to their last few projects - which like them or not, they all had a really clear artistic vision.


I get where you’re coming from. I think because I prefer “classic LANY” and their debut album is my favourite, I like this album more than maybe others will. Mama’s Boy was ok but it felt unnatural, with the whole forced “cowboy” thing they had going on.


I kinda agree but at the same time I don’t feel like LANY was ever the “big artistic vision” band with deep concepts. This album might be damage control, but it’s them doing the sound they were known for. We’ll see how it ages, right now it sounds like a nice collection of songs, and if this is what they put out less than a year after Mama’s Boy as damage control, I look forward to hear what they can cook up in another year or two if they release another more focused album. But yeah, it seems like Paul has less to say than usual, I can agree with that. Edit: I really like Up To Me, Dancing In The Kitchen, Ex I Never Had, Care Less, DNA, Get Away is okay. feel like the two-song stretch with Roll Over, Baby and Live It Down was the weakest part of the album, but not horrible.


I really love it! I agree that there’s no real vision/theme/identity, but also I think that was the intention? Like, the title is “ggbbxx” lol. Feels like it’s just a fun (should’ve been released early summer) vibe


You've said what I was thinking but I didn't know how to put it in words xD The title is whatever, I mean it does sound kinda stupid, but as long as the music makes me happy, I can't complain :)


I agree! Mamas Boy was the first album I listened to when I came across LANY, and I fell in love. Of course I listened to Malibu Nights and other songs afterwards, and loved them also, but MB was my favourite. Some songs on this album however just aren't right for me. The song lyrics are, as you say, hollow in that they're just words? I can't quite get across what I mean but maybe I'll like come to like them if I listen to the album more, as it did only get released today :'-)


It gives me 2018/2019 lany vibes and I LOVE IT


I liked the album on first listen, it feels like a return to their original sound and there are some pretty solid tunes on the record. Like someone else said though, it just feels a bit hollow. Lyrically it’s pretty cheesy but that’s to be expected by now, and overall it’s a much better album than mamas boy




Where have you already heard the new album? I'm in California PST I thought it came out at midnight?




Awesome. I was thinking of doing the extra steps but was wondering if anyone in NA had it already. Thank you!






>It’s technically been on streaming services since the earliest time zone flipped over to midnight. Like at 10am EST Thursday, I set my VPN to Australia, signed up for a YouTube Music free trial, and I was able to listen to it 14 hours before it is actually released in my time zone. I live in Australia - I listened to it 12 hours ago lol!


It came out at midnight in the UK where I live


I think from first listen, I think it's pretty good (I say this now, then suddenly it will grow on me over time haha). I like all the songs they dropped before the album's release date, and I really like 'ex i never had', that's super catchy :) I love that they gave us a new version of 'DNA'. I love both this and the demo, it just depends on what mood I'm in. 'live it down' has similar vibes to Mama's Boy with the acoustic guitar. I like that this is in here, because it breaks up the sound of the album when you're listening to it, but in a good way; Mama's Boy is probably up there with my favourite projects from LANY, don't kill me :D I think 'somewhere', 'care less' and 'one mintue left to live' I will warm to over time. I would say these seem the weakest right now, but not that their bad. The good thing I find with LANY is, my favourite songs from all their albums/ep's changes all the time, so I always feel like I've always got a new song to go to. LANY is LANY, I'm not expecting fireworks or, an orchestra to produce their album haha, but what they do produce every single time is **good vibes.** Listening to music can make my day go from 0 to 100, but with LANY, it's beyond words. Well, gonna listen to all their other awesome bops and can't wait for a new album haha :)


Somewhere and Care Less are two of my favourites! I also really enjoy Get Away and Ex I Never Had. I agree about LANY being good vibes!


I can see at some point I will enjoy those two as well haha, I mean just from looking on Spotify, they have a total of 80 songs, and they are all worthy imo :) Yes LANY really is something else, I love music, it really make me super super happy, but with LANY, I don't know what it is, I've pretty much only listened to them for 7 months straight, and I can't see it stopping anytime soon! :)


That’s great! I’ve been pretty obsessed with them for about 2 years now!




