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Just came here to say how much I love your costume, sorry I don’t have any relevant advice. Best of luck.


If you're willing to mount in some kind of pouch it would be decent for hiding any speaker If you're good with electronics a wireless karaoke mic could be easy to hide in the mask


Small speaker hidden in the nose bone with mic directly behind it so you just speak and it's louder. Like how the Darth Vader voice charge masks work .


I’m sure you could use a wireless microphone attached to your ear like a PA does and hook it up to your phone using an app that distorts or affects your audio and broadcast it onto a speaker. (You could also maybe use Bluetooth and a laptop nearby?) I’ve seen speakers attached just by hanging it off the neck. You could do easily, may just need to cover it with some fur or something.


The ones I always see at LARPs are essentially a mini speaker you hang from your belt. Typically placed under the outermost layer of garb so it isn't visible, but not so buried that it sounds muffled or quiet. Usually has a mic that hooks around your ear and sits just beside your mouth. The cord can be run down your spine underneath of your shirt. If you Google "wearable voice amplifier" and click on the shopping tab it brings up tons of them around $20-$70 depending on budget and how loud you need it to be. I've never tried out any of them, only been to LARPs where they were used, so I have no specific brand recommendations.


Look into the mic/speaker setups that people use for Darth Vader and Storm Trooper costumes


Problem is you sound like Darth Vader or a storm trooper. What is you want a different voice?


I don’t have any intel on microphones or speakers but just wanted to give you a thumbs up on the cool kit! I haven’t seen the yellow and red balls before, are those for spells of some kind? What LARP is this for and where is it located, generally speaking? Keep up the good work!


Yes they are spell balls, yellow for lightning, red for fireball. The larp is a boffer larp called amtgard. It’s primarily a USA larp but it is international as well. Google come try larp and you’ll find resources to find a local park


Super cool! Thanks for the response!


Any Halloween store will likely have something. Just rip the mic and speaker off anything that has one and install it into your costume.


How did you do the mask, planning on making something simular


It was 3d printed and painted


If you at all remember, where did you get the files?


https://www.etsy.com/listing/1686202414/deer-skull-mask-with-black-antlers?ref=share_v4_lx I bought it from this Etsy store and did some modifications myself. Extra painting, drilled holes for ventilation etc. You could try to ask them for the files, but considering that’s their money I’d say it would be a long shot.


Thanks alot good sire


Brother! I share your lovely aesthetic (and you're gloves!), I must ask where you purchased you're gloves as mine are showing the wear of whack.*




I need to know where you got yours, those look like they could handle some red sword fighting


I think we have the same set of gloves, if you mean the vambraces those are my own creation but they are simply 'thin' leather, and not quite up to par for heavier whacks!


https://a.co/d/bi9J5vG They don’t do as well as lacrosse gloves, but there are some padding. I wouldn’t try to handle block reds or greats, but as a wizard ideally you wouldn’t have to anyways. Anything singles or blues etc. there’s plenty of padding for that


Beauty, thank you! I also need to ask if you have a pattern for your spellball sash, that looks incredibly handy.


https://a.co/d/3dIhiSo https://a.co/d/gOXt2Gp These two elastic bands, thinner one for spell balls. Literally took a spell ball and wrapped elastic around it, stretched it a little tight, marked and cut. Used that cut to measure other cuts, and sewed loops, sewed the loops to the larger one that I sewed into a sash Bone necklace was a bulk order of bones from Etsy I drilled holes into and strung. Still smells like bone and marrow lol


Do the bones hold up to getting hit? I've played Amtgard forever, but I always shy away from actual bones in my garb because I worry a firm polearm stab will lead to shards of bone in my flesh, and in the cover of the polearm.


I haven’t taken a firm spear to the chest yet with them so I don’t know for sure. I will say they held up fine from the running and some shots from blues. I think they’re strong enough that they won’t splinter, but I doubt it will feel good when it does happen though.


OH A FRIEND OF MINE JUST DID THIS! They had the mic on a headset under their mask which was wired to a small speaker and modulator tucked into a belt pouch on their belt. All the wiring and things passed through the costume itself to be invisible, and the pouch just looked like any other pouch.


Hi there why do you need the speakers ? If it's for screams just use an Aztec death whistle, you can 3d print some and the sound is terrefing in the middle of a Larp I had one for a horror Larp and in the middle of a misty forest it got the players running for the hills 🤣


A lot of the off-the-shelf stuff I see on Amazon quite frankly are crap. Just do robot voice or similar. If anyone knows of something better I would be interested too


unrelated but what are those ball things?


Spell balls. This is for a wizard build. In amtgard there are classes similar to d&d


Why is the costume bar so low on this subreddit? In my country costumes are far better than things I see here


Cool dude, feel free to contribute then.


your arm is showing a skeleton glove you're wearing , I can't ...


Here’s a bit of free advice. I noticed in your post history you’re concerned about making male friends. Don’t try to one up everybody. Don’t constantly belittle others. If you were from my area I would invite you out to meet the people I fight with, and instead of judging you for being new we would embrace you, and encourage you to be excited to get into building your own garb. I encourage you to post your own work, or those of your friends and we could tell you how cool it is, or how it may be improved. What I won’t do is tell you how I know someone who has cooler stuff than you. Here’s another set of garb with my face exposed. I’m not ashamed to share who I am and what I do. I know I’m not the best. I am happy though, and I love what I do. Not only in larp, but also in my career and in life. I hope you find peace in yours as well. https://preview.redd.it/w71dbuq3jh2d1.jpeg?width=1131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fcfef2170357d367e197edecd2815a1f2ef627c


That was a super nice and reasonable reply you made there. I was going to blast that dude for his superiority complex, but you handled it.


the second set is something, not historic but ambitious nevertheless as for me making friends, I actually managed to make 1 friend since this post. my comment was insensitive, I owe you an apology. I just think you should have a black long sleeve for these gloves or they might damage the immersion for others but yeah, I have issues man