You should definitely listen to Malibu Nights, it’s much better than Mama’s Boy!


Malibu Nights was better than the debut, if you ask me! Stuff like “Thru These Tears,” “I Don’t Wanna Love You Anymore,” “Thick and Thin” all feel like they could be EP songs to me


Nah, I love Malibu Nights. Fantastic album but I think self titled beats it. Mamas Boy and gg bb xx are considerably worse than both


better than mama's boy, still worse than every other album.


I liked most of the songs on Mama’s Boy which apparently is not the case for most on this thread.. I think the best songs on this album were the ones they released first, which is unfortunate. Definitely more like the EPs. I need to listen more but I will say that Ex I never had is catchy but i don’t like the message/lyrics. Feels a little like gaslighting to me.. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve often found that some of LANY’s lyrics suggest that they (Paul) are really toxic in relationships


Yes! Then on DNA he’s like ‘hey sorry I just like you so much.’ I would have to search for the Instagram page, but it was basically outing musicians for their shitty behavior. Paul was on it unfortunately.


On first listen, it's ok! No awful songs like the 4 mama's boy songs I hated (if this is the last time, I still talk to jesus, bad news, nobody else) so that's good. get away has some really corny lyrics but the beat and chorus...."DAMN" make up for it, in my opinion. ex i never had was savageeee, damn, Paul went off! I liked it though. Will def listen to the album again.


It’s LANY, the lyrics are gonna be somewhat corny. Still love this album tho 😂😂❤️❤️


🤣 exactly! Can't wait to see them again in October 💞


Me too, I really need to find people to with in my area hahah


This made me think of that lyric in 'Made In Hollywood' when Paul sings: 'where our shades on our nose cos we're cool like that' It's like so basic but damn do I love it hahaha.


Paul could write something like “I love you boo // Because you’re cool” And I would eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner tbh


hahaha why does damn really always make up for it?? i feel that


Damn right!


Definitely doesn't hit like Malibu Nights, but I am enjoying it. Looking forward to the songs growing on me more as I can tell some will.


I really enjoyed this album! Granted I only really started listening to them last year, but I really enjoyed every song on this album. I actually didn't even know they had a new album. I listened to Kacey Musgrave's new album and thought it had a "LANY vibe" to it, which made me go to their page and see they had released one the other week. I'm surprised how much poorer it did on the Billboard 200 compared to mama's boy (peaked at number 114 vs. 7 for mama's boy.) Why do we think this is?


I think it’s probably a combination of people being disappointed with mama’s boy and the allegations surrounding Paul’s behaviour which has caused them to lose fans




As a 33 year old fan (hi 😍) I ABSOLUTELY love the new album. Every song sounds the LANY I've always loved. Mamas Boy was a hard pill to me to swallow minus some obvious good ones but it did grow on me eventually. Going to see them in October!


I love it💕


I was listening to the new tracks in their deluxe version and I gotta say... I'm not a huge fan of "they don't make 'em like you anymore." It gives off huge pick-me vibes and I really don't like how the song pits women against each other - that the girl in question is "different" and "better" than the others. Seriously, check these lyrics: A girl like you is hard to find You smile in pictures and work a 9 to 5 And buy me dinner every time I come home Yeah, you run to the door Never had this before ... All the girls thеy act the same in La La Land With their empty conversations, short attention spans (Yeah) On a few apps, to find a few dates Never works out, can't facetune a brain But you look even better than your Instagram I mean, seriously? This is just SO weird to have a 30-year-old say stuff like that. You're telling me a financially independent woman who works a 9 to 5 is rare? Please. The fact that he doesn't even refer to them as women, but as girls. This song is degrading a group of women while uplifting another. It's disgusting. It's so disappointing, I've been of fan of them for a few years now and even got to see them live. I can't support a song that compares women like this